Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 14 Dec 1917, p. 9

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China 1 People who have been of tearing down bills poaledln New market for Mr horc arc not to do so any more ah there la a heavy penalty for Oils offence different peraons were tearing ihomdowii fsOjOB Wp3 parts part part bran ratio No parts il4nmti part ground part aborts ratio No t part ground I part meal part buckwheat meal VJ i at OUT largo Variety hem a for to flnuoors In from to Largo Assortment In a all from About men were before- Hie Military Tribunal hero yesterday In Town will keep open every might next week oclock County Council finished Its uudIducsb tho year last Saturday This baa been the coldest thus Tor forHho Hast ten years a Gravity Washer It will add 10 years to her life and make wash day a pleasure Drop Hardware and pad out morn It Importer of and PHOTOS A How your a Gift from you I You i Phono Studio Door West of the Now Post Office L Dr Wesleys mon came noarly being fatally poisoned dangerous car bon monoxide gas yesterday Ho was running the motor engine In the garage with doors closed He began to foot strange and stopped tho running when he Is hot known how long bo WOO hero hut when he came to he managed to go to ho house- and There Hot Who would not appreciate a good Razor We have a splendid tinders ill- from up SALE OF AMD Under Power of in a certain which will be produced at lime of salo liiere will be offered for by Auction at the King George Hotel in the Town of on Saturday tho day at the hour of forenoon he following residential property namely and on tho vost aide of Main Newmarket as on registered plan No and except herefrom tho westerly part of said lots fully described by motes and bounds in Hie deed of the same from to C and registered as No for New market The house on this property large and commodious and in cludes a store and residence roup cast and in fair repair and in situate at southwest cor ner of Main and Ontario Bis The properly will be sold sub ject to reserve bid For full particulars apply to for Vendor Newmarket put THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between MONTREAL J II I Y and CHICAGO Bleeping Care on Might and Marl or Cars on Principal trains Write for copy of Playgrounds Haunts of and Game giv ing Game Laws Hunting to Horning Union Station Toronto J C Depot J Agent HELP Would you like or daily at home knitting War Sox on Au to Knitters Experience Send 3o Auto Company College St Toronto Very Again we are obliged to report that another of our citizens has been called away with startling sud- On Saturday evening Mr Joseph Avenue took his bath and retired In health between and oclock Aboul midnight Mrs was by heavy breathing failed to arouse him and sent for medical but he passed away In a short without coming Heart trouble Is the as signed cause Having boon In bis usual health shock was fell very keenly Mr was identified with the Christian and since corning to Newmarket has been a prominent worker on the Hoard of Management Ho will be greatly Mr was born In Brook Township in and removed with bis parents to while yet a resided looming to five years ago he married of North From tills happy union were born three sons and one daughter who with his widow survive him They arc Mr of Virginia Dr who Is serving as Surgeon In the British Army overseas of Maud at home Aftor marriage Mr lived on a farm near Virginia then built and managed a store and office for years In vicinity He served the Township for 35 as Treasurer His son William Is continuing busi ness and Is also Treasurer of Deceased was a Liberal In and an honored member of Newmar ket Christian Church where be served as deacon and treasurer He bad respect of everyone who knew him and leaves a record as being an honest christian man The floral tributes of the family church and ICGtiflod to the high esteem In which ho had been held The funeral service was conducted at his late residence In Newmarket on Tuesday afternoon by Rev A Bag- by bis pastor and the Interment took place the Briar Hill Cemetery Sut ton leaving here by special Metro politan car and was largely attended by sympathizing relatives and friends use of crates for finishing of poultry for the market has been general for years and this year with the high cost of feed much of the stock is being killed in a very thin condition Numerous tests have shown that feeding in a crate or coop for 15 lays before killing produces a high quality and an economic flesh and oven this year this practise of finishing will pay At Iho same time hero rations that will produce flesh more cheaply than others and for feed ing this year it is more impor tant than over to make most out of the feeds used There fore a further lest made by Farm will bo of in terest For flesh the ration should bo high in fat forming material and because of the ten dency on the part of some to use for crate feeding a ration high in protein a trial was suggested be tween narrow rations rich in protein and wide rations rich fat object of the experiment therefore was to determine the relative valuo of a serios of ra tions ranging from an extremely wide nutritive rutin to one cor- An attempt was made to In crease the tallow to part anil widen ration but it resulted in an heavier food than the birds could evidently assimilate amount fed Was doubtless the limit pure fat material that could he supplier in a ration and give any likelihood of beneficial Without milk it Would not bo difficult to widen ration by the addition of fucd rich in Carbohydrates but flucb a ration would leddto trouble Us Hie lack- of animal matter always Induces feather pulling and like vices A small quantity of licet Pulp was fed to the birds in crate No J lo docido the worth sub stitute for green feed re sult however was not encour aging It was apparently and the- birds con sumed so little that no advantage could bo shown for the feeding At tho conclusion of the days all the birds were in first class condition and easily made lo show belter gains in weight by continuing the feed Hut three vceks is usual ly conceded to be as long a period as is profitable and therefore this was time decided upon In giving the results for the different rations it should be borne in mind that the duration of the experiment was days and that on the market the birds before the feeding were worth per and after being finished they brought per lb costs are worked out at price of grain at the but the number of pounds of feed required to produce one pound of gain are in each case given so the cost at present local prions may bo work ed out nation No 1 Gained lbs consumed lbs feed required lbs feed lo lb gain The cost of each pound of gain was The net profit for the birds was nation No Gained 32 lbs consumed flO lbs feed lbs of feed to lb gain at a cost of net profit was No Gained lbs consumed lbs No of lbs fed for one pound gain at a cost of Net profit nation No 4 Gained lb 72 lbs eaten lbs feed lo 1 lb gain cost per pound Not profit nation No lbs lbs feed consumed 3 lbs feed lo 1 lb gain cost per lb gain Not gain on crate days of expensive meat the of poultry is an Important In providing the table with necessary supplies gratifying that in Iho midst of election excitement the rjowmarket Show Itiis week was a splendid success con sidering the circumstances and Iho Directors lo be latcd on Iho result their ef forts The hold in the Mar which was very suitable for purpose and uniform open wire cages allowed lo great advantage birds evidently enjoyed the situation for roosters kept up a continual Crowing the three days of Show competition was conilneo dm utility breeds arid With the of a few from Toronto was entirely of locaf production and hence was dot as large as some previous years Rocks Orpingtons Wy andotte Island and Leghorns were well represented and included some of the prize birds fit recent Winter Fair at The quality through out was good and profession al Judge Mr Robertson made many complimentary the exhibit A marked improvement Is apparent since the first Poultry Show In Now- market five years ago The Hoard of Officers and Di rectors which is composed of the following gentlemen feel greatly encouraged lo continue their ef forts in this dlrectiori namely Stewart it Stephens J McCaffrey Donne J Williams J W N Yaw- man Harvey J McKay Janes W J A malne McOartcn J J French and J Wilson It to wide rations without tal low were most profitable the narrow most expensive It did not pay to add tallow at per pound lo ration extra finish usually look ed for on tallowfed birds was not apparent on crate No when Following arc the prize win ner White Orpingtons pock 1st 2nd 3rd W Steph ens Huff Orpingtons bock 1st J 2nd J Si Osborne Hen 1st and 2nd 3rd J Osborne Cockerel J Osborne Pullet J Osborne HI nek Minorcas Cockerel 1st White Wyandotte Cock 1st Hen 1st 2nd McCaffrey 3rd It Cockerel 1st 2nd and 3rd Pullet Isl McCaffrey A 2nd and 3rd It Hocks Cock 1st 2nd Hen 1st J French 2nd If 3rd J French Cockerel 1st 2nd 3rd J French Pullet 1st 2nd and 3rd If White Leghorns Ask fur our A VISKn will nt free W University St narrow tor this experiment sixty vigorous cock erels were selected and placed in five crates They were fed ra tions ranging In nutritive ratio 132 rations fed and nu tritive ratio were as follows 10 parts milk part ground oats part corn meal part buckwheat part dressed At prices ruling during the experiment such feeds as bran and flour are not satisfactory if fed though often recom mended for crate feeding Apparently the wider the nu tritive ratio of the grains in tho mixture belter- There seems no likelihood of getting it loo wide if milk is used Should milk not be used with a wide ration hero is a probabil ity that feather plucking and other vices might become prev alent advisability of finishing poultry before marketing is ap parent and where skimmed milk is available it can bo put no better use than lo fallen what fowl there are available before killing as it will bo seen from tho above table that almost any ration will improve the bird the fattening crate but wide ration is preferable if the ne cessary ingredients are obtain able The usual methods and crates were adopted as described In Do minion Farms No Ottawa OF importance of environ ment is seldom thoroughly un derstood or fully appreciated Get in the atmosphere of a hustling business bunch of bus iness men Success is conta gious and you cannot contract it without you are where it is Success lies in getting thorough ly roused fully awake enthusi astic Get into the current in to the middle of tho stream and ft will curry you on lo success Keep driving keep pushing keep forcing your way lo front Keep away from unsuccessful It is a hundred lo one that thoro is a special op for you right where you stand Gel thy iron of enthusi asm in your blood Get into thick of the fight for Iho man puts himself squarely in the center of he battle nine times out of ten is more sure of ulti mate reward than man who holds back expecting lo cash the residue elbows with he leaders of your crowd h legend Era to Absent Friends Pullet- II 13 21 g3 S3 mm J Unoxcollod Valuooln In and End and a Good Assortment of Knitted Ml ipHB PRS of HOLIDAY Shown In How Ready Among many ranges of Holiday Display In our of now the wo now a matter of fact our all through on last Therefore wo can you many BO and How In Plain or mixtures Crocs Par In Plain or Colored and rlEN0 In and Colorings Good and Lions Combination Arm and Garter In Blue Brown Hollo and Tan Good Strong In a Big Assortment of Arm In EXTRA GOOD VALUES In Wens and l Q1U0 to HOCKEY BOOTS A Good AGcortrnont and Full Range of of and Hookey Men Overcoats 8llpon Coats with Baok well a of Dignified Collar at Low THE JAMES CO NEWMARKET The Uptodate Furnishers A A A A A A AAA Rhode Island Reds Poultry 2nd ft Stewart Hen 1st Stewart Poultry Yds Cockerel 1st 2nd and 3rd Poultry Yards 4th Stewart Pullet 1st 2nd and 3rd 4th Poultry Ydb Reds a Cock 1st 2nd Stewart Hen 1st 2nd W Stewart Cockerel 1st Stewart 2nd Whyle 3rd Stewart 4th Win 2nd and 3rd W Stewart Wm Ross Ross Ross Trivett W Stephens Stephens and McCaffrey Ross Ross Trivett Poultry Yards Cowan Ave Toronto W Stewart W R Stewart Wm Whyle Wm Whyle R W Stewart W Stewart J C J J Osborne J Osborne Stephens W Stephens Harry J French Harry Harry Knowles Harry Knowles a NO TO bad been going lo Just one week He was hastening to his classroom when principal who was standing in the hall called to him Come here my little man I wish lo speak to you Cant Im late already breathlessly answered Donald brushing past in Wo a New of Scotch that will bo popular for Wear this YOUR 1H8PEOYIOH INVITED I C WILLIS Phono 1C0 Main OK SOLICITED In Court of of York In the mailer of the of the infant child of Amy late of the Township of Hast I in the County of York married woman deceaccd Notice is hereby given thai af ter the expiration of twenty after the first publication of this notice application will be to tho Surrogate of Co of York for Grant of Letter of Guardianship of the above named infanl lo Of the Tp of East in the Co of York Yeoman C Newmarket ft Solicitor for the Applicant Dated this 27th day of P COMING IN and TO GEY HID OK THE WE A HE Prices Panama FleeceLined Underwear Shirts and Drawers Regular on Bale for Mens Panama Wool Underwear Regular 1KO on at Mens Overalls Blue or Black Big Brand Reg on alo at Only to a Customer Smocks to Match Mens Pants Worsteds and Tweeds Assorted Colors From to on at Mens Waterproof ttoflulai- 0 lo on Gale at Mens Heavy Wool Sweater Coats Regular to Mens Blue Sow Suits Worsted and Tweed On at Only 75 Pairs of Pants which will be Hold Cost 50 Pairs Mens Heavy Working Boots without toe caps Regular on Only 3l0 Mens Kino Brown Chocolate Reg SO and OK HOOKEY Pairs Boys Boots sizes lo 5 Regular on Sale Pairs Ladies Cloth Top Boots button or luce Reg to will Ladies Patent Leather Boots kid and gun metal lops top Reg for 300 Pairs Ladies Heavy Every Day Boots on Bale for Only Pairs Girls Boots Sizes id to On for Only Ladies Silk Poplin Skirts l for Ladies Serge Skirls blue or black Reg on for Stockings fleecelined Regular for Indies Winter Goats Will bo Gold It is woll known that Rubber is advancing Wo ordered Rubbers years ago which we just got in this Fall about worth and we are Selling Rubbers Cheaper than you oar buy at Wholesule Price now Guaranteed New Stock TO OUT SALE SATURDAY DEO- AY 8 OCLOCK AM r I- And Will Continue Christmas Early and dot Your LI i I I Doors South of King Hotel ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO

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