Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 14 Dec 1917, p. 7

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AND Br DENTIST csiao a Hank of Toronto Crown and to Plato Wct I prei I of a Licentiate of of ftoyol imftOjid ell liye Uni ty KttT None and Threat S Tested OlflBflOB HO Hours Buying fclr carter hod oh Tuesday and had to got a man to drive dray for a days Operation Allovanoo of now paid together pith pay which every Canadian soldier In compelled to to his wife or other In receipt of separation allowance In behalf will bo minimum of per month- VATCHMAKKU AND Park Avenue Adjoining New Or Gun PAINT AND Ave 2nd Queen St P Bo A- of Piano Voioo and Vio lin Dealer In all of Instruments and Repairs Tuning for Columbia and Complete Slock I Prompt So A blizzard raged on Satur day afternoon the Oral storm of the season Only about sir Inches of snow fell but It was light and blow around at a great rale causing here and there some live feet deep and Impeding traffio Metropolitan yrord all from one to two hours late i Farmers Mooting The Farmers will meet In Hull on Dec at pm As there was not a meeting last week on account of the storm important mailers are to be brought before the lUColfn g and members an re- to bo present Delegates will bo apimluied to the Annual of V held in Toronto the fol lowing week The hoard of Direct orswill meet at pm on the day You going to need a lot of new clothes for Christmas You are going to need to buy a lot of Christmas Presents for yarn- friends Come in arid buy them us Those who get goods come from our store feel proud of them because our name is guarantee of High Quality- We also give you VALUE when you bu from us do it Christmas buying at our store- where you get the away in quality at the awaydown Price Lyman Jaokeon of Marriage Licenses At Bra Office Private at c- if desired LATEST Monuments and Stones Call before ordering OUT FOB in Slock and Made to YORK MARBLE from The Mayor of boa writ ten to he Minister of Militia protest ing against life disturbance of the meeting of Hon I Mackenzie King on Monday night of hist week caused by soldiers from a Toronto Hospital it is quite certain that it was on organized mob as I overheard them remark that they were there to break up the bis Worship Tho following Is a copy of the mes sage which Mayor sent to Hon Minister of Militia In reference to the trouble As Mayor of the town I protest against such actions especially by soldiers and demand of you to tike this matter up with proper offi cers to find out by what authority the soldiers ore allowed to use Cross motor busses donated by the people for the use of lied Work and travel miles from their hospital to try to deprive any British subject of light of free speech GIFT SUGGESTIONS AT A MANS MAKE YOURSELF AN STORE BUY YOUR MENS GIFTS GIFT OF A NEW SUIT AND OVERCOAT Will Buy A Pair of Fancy Arm A Palp of Gartore a Largo to from A Irish Llnon Hand oh I of Plain or Inltlallod A Pair of Llslo Mono In any Buy A Plain or Pattern A Pair of A In Plain or A Got of Arm and to A Rack A Pair of or Hose In or Tan A Pair of Guff Links I mm and Latest Designs in Monuments Headstones Kinds of Cemetery Work PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO mid see us before buying All kinds of building Stones Cut to Order Tablets for kept In JOHN 171083 Dealftr and Importer of Foreign and 4ND MABBLU Phone G Huron si for V Class Marks Possible Dove Dorothy Pox Class Marks Possible Lewis Olive Mount Kdllh lOt Arthur Pot Hazel Dora Wood 735 HI Class Marks possible Kenneth Tatlon Bur ling Prank Hurling Da vis Edna Hunt Hobble Hunt Teller Burling Class Marks possible Gladys Lewis Gertie Hurling Dorothy Grace Burling Gamblo Elsie Warren 492 I Glass Marks possible Lewis Jennie Lewis 480 Ruth Edwards Alma Hurling Hunt Gamble Willie Patrick Primer A No of Melville Campbell Primer Violet West Don ald 4G Howard 30 p Teacher Red Gro9 is the complete list of collections and contributions to the British Bed Cross In Newmar ket last October Marshall Doyle Keith Ross A Lundy Stewart Rogers Prosscr Hill Rogers 2475 3025 w A Furnace Work Havelroughing Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at Shop THE It A SOUS NEXT TO SMITHS GROCERY ft Kvcs Davis t Adams Chopplu A Barker Cane Robertson Roes Watson West Tench A Vale Brim on A Robertson A Trivett P Doyle Vernon Osborne Duncan 1175 Jas Ho yd Geo Evans Davis heather Go Employ GO Davis Leather Go M Go Employ High Separate School Drawing for chairs eto 30075 1400 17400 1075 Will Buy A Pair of Extra or and Wool or In all Loading A or Tie In any Color or An Extra Quality Handkerchief In Whlto Only Box Hemstitched- Lawn A Pair of with Arm to Patch j 100 Will Buy A Pino Shirt In Soft or Stiff Cuff A Pair of Wool Qlovoo with Dome on Wrist In Black or Heather A Scarf with Fancy Fringe lndo In Grey Blue Rod Purple or Drown A Pans Cap In Tweed Effects with or without Fur hand A Burnt Rack A Swiss Silk In any of our Lurgo of Patterns or Colors A Pearl tie Pin A Got of Cuff Links Dor Linen Collars In any of Now 125 Will Buy Pairs of Ollk and Wool Hose In and Whlto Mixture A Pair of In Black or Brown A Ollk In Basket Weave In any Combination of Color This Is one of Ties wo have A Swiss Silk shown In all Shades WiH Buy A Fine In Whlto Madras or Porcaics Soft or Stiff Cuffs Best on Haricot made In a Very Largo and of Swiss Silk Buy An Extra Silk Scarf with Fancy Tassel Ends a Largo Rango of and Colorings to Chooso from A Pair of Tan Mocha or Kid Lined Gloves A Hat In Stylo 500 Will Buy A Flno Silk Unit In Roman an Extra Shape the Best wo Carry A Mans Heavy Jumbo Stitch Sweater Coat In Blue Kharkl or Red 650 Will Buy An All Australian Wool Coat In Very Stitch and In a Combination of Colors a Real Tailored Sweater Coat A Swell Pair of Black Gun Metal or Patent Leather In Lateot Shape Will Buy A Pair of Grey Tan or In Washable Capo with or without Black Backs A Pair of 8lkLlned with White Tapped Wristlets A Pair of Mens Hockey A Pair of Gold Cuff Links WiH Buy A Mans AllWool Sweater Coat In ana Black and Gold Brown and Tan or Red and Brown A Paisley Silk Muffler In Italian Silk Shapo with Tassel Trimming A Silk Knit Muffler with Roman Stripe 850 Will Buy A Dressing Gown In Plaid Design Red and Black and Red and A Smoking Jacket In Brown Tan Mixture or Rod and Green An Extra Fine Boys Norfolk or Pinch Back Suit In Brown or Grey Worsteds and Got Yourself a Wow Suit for Wo Carry an Lino of Clothes In Very Latost Includ ing Hew Bolted Suit for Young Men Soo Our Lino of Mens and Young Mens Winter In Trench Pinch Back and Raglan Styles Our Prices Lowest and Quality tho Highest Will Buy A Strong Pair of Mulo Hide Hocley Boots Lightning Hitch A Silk Shirt In any or FOR THE LADIES Ladles Hole Proof Hosiery In Llsles put up shs pairs In a box with a Six Months Guar antee for Ladles Silk 3 pairs In a box with at and a box Washable Kid Gloves In Grey Pearl and Fawn Shades with or without Fancy Stitched Backs at ORDERS For those who to come in to select vhat they wish we will till their orders by Parcel Post at Regular Prices Paid ANY ARTICLE ON THIS BILL WILL BE PUT UP IN FANCY GIFT BOX If BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY MENS OUTFITTER All Officers Oilier Hanks serv ing Overseas may find It difficult to send In their photographs and their relatives therefore especially ap pealed to send In their photo graphs for them By preference the photographs should he unmounted and printed on bromide paper in order to ensure per manence Each photograph should ho accompanied by a concise record not exceeding two or three hundred words of subjectss military ca reer including date of promotions distinctions and so on as tins will greatly assist In obtaining a full and accurate record of all con cerned In addition it Is desired to collect all photographs dealing with the Mo bilization Training and Departure of Troops together with pictures illus trating Reviews Sports Presenta tions Any photograph this nature is regarded as a document of idstorio Importance and it is hoped that the possessors of all such pho tographs will deem it their duly to send cither the originals or copies widen will ultimately he placed In the Permanent Public Archives of the Dominion All photographs which will he ac knowledged be addressed to Officer in Command Canadian Wax Records Clifford SL St London England Christian The Choir will give special music next Sunday at both services Mr Horace Davis of Toronto will sing at Ihe evening service A good attend ance Is requested mm to lend Second Call or write we at and get your loan arranged by return No advance charges It Audited and found Vato J P Victoria fit Toronto J Children FOR FLETCHERS K ASTORIA Photos Wanted Officer In Cjunuand of Cana dian War Records has asked us lo make known that It is desired lo com pile a complete history in photograph of the Canadians share In the war hi the same way that all other rent countries are compiling records ft Is particularly deelred to obtain photographs of all and Men who have served or are now serving in the Overseas Military Forces of- Canada and it is requested at an appeal should be to this cud through these columns League Last Monday evening of the Christian a lovely address on which was appreciated On account of the Rev A Church gave Consecration very much election the Don forget to vote next Monday Get ready for Christmas a week from Tuesday The bankers have had a busy time laking care of Victory Band sub- Good sleighing In Town since Pat- last Council Meetings All Municipal Councils will rneel on Saturday according lo lo set tle accounts for the year and issue the December Statement which should be posted up before Christmas Nominations take place the last Mon day in December the last day in the year meeting next week will be on Tues day when address may from Ihe Pastor as well as a Christmas It is hoped that there will be a good attendance Court High Archibald who owned a farm in King valued at 6000 slates In his will that the stock Implements and crop are to be sold and bis James is to receive bis son Robert to enable them to go on with the farm Mils wife receives all the real estate C000 and part of personality lira to i-iloinf- Meetings Cancelled Owing to the storm last Saturday afternoon the meeting for women had lo be cancelled as It was impossible for the speaker to get here- from To ronto However Hon Mackenzie King has engaged Ihe Town Hall for a Womens Meeting at 3 oclock this afternoon and a general meet ing Friday evening These will be the last rallies for Mr Kings sup porters In Newmarket before the voting next Monday It is expect ed that there will be a large attend ance at both meetings Ho 1 for HOVEMUUR Class Diaper John Draper Alice Terry Class HI Violet Miller Myrtle Wilkinson Mary Terry Robert Dyer Archie Class Myrtle Peters Fern reckon Class Jr Veda Pollock Acil Mi 1 1 fir Class I Harry Aubrey Primer A Earl Peters Hazel Willie Terry Annje Nelson Primer Harold Wil kinson M teacher I mm Liberals and Conservatives are United The People Must Unite to A Victory means deserting our boys in the trenches for over a year throwing up our hands and quitting I Dont shout under the Referendum proposal Come out and fight for Union Government Ma IF WINS Canada will send no more reinforcements to the front which practically means the war and placing the country in the came class Russia The FrenchCanadians who have shirked their duty sit this war will be the dominating force in the Govern- of the country ARE THE PREPARED TO STAND FOR THAT It is because the IrenchCanadianB have not done their duty that Conscription had to be resorted to The have made it perfectly clear that they do not like the war and ore against Canada participating in it further Some of even to the lengthof saying that the soldiers should be brought back from the front The Nationalists are demanding that the men who have been enrolled the Military Service Act be disbanded end sent back to their homes To secure the Nationalist support candidates in Quebec have signed the following pledge I the undertone In Federal Elections undertake by If I em elected to the Immediate suspension of the Military Service Act nd of ell Its effects until Ctnadisn electors have pronounced by way of and should the majority of the electors condemn it that it oe considered ltd origin and that in all conscripts be disbanded I to vote Government which should refute to adept enunciated policy I This Advettiseutcnl is insetted by The Unionist Patty Publicity Co I Pa ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO

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