Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 14 Dec 1917, p. 5

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J Food Controllers Office Until now ships which are now conatrucllOD availably depend upon the North American Con- or wheat and flour must Import not leas than of wheat or lUo equivalent in flour before Dotted Slates today has not a bush el inoro than would he required for normal consumption In that country and Canada has only a of J bushels- There Is wheat In Argentina In Australia In New Zealand but with out more shipping It cannot be moved North America must supply almost the wheat needs of Allies at least for the next Ihreo or four months Allied nations In Eur ope had completely exhausted cesiilble reserves when the crop became available Unfortunately the new harvest of Prance wan leas than the production of a normal year before the war The Italian crop wan also much below the average these countries have required turner amounts of foodstuffs from thin continent than was anticipated and their needs will continue The geographical position of Can ada and Ijie United Slates In relation to Allies It Imperative that this continent should provide the food which must ho forthcoming during the next few months I ITS THAT I I m J I Oil J I I This I I i the tremendous question in- Canada historic answered within ten days is i v to f Our answer involves Canadas honour her freedom and her future Oldtime party questions are being advanced to issue ever placed before a nation Canada in real clouds that obscure her vision must be brushed forth clear and distinct the gravest danger The so that the great issue s v Viomon pay too miiOtl totholr of their Watch your stop I A brink lively step Is what charms inoro than akin but your high corns you limp Thats and you know It Corns beauty and grace besides coma very easy laremovo your foot of every corn by drug quarter of an ounce of freeKono yill cost little but is to remove every bard soft corn or callus from ones foot A few drops applied upon a lender touchy corn tho soreness and soon the entire corn root and till lifts out pain This is a gummy sub stance which dries instantly ana simply shrivels up the corn With out inflaming or even irritating surrounding Women must keep in mind that cornices foot create a stop which enhances her THE I editor The Newmarket Newmarket Dear Sir In of Mr Mackenzie King I send you herewith a copy a to him from I ho office of the Minister of Militia In Mr Kings letter to he Minister of Mi litia lo which this Is a reply he stated that on receipt of the Ministers answer he would request for It the pub licity as he requested for Ills own let ter I acting In accordance with Mr Kings directions In sending you now a copy of the re ceived Yours very truly A McGregor Private Secretary Ottawa Dec 1011 Dear Mr Mackenzie King it Political Mooting I Mil directed to acknowledge re ceipt of your letter of the ad dressed lo the Honourable the Minis ter of Militia and to inform you that tho Minister deprecates disorderly- be haviour of any kind at political meet ings and particularly on the pari of soldiers in uniform In view of your statement that the parly in question iaine from Toronto and probably from Hospital Instructions have been forwarded by wire to the Military District No to en im mediate InvesUgaUon and and particularly to inform the Officer Commanding Inlt Military Hospitals Commission Command that If the dis turbance In question was carried out by men under his command lit must take every means to prevent a recurrence Believe me desr Mr Mackenzie King very truly Colonel Military Secretary The Hon Mackenzie King Newmarket Ontario by local applications as they cannot reach diseased portion of the ear There Is only one way to cure catarrhal deafness and that Is by a constitution al remedy deafness is caus ed by an Inflamed of the muc ous lining of the Tube When the lube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing and when it Is entirely closed Is the result Unless the inflam mation can he reduced and this tube restored to its normal condition hear ing will be destroyed forever Many cases of deafness are caused by catarrh which is an inflamed of the mucous surfaces Halls Catarrh Cure acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of system We will one Hundred for any of Catarrhal Deafness that be cured by Halls Catarrh Alt Toledo to All 1 I Today in our national criois Quebec alone among all the stands more united than ever before She knows what she wants a 3 Withdrawal from the war Bilingual schools everywhere Weakening of the ties of British Political control of Canada From the Ottawa River to Labrador and the Gulf a Loon purpose actuates Quebec in her determination to profit by the factional divisions of Canada and to impose her will upon all the people of Canada Within few weeks Quebec has mobilized all her forces to dominate Canada under the unified leadership of and Canada knows that these two men in their earlier days Were personal friends and political associates in recent times they gradually drew in opposed and helped to bring about his defeat at the polls Canada knows that from that time forward until a few weeks ago the breach between them steadily widened until envy and hatred toward the other became the possession of both and his followers were anathema to Should not the people of Canada ask themselves before it is too late why these two men have suddenly agreed to bury the past why this sudden embrace each of the other If we will but let the scales drop from ouncyes the answer is obvious The allcompelling influences of Quebec have combined to force the union of and in the common purpose of French Canadian dom- inatiort We concede the right of French Canadians to make com moncause of anything they it is in their interests so to do This is a free country But as the French Canadians have already combined to assert their views it is the duty of the hour we Englishspeaking Canadians get together and present to Quebec a united front in the defence of our right This is imperative With solid seats Quebec is about to accomplish her designs the real master and idol of Quebec is in sight of his goal To attain her purpose Quebec has not scrupled to ignore British traditions and to suppress freedom of speech So thor oughly organized is her campaign to prevent even the discussion of the var that Unionist candidates are prevented frqm holding public meetings throughout that Province The Unionist minority in Quebec are the victims of organized obstruction To be successful in her determination to rule all Canada Quebec has but to secure a few seats in each of the other Provinces Quebec leaders now seek to divide the rest of Canada into factions by insidiously bringing into political discussion oldtime party to divert the public mind from Quebec her purpose and her ambitions United in her determination to quit the var Quebeq would compel a divided Canada to dolikewise By union only can the Englishspeaking people prevent this calamity However wellmeaning candidates in Ontario may be they will be helpless against a united Quebec Apart from the splendid work of the small Englishspeaking population Quebec has failed the Red Cross has failed ths Patriotic Fund- has failed in recruiting and has failed in the Victory Loan Dare we trust our soldiers their their children their pensions and their allowances to Quebec that will neither give enlist nor invest and which will resist taxation for the support of our men and their dependents Canada must decide whether she will become a deserter and quit with Russia or fight to the end for liberty with Belgium This decision must not be dictated by the only Province which has shirked its obligations throughout the war All Canada knows that Germany has been working through agents spies and bribes in every country in the world The latest evidences are the revelations recently made to the world by Presi dent Wilson Do Canadians think the Kaiser has overlooked Canada If do what a fools paradise 1 Germany benefits by division among her enemies Upon whom would she look in Canada as furthering her designs Not Sir Robert Borden Mr and their colleagues in the Union Government That is certain But can the same be said with respect to the leaders in the Province of Quebec whose attitude in war is against Canadas continuation in the war We regret to be compelled to say thc3e things but must not our eyes to facts The Citizens Union Committee anxious for the maintenance of British ideals and traditions views with alarm the menace of FrenchCanadian domination with its inevitable influence upon the home the school and the state The Union A WarTime to Suppott Union Govcuieat J W LYON Chairman A Chairman Executive Comialtlj ALBERT ABBOTT Secretary Telephone Main Headquarters Caada Life SI urn W a ii The cost of living and the necessity for nutfonal thrift be cause of war aro to reg ulate our Christinas season this year in a much more effective manner than ihe Society for the Prevention of Useless Giving did Christmas has been the bugaboo of the family pocket book for many years but the safe and wane celebration of this festival needed some national calamity to tear us away from the habit of this costly Christmas Present idea Christmas is first of oil a hol iday for the Christmas day Is the day of the year for the kids aiidlt should he continued It may be it prob ably will he necessary lo curtail Christmas expenditures this year but the little ones should not be made to the of such economy There is a field for reform In this idea of promis cuous gift giving among men and women Stripped of its many pretenses and platitudes the whole business Is one big waste of money Nineteen out of cry twenty people give Christ mas presents to this person and to that person simply because person gives Christmas presents to them But it is an equal ex change therefore no loss ve hear It is no suob thing call if you can the you re ceived last Christmas How many of them would you have purchased for yourself how many of them did you need so badly as to call for an invest ment of your own money Not one En a doron Yet you paid for every one of them because you gave something In ox- change Hut why rob Christmas of Its spirit of giving we may be asked Will not a Christmas card this spirit Just as well as buying a smoking Jacket for a man who already has two smoking Jackets Would not a hearty Merry Christmas to a woman mean Just as much as a boudoir cap which oho frill origin ally was a religious not a com mercial festival but in somo manner the dollar side appears to have been turned uppermost the children this year for it is due them Remem ber your relatives and friends too but remember with your heart rather than your pocket book Two neighbors had along gallon about a small spring which they both claimed The Judge wearied out with the case at last said What is the use of making so much fuss about a lit tle Your honor the serious of the lawyers when I inform you that both are Reports of Union Mo Kino end Whitchurch fop IV Bruce Lewis Nellie Buckie Chester Wood Laura Robert Lewis Jr IV Blanche Dorothy lis Alice Maude Fletcher Jr 111 Edward Lewis Wood George Newton War shall Jr Viola Brown Ida Hill Beckett Fletcher Beckett I Class Glass la Marjory Lunney Clif ford Walker Br Primer Mildred Walk Hazel Lawson Leonard Owens Jr Newton Leslie Brown Lawreuce Hank equal nest Emily Weinstein Wal- Up Baldwin Brown Carl Walker Clarence Si Xpt A Phyllis Beckett Newton Ave as at ARCHIVES OF I Ly A 5ra3 Mai i

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