MED ROOM ior fa connection desired Apply 1 to samples mail circulars for Mail posi tion pay weekly Tho Camnxaors Vind Ontario Parlor Cook or or Wood I Sideboard good as now i nod other House in the Town of ho of Miss A good business location particulars apply to J i r whom of of Kingr in County of Farmer hereby make the following affidavit of apology THAT statement which I that on good authority that a box had boon shipped to leather as books and which turned out to be rifles was untrue and unfounded and T hereby apology for such statement and regret very much that the same wa made I pub lication of this apology in the Newmarket and agree to pay for the publication MB At theCity of Toronto County of York this Olh day of A J A Commissioner J BLACK A I if THE Hour of Necessity 110 on York Co 1b acres workable- hardwood bush orchard loam soil 8 Rooms goodCellar Bank Darn No Pigpen Silo Mail and Tel ephone Price Terms arranged 119Aoroa County of York Toronto House and Warn and Boil Clay and Sandy Loam Weston mile Price Terms arranged to forQulok up acres 100 acres workable Frame House Rooms Hank Barn Acton miles Aoroa Township acres workable pas ture and bush small Orchard Soil Clay Loam Brick House rooms Bank Barn Barn No DrivingHouse on atone foundation hayloft School one mile Church three miles Price Terms arranged Homestead 100 Acres All workable 3 sores Orchard Frame House Barn School mile Price Terms arranged THl FARM Out v A for all the corrup tion and of the Borden Voefl KJng and elect man who will opposd with machine turns coins into pockcto of- pro- fltcors and continues high cost oMivinff v of Newmarket a has boon cut down bis pay ho was to pay re verted back to rank of private how soldiers to treat- of Kyory war manufacturer has reasons in Ills pockets for supporting Bor den Government Why should any man write down half a dozen other reasons them out broadcast kaiser would vote for the exponents of kalseri methods He would absolutely rave over franchise act the enumerators steals favoritism the in decision the autocracy of the Government ilio arc a unit in the old Govern ment is dead Not a can apeak a word of kindness for defunct administration ft is the tiling- still only chloro formed for time being difference between war policy Wilfrid Laurjcr and Henry is that Sir Wilfrid is in the war to under the Voluntary Sys tem Mr and Mi Borden were allies in The Union Government is but a cloak for a combination of Interests to maintain control of ho Dominion Treasury by Con servative politicians as against the common people Vote for Mackenzie King to protect your interests Talk about priestly control of the French I The manifesto of Dr Chovn to the Methodists has got them all beaten Tho Chris tian Guardian loo lias turned from religion to politics Thank the Lord this is an ago when peo ple think forthemeelves Sir Mackenzie former Premier of Canada died at his borne in Belleville on Monday ev ening in his year MriB Jackson of Newmarket is now the oldest living printer in Canada Ho commenced bis trade in in Jan and is now in his year Sir Wilfrid has not changed his platform and his supporters almost to a man arc in favor of more pay for soldiers They agree that it is unfair for somo men to receive a minimum wage for the hardest and most dangerous work in the world and for others working safely at making munitions to receive the maximum They agree thai while more men needed the men need more money- Do not let any political Or pat riotic manoeuvre distract atten tion from notorious railway deal whereby the Borden Govern ment intends to present certain clever promoters and financial in terests with millions of the public money at a time when every dol lar ef our funds should be devoted to carrying on the war Sir Wil frid has promised to review the whole matter of this barefaced attempt on lhetreasury should he lie returned to power a result of a great and a sf stent and careful to showthai h Act gone out for men long ago tts it is but for money now the cessation of Voluntary couldvriot boon device From Government not content with disfranchising of voters under pretext of disloyalty on tho part of those not sattsfled with treating the obli gations of the Dominion to citizens as scraps of paper por- potratcd another franohlao out rage by ho wo- men of Manitoba Ontario katchowan Alberta and British Columbia the right to volo which women of these provinces had won after years of legitimate agi tation and propaganda Now the women of the five provinces named had tho right to vote in provincial elections and under Dominion law had therefore right to volo in Federal elections But along comes the Borden Government with its Acjl and disfranchises the respectable women of those lolls thorn that only those who have relatives at the front arc to Vote and classifies all the rest with the enemies Canada The disfranchised wo men of these five provinces are now catalogued with the Moravi ans Bukowinians arid Above them are the naturalized Hindus Syri ans Armenians and Orientals Thousands of these devoted wo men have worked day and night for our bravo troops front They have organized campaigns worked in munition factories have tlio heat and burden of the day bravely and manful in field and factory in that our soldiers might bo and comforted as they deserve Sure ly they if anybody should have been protected in their rights But no the government for some reason preferred not to trust our Ontario and Western Canadian womon It deprived them of votes while granting tlio franchise to other wo men whom it it can con vince that a change of govern ment will affect their from the public funds The Union Government having and gagged thousands of electors of this country men and loyal women alike seeks to re gain power and further Prussian ize country in the matter of franchise and suffrage administration in short is attempting to reintroduce the notorious period of the family compact in our struggle for con- freedom QOQ- SOUTH END years Dr has been Chairman of the Civil Ser vice Commission drawing a sal ary of- 5000 a year Dr Shorll was recently transferred to a po sition in the Archives Branch and the Hon J Roche the Interior appointed Chairman of the Service Commission vice Dr The salary however was changed was not enough for Dr Roche so the Government boosted it a to a year Then hear them preach economy and grind the soldier and his dependents to the last cent i IN AND NOW FLOUR to ALLAH Has on land Lota of PEtDJ HAY 1LOUiJ Delivery Opposite rliono GO POSITION Extract from Sir Wilfrid f speech Mr Bourassa is an able man No one knows ft bet ter than do I know of harm he has done mo I know what he has done for the govern ment of the day It might he said that Laurie was dominated by Me Dourassa is opposed to enlistment of any kind Mr not behove Canada should be in this war is different fcm me want win war Bui I do not The Union Government must begin to feel a little shaky re garding the result of the election next Monday as the Publication Committee are flooding the with paid advertising and trying to arouse antagonism to the French This is no way to keep Canada united in a time of national peril and Is hut a blind to cover up the graft of the Borden Government and win the election on race prejudice in stead of the vital issues affecting the future of the Dominion The word loyalty is abused and traduced The plain voter should go to the polls not to cast a ballot for or against Conscrip tion for ho should know by this lime that each parly is determin ed and committed to maintain Canadas honor at the front but to cast it for tho party which he Last week wo gave a list of re thinks will better administer na- 1 cent Tory appointments whict In Mr Bourassas Na tionalist candidates were sup porting Sir Robert Borders Con servative candidates and Sir Robert Bordens candidates were supporting Mr There was an alliance formed between the two parties Today it is quite possible thai Mr may support Sir Wilfrids referendum policy but on all other questions of policy Mr is opposed to Sir Wilfrid Tho Liberal chieftain is not supporting Mr Bourassa never has supported him or policy of No participation in Great Britains Wars Can Sir Robert Borden say same No uoo UNION reached hero theexploelon destroyed the oheihlcal factory of ho Co hear Frankfort on Information obtained from trust worthy sources that ex caused the complete deatruo- of one or greatest factories In the by which Is staled GormabyBUTfered to a serious milllary defeat Its effect on the war The of a yrouji of covering oyer acres the war it ranked fourth in Importance among the great works and waJj flourlshlnB company paying a prewar divi dend of cent and being worth as a going concern well over marks Its commanding In the world rested not only on lis huge output but also on the exten sive variety of Us manufactures These comprised things aniline dyes of every description nl- trio and other acids phos phorus and alkali with liquid hydrogen and oxygen as Import ant Moreover It was of prime as a source synthetic nitrates and lis splendidly organized research laboratory enabled to play ft leading part In the production of poison gas and other formH of rightfulness which Germany has Introduced- In the course of the war The concern has been for the manufac ture of black powder at the rate of tons dally arid It was reputed to bo only factory turning out this article To such an extent had Its large output soda nitrate and concentrated sulphuric acid been developed thatll supplied the whole demand for flye arid dynamite factories as well as of two powder works Including thai of well one of the most Important In Germany Another explosive which was manu factured In largo was through its facilities for making syn thetic phenol and consequently picric from which acid this explosive la derived- Another circumstance of Interest Is that this supplied of hydrogen for the Inflation of Zeppelins and possessed by way of reserve three gasometers with a total capacity of over 300000 cubic feet The electrolytic plant was further utilised to produce asphyxiating gas and lachrymatory and poisonous shells In fact It la the eldest centre of this manufacture In Germany arid in output of poison reached nearly cubic feet dally Every concern in Germany af fected both by the Gutting off of sup plies which many of them formerly drew from and by the ne cessity of making the loss of these supplies good from plants already working to the maximum The death of scores of trained workmen and specialists in the factory Itself and the dwellings its confines will make the task of coping With this deficit all the more difficult HON If the Borden Government re mained in power for fifteen years stranger things might happen than to see the whole Govern ment manned with members of the Hon Dr family At present this family hold the fol lowing positions Hon Dr Bold Minister of Railways Canals with Sessional Indemnity and salary Gen Meujburn Minister of Mi litia Major brother-in- law Pension Board Judge Dowsley Cousin County Court Judge 3000 W Brother Pre ventative Officer on the Railway Mad Service spent Sunday with hla sister Mrs KN Robertson Mr Johnson in the employ of Osbornes Tin shop has a son at A telegram oh Sat urday relieved his anxiety Hr Mrs John attended funeral of a relative near Bradford on Tuesday also Armstrong of Wofd has boon received from Mrs Halifax Miss Patty of villc that and her husband injury Mr Mrs P- J Anderson of Newmarket announce the their only daugh ter Cora to Harold Wall A of the Interior Department Ottawa Ont the to lae quietly this Sale Register Mr mour J will have a sale of Standing Timber on Lot in rear of 2nd Con of See bills for particulars Bale at oclock ITS for In In rind FLOWERS t I hi i- j If I 1 j J i that you can ccarccly toll from Carnation PO Mortgage Sale of house and store In at King George Hotel at oclock am See ad and bills for particulars Deo 20 Mr J of Pine Orchard will sell five acres of Standing Tim ber Beech and Maple on rear of Lot Con Whitchurch Terms cash Sale at J Hosier Mr Jesse will have a general farm salo on Lot in the of Whitchurch Pine Orchard Station 10 rnos credit Sale at one Auct OOQ- Bright thoughts clear deeds constancy fidelity beauty and generous honesty arc the gems of noble minds Ho is happy whose circum stances his temper but he is more excellent who can suit his temper to any circumstance and Molly VJrcatho have Received a of California that thai we over Wo Hinds of Wal nuts Filberts Brazils and Pecans op our paoyhv plour have to from 0 PHONE GET PROMPT 8 a JUL HON W Will Furniture and Undertaking House Vou can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY attended to at I Arm iivurna At PUBLIC At Eight Phones and lional affairs This election will put In office the men who will control affairs for next five years Mackenzie King is a gooo and security at home and pledges his word to see that Ihe soldiers and their dependents receive more generous treatment from Ihe Government There arc 130000 Canadian soldiers in who have not yet gone to the front If men aro so badly needed why doesnt the War send them i One thing that goes against the government either when Conserv ative or later when Union in its failure to go for men as it ha gpno out for money The amount of Government advertising oner gy and organization of Ihe most elaborate description that ha yccornpanied the launching of IhV Victory Loan anything of the kind govern- could eonOflftte at little more fiVysurt to showed that the Government ser vice had been loaded up recently with unnecessary appointments totalling an annual expenditure of over In the list given there was an omission which added to the one made this past are- as fol lows Dr Adam exChairman of the Civil Service Com to a re munerative position in the Ar chives Branch at a salary of Mr M of Bon Sir Thomas White to a position as Director Public Information at a salary of The Methodist Sunday will bold Christmas end Concert In Jfall on Thursday fivelns Dec The of S09 drill rectus piay entitled iid M n Holland Company lias Collected Tolls for Fifty Years he taking over of the Holland river road by the Toronto and York High way on Tuesday marks the passing of a company which has col lected tolls Confederation and the removal of last tollgale In York County after fifty years of agi tation In 18G7 the Holland River Tollgate Company was Incorporated and given power to collect lolls on a road idjcut four miles long which they were to build between Holland Landing and Bradford same year marked lb beginning Of an to abolish the toll gales which had been in exist ence in the county since At the meeting of the County Coun cil In- June last the Highway Commis sion In their report stated that they had obtained an option on tho road from the owners and they were given authority to complete the purchase The road is feel Id width and the reported that It was one of the best roads In county The price paid was and one of the terms of Ihe was that the com pany was to have possession until the 11th of December LIFE had been photographed and he was looking intently at his likeness when Tarn came along Whats that ye ho asked My replied Bandy What due ye think it Man its fine commented Tarn Its like ye An vhit the they cost I replied Sandy I paid for thorn yet Tarn more In Town on Dec to Mr and Mrs a daughter Cain In East on Dec Hi Wife of Lyman Cain a son In Newmarket on Dec 1st to Mr and Mrs Price a son In Aurora Dec wife of Jos Scott twin girls At on Dec loMr and Mrs J a daughter and granddaughler of Mr and Mrs In Newmarket on Dec to Mr ahd Mrs An dy Davis a son It Is Quality that I QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY I ALSO AGENT FOR t PATHEPHONE Post Musical In World- MAIN STREET Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies NEWMARKET House Phono No Store Phone No DONT PAY INTEREST Read Great J Iomb a to man- 2 At his late residence King on Friday Nov 30th George aged years Deceased had been- in poor health for some lime Ho was one of the progressive and prosperous farmers of town ship and leaves a widow and family At Hospital Toronto on Dec 10 1917 beloved wife of Bank Button West and daughter of late Canon Hitchio Lloyd At the residence of her on Saturday Dec 1017 Lloyd wife of late John H Lloyd aged years months and days funeral took place on Mon day from the residence of Mr it VY Fox Interment at In on Sun day Deo 1017 George Evans in his year a tie J Fin W4io si North Ml A from to DUTY ALL MAKES A I J A J A Until you hoar and comparo Its tone make no as to which Phonograph you Intond to buy Its ton or It3 marvellous constructed sound box natural and fullvoiced You ore not confined to one lino of you may ay all Edison Rex Path Its better tone all Ha added features a demonstration In your homo A free trial It costs you nothing from 30 to Itemember wo will tall you a Phonograph cheaper than any company In York to Sold for Cash Of- EASY mm AD PROMPTLY DOME I Phono S3 SPECIAL DECEMBER SERVICE DAILY Noli will to DAILY TKiweeLY i MHintPf A OF TORONTO J