Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 7 Dec 1917, p. 5

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r DENTIST Main and a Office in Hank of Toronto Crown and Croat to Plato I Inouranoo Dr J In Medicine of Licentiate of Royal Of Physicians end mem- of Uio Collcgo of of KiiHlAnd Former assistant la Bye College Ear and Threat Tested Glasses fltipnUbd Telephone Hours Convention wob a good delegation hero yoalorday at llio Con- volition In the Church A largo attendance was anticipat ed evening to hoar ad of a former part tor J I Simpson A Will hold on Thursday tho In homo of Albert on St at pm A full is requested as wo want to finish all work on hand I hero will bo no other mooting until after Prcjpa Park Adjoining Now Qorl ANl PAPER Ave 2nd J Queen Newmarket Phone A Teacher of Piano Voioo and Vio lin Dealer in all kinda of Instruments and Repairs Piano Tuning Agent for Columbia and Ilccorda Stools I Prompt Ouo of sixteen J Prank Jlromuor of Halt son of loo and Mra ltd To ronto who was horn at Newmar ket was wounded at Viiny Ridge Of company with which be went top only Are loft Ho himself wan in tliird lino it friends Come in and buy them from us Those who get goods that come from our store feel proud of them because our name is a guarantee of High Quality We also give you VALUE when you buy from us do your Christmas buying at our store where you get the away- quality at the Price Lyman of Marriage Licenses A Kra Office Nevuatet Office Private issued at aldenee if An for On Doc an appeal will bo throughout Dominion by Navy League of Canada to raise funds for relief of British and Canadian sailors and dependents and for the Sailors Homes and in Canada and throughout the It is earnestly hoped that the will meet with generous re sponse Branches of the Navy LoQgUO are handling the appeal whore such branches exist but the of the Empire ev erywhere throughout Canada are also identified with it The present war has brought home to everybody as never be fore tho immense value and in deed the absolute necessity of Britains naval power Out for the British Navy the Canadian farmer would have bis crops on his hands today the Canadian manufacturer would have a clos ed shop and the Canadian busi ness man would bo almost with out business to do An an behalf of he men of tho navy therefore should and will be re- with ready sympathy by the Canadian people who now re alize as before that the foundation of strength is in the Empires ships GIFT SUGGESTIONS AT A MANS MAKE YOURSELF AN STORE BUY YOUR MENS GIFTS GIFT OF A NEW SUIT AND OVERCOAT ft i LATEST III Monuments and Head Stones Call before ordering elsewhere CUT BUILDING in and Made to GEO W LUESBY NORTH YORK MARBLE AND GRANITE Will Buy A Pair of Fancy Arm A Pair of a Largo Assortment from A Irish Handkerchief Plain Initialled A Pair of L In any to 50c Will Buy 1i aid Latest Designs la Monuments All Kinds of Cemetery Work PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Call and see us before buying elsewhere All kinds of Building Gut to Order Memorial Tablets for kept In atook JOHN IY1038 Dealer and Importer of Foreign and Domestic GRANITES AND Phone Box Huron St f Furnace Wor Plumbing Our Specialties Sou tho Bathroom at Shop THE LEADING 08B0RHB SOUS NEXT to Parm market last Saturday vas tlm Rig crowd of both and Lois of potatoes and vogotables but still up usual paid follows do to pur lb lb Dressed Ducks lb lb 22c Apples per hag Turnips bag Onions peck Cabbages and Cauliflower Heels Carrots Celery Pumpkins and Live Chickens lb Old Hens lb 12iOc Live Ducks lb Life Goose lb 1 Life Turkeys lb Pigeons pair 20o Rabbits pair Hides lb Calf Skins lb Sheepskins to Tallow 10 to Deer Skins 15 to 18c lb Official Hoard met on Fri day evening in Board Room of the Church members present On the recommendation of the Musical Committee salary of Organist and Choir Leader Mrs Mason was increased 100 As a result of the Church Cen sus pastor reported that Methodist Church of Newmarket had a constituency of about men women and children and he hoped to solicit interests of the nonChurchgoers Dr Wilkinson reported tho fully organized on all the lat est approved methods and ask ed the assistance of Hoard to devise further accommoda tion It was left with the Pus- tor to appoint a Committee and bring in a report to a special meeting of the Hoard as soon as possible The request of tho for a financial appeal in congrega tion for assistance was granted Dr Wilkinson Messrs A Cornell and Manning appointed an Evangelistic Com mittee to confer with Pastor matters woro considered among them being assistance to tho hoys using Gym and tho Hoard adjourned Splendid congregation on Sun day morning and very encourag ing sermon by pastor on sure reward for faithful Chris tian service with numerous A In Plain or Fancy A Pair of A Bilk Handkerchief In Plain or A of Arm Bands and Garters to Match A Nook Rack A Pair of or In or Tan A Pair of Cuff Links Will Buy A Pair of Extra or and Wool or Silk In all Leading A Silk or Satin Tlo In any Color or An Extra Quality 8Jlk Handkerchief In Only Hematltohed Lawn Handkerchiefs A Pair of Braces with Arm Bands to Hatch 100 Will Buy A Fine In Soft or Stiff Cuff A Pair of Wool Gloves With Dome Fasteners on Wrist In Black or Heather A Bilk Scarf with Fancy Ends In Blue Red or Brown A Pans Cap In Fancy Tweed Effects with or without Fur Insldo band A Burnt Hack A Swiss Silk In any of our Largo of Patterns or Colors A Pearl Tlo Pin A Set of Cuff Links Do Llnon In any of Now Will Buy Pairs of and Wool In and A Pair of Mouse Slippers in Black or Brown A In Bosket Weave In any Combination of Color This Is the Biggest Soiling Ties we A Swiss Silk Scarf shown In all Shades WiJlBuy A Fine Shirt In madras or Percales Soft or Stiff Cuffs Tho Tlo on Market made In a Largo Shape and of the Silk 250 Will Buy An Extra Swiss Silk Scarf with Fancy Ends a Largo of Patterns and Colorings to from A Pair of Tan Mocha or Kid Lined A Mat in IMowost Stylo Will Buy A Pair of Tan or Shade Gloves In Washable Capo with or without Black Stitched Backs A Pair of Suodo SllkLlned Glovco with Whlto Tappod Wristlets A Pair of Leather A Pair of Gold Cuff Links Will Buy A Pans AllWool Sweator Coat In and Blue Black and Gold Brown and Tan or Rod and Brown A Paisley Silk Puffier In Italian Shape with Tassel Trimming A Silk Knit Puffier with Roman 150 Will Buy A Strong Pair of Hockey Boots PcPhorson8 Lightning Hitch A Silk Shirt In any Shade or Will Buy A Silk Knit Heck Scarf In Roman an Extra Wldo Shape the Best we Carry A Pans Heavy Jumbo Stitch Sweater Coat In Blue or Red 650 Will Buy An All Australian Wool Coat In Very Newest Stitch and In a Combination of Colors a Real Tailored Sweater Coal A Swell Pair of Black Gun Petal or Patent Boots In the Latest Shape I II Will Buy A Dressing Gown in Plaid Design Rod and Black and Rod and Green A Smoking Jacket In Brown and Tan or Rod and Green An Extra Boys Norfolk or Pinch Back Suit In Brown or Worsteds and Got Yourself a New for Wo Carry an UptothoPlnuto Lino of Pens Clothes In Latest Styles Includ ing New Belted Suit for Young Our Lino of Pens and Young Pens Winter Overcoat In Trench Pinch Back and Raglan Styles Our aro the Lowest and Quality tho Highest i i r i- i i r i a M i FOR THE LADIES Ladles Hole Proof Hosiery In Llsles put up six pairs In a box with a Six Ponths Guar antee for Ladles Silk 3 pairs in a box with Guarantee at and a box Ladies Washable Kid In Grey Pearl and Fawn Shades with or without Fanoy Stitched Backs at MAIL ORDERS For those who ore unable to come In to select what they wish we will fill their by Parcel Post at tho Regular Prices Postage Paid r ANY ARTICLE ON THIS BILL WILL BE PUT UP IN FANCY XMAS GIFT BOX if BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY MENS OUTFITTER I to on Farms Mortgages or vrrttt me at and your loan arranged by return advanco charges Victoria St Toronto In The Minister of Militia de clares men will ho undor wars in Canada all the while tlie war continues scripture illustrations The music was splendid Miss Barker taking he solo in anthem with effect The quar tette composed of Miss Miss Mr and Mr Manning was a flno contribution In the evening Pastor drew many practical lessons from the Plory of the Good Samaritan Mrs contributed a solo Mr Geo took solo in with good THE FOOD Report of tlie Minister of Agriculture for France which shows a total cereal crop of loss than onehalf of that for a nor mal year emphasizes the neces sity that Canada should strain every effort to provide food need ed overseas for the Armies and the populations behind the fight ing linos There is a large defi cit among all the cereals with the exception of barley Despite very groat efforts to maintain production the native wheat sup ply of France is the poorest on record for last fifty years amounting to only 39482100 quintals i quintal lbs as compared with quintals in and quintals in 1916 As a consequonce of the greatly reduced production of food on farms of France the people of tho Republic may have still further to reduce their consump tion of bread The bread card system has been adopted in Paris and the other large centres and the amount of wheat flour which may legally ho used in bread is limited to per cent Franco has already made tremendous sacrifices and in this time of need is dependent more than ever people of North Amer ica for food The call has come to us to ensure that so far as is possihlo supplies will be forth coming in order that the soldiers need not their rations re duced below tho efficiency mini mum and that thousands of wo men and children may be saved from terrible suffering and even from actual starvation There arc available for the people of Canada numerous wholesome substitutes for wheal flour Let remember that waste of oven a spoonful of flour means depriving our Allies of food which is urgently needed now and which may be desper ately needed before the next har vest unless wo are prepared to do our utmost to reduce our own consumption of wheat and make greater use than are making at of substitutes EXCHANGED THEIR SHOVELS Paris Dec The cor respondent at the British front describing the formidable Ger man before on Friday in which lie asserts elev en or perhaps twelve enemy di visions tried to encircle the Brit ish only failing because of the vigor of the counterattacks says courageous conduct a number of American soldiers attracted much attention They were pioneers and specialists en gaged in construction and work ing on field railroads When the enemy appeared Friday morning they exchanged their shovels for rifles and cartridges and fought alongside the Tommies Several fell gloriously with arms in their hands facing foe No man who saw them at work but prais es glowingly the coolness disci pline and courage of these im provised fighters WOMEN I Suffer terribly with corns of high heels but Why now Women wear high hells which buckle up their toes and they suf fer terribly from corns Women then proceed to trim these pests seeking relief but they hardly re alize terrible danger from in fection says a Cincinnati author ity Corns can easily bo lifted out with the fingers if you will get from any drug store a quarter of an ounce of a drug called freoz- Thin is sufficient lo re move every hard or soft corn or callus from ones feet simply apply a few drops directly upon the tender aching corn or callus Tho soreness reliev ed at once and soon J- entire corn or callus root and out without one particle of pain This is a sticky stance which dries in a moment just shrivels up lhecorn with out inflaming or oven irritating the surrounding or is concentrating its efforts to win the War It has gone about raising reinforcements in the only prac tical under the Military Service Act 1917 Lauder Bourassa and their adherents admit their intention of holding up reinforcements so urgently needed in the trenches Where do YOU aland Back tap e Victory Winn Wax If I woman may vote who is a British subject years of age resident in Canada one year in the constituency days who is the mother wife widow daughter sister or halfsister of any person female living or dead who is serving or has served without Canada any of Military forct3 or within or without Canada the Naval forces of Canada or of Great Britain hi present war or who has been honorably dis charged from such cervices and the date of whose enlistment prior to September is f JM ARCHIVES OF

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