Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 7 Dec 1917, p. 2

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jfttitr 1 I Small forth Good and Situated fltate Price Warren Port Will lady who was soon picking up that were dropped near weigh scales on Square on Saturday roturu and any trouble i SOUTH END to HOWARD- on Hand Lota of FEED HAY DRAW lOYAL Prompt Kino Phono sale of house IN NEWMARKET Under of Sale contain ed in a certain mortgage which will he produced time of sale there will he offered for sale by Public Auction at the King Hotel in the Town of Newmarket on Saturday the day of Do- at the hour of oclock forenoon the following residential properly namely Goto Nob i and 2 on the went of Main St Newmarket an shown on registered plan No and except therefrom tho part of said lots fully described by motes and bounds in deed of the same from P fluxion to and registered as No for house on this property is largo and commodious and In cludes a store and residence roughcast and in fair repair and situate at the southwest cor ner and Ontario Sis The property will be sold sub ject to reserve bio full particulars apply to for Vendor A Seven loads hero from Toronto Monday evening all cars evidently with the intention of breaking up Mr Mackenzie a dis graceful exhibition was never before Many timid ladies loft the in fear The chairman Cane sought to orjio Mr ofKoat urged his right lo speak from fact that lie had given three sons to the and Mayor Eves made an appeal to the soldiers on citizens of Town allow thorn to hear what the speakcra desired to say Ser geant a rclurnod soldier to his soldiers on of fair play to allow the speakers to proceed and it only when chair man Iho that ho Of further troublo the law would invoked that com parative quiet was restored Dur ing his speech of nearly three hours Hon Air King was constal- interrupted and ho exhibited marvellous potionco and tact an swering questions as fast as Ihoy were fired at him and show ing remarkable resourcefulness coupled with complete knowledge of political affairs both Can ada and elsewhere How mark ed the contrast with the hearing Sir Hubert iBoiden In New market the Thursday evening previous when ho spoke for about an hour without a single inter ruption If the Outside intrud ers thought they wore going to help Union Government by such conduct Ihoy were greatly mis taken it simply had the oppo site effect on the meeting Mr King strengthened his position wonderfully and there Is every probability that be will bo elected in North York on lb of December notwithstanding the election machinery that is to him Mr King clearly demonstrated his ability at the meeting on Monday evening arid if elected North York will be beard once more with distinction on the floor of Parliament Editorial Notes Of r M Oat PliLIAUU HELP WAHtED you like or daily at home knitting War Sox on Au to Knitters Experience unne cessary Send stamp Auto Knitting Company College St Toronto Red Cross Society Supplies sent lo Newmarket Military Hospital on Nov Dressing Gowns Dressing Jacket Compresses Dusters doz Handkerchiefs do Slippers jars Fruit and Jones acknowledges par- col of the of Oct Regular sewing meeting next Tuesday afternoon Lots of work London Nov Dear Miss Forsyth In reply to your letter with ref erence lo your A men 1 am glad lo say that have now been able lo arrange lo let you have T ft 15th Halt We are also giving you name of another man namely Had Dolmen This makes your list da fol lows Jones 201203 3rd Halt 27245 A Turner West 467516 72nd Ball Bait With regard to T Quinn two other people adopted him previous lo you and therefore we were obliged to take your list As however one of these adopters failed wo have much pleasure in giving back lo you and trust that you will hear from them all quite fre quently very truly Grit is the name of a now daily issued in Toronto the only city paper in favor of Canadas Victory Loan That shows determination of the people of this country to prosecute the War with vigor and sustain the men at the front who aro fighting for freedom from autocracy Mr J Porter he opponent of Hon Frank Garvoll Minister of Public Works in the Union Government has retired from the contest leaving ilia election by acclama tion for Evidently the only issue of the Union Government Is Conscrip tion and though Sir Robert Bor den is Premier Ihoy want none of his sins for the past six years visited upon him Tho meeting on Monday night aptly demon strates the attitude of the two dominant parties in Canada- one to compel the other lo calm ly concilliate Sale Register Tuesday Deo 11 Mr Percy Browning will have a Farm on Lot rear of Con Township of Fast Credit till Oct 1st Sale at oclock Smith and Auctioneers Thursday Geo 1 Mr Williamson will have a Farm Sale on Lot i6 in the 3rd of Whitchurch Credit till Oct Sale at one versldes Deo Mr Jesse have a general arm on Lot initio of Whitchurch Pine Orchard Station- JO mod credit Bale at one i Aucl The- pith of the speech made by Mr Urquharl of Aurora ex- Mayor of Toronto at the Borden meelinghere last Thursday night was the fear of French domina tion if Borden was elected He has a very short memory for a public man Was there any French domination when was Premier of Canada for years We never heard of it but we do know that Canada had the most prosperous years in all her history during that period Sir Robert Borden has yet lo explain why he failed to respond to Sir Wilfrids letter at the early stages of the war asking that French Canadian units ho formed and kept together to pet the ad vantage in the war of race sen timent as is done by Scotch Irish I and Welsh units or regiments arid offering bis services in any capacity to Sir Robert Borden in carrying out this idea It i a poor comment on the political morality of our time when a man in the position of Sir Robert Ignore a request of this kind at the most suitable time for effect ive service in that regard and then at a late dale resort to sub terfuge in an attempt to trans the guilt from his own shoul ders to that of a political Such procedure in ordinary business would ho resented would not be met with other than contempt at Ihe hands of any fair minded member of communi ty For persistently healing and otherwise his wife a bride of only a few months a man was sentenced lo ton days imprisonment and also lo receive ten lashes One famous lecturers used lo say somo had three hands a right hand and a hand and a behindhand Tho wheel to is frequently mentioned as an example of use fulness hut the third hand worse than useless it is a seri ous handicap All of us need to keep our hand busy and most need to teach the left hand lo do its share but ft should bo promptly Com mittee Rooms packed to the doora fast Saturday afternoon with women who came to llaien to address of W Korr To- rbhto Pros Mrs Geo who occupied the chair oh groat necessity for food conservation f According to statistics 7 months Supply of food Is all that can ahead for whole Mr Hopkins of Mt Alocrtepoko for a few minutes the speaker arrived Mr Korr open ed his address by saying that as his father a Methodist a minister in this lown years ago he felt al together a stranger He wanted Ural to make it clear Wil frids policy waa not to repeal Conscription Act as far as it had gone but lo submit it to ple before going any further With over 100000 mon already trained England thousand more here to be sent immediate need was bridged over Ho spoke of the unfair ness of the franchise in this elec tion the press muzzled against us and every means employed not give the people fair play that the only thing wo could do Wfl8 to go out into highways and byways and loll to stand up for their rights and liberties before they are swallow ed up by trusts and combines Ho would like lo sec the shareholders behind the Toronto Globe and thought it would explain a groat deal It will take years and years to be taxed to pay for the bungling of the past Government The profits of Ihe Co last year were and de spite all Mr nan do bacon still soars and many of have lo do without l yet we must he tax ed lo send bacon lo tho sol diers who must have it- do with out if ourselves to let Mr make 900000 profits Tho that the shrewdest busi ness men Mackenzie Mann could not make pay this govern ment is taking over Jo burden people with a losing concern and a debt of million dollars Another answer to who the Kaiser would vote for would for the government Ihat allow ed Canadian nickel to go from this country into CermanV lo corne back shot into the bodies of our soldiers Urn government that equipped our Canadian boys with paper soled causing sickness and inefficiency to those brave fellows who were marching to save our country for the gov ernment that put the Ross rifle into the hands of our first heroic which was no use as a defence against enemy and caused thousands of our heroes lo bo slain This government has proved to bo no friend lo Ihe soldiers as many of can testify He said the French Canadian had been given no fair chance to volunteer by sending a Methodist Minister in that race to recruit The French Canadi an must he led not driven and there is only one man who can lead the French Canadian out of Quebec and that is Sir Wilfrid Laurier Sir Wilfrid can lead thorn but the Borden Government cant drive them When war was proclaimed in England Premier started from one city to another for volunteers and rais ed a huge army Sir Robert Borden has never one re cruiting speech and yet the peo ple want to blame Sir Wilfrid member of the Opposition be cause lie did not do more work than Sir Borden Wilfrid has been success- Owing in the homoi ho President the Womoha Instil meeting for has boon cancelled Presbyterian John Wilkio a veteran missionary from India will preach next Sunday avei Mrs School a of other matter crowded out this is sue A number of Newmarket visited Bradford Lodge on Monday night Mrs J W Stephens burned very badly filling orders for candy a few days ago for of Toronto is to give an address lo the ladies at Mr Kings Committee Rooms in Newmarket on Saturday evening at oclock All ladies invited especially soldiers wives and rel atives and The Mission Circle iK to bo held next Wednesday Fancy articles andhomernade baking will he on sale buy your Christmas gifts A- special inyilalion is extended lo every body to have Supper which will bo served on the European plan from pm J for a days oh a business trip- f- V of Be spent Sunday with Mr and word this week tnatftlffsoh has left Eng land the front Mr Jacob Johnson of spent theweekond old frlonds in Newmarket J Mrs Walter Crone and two ladies from Toronto spent Tues day with Mrs Geo Wood Rev J Mrs Simp son of Toronto were guests of 1 Mr and Mrs Cornell yesterday Sapper J McCaffrey re turned to Ottawa on Sunday after spending a weeks leave at home Mrs Lawrio and son of Brampton aro here for the holidays with Mr and Mrs Wainos and daughter of spent the weekend with her brother Mr Meek Inspector spent two days at the High School laat week and expressed himself as satisfied with the work being done Rev Ferguson who preached in the Presbyterian Church bore last Sunday is a returned missionary from China Ho was born in the Tp of King and has been in on fur lough about a year He expects to with his family on of next month resume work for the China Inland Mis sion r- i Wa received a of Hail Coffey bo nil of Wo removed only It put up In 1Mb tin and at tin 1 ccacon your Canned Prult have both panned and Fresh Lombard Plum a Ctrayborrlo tin 1Bo tin tin tin- 25o tin tin Pino FLO a brio dropped but Quality ok and bo CONFECTIONERY It Quality that That tho reason our a rowing Wo both and PHONE U8 YOUR IT WILL GUT I Ring 2 fill in raising volunteers His name will go down in history as second lo Sir John A MncOoru as the greatest statesman this country has seen lo dale He has always stood as be stands today for liberty of the people liberty in religion thought and speech a liberty granted by England to all the colonies of the British Empire from shore to shore no matter what race or a liberty which is the foundation of the strength of the British Empire Let us mark our ballot for his candidate King a man capable and strong for right a man we might be proud lo have as our repre sentative Mr of Mount Albert spoke briefly and with feeling He was not in favor of conscrip tion With three sons thai had gone he knew too well what the boys had to suffer and he could not vote to cause other parents hearts to bleed as theirs had bled He felt confidence in his leader Wilfrid that the best possible lo help reinforce the boys would be followed if they adopted it and placed their ballot for Mackenzie King t Mi and Mrs Williamson were at Mr for lea Sunday Miss Elsie Madill also Miss Annie spent last Thursday evening at Mr Geo Prestons Several from here attended the meeting held in Newmarket last Thursday even ing and heard Premier Borden and several other speakers Mr and Mrs Harry spent Sunday at their homo at the White House Mr A the P In spector visited the school here on Tuesday morning Our teacher Mr Pen I the at his if Court Wm J York of Toronto was brought before Magistrate toh at the Court hero on Wednes day charged with stealing tur keys from Mr Arch on the of East Mr says were stolen and were found in the posses sion of the prisoner who was sent lo Kingston for two years Con stable Duncan lock him down yesterday At the same court Mrs Glover of Holland Landing was charged with the neglect of her children She was let off sentence and children under the supervision of the Childrens Aid Society A Poultry Show Tho Sixth Annual Show of the North York Poultry Association will in the Market Build ing Newmarket Dec and The Show will be open to the public Wednesday morning at oclock Mr Geo Robertson of the Dominion Experimental Farm Ottawa vill judge Mr Robertson is an authority not only on what constitutes a high- class bird but also on the ma jority of problems pertaining to rearing and handling poullry out and see a fine display of Standard Bred There will be numerous birds on exhi bition which have won at leading shows of Canada A meeting was held in the Union Government Committee Rooms on Thursday Nov and a Womens Union Govern ment Organization was formed Tho following officers ap pointed Pres Miss Forsyth Miss Mable Secretary Mrs J Treasurer Mrs W Hunter of St Geo Ward Mrs Committee Mrs Eves Mrs Rogers Miss Wesley Mrs Albert Rogers Mrs A Trivelt of St Andrews Ward Mrs Albert West Committee Mrs Jas Mrs Slat- lard Mrs Mrs Clark Mrs Ross of SI Patricks Ward Mrs W Millard Committee Mrs Osborne Mrs A Richard son Mrs John Murphy Smith Mrs Town Council Regular meeting last Monday evening Present Mayor Reeve Deputy Councillors and Tench- Following bills passed 30 1200 3800 3392 Rod John Murphy freight Office Specialty Controlling Action Buffalo Meter Parts A Boyd Customs Wood sign York Radial current Trivett patrol Can Gen Co A Ford Wilson signs Expenses of British Cross Meeting Pay Sheet 3G10 W wreath 1000 Applications for electric light granted lo Mr Union Committee and Mrs Scott Mason Mr Tench presented a report on Navy League correspond encesuggesting that it bo handed over to the Board of Trade Carried A bylaw was passed providing for Ihe nomination of candidates for Town Council and Public School Trustees the Council adjourned The Poultry Fair at this year best ever held There were birds on J ivf OP TORONTO 1 MS 1 Field and Soldiers Comforts A sale of Fancy Work and Homo Made Baking will bo held in the rooms on Friday afternoon also afternoon lea will bo served from to Hot Biscuits Toast Cake Brown and White Bread and Butter Tea Coffee or Come in and your afternoon tea and bring your friends and rest and have a social Clint Tho Society wish to thank the townspeople who turned out so generously on Saturday evening lo the Hot Fowl proceeds of which were The Field Comforts Tea Towels are not yet returned Anyone having them would confer a great favor by returning them to the rooms They arc marked with in the corner There are still a lot of plates dishes and jars belonging to the good people who sent In dona tions They can be got at the rooms on Friday afternoon THE Furniture and Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night attended to at a Phones 17 and Harm an At Glenville on Dec 1917 to Mr and Mrs Arthur a daughter ifn Newmarket on Dec 1st lo Mr and Mrs Wilfrid Traviss a daughter At the Ross Memorial Hospital Lindsay lo Mr and Mrs Waller on De cember 3rd a son and grand son to Mr for merly of Newmarket Altar In Newmarket Dec 1917 by at his residence Pros pect Ave Mr Clark of the Township of Scott to Miss Mcintosh of East CaseUnderbill On Nov 28lh at Methodist Parsonage Au rora by Rev Well- wood Miss Ethel Underbill of Aurora lo Mr George Douglas Case of Aurora In his year Henry Grose of Suddenly on Nov 1917 at Welland House St Catharines Emma Louisa Bond widow of the late W Interment at Newmarket last Saturday thy In King Township on Deo 2nd McCar thy aged years Funeral service at St Johns Church Newmarket on Tuesday morning and interment at St Johns Cemetery J Pdrnltare ft Undertaking iUlo St Attention nowadays It is Quality that Counts QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT FOR I THE Moat Musical Instrument In World- s MAIN STREET NEWMARKET for Cameras Supplies House Phone No 151 Store Phone No AT- Kings MARKET At OCIook r Special Address to Ladies by HECTOR PREMTER Soldiers Wives and Relatives Specially Invited to bo Womens Organiz ation Mrs Ceo Miss LStarr COD SAVE THE KING I- IIVI We have secured a Hew Range of AltWool Scotch Tweed Suitings that will bo very popular for Business Wear this Season YOUR INSPECTION INVITED I WILLIS TAILOR Phone Main IT I Miss Cedar Valley spent the weekend at the home of Mr Madill on the 3rd Lino Ladies Aid at the homo of Mrsi Welsh next Tuesday Sub ject The Christmas Spirit to bo taken by Mrs H and Mrs MORTGAGE powers of sale tfjf certain mortgage JJJ be produced at the Under in a In Court of of York Iht the matter the Guardian- of Doris Ruth Wright infant child of Bertha Wright of Township of East in the County of York married woman deceased hereby given that af ter expiration of twenty days after publication of this notice application made to the Surrogate Court of the Co of York for the Grant of of Guardianship of named infant to of the Town of Aurora in the Co of York BookKeeper Newmarket Solicitor for Applicant day of No will bo offered or public auction at the Hotel Newmarket the day of at oclock lowing freehold proper- That part of the Of the Quarter of Lot No in First Con of the now in ft of Holland Landing tie the lauds heretofore Government for the acres canal containing owned for some tune James Terms of of in the with- price time of sale an the in ten days from date The properly will for sale subject to a For further Solicitor tor or to SMITH ci Don Q nig part A ell You presi Or il- prog T flee week it A 1 will gram for Feed and Conn bo In dp ApOUl one I in rear Spine Dam prom was I study Mr felt I will hers work pleas threat A was I la A Chain sympi I past On l way The to no I audit a It linden of cor res them b I wee mm

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