Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 16 Nov 1917, p. 8

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A i Up System who take for time often astonished at Vifcoway and makes better all ever They may bo Z t disease Constipation Indigestion or Neuralgia or Trouble J J Back And thoy Cud when cured seaa that they better and J stronger In every nay This Is duo to wonderful Ionic properties of J unoua tablets made from fruit Juices Wo box for size 25c dealers or cent postpaid by Limited Ottawa house to j A very pleasing took place on Wednesday Evening this week when a surprise pOSOd Of mo of the Of Vivian was hold at the home of Mr and Geo daughter Miss was with a lea and a salad sot of English China on the occasion of her ap proaching marriage The pre sentation was made by Miss Ma bel assisted by Mrs Angus Campbell and Miss Myrtle and Hongs were contributed by Miss Mrs Edmund Hardy and The gathering broke up at a hour alter enjoying an excellent provided by the ladles of the parly Mr and Mrs re ceived word from the front this week that their son Ted is dangerously 111 a at suffering from gun shot wound In the shoulder r toR Gin Pill have astounding In the rational treatment or Pains In the Back Swollen Joints Urinary Trouble etc Hero On Church St Newmarket Apply on promises Mrs W Vf Comfortable and convenient on Huron St Apply to Newmarket A HA I I ii A OwiTor leaving town Frame Cottage good well stable at bottom of lot All kinds of fruit Adjoining College Farm Apply to Horses and Harness also ana Shetland Pony Apply to ROBERTSON Newmarket I if J J I in I J If HOUSE AND I Hyacinths for Tulips Daffodils doz GOo the Kail In last week a verjliel for was given against the The ease was an action brought on behalf of children ol Telosphore to recover damages for heir fath ers death was on April struck by the night passenger as it crossed Queen running into Ionotaiig While crossing the track a few minutes before Oil hill way to his farm in Tiny in the dark stepped on a split Switch his foot and held him fast so that he could not escape the train his legs were taken off just the knees and when he was picked up Ills fool was still firmly held in the switch A number of witnesses were called to prove the location of the switch and to show the character and earning capacity of the de ceased It was shown that the switch was on the Street allow ance Cray of Midland and a companion McKeau were found guilty of indecent assault on a Victoria Harbor girl years of age The former was sen tenced to two years and the latter to six mouths in jail OaoSlnfilePillGavo Relief from Kidney Trouble tried die teller me not bluett four of end flnduyMll Ko bad humour- in clear eye irtrh more strength It vHtt have wiLt Jr J- Dawson lecturer and in- reputation was for many years one of the leading v London where at Highbury Quadrant ho gathered around a largo congregation many of wliorn were young who wore conscious of the uIuh and strength of ing About twelve years ago ho to America on a lecturing tour accepted an invi tation to the Presbyterian Church at Newark Now Jersey Three Cons His tfireo arc the war One of them is Daw son a novelist of reputa tion letters from front have just boon edited by Dr at Front f vigour for tell for a box or oil dealers Sample If you who to National Co of Canada Limited Toronto or to US Main St 119 I gaged upon a story of where ho and his A McNeil J Walton and A J A splendid luncheon was serv ed the plowmen and visitors by the local Cross Society at which a large sum was realized and following the presentation of prizes short addresses were giv en J lockie Mackenzie King and others Mr King made a strong plea for tie success of the Victory but stated that he had no particular confidence in the union govern ment as at present constituted IT MAKE A MILLION man dlacovoro drug that lift out PHONE On Short I Machinery forSalo DAVIS of of Toronto Newmarket A SHAWS SCHOOLS Toronto prepare for Canadian Diploma or too high for our grade of work Pre catalogue any time P Yohgo Toronto mm T S Your Earning Power Sis Toronto Has asked lately to fill at from to a month and other up to 2000 per tnnurn It paya to got a superi or training Write for Cata logue Enter any J Principal THE KNQ TP 2000 on The King and Vaughan Town ship Plowmens Association held on Sir Henry Jollalts farm at in- King Township on of last week gratifying The number of due to the busy season was not so large as on many former occasions In all there were plpwmen excellent work being done by all while the soil was in splendid shape for the work General regret expressed at the absence of Kir Henry who all hough at home on his estate was loo ill to leave his house being under the care of a phy sician Between and 2000 people were on the grounds during the afternoon and among those present were J A M Arm strong J Mackenzie King J Wilson as Wells Wells of King Alex William Archie McOallurti and scores of others equally prominent A datum of the match was the presence Wells years of age a native of King and who years ago plowed in a match on what is now Sir Henrys farm with- a wooden plow and iron taking sec ond prize Winners Class On Woodbrfdge Stanley Vaughan Clark Young Corners Win Class 2 in sod Graham Good news spreads rapidly and druggists here are kept busy dispensing freCzono the recent discovery of a Cincinnati man which is said to loosen any corn so it lifts out with lingers A quarter of an ounce costs very litllejil any store which handles drugs but this is said to be sufficient to rid ones feet of every hard or soft corn or callus You apply just a few drops on the lender aching corn or lough callus instantly the soreness is relieved and soon the corn or callus is so shriveled that it lifU out without pain is a sticky substance which dries when ap plied and never inflames or even irritates the surrounding skin This discovery will prevent thousands of deaths annually frorA lockjaw and infection here tofore resulting from the suicidal habit of cutting corns A Wayne Neb In quick and scf- response to President Wil sons call for greater efficiency on American Waller lean er who lives nine miles south of I son and published under the title Carry On Dr Dawson has just issued a new novel entitled and is a Ho is staying now at the Village Inn wailing for a convalescent son who has been wounded In the war and fulfilling occasional preaching engagements in the churches of Toronto It was at that I found hfin and explained my mission which was to Invito him to speak on religion and the war Many people I suggested who had thought little about the funda mental conceptions of religion were sorely puzzled in days and were gelling little light and leading so boy thought from the spoken word Ihe church I notice some exception to my idea of war as a moral surgery said Dr Dawson but surely there is a certain moral equiva lent of war a rebirth of hero ism a rebirth of idealism And therefore I suggested preachercflconclude that it Is the will of God Because evil comes out of good therefore evil is good An article was twice printed in the Nineteenth Cen tury called Gods Test by War he argument of which is that there must be a periodical holo caust such as the present a sort of Maiden Tribute of Modern necessary sacrifice to the progress of the world This loo was he argument of Olivers book Ordeal Battle Do you think this war is the will God Cant Work It Out All human events said Dr Dawson are included in the will of God Hut a man will knock his out against a wall f incomprehensibility if he tries work it all out I persisted that is hot -and- the last American Newspaper man jo leave Berlin was Carl Ackcrman of the United Press Service dispatches appear exclu sively in The Toronto Daily Star About once a month we Scoop every other paper in the Province with of Mr and other United Press corre spondents The only Canadian Woman Correspondent in the War Zone Rosamond Boult- bec sends us dispatches exclusively In London the veteran War Correspondent Mr F A Mckenzie assisted by The Stars own Staff cables the big news of each day Thomas late SergtMajor writes regularly upon Imperial Military matters The big news from the United States conies to us through the Chicago Daily News special correspon dents as well as their War cable service f Corl much use us is the old submissive fatalism Browning didnt knock bis brains out tfe knocked out the brains of the old fatalism He said God had cre ated everything evil as well as good but the evil lo serve as ma terial lo tight against like crude nature that man might be strengthened by the struggle I am sure Wells is right safd Dr Dawson to this extent He represents God as having an an tagonist and he has the whole Testament behind We also carry the cable service of Windermere of the Montreal Daily Star We maintain our own staff in Ottava Montreal Quebec and Winnipeg and our local News Service is right up to the minute Our special articles are contributed by foremost writer on each subject Our regular news of ail Canadian Press American Associated Press and Canadian Associated Press dispatches We also have exclusive rights to the pictures of the Daily Mirror Underwoods Daily Mail Topical Press Services as well as Canadian Official War Records Sports etc In brief The Toronto Daily Star is one of the great broadgauged newspapers of the World reading it you will be kept well informed upon every subject that a good citizen and man of the World should know about Rend Toronto Daily Star each day You will thoroughly enjoy it and bo glad to acclaim it in all sincerity as MY PAPER Order it today I A A McKenz i- I men who never will bo slaves New Bo you have twins at your Mrs Manor to little YecaunV he said soberly two of Whnt are they going to call my dear Well dont know for sure but I think their names is Thun der a fid cause thats IU papa called them when came in and told him ifcoul Prom Ottilia by the Imperial Mu- intion at Washington Hi the placing of a large toe mm to be in during the months of ran is samp I City- of Toledo County ss fcteney makes oath that be of the fine of I J y Co doing budfaees a the and state said firm will pay the for iet esse of fiataiili that fa by Uieufie of J to before me and sub- this day A I A Cure ar ttiroutf a the 9m ttfi aV Warn Wliitevale Maple J J Best crown best finish Glass in sod under years of age A King Glass in sod jointer plow J King WA King Shropshire King crown and finish Brown Glass in stubble Wat son Pine Grove Eerie King 2 John Ley Orillia J crown and finish Watson In Weld- rick Maple Ley Rest finish best crown Wel driok Class in stubble W Held Vaughan Best going team I 2 Best groomed team and equip ment R Shropshire Officials of Match judges for the day were John Morgan John Campbell Noil Malioy W Paler- son Cousins board of directors is com posed of C McDonald J Mc- George McLean A Wells Cameron Henry fey Andrew McNeil VA J Wells and Henry 13 president Stan ley rtt i Wayne leads in this vicinity Mr Tubers success in speed ing up his farm work motor power is a veritable industrial romance His story would make the farmers of a generation ago dumb with wonder In approaching the problem ol making farm work efficient in the highest modern sense Mr reached the conclusion that a great deal of golden time was wasted by the oldfashionea methods of gelling products lo market One man and a motor truck Mr reasoned ought to do Hie work of or three drivers and teams He Investigated the truck sit uation thoroughly and invested in a oneton Maxwell truck Since then said Mr I have taken all my farm pro- duels to market in that truck I have hauled bushels of shelled corn for instance and all rest of my corn besides every bushel ofwheal oats hay potatoes in fact everything that has been grown on my land I have repeatedly hauled bushels to a load driven nine miles into town and made seven trips a day and that I figure is just five more trips than I could have made with a team of first- class horses My truck has more than paid its way Mr use of the truck has been watched with keen in terest by enterprising ones among his neighbors and the prospects arc thai motor trucks will soon ho in high favor around about as an economical laborsaving and efficiency pro moting far n tool Old and him Then you do believe in a devil I believe in an Enemy I cannot but believe there is a pow er hostile goodness that Is vilftlnnd active But when Christ and Paul speak of Hie Enemy they always say that the Enemy is They never doubt the issue of Ihe struggle that is Brownings own position in his last poern One who never turned his back but marched breast for ward Never doubted clouds would break Never dreamed though right were worsted wrong would tri umph Held we fall to rise are baf fled to fight better sleep lo wake It seems to me that when men say that the war is the will of God they do not think clearly They forget that there is a sort of moral charter given to world and that mans happiness lies in his obedience lo this char- old pagan ideals have been re vived Thorand Woden the tares have begun to grow again The whole nation inoculated from the cradle for forty years with ideas of world domination Do you see signs of a spirit ual awakening among our own people I asked Not in the churches said Dr Dawson but I do that the fundamental conceptions of re ligion are being turned lo by men of all creeds and no creeds men like Wells and Horatio for instance But Weils has not rationaliz ed the idea of a Finite God suggested he has simply stated it It is not much more than Calibans with the lignity removed Yes said Dr Dawson but it is a great thing for a man like Wells to be pouring out the Strength of his mind and heart on the religious idea He may err but Ihe important fact is that he is overwhelmed with the thought of the necessity of God He does not see any need foi personal immortality I urged It to was the very earnest reply that the sacrifice of multitudes of the finest lives in their prime is just what makes you feel that personal immortal ity is a crying necessity Do you remember Emersions Threnody his poem oh the death of his son What is excellent As God lives is permanent Hearts are dust hearts loves remain Hearts love will meet again In the Land of Prohibition No public debt to make men frown No breaking banks lo crush them down No empty coffers in the slate For debts are small and incomes great In the Land of Prohibition Dear favoured country of birth The grandest spot upon llieearlh Oh may I live lo see the day When all Ihy woe shall pass away And glorious beautiful and frea Thou shall rise victoriously To be tho Land of Prohibition Mrs OOO Era to Absent Friends of which he is perfectly aware Tins is Kants philoso- Browning is the great pro- Hon Direct Three perished in St Clair River as a result of an ov erloaded springing leak and capsizing An open well is responsible for the loss of a valuable heavy draught gelding belonging lo Mr Fred Bunker of Brougham ia ft it- pay the moral law within starry sky above Prussia has deliberately broken this law has set aside all that have been proved by the finest consciences of mankind It is a crude conception of tho Omnipotence of God to think of it as of an officer who can lift his baton and slop IhingB God does not act arbitrarily but through law Religion does not involve magic You have Christs parable of the tares Let them grow together Ihe harvest Wherever there is spiritual de cadence as in Germany there tares but I do riot believe in the of war as lest of progress I think wo shall outgrow that What is the cure I naked Christ said Dr Dawson with great earnestness and sin cerity When once people see the world as Christ saw will be no more war When in ternational brotherhood becomes fi real The condition of Germany Is really due to the breakdown of Christianity Kv- knows thfct the ant Church there Is dead photic voice of this generation just as surely as Isaiah was In his day I think sometimes that Emerson was the deepest prophet of all iilli LAUD Recitation for an Meeting broken windows or hanging doors No greasy walls or dirty floors But pretty homes and gardens pay Scent of sweet flowers miles away the Land of Prohibition No weans no weary wives No women in fear of their lives Bui merry maids and bonny boys And streets alive with noise In the Land of Prohibition frowning or prison No criminals In training But and our QmmmvM 7H day boxes from home are going to the hoys in the trenches And of the thinga they get if great prize is the Gum with Flavour It the place of food and drink in case of Heed which is It keeps up gives vigour and vim A packet in the pocket lasts a long time Chew i

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