itt I L 1 Barrister Notary Public St to Loan on good Prank Dr Main and Newmarket i I in of Toronto Bldjp and Great to iinnrnY Or- J in Medicine of Toronto nt the novel College of Physicians and mem ber lhc lloyal Former Bye Hospital College Ear and Throat Hospital England a Tested supplied Telephone J In py WATCHMAKER AND Park Avenue Adjoinin Now Post Office Green PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Ardcn Ave 2nd from Queen St Newmarket PO Box ILAVJ fc f- K people who not taking Invito regularly thin is a good to subscribe Too of alio year free to all those pay for price is to any post in Canada or the Isles to United Stales for postage weak Urn of wid vrno Four the Mi Quito The Specialty wliislio flrsj to Hound the Victory in- frtllow- in by the and Tannery at the north end and lhc at the end and anybody hat did not know what was going on must been a Hip Van Splendid congregation last Sunday morning and tho anthem by the Choir war exceptionally good The sermon was by of on tlie with It was a logical ami inspir ing of duty and was duly appreciated The Pastor conducted as usual Phone A Teacher of and Vio lin pooler in all kinds of jsical and Repairs Piano Agent for Columbia and Complete 1 Prompt Lyman Issuer Marriage Licenses Era Office Nowrnarkot Private issued at if desired Geo W CANADAS VICTORY LOAN SAFE AND SOLID lW noma ivittntiLE AMD Latest In Monuments end He ad stone a All Kinds of Cemetery Work PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Call and see us before buying elsewhere All kinds of Building Stones Cut to Order Memorial Yablota kept In dealer Importer of Foreign and GIWNJTES AND Phone Huron St Very market last Satur day but it was soon over About Hie usual quantity of butter and eggs also vegetables but a scarc ity of potatoes Only a few bags were on wale and the price asked was considered very high ruling pricos paid were as fol lows KBKB per do Butter lb Chickens per lb and Dressed Ducks per lb Dressed per lb Apples per bbl 0 and Potatoes per bag Onions per box Cabbages Chrysanthemums for Live Chickens per lb Old lions por lb Dive lb per Pigeons per pair Turnips pair Hides lb and Calf Skins lb 20230 and Sheepskins and Tallow I0I2C cured up In did I can It to ere Some few yem In a very much rundown condition Was very weak could not do hod no at U I bo- CM taking Favorite only fivo bottles it put in tnlcndld I felt belter than I had for yearn Other memberaof ray family used this and found It equally on beneficial I can it to weak Mm A Dr Favorite makes vmnien liuppy by making them There are no more crying Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong nick women well open book our facca tell of health or Hollow and of debilitating place In body It may fjr another the generally a common source Get PrcacripUoii cither In liquid or tablet form If you want to better your physical condition regulate and vigoralo liver and bowels Keep body clean well What girl or heard of lemon Juice to coiuplexfoii blemishes to Whit en tho akin and to bring out the roses tho freshness and tho hid den beauty Hut lemon Juice alone is acid therefore irritating and should be mixed with orchard while this way through a fine cloth tho Juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle containing about ounces of orchard while then shako well and you have a whole quarter pint of skin and complexion at about cost one usually pays for small jar of ordinary cold cream Dp fluro to strain so no pulp gels into the bottle then this lotion will puro for month Whenap plied daily to the and- hands it should help to bleach clear and beautify skin Any druggist will supply three ounces of orchard white at very little cot and grocer lemons Death of Mr One of Torontos died Thursday when Mr Jas passod away after a lingering illness at his Into residence 380 Manning Ave late Mr Vokos who was in his year was born at Ross on Sept but for the most part of his life lived at Dixie Out where be was a builder and contractor He removed to the city years ago and has since lived retired He was married in and is sur vived by bis widow Mrs Sarah Ann Yokes who is same age us himself The happy couple celebrated the diamond jubilee of their wedding two years ago Mr Vokos family have taken a lead ing part in Hie civic life of To ronto His eldest son Mr Miles Yokes is chairman of Board of Education while all the sons are prominently identified in the church work Mr John Yokes is Superintendent of Wesley Sunday School anil one of the best known residents of Orchard Beach The late las Vokos was the contractor for the building of the Methodist Church on Main St Newmarket In AT CENTRAL While Central Experiment al Farm at Ottawa was yet in its infancy he necessity for instal ling a system of was realized From year to year the system has been im proved and extended the present very complete drainage scheme is in operation Clay tile used through out varying in size from to Inchest Tile smaller than throe inch were considered loo small this instance and are not recommended for ordinary condi tions Hand traps or slit basins arc indispensable furnishing clear ance for the fine sand that enters the tile and which if not provid ed for would lodge in and clog such lilo as are laid on somewhat less than twoinch grade The sand raps are of different sizes according to requirements Some are six feet square while the ma jority are approximately four feel square extending into the ground about two feel below the outlet thus providing ample space for considerable deposits of sand and sill The traps are enclosed by concrete walls six inches thick flush with the sur face of ground and covered by concrete tops provided with manholes protected by gratings They are located as far as prac ticable adjacent lo roadways fences or other suitable places to ensure the least possible ob struction in cultivated fields The depth and distance apart of tho drains vary with soil con ditions In clay subsoil the laterals arc as close as forty feet a depth of approximately feel In lighter soils the laterals are farther apart and often deeper in the ground espe cially toward the outlets With regard to the mainten ance of a drainage system the most important factor to observe is to practice systematic inspec tion of the whole and prompt re pair part or parts that require attention This is essential fol low cost of maintenance and an efficient system CANADAS VICTORY LOAN You Can One payable or In a for YOU BUY OH ME I Every Months You Got Interest j Sons Blotches and like murder wilt out unless the blood is kept pure purity is and protected by the faithful use of t i 1 Worth ii A Those who missed the Concert on Saturday night by the Imperial Hand of Toronto misled a rare musical treat There was only a limited attendance but the Band sustained their reputation in ev ery respect Too bad that our people did not appreciate the op portunity The men gave their services for the weekend be tween Newmarket anil Aurora just for Iheir expenses On Sun day afternoon they delighted the soldiers at Military Hospital with their music and also played at the Methodist Church where a meeting was hold In interests of the Relief Fund Mr Howell of Toronto Hon Sec retary of the Christian Mens Federation of Canada gave an admirable address showing the great sacrifices people of Belgium made in the Interests of freedom and righteousness and the great need of the work which the Federation is doing among the refugees in in as sisting Ihem lo be restored in their own land In response to his appeal a collection of about St was taken and the follow ing Committee appointed to con tinue the canvas throughout the town Messrs Marshall and Jackson Mr Marshall was appointed to whom all subscriptions Should be paid before Wednesday of next week when total con tribution from Newmarket will be forwarded to Toronto By special request the Hand played The Lout Chord at afternoon meeting and it was most beautifully rondered Church was only about half flllctt Itoim the earliest time in Ihe history of ho Farm the staple Meld cops grown have included ensilage corn alfalfa red clover roots and cereals which require thoroughly drained soils for the best results this peri od the that corn has never been a failure while alfalfa red clover and cereals have rarely suffered In recent years especially in the season of of and necessity for were very pronounced In that memorable season of rainfall recorded at the Central Farm for the months May and June but even under these adverse conditions the fol lowing creditable yields of crops per acre were recorded Corn tons Oats bush Roots tons and Hay tons Throughout the district howev er no such yields were obtained and with the exception of hay farm crops were practically failure a Emptiness is not innocence The overtime sermon makes he slothful saint Nov One of most disastrous Ores in the his tory of the town of Drayton oc curred at an early hour this morning resulting in the loss of property to the amount of about The fire began about am in the basement of the Queens Hotel and was due to defective furnace or a pipe lead ing from the furnace a A A I Dr Hair used as to restore gray hair to Its natural color or refunded a Write Supply fartMo fa J Softool Reports J School Import V Class markspossible J Fox 1090 Class Marks possible Lewis Mount Wood A Fox Dove Mount III Class Marks possible Hurling J 783 TaCton Bur ling 094 Hunt 401 It Hunt Class Marks possible Gertie Hurling 777 Lewis 721 Mount Pax ton T Grace Hurling 422 Warren ft Class Marks possible Lewis J Levis Edwards A Hurling II Hunt 195 M Gamble 1G50 Primer A No of stars V Mount 10 Primer West 21 Pleasance The School purpose holding a School Concert some time last part of this for fuller particulars next week Teachor Import of Union Mo 3 Kino and liJhltohuroh Br Emily Haines Bruce Lewis Cos ford Nellie Lewis Chester Wood Blanche Pottage Br III Dorothy MacMain IJHGilroy Maude Fletcher Jr HI- Lewis Cook Clarence Owens Brown Waller Baldwin Ruth Walker Carl Oil- roy Weinstein Ethel Law- son Br li Harry Weinstein Dor othy Wood Goo Newton Marshall Donne Jr If Ida Viola Brown Eleanor Hill Gordon Beckett Houglas Beckett Lome Fletcher I Evelyn Class Etta roy Marjory Clifford Walker Primer Mildred Walker Hazel Lawson Leonard Owens Jr primer Newton Les lie Brown Doris Lawson Primer Rank Law rence Charlie Cook Primer A Lunney Myrtle Newton Beckett Average Attendance J Fletcher Teacher Quconovlllo School Report for Standing in order of merit Br Gladys Flanagan Be atrice Thompson Alice Smith Calvin Harvey Ralph Hill Jr IV Lena Smith Mary Marjory Lewis Irene Milne Arthur Ross Cowie- Br III Bertie Bain Percy Young Charlie Tur- Jr III Flora Williams Eve- Young Mary Hill Leonard Milne Edith Smith Hill Ross Ruth Turncy Oris Daisy Turney Bruce Morton Br Wright Melyin Morion Jr Marian Burkholder Roy Bain Huntley Willie First Helen Frank Watson Frank Bain Terry Ella Young- Primer Harry Martid Vi olet Horner Joe Morion Lambert Hollar Jr Primer Margaret Burl- holder Gerald Watson Horner Eleanor WAR MAM A good war maps helps one to follow and understand the war news Family Herald and Weekly of Montreal offers a fine war map in four colors about 2 and feet by and a quarter in a neat cover free of charge to all who subscribe to that great paper at a year The map alone would cost as much as the whole charge in most stores The Family Herald is greatly improved this year and is wonderful value It is a credit to Canadian Journalism it should be every Canadian homo at the price offered a yesrwilh Urn great war free rural districts and small in Canada it has been prepar ed by Mr Adams Town Planning Adviser of the Commis sion who has mado a study of the problems of develop ment in the past three years following years experience in farming land surveying and town plan ning in countries report deals comprehen sively with the social conditions and tendencies in rural areas and the prevailing systems of land settlement and development It indicatcs the rural problems re quiring solution in order to se cure proper development and economic use of land for purpose of convenience and The great injury which land development in Can ada suffers from speculation- neglect of public and want of expert business admin istration of land settlement is considered Incidentally the problem of returned soldiers is dealt with and the connection be tween land development and such questions as taxation unemploy ment and high cost of living is clearly shown Having regard lo the need for more attention being given to production in Canada lo the ex- lent to which production is im paired by speculation in land by neglect of public health and by haphazard systems of develop ment to the importance of in creasing the supply of human skill and energy and of capital derived from production instead of by borrowing the problems dealt with in this report arc of vital and lo the of Ibis country There are five appendices by competent authorities and the concluding chapter gives an out line of proposals and makes gen eral recommendations to cover the conditions as presented Mu nicipal men should read this port Four and offcn five of ordmaiy tea do not go any further than tliree of Red Rose Less Red is required because it consists chiefly of rich strong fullflavored Assam teas Use Red Rose Tea arid- save that extra rv Kept Sealed Package EH 7 r BETTER HAN CASH r l AND HELP CANADA I Mrs Jones I wish I could think of something to rny husband borne in the evenings Mrs firnithson him a car Mrs Jones Hed be out more than ever if I did Mrs No Indeed 1 husband bought one last week and the doctor says he wont ho out for six weeks The Dominion revenue for seven months ending with Octo ber was nearly ahead of thai for the corresponding period last year A THE YOU GAVE I SECURITY IfJTEnEOT BUOY I Li Merchant Tailor Newmarket EiiieipMeiiJit i mm MORE and more the car is looked upon by progressive farmers as farm equipment the same as the I now the hayrake the drill the mower the i arrow and other labor and timesaving machinery A farmer with a Ford car can dispense with one or two of his horses and make the trips to town railway station creamery or to the neigh bours in onethird the time In fact there is no farm machine made that will save the busy farmer and his busy wife so much valuable time as a Ford And its so easy to take care of far easier than a horse No bed to make or hay and oats to get no harnessing and unharnessing and no clean The Ford practically takes care of itself Ask any fanner who owns a Ford if he would ever again try to get along without it Ilia answer will hasten your decision to own one Vfi 1 i WE UNIVERSAL CIS I Touring 495 Sedan a FORD I ii3 ROBERTSON ARCHIVES TORONTO