Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 16 Nov 1917, p. 2

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i Maid for Diet Kitchen o a middleaged Woman to wail Von tables Apply lo Mrs Joy Military Hospital T ft Hoard and Comfortable Single Man Specialty Per manently Slate Terms P O I LOST tntH beoif appointed Id llio Hon J lata Minister of Marino Fisheries wan sworn in an Chic New dont hear of the Union Government ap pointing any to of emolument On Friday Nov on a Met ropolitan car for Newmarket leaving Toronto pm a Watch Howard Mrs Clark McDonald Hill Sealed- Tenders Will be receiv ed up till Saturday Dec let at oclock by the Commission- era John Woodbridgo or J Proctor Newmarket or by New market or A flpcotbr Newmarket for supply ing the Industrial in the Co of York foe one year com mencing Jan 1st and till Dec both days in- eluded Willi Dry Boots and Shooo Poof Broad lite of Tender ban be ob tained from Mr A mil nice at his office tin Home on St No lender necessarily accepted 3w42 CANADAS VICTORY LOAN I The Union Government has done one good thing for the country It haw taken control of all the profits of the packers in excess of per cont well as of oil profits in ox- cess of per cent up to llio per cent This is what the should done two years ago Comments of Exchanges Statesman We are more than little puzzled understand why and bow after I he Union Government was sworn in at Ottawa so many po ll Itcah appointments are being made by Sir Robert- Borden Can anybody tell us Four Senat ors have boon Conservative politicians We were lohl that the Union Gov ernment was formed specially to unite nil classes in an herculean effort win the war not to re ward political heelers of the dead Government with scats in the Senate Can the good great and wise men of the new Cabinet not be trusted to fill appointments to Vacancies loft vacant by the de funct Government Newmarket Military Hospital oss Society sewing Tuba clay afternoon largely at tended was continued till four oclock when the Vlopl Mrs spoke feelingly of the great bereavement which had llio President In tho loss of her son on the and on motion of Mrs Veto sec onded by Mrs the Secre tory was Instructed to write a loiter of condolence conveying the sympathy of Society to herself and family Sewing at IJio rooms over the Post Office every Wednesday from lo I p I J A- largo number from fended tho Mass Meeting held Newmarket last Saturday Mr- arid Mrs M spent Sunday in Toronto Is friends at Mrs ClmrlieGane of Toronto s spending a weok with Mrs Newmarket Nov Canadian Cross Society Newmarket Dear Madam On behalf of the patients at present domiciled in this Hospital wish to thank your Society very much indeed for the extreme kindness and generosity shown by its members in the furnishing of one of the larger dayrooms I can assure you the gift is much appreciated and the forte llioroby rendered avail able the patients will material ly assist in their convalescence Yours very sincerely CAMC Newmarket Hospital Doyle Toronto spent the with his family hero Miss spent the withfriends in New market Miss Heist of Hamilton spent weekend with Mr and Mrs Davis of Toronto is spending a couple of weeks at her parental homo hero Mr on the railway met with might have been a serious on Friday evening while tak ing the mail from the cor to Jef ferson P on St when he was struck by an and thrown about twenty feet Mr Spence Poller of Tottenham called on Mr and A on Monday Mrs is a few days with Mr and Mrs Bond Head 1P0R in bo Uood for WAR OJJLY I Ami Will In HELP WANTED Would you like or daily at home knitting War Sox on Au to Knitters unne cessary Send stamp Dept Auto Knitting Company College St Toronto Newmarket COLLEGE FARM ioun GOOD Must be of good conformation first class milkers and just fresh or due very soon Wo are wil ling lo pay their value for right kind of animal We are also a General Purpose Team Good at all farm wort Call and thern at Newmarket College Farm THE DOUBLE ROUTE i TRACK A number of Newmarket cit izens were invited to the Hospital Saturday evening to enjoy the program with the Soldiers which was lo be furnished by To ronto people It proved to he the best entertainment given in the Assembly Hall since it was occupied for military purposes Capt occupied the chair and was feeling much inorCal home than formerly Jfbc trio Messrs Eugene Jack Clifford and Albert were the life of the whole in character sketches violin and Hawaiian selections etc and were repeatedly encored So were also contributed by Mrs Miss Phyllis Clarke and Mr each of which was greeted with applause The Spanish Dance by Miss Clarke was an exceptional delight lo the soldiers and it was done to per fection The Military Clog Dance and Club Swinging by Mas ter Herbert Humphries wore very clever numbers and the recita tion by Baby Florence Humphries showed remarkable elocutionary ability for one so small Mrs accompanied the musical numbers in a very Efficient man ner and also contributed a pi ano selection which demonstrated her musical ability en tire program including tho en core numbers was certainly a fine one After singing some of the pop ular songs with the soldiers and the National Anthem the floor was cleared and an hour or more spent in dancing to the delight ful music of lie Newmarket Or chestra Ottawa Oct Newmarket Red Cross Dear Madam The Toronto Office has re ported your most generous dona tion of Handkerchiefs Felt Slip pers and Fruit extend the thanks of the Commission for this expression of interest in the welfare of re turned invalided soldiers Yours faithfully Field and Soldiers Comforts between TORONTO It O I and CHICAGO SERVICE Cars on Night Trains and Cars on Principal Day trains Write for copy of Playgrounds Haunts of Fish and Game giv ing Laws Hunting Etc to Horning Union Station Toronto J Depot Agent Phone J Phone Agent tatters from France Georgetown Nov Tragedy followed the landing of a flight of the Flying Corps at this point this afternoon Mrs Win Cleaves aged wife of a welltodo farmer being killed as a result of being struck by the propeller of the machine when the cadet made an attempt to rise in to the air again The cadet who declined to give his name even lo the Coroner made a landing in a largo Held just outside the town ip search gasoline and while he was supplying his needs a large crowd of citizens gathered upwards of a hundred being in the held When the aviator at tempted lo resume his flight he guided the machine along the i ground but as the field not large enough to enable him to up sufficient speed to take to the air be turned it shout and started back down the field In doing this aeroplane ran into crowd several people mostly children being ihocked down and Mrs Cleaves being the propeller Her body was almost cut in two France Oct Dear Mrs Goring- It is with deep heartfelt row that I write lo sympathize with you in the great loss which you have sustained through the death of your grandson Harold Goring I am the Church of England Chaplain of the Brigade of Field Artillery As a Methodist Chaplain was not ob tainable for the funeral service at the time an officer of he Canadian A requested me lo conduct the funeral service Representatives of officers and men wore present The body of your grandson lies buried in a British Military and over his grave a cross has been placed and upon it are recorded his rank name number and unit and the dale on which he was killed The CemeteryIs care- folly kepi May I venture to say how very important it always but especially in limes of adver sity to remember that although our circumstances may change for a season suffering and trial may be our portion yet God does not change Ho is and always Will be our Father whether wo or our dear ones can go His loving and everlasting arms We need to keep before us the larger horizon beyond lbe grave which our Lord Jesus Christ has revealed So rest in serene and joyous hope in His rich promises With deepest sympathy I am yours very faithfully Prior The Ladies hope there will be a good turn out Friday afternoon as there is a large amount of sewing on hand They intend holding a Hot Fowl Supper and Sale of Work at the on Saturday Deo 1st and on Friday Dec 7th a Sale of Work will be held also afternoon lea served Full particulars later Please keep these Iwo dates in mind we need the coopera tion of the citizens even more than in the past if we are to continue our work for Ihc boys overseas Our list is growing and prices have greatly increas ed for all materials The peo ple who generously contributed to the Hospital Fund will he glad to hear the soldiers were delighted with Comfortable Chairs for the recreation room and also toilet articles which were very necessary We would like to acknowledge the very welcome gift ofl2 Cushions the Military Hospital from the Second Street Patriotic Society also a splendid contribution of live chickens from the Young Peoples Patriotic Society Sut ton There will be a collection of papers next week Tuesday on the West side and Thursday the Fast Anyone having papers please Phone No or Two hundred and eighty par cels have been posted to New markets boys the front each containing pairs of Socks Towel 1 Shirt Shoe Laces Bach elor Tooth Brush Paste Toilet and Shaving Soap Writing Materials Pencil and Trench Candle From the Club in each parcel there was Chocolate Dates Peanut Bar Fruity Drops Tobacco and Cigarettes To each man in Bait a pair of Woollen Lined Leather Mills was sent There are still a number of parcels to be sent when the So ciety receives the correct ad dresses Clark Molly Park Mrs Fred of called on friends in lown day Davis Davisville spent Sunday with her aunt Miss Gra ham Unite a bit of on Saturday evening when an aero plane HI in Mr F Leonards field northeast of this be ing the second one to light in the same field Ibis fall He was making his first lest across the country from lamp lo To ronto and return and when this far on his return was Caught in the fog and wailed till Sunday when lie made a new start but when getting up top of a large tree breaking his pro peller and having no more pow er was trying to glide to earth but was caught by the electric wires on Hie railway and pitched headlong to earth the engine go ing down about feet in the ground The aviator got a bad bruise on his eye but escaped other injuries Cane Mr end Mrs John Wright visited Mrs Monroe on Sunday and Mrs A Cornell last Saturday with friends at Britain of spending two weeks of with his parents Storey and daughter from were guests of Mr A Brooks last Sunday Mr Clarence May of London attended the funeral of Miss May and is spending few days Town Mrs Maw is spending few days with her daughter Toronto Tho latter had Operation this week Mr Stephens daughter were in town last day They are moving Conquest MadHi Editor of the Tribune was in town last Saturday attending the Lib- I Can be Sold- at any Time in ah and THEY GIVE GOOD INTEREST SECURITY YOU CAN TURN THEM INTO MONEY more readily than any other security BUY THEM oral Mass Meeting ami gave the Era a friendly call Mr John of West Toronto was shaking hands with old friends oh Market last Saturday morning He has nol been feeling very well lately Norman of the Ar my Dental Corps spent the week end with his uncle Mr Meek accompanied by his friend W L Duranl also of the Army Dental Corps Cadet Alfred Starr of the Flying Corps was in town yes terday on his way to Ho lias a months leve of ab sence- to bis invention with an electrically operated mo tor boat Mr L Robertson of To ronto brother of Mr T J Rob ertson was here on Tuesday to show his sympathy in the fam ilys sorrow also Mrs of Toronto on Wednesday Miss Helen Robertson got borne from Ottawa on Wednesday morning DEPT 35 JUL I her CANADAS VICTORY BONDS A OH THE MARKET GET BEHIND AND BOOST THEM Miss of spont the weekend friend Miss McMurchy Mr Albert Marshall is away on his annual hunting trip up north The and Farmers Club met at the home of Mr on Tuesday evening with a good attendance and a very interesting meeting Anniversary and reopening services were held in St An drews Presbyterian Church hero on Sunday Rev W of conducted service both morning and evening The Maple Presbyterian Choir fur nished music at both services PATTERSONS DRUG STORE Undertake to Buy If mm to HOLLAND LANDING Mrs J Stephenson and daugh ters spent a day or two in To ronto week Mr and Mrs Monday and children spent Sunday with the formers father Mr Chas Davi son Miss Amy Pegg intends leavfng sometime this month for a three- months visit with her sister Saull Mrs W is spending a few weeks with her Bister at ville Mrs Jane Stephenson receiv ed a message one day last week of the death of her brother-in- law Mr Black formerly of this place but of late he had been living with his nephew in Saskatchewan Ernest Pegg who has re turned from England after spend ing some months spent the week end under the parental roof Mr A Ough who has been on a farm on Second St is moving into our village for the winter o v J MILLARD Western Hospital To ronto on Nov 1 3th wife of Geo of Newmarket a son LOCH ERNE KING In honor of my brother Gun ner Mallland Harold Goring who was killed in action on the of Hit King and Country called him The call was not In And on the Empires roll of honor You will find my brothers name Proudly bo donned the khaki Ho went to tin his bit a should Mr Dan Stewart and Mr have gone deer hunting Mr Wes Cook has gone to To ronto Miss Oldham is spending the weekend with her parents at Ml Albert A colt belonging to Mr J Trainor fell down Mr Gra hams well and when taken out the animal was dead Miss Mary and Miss M Shropshire were home over Sun day Miss Hope is visiting in Hamilton Mr and Mrs Amos Lapp spent Sunday at Mr Win Miss Thompson of Holt was visiting in Pine Orchard Mr and Mrs M Duncan enter tained a few of their friends on Tuesday evening Sorry to hear that Mr Playler poorly Mr Earl Lemon has- to Pine Orchard- The Womens Institute packed boxes for the boys at the front for Xmas The Willing Workers ere also preparing boxes for the boys strikes on American Gov ernment work were ordered dis continued by the Federation of Labor As of an outbreak of smallpox at I fie provincial board of health has forbidden meetings In the infected district iind Wrt On Sunday evening last pastor Rev Payne preached a very profitable and inspiring ser mon from the text found in Judg es He is very much in earnest and such sermons should arouse us out of our lethargy he said all Christians should be In earnest now as never before for the enemy is well about us Miss Stella Cook was calling on friends here last week prior to her departure for the West where she intends to spend tho winter Mrs Milljo of Newmar ket is spending a time calling on her numerous friends Pleased To see her looking so well Miss Cynthia Cook Miss Mine and Mr Gordon Lemon were Toronto visitors on Sunday last On Wednesday evening Nov a large congregation met at tho church lo say goodbye lo Mr Murray one of our young men who enlisted and was on his last leave before going over seas Rev Payne made a very touching address He said all honor to father and mother who gave consent to their son enlisting and all honor to Mur ray for enlisting Ho also pre sented him with a handsome wrist as a small of esteem from the neighborhood also two pairs of socks from Cross Society Ho asked that the united prayers of all should ascend to the throne of Hi ace for his safe return A dainty lurid was afterwards in the of tho Che by Altar on Nov by Rev Brown Mr Oakley of ville lo Miss Ida of May At Newmarket on Monday Nov May daughter of the late and Harriett May Funeral on Wednesday from residence of Jacob Doyle In terment at Pine Orchard Watson At his late residence Laskay on Sunday Nov nth Joseph Watson beloved husband of Caroline Harris in his year Funeral Wednesday Inter ment King City Cemetery Killed in action in France Nov T Jef frey Robertson only son of Mr and Mrs J Robertson of Newmarket aged years Waffle At Keswick on Nov Mary Jane wife of aped years Interred in on Nov 1917 In Toronto on Thurs day Nov Lois Pat terson widow of the late Sam uel Mainos formerly of Holt in her 7ith year Funeral to Albert Cemetery on Monday In In memory of Joseph A who departed the life on Nov Asleep in Jesus Loving Wife Brothers Sisters PINE ORCHARD Sorry to hear that Mr Wat son is in poor health Miss M VanLuven spent a few days in the city last week Mrs W who has late ly moved to Newmarket will be missed from the neighborhood Miss Merle Shropshire also Miss Mary of Toronto were borne over Sunday Last Wednesday afternoon the Womens Institute packed a dor- en Boxes foe our boys overseas- Each contained 2 pre Socks 3 lbs Fruit Cake 1 Dates boxes Figs Can of Cof fee Chocolate Bars Gum Candy and Nuts The Institute will hold the regular meeting at the home of Mrs Wesley Lundy on Wednes day afternoon Nov 21 at Miss May will give a paper on My Country My District My Homo Roll call Vegetables for Winter last meeting the Institute decid ed lo make a contribution lo the Belgian Children Relief Fund has already been subscribed WAR NEWS A new British Victory of im portance in Palestine a farther withdrawal of the Turks in Mes opotamia the defeat of a great German attempt lo retake Ridge from the Canadians the smallest losses la British merchant shipping the unrestricted warfare began evidences that the Italians are putting up an increasingly opposition lo the forces and the apparent triumph of Kerensky in are bright features of lb news In loving memory of Cecil Close died Nov aged years months and days Gone dear gone forever I How wo miss your smiling face But you left us to remember None on earth can take your place Mother end Sisters J We Announce the New Winter The car makes winter motoring Canda practical economical comfort able And is ell- NECESSITY ell top vital modem need Ilia most practical way Hie cars are lha tour- in- live new ton give tMJfwice end com- leu cloud cue price Corns to cur OOiK yea lisve Liidtci The Miasio floods note o ihresij Missir nesda Mrs MrG trio Tin pra jecta of The have or have only the 1 as uf day out Re Chun make Nov Toi great a tin j be religi the bath alien and Ms plied her Hill heirs Burn By en killed ing equ moth ton riagt Agar will ale cons a in in lb At Hum I Tl CI as last rati a work were leaol oho on it Me son Sep a and fir r men meet by of Wert Una sum join PC Ob Villi tu it year irti fori I The or OM1V TORONTO

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