at Mount of Winter ftnil Onions also ah Imported Hied Island and a TpT A pulpit of Ibj Church on Sunday next both morning will bo people of Mount Albert- as here about throe yours Acordial invitation is ox jo all t bo prese A i Miss daughter of Mr and Mrs John of Holt was married hi North Bay Wednesday Oct Mr Geo Mallin of Dane Northern Ontario mm TOR MAKING HARD SOFT SOAP ff DIRECTIONS WMi da Davidson 30 Toole Morjoy Rowland 205 Dike Willie Woodruff- Hayes Varna Hayes Wood cock Morris Crowder Angus Hazel Johnston i Quito men have Talent and Pie Clipper Dome and i Very roporlcd hoar tfyat MnrVjnbb fa rtii poorly Mian Marion West a her tin hi in- expedition service on Sunday evening was Mr cold weather fasti Indian corny yet Beauty Profits from Savings fail Shin OKNSVIIXE for tile Weal Mr business Mr of Cedar ed Ids family Into Mr Dan and Hie for which wc thankful and hope we can a light to out of I ho mud MM making a visit with by call to in- in of Hie Hi- and Hilda Quite a number Halloween played but they did ahowjuch originality thft grandpa played There wore and wood aituatioh till bad in vicin- Fanners with wood for aula are too to Toole 1Kb est in Hilda and Andoraoii Jr IF Total Marjorjo Vera Mel- Arthur- Harrison Annie 27r Stanley Ma- dill Wilson 215 Sharon was again favored with Hog Elliot- an airship whieh had The above is Holland to fall on the anding boy whoso of Mr Mrs of Toronto J ndar Wailed Mra Dollar Mr and Mra John Tate spent Sunday Willi Mr drays at Maple Quite a number attended the I ramie Rally Sunday evening Mr Whit- rendered a splendid l is subject a little booklet that to the hands pi every reader of this paper who Is anxious to to invest his or her savings where they will barn with safety of interest Many of the people to whom we have tills a result of receiving It Invested their funds in Mortgage Corporation In J and upward and orb a fixed period to your people bat Invested I In debentures vItbout the one dollar In- vetted Wo know book wo will It to you ire Writs for g i i l 1 1 and wife ihompson fipeyl the I Manv of our young men exorcised over question father and other are both dead and be residing with ins Mrs Arthur when ho wenl of his own accord to To ronto and enlisted in May He is a typical specimen of Can adian manhood He aid now j of age has been in the trenches in France for over two years and ia one of the few ones who be ing wounded for the soldiers these daya Mrs W Sweet was visiting her spenl a few Ay I ward tribunal alarla its work in the OddFellows Hall born on Thura- at oclock So far only Cwo reported aervico Victory will ho before the people next week Every who baa any funds to Invest should buy these Loan Bonds the very fccal security and returning a food ralo of Ihoy will help more than anything to win the war The fuel situation getting Very little coal has been received here so far and lack Peterson absenl I Total Pass Margaret Harper daughter Mrs Owens at A Little the Rosa- Violet in The local Smith Agnes Tlie ladies last week packed V Christmas to send to hoys In all there woro boxes which wofro tilled Willi Socks Caps Cake Candy Candles Writing Pads Eli Those who bad charge of this work wish lo thank all who con tributed so liberally to this good cause in helping to send a cheer from home to our boys at If anyone baa envelopes for the Red please- forget to fill as money is needed very badly lo carry on our work Any- not having get lliern stores by asking for thorn Tlio amount for the Rod Cross for October was and we to extend our thank to Misa Dunns Class of the Pres byterian for the sum of Our Meetings continue to be interesting instructive and well attended The offi cers are taking hold nicely and membership is responding to leadership On Monday evening Nov Miss Grace our 1st VicePres occu pied the chair and also read the paper on the topic The Masters SelfRestraint She pointed out among other tilings how Christs great temptation was to Misuse his powers and how His selfrestraint con- his victory over tempta tion The address was well de livered and was attentively lis tened lo Miss Ruby de- us with a sweetly render ed solo roll was called and goodly number responded Next frfonday the Meeting will be in of the Missionary connection with Iheroin- Service in the last Sunday over one hun dred teachers and scholars sign ed the Total Abstinence Pledge Sara Woodcock 295 Arthur Wil liamson Kenneth Frank Harrison 208 Hilda Kenny Velum Rolling Morton Hreen aba for subject aba for 3 subjects Helen absent Jr Dons Stokes Flor ence Harper Norman Harri son Dorothy Peterson Nelson Pe terson Primer A Pass lha 208Irono Dyke Kenneth Hayes Thompson Mario Drap er 178 Bruce Johnston Mol ly Fisher Ethel French Dorothy Woodruff MR Kennedy Primer Total 100 Pass David son Marion Gray Russell Muriel Ross Doug las Joyce Alvin 72 Win Kenny Earl Harrison Kenny Peterson Laura Peterson Billy Dunn absent Walts Teacher Baldwin Breezes Heres your huckleberry Can adian oranges vulgarly known pumpkins are a allmrcrop this season Wu lament lo report our favorite pie will be non often is a frequent remark thai such and such a dame is helping her lord and master get in his and spuds Mrs Bens tall figure was observed rising and bowing she did yeoman service in the turnip and sugar beet harvesting Her chief dif ficulty was it was a long stoop Many a farmer is under lasting obligations to the fair for acting as Jack at a pinch and assisting at harvest The Miss es Aird and the Wall Shop- did equal to must address which was appreciated by all Mrs is spending a few visiting in Root season will soon he over W Ramsay from the Front Friday evening Mr and Mrs Watson spent Sunday with Mrs Huntley of Wonder who our two wanderers were Sorry to hear Mr Ramsay the misfortune lo break a rib Mr Ramsay returned home visiting with his niece in Proton Mrs WilliUm was called lo the city very suddenly The Halloween party in Shar on was a grand success Mrs Jerry of Button visited Mrs last week Mrs Stairs with Mrs A very was last Wednesday at he Institute Meet ing Mrs tea- was ritsri the farencra of Ihulr business by for the Loan as II will florna hack to them both In Interest and good prices The money raised In on this Loan will be spent In Canada TU1E8 AT QOHQirJA ISLAND CHATHAM HEW IIAMBURO Sutton West Married At the Methodist Parsonage by Rev J W Arnoll A on Saturday evening Minnie Rose daughter of the lalo Mr Robert Rose of North to Mr John Wood of Roachs Pol Old The League of Sutton held annual Rally Ser vice on Monday Nov The sub ject of the program was Oreai- mostjrT Production A Queensville The WMS November meeting will be held at the home of Mrs J Flanagan on Thursday after noon at half two Mrs will deal with the educa tional work Vcgorvillfi Alia Mrs will bring the supply work before the meeting and here will also be a paper on Home Helpers Gladys Flan agan will sing All interested welcome Miss Atkinson the weekend at the Manse Most successful Anniversary Services were held in the Olh morning and evening services The sermons Mr R W Rum- ley A were very much appre ciated offerings were generous both Miss Holborn of Sutton very fecllvely assisted the Choir and sang a solo each service very acceptably Union Services- Sabbath will be hold in the Methodist at if am League will be held as usual on Nov if at pm Everybody cordially invited III INI Church Sunday Nov The Church was crowded at them Sunday evening Rev J W A will preach on How to vole Kveryone inter ested in is Invited School 1HCPORTS Report of Ml Albert School for and absence during one of the Class Total Tbirsk Nellie Johnston Kenneth 320 Florence Rowland Robs Stokes I MS Jessie Ivan Helen Davidson Margaret Rob ert Harrison Ugliest in ArithinelioLyla Thirak and Kenneth Highest- in Spoiling Jessie Hansford Highest in Hygiene Highest in Literature I Class Total Kb- Cora 50 296 Bella 1 Tuesdays There vas a largo turnout Sunday to Missionary An niversary Rev was worth hearing Those who did not attend missed a treat Most farmers taking in Iho roots the weather is fine Mrs Rose has been quite poorly Hope she will soon bo feeling better Tiie market wa well attended on Prices good understand people are getting quite uneasy that they wont get their church moved and fixed up for winter The people who did not attend the party at Mrs on Sat urday night missed a Ireat Wo had a swell time Clad lo see Miss Draper out again after being so poorly Everybody was pleased to see Mrs home again pur store keeper at is kept quite busy more so on maids men Dad must remember Ibis tendance was present and a fine meeting We Mr and Mrs OBrien and lo know our Mr and Mrs Thompson on motored up from Toronto and invite all to come and enjoy spenl Sunday among friends here Lola and lots of pralies and roots yet lo he got in around here The Injun is not the only one lardy about getting his harvest Lazy white man loo Our kids and old boys are not unreasonable at Halloween damage is ever done here thy their Probably they Do as I hey wish lo be done by Some years ago I saw it sample of what suburban kids could do and incendiarism was amongst their stockintrade Can any good thing come out of the wilderness of Herman says fiomo and see Miss Moore of is a guest at In Ibe general scarcity of farm labor our kids fill an aching void Almost any kid with a good record as a hustler can command one dollar and a quarter and grub Some have harvested a consider able deal of bank bills Uncle Johnston the oldest kid in act ive service age years six months has been busy as a nail er helping his neighbors be cause hed rather work than be idle guess two of our local lads Willie son of Duncan Craw ford and Bertie son of Wilmol Riddel may be reckoned among the pupils Newmarket High School These boys a good show for being among the smart men of coming days We have some clover young women present in Continuation Class- at Sutton They will bo seen at Newmarket later on In thinking over fifty years ago remember what smart oio boys there were in Newmarket in those days They sowed wild with a lavish hand I dare not particularize The poor deer are suffering now I dont know which are lljo hardest on the deer the Can adian grey wolf or the human wolves I see many preachers on- the list of hunters Huh pretty preachers they I couldnt the heart to shoot them the Innocent deer for sport But would delight in peppering fye mo Mabel Mary Winnie Little Charlie Morton 178 Bigheat in In SpellsMary In Hygiene Rol ling wittiest Literature fitlfsv- fU8 Jr Hil ls it true Mr Wellie baa a new car Mrs is our teach er till Mr Sennet gels bettor busy the hide of the ravenous wolves I fVvtJ I 1- Buildings to remove alto Counter suitable for or ftnd Mirror Apply Bo SI 40 Mercury The man tons of coal in his cellar and a couple of hundred pounds of In the know witetber spend in drilling with the home guard or to ait on hie steps shot Heport of No I North for Those absent marked thus Class Draper Draper Aliee Terry Class III Violet Miller Macy Terry Myrtle Wilkinson Dyer Class Myrtle Peters Fern Wilkinson Class Miller Veda Pollock Class I Jr Harry Aubrey Primer A Annie Nelson Karl Peters Willie Terry Hazel Primer Hurst Harold Primer Winifred Ida Wiikinson Lome Edith Taylor George Nelson Emerson Cecil Total on roll N Teacher GIRLS I ITS YOUR STEP THAT I Woman pay loo rnuoh hoed to their Instead of their corns Watch your step A brisk lively step is what charms more limn a lovely skin but your high heels have caused corns and you limp a little Thats bad girls and you know it Corns destroy beauty and grace besides corns are very easy to remove Rid your feet of every corn by asking at any drug store for a quarter of an ounce of freezono This will cost little but is suffi cient to remove every hard or soft corn or callus from feet A few drops applied directly upon a tender touchy corn re lieves the soreness and soon entire corn root and all right out without This is a gummy sub stance which dries instantly and simply the corn with out inflaming or oven irritating surrounding skin Women must mind that feet create a youthful stop which enhances her attract iveness Lot Jlmbury on or h out Oat Oxford Uown for information to KuSh and Oct 14th and On Sunday at six Oclock in the morning our An niversary Services commenced There were present at this opening Prayer Meeting and a true spirit of prayer ascended lo God for a rich blessing upon our School Scholars and the work generally also for good weather and success all through As it was the anniversary also of the Missionaries Mr and Mrs Jones these services were par ticularly interesting and special blessings were expected and also received Mr Chief our worthy veteran in the good war fare occupied the pulpit in the morning The vigor with which our good brother preached was very marked and his message was thoroughly enjoyed by an at- lent congregation In the afternoon our much re spected Acling Chief Jobn the son of our morning preacher occupied the chair An excellent congregation gathered and the service com menced by singing that inspiring song Onward Christian Sol diers Several speeches were made and wo of the children Christina Ashquabe and sang solos which were well sung and much enjoy ed After the Roll Call and collection by two specially chos en girls and Lizzie a very happy and successful meeting was closed by Under of NORTH YORK REFORM ASSOCIATE To Nominate a Candidate AT THE TOWN HALL NEWMARKET- on SATURDAY AT P I7J ARE INVITED THE LADIES Central Executive Committee will bo Convened at Oclock 8harp CANE J WALTON SAVE THE KING Next came a recital by front Porte After singing Sound he Baltic Cry the Missionary Superintendent gave the follow ing report of the years work Votes of thanks were accorded every helper- and the col- All Hail the Power of Jesus Name and the benedic tion by the Missionary At pm the Evening Service commenced with the Missionary W Jones occupying the and preaching from PS to an appreciative audience was the soloist and the singing all through was excellent It was indeed splendid to hear the children sing so well and al so lo see the marked attention paid to the sermons and ad dresses and as the Banner was inscribed which stretched from wall lo wall of the nicely ap pointed Church so many hearts prayed Bless the Boys Girls The Sabbath closed with All Hail the Power of Je sus Name and we thanked for answers to our prayers of morning in giving us good congregations and collections On Wednesday the the Day School closed at the noon cess lo enable the scholars to take their anxiously looked for trip on our esteemed friend new Boat Keche At 230 we started from the wharf amid the ringing cheers of scholars and were taken around the Island a dis tance of or Our old friend Chief accompanied us At 5 oolock lea was served in Council Hall a sumpluou feast and we all enjoyed it the Public Meeting commenced with thai good old hymn Oh for a tongues lo Sing which was very heartily in Indian Native Tongue and the remembrance of this and other things will never bo erased from the memory of the Missionaries Chief the Chairman for the exening gavt an earnest which augured well for the rest of the evening procedure children ren dered an song remarkably well and Wore sung An interesting item was the singing in Indian of wellknown hymn by and noo It Is vny pleasing to find such talent In the ludian fend a of to of the Methodist Hoard at Toronto and the Cer- is now presented to this Class In the interests of our young men we have a class called the Young Mens Union and we lake nis opportunity of inviting all with All Hail the Power of young men married or single JesusNauw So we finished as Missionaries occasion of llie first Anniversary Services annual our boys among these people will did and lude and praise and collected by them prayers that we may go on to feel and know Island tho Lord of Hosts is with us the God of Jacob is our Refuge W Jones Missionary Teacher Island Oct to Oct One pleasant feature Is the commencement of a Young Society the and 33 members have al ready joined We throueh On Oct Mrs and I found ourselves upon this Island come at the Masters bid- ls hevounp ding to work for them here It hem to work And was Oct exactly one year make them active for God In from Sunday last when I first jj a conducted in this place sunshine into every home en Presently we formed it into island billy in Hie classes with Mrs room bring cheer and 1 Miss and Mr as f when obtainable Chief teachers who have faithfully Hon Missionary I continued at their posts and are Jones is us to this day Miss Big- sail suffered a period of sick- r hut least I- but we rejoiced when she ian upon all returned in answer to many prayers Many happy s noons have wo spent together of the Church the interest in Iho School being chosen will assisJ Hie Of- continued with every evidence School in fixinz that has come lo stay he business of Hie School call- During the year Interna- of lional Lessons have been given On regularly and a marked interest side Chief has been noticed chief John Mrs Thorn On many Sunday afternoons wo School haw had company of our old- the School which are and Li brarian Jones Cradle Poll Teacher and Organist Mr Teachers Mrs Miss have are worthy friends and during the sum mer season once wo had quite a number of white folk all of which visits were greatly appreciated by us A Library was commenced with books Interest is not keen on this but we hope when the library has been enlarged and Two of our scholars hauow arranged wo may have more sat- tbo ranks during Ine year results of whom are glad A few books are still out and been released would ask that so that Iho things up promised some on your and we no reason collected h why wo cannot eventually make ponded in it a Library for the wholeiuse of the School in hand of W01 During the year wo commenced In for alUndance render our if a banner at the of the God for strengtb and ran Mrs Ashquals Class and for holds Iheliunner This- Tbe Lord of us The of called the Class is to Prizes have been awarded lor their great assistance The boys and girls have attended the Gods House in a commendable way orderly wellbehaved It has been by all concerned There may have been a few exceptions of Past Years Work of but Christian love helps us to for get these TOR mm