K3K VCVCxC I- if- I 1 i ftV f i l 1 i M w I r E HI This Up to Date Range has a ventilated oveir With walls of that to a turn The door enables you to watch the baking mi the shows exact Our free booklet describes other special features Write for it vFaak- TORONTO MONTREAL VAItCODVBR bold by w ALLAN CO i i i SIR WILFRID piatler and adjudicated v upon now If was not a crtUating the does the Canadian On whom leader Qovernmbnt outlines whose Quebec openly On question fitronuoualy and poraietcntly warSh Wilfrifl that objection to the govern ment policy tie lliatit only preached the Nationalist doctrine of No partiolpalfon by Canada in Imperial wars Tier own In and not attempt to con- The greatest aorvico that can script wealth resources or bo rendered the brave inch of any porsona oiherJavo first claim upon bur those who corno within and sympathy to replace ago limit prescribed by Mil- life How lo do in the way best calculated duty of a ad- 1 to enable each man lo if ministration would bo lo And J possible selfsustaining is- a the men money and resources no- task lhatwill cajl for display to lhj fullest Of all thai Is noblest and best in measure of support lo our the Canadian people Nov bushels of grain were destroyed on the rented farm of John Murray miles from here yesterday afternoon when Maz ing ball from blow pipe of the grain separator of a threshing outfit lit in some loose No one was injured hut the men in stable and the horses wcro taken out in safety No Ipsur- was carried on either the barn or crop The grain de stroyed included of bushels of wheal 100 bushels at barley tons of hay and a silo of ensilage A new milking machine and gasoline pitching ahanvofl had to make ajgine recently installed were also exit There were no cattlo Get your blood pure keep the liver active and the bowels and disfiguring pimples and unsightly blotches will disappear from the face For improving the complexion and putting the blood in good order soldiers at the front and lo en able Canada to continue to tho very end to do her splendid part to war To this Sir Wil frid As to the present Military But there Is another duly de volving upon us the discharge of which should precedo tho above mentioned The measures now In force for the maintenance care of the soldiers do- I I i li are safer better and surer than They the system en the organs and purify the bloodsbring the health- glow to the cheeks brighten the eyes improve and Service Act policy will be not pendents and families arc to proceed further under its pro- adequate or equitable In an visions until the people an fort lo rectify this state of af- lo pronounce upon fairs and to emphasize its by way of a referendum to the nations obligations lo pledge myself forthwith to sub- the soldiers and their depend- the act the people and which must ho my followers to carry out by the nation and not through the wishes of the majority of the of public benevolence or ion as thus expressed charily Mr member As remedies for an at the last ses- which is admittedly of during the critical Sir Wilfrid promises consideration of the Military control- olVoftd moved this thoughtful supplies and prices slop to i resolution profiteering the further considera- two I no tariff made sineo Hie beginning of the lion of his bill he deferred until provision ha ho would remove made for the dependents per cent corning war arc modules from outside Great Britain and per cent on goods coming from Great Britain Ho also would Immediately remove the duties on on all Canada soldiers enlisted for overseas as will remove the necessity for raising money by public sub scription for their support Still The resolution was opposed by agricultural implements and Government and the motion essentials as demanded by Die for its adoption was defeated Western farmers I nut he necessity for action still In connection with the high J exists and prompt action must bo cost of living he would take drastic steps to bring under I i 1 It- AW i it Mi El A i Then you know its taken lo put the soldiers and their dependents beyond any possibili ty of want after public subscrlp- ceased and the glamor war have i Made If Its Anything Its a l A8K ABOUT CANADIAN PHODUOY If You TORONTO West Ma rats I- 5 i- i a fc Zr fa- i To have gained first place as the largest selling gum in the world means that J 1 OP is liked above all others That its quality lasting flavour and its sealed package are the kind most ap preciated And that its benefits to teeth breath appetite and digestion have been proven x I nV mm A ia lift mm Pi control all foodproduc ing factories so that food may bo sold at a price under the and excitement of the control of the Government I worn away The manifesto proceeds One of the most important contribu tions towards winning the war is to put a stop lo profiteering on war supplies The Government has deliberately encouraged pro fiteering for the benefit of its parlizan followers A first duty of administration would be to ensure to the country which pays for war supplies the excess of exorbitant profits being realized by profiteers If necessary Sir Wilfrid continues he would not hesitate lo take control of he factories engaged in supply of war materials Most of the articles In the Governments manifesto are simply stale commonplaces ex tracted from the Conservative program of I9JJ forgotten after the election resurrected for a new election Such is the prom ise of economy of public expend iture and such ho promise of civil service reforms two re forms which the Opposition would have been happy to support in the last Parliament if the Govern ment had afforded them the op portunity One particular item is deserving of attention A strong and progressive policy of immigration is promised This will be perhaps the most im portant question after the war The burdens which arc now be ing accumulated and which will have to he assumed and borne by the Canadian people can be faced if he enormous resources of the country are developed But de velopment demands a rapid In crease in the population hence the necessity of a strong and pro immigration policy is manifest that the promised strong and progressive policy has been seriously impaired by breach of faith with naturalized Cana dian citizens involved in the withdrawal of the political fran chise from large numbers of these citizens This must prove a serious blow to immigration especially when conduct he Canadian Government is with the attitude of he United where no such indignity has been placed upon naturalized citizens An article of program of the Government speaks of the de velopment of transportation fa cilities but in vague though j rather ambitious terms No men- lioji is made of the acquisition of he Canadian Northern Railway this subject was not exhaust ed by the legislation of last ses sion and will be one of the most important duties of the next Parliament again to review ft One feature of the Act of last session is that the Government becomes the owner of the slock of the company of the nominal value of sixty million dollars There never was a dollar paid on that stock The exports em ployed by he Government to ap praise the value of the whole en terprise men of acknowledged ability and experience them selves have reported that stock of the company has no val ue whatever Vet Govern ment taken authority to ap point a board of arbitrators to give a value to hat property which their experts have declared absolutely without value The Opposition asked that the report of arbitrators whal over it might be should bo laid before Parliament for approval Though this motion was is the right of the people to In order to be to sat isfy the public conscience and to secure thai acquiescence in a verdict which should be he last word on nil questions submitted lo the people a general election should he an appeal to the elec torate such as it exists under the law The Government have dis carded that fundamental principle of the Institutions of a free peo ple They have designedly al tered the sanctity of the fran chise by choking discussion by ruthlessly using the closure hoy have deliberately manufactured a franchise with which they to win a victory at the polls a passing victory for themselves a permanent injury lo the country This act known as the War Times Election Act is a blot up on every instinct of Justice hon esty and fair play It takes away the franchise from certain denominations whose members from ancient times in English history have been exempt from Military ser vice and who in Great Britain never wore and are not now denied their rights of citizenship Alton takes away the franchise from men whom we invited to the country to whom we promised all the rights and privileges of our citizenship who trusted in our promises and who became under oui laws British subjects and citizens They are humiliated and regard ed with contempt under the pre tence that being born in enemy Countries In Germany and Aus tria they might be biased in fa vor of their native country and against their adopted country The assumption is false in theory and might easily be so demon strated If is sufficient to ob serve thai it is also false in fact There has not been any current of emigration from Germany lo Canada during the last twenty years and as to Austria almost the total number perhaps nlne- lenlhs of the emigrants from thai country not from Austria proper but from those Slav prov inces held by force by Austria and whose sympathies are strong and deep against her and for the Allies gives the franchise to some women and denies it lo others All whose privilege it is have near relatives amongst the soldiers will be voters The right will be refused lo nil those not so privileged though their hearts are just as in the cause and although they have worked incessantly for il Moreover in five provinces of the Dominion namely Ontario Manitoba Sas katchewan Alberta and British Columbia women have been ad mitted to the franchise Accord ing lo the terms of the Dominion law no sophistry can blur being electors in the province women are electors in the The Act of last ses sion snatches away that right from Act Vicious In The Act is vicious in prin ciple and is equally vicious its enacting dispositions Wo in most of be provinces of the Dominion a regular system of preparing IKo voters lists and against that system no complaint has been heard during the last twenty years That system is also cast and lists are to he prepared by an army of socalled work OURTEOUS attention to your needs wherever you may travel is something you appreciate and being a Ford owner you can get it You always among friends There are more than Ford Dealer Service Stations through out Canada These are always within easy reach of Ford owners for gasoline oil tires repairs accessories expert advice or motor adjustments The cost of Ford Service is as remarkably low as the cost of the car itself Nineteen of the most called for parts cost only Just compare this with the cost of spare parts for other cars and you will realize the advantage of owning a Ford Runabout 473 Touring Coupclet THE UNIVERSAL CAR Sedan F O FORD kTn ROBERTSON DEALER NEWMARKET to be exercised In due time and with all doors wide open for rors confusion and frauoa Liberal members of reconstructed Government have put the mangle of their respect ability upon Ibis nefarious Act by Should I be called upon lo form a Government I would hope lo include in representatives of Objects to bo Attained These considerations I now place before my fellowcountry men of all creeds and of all and of appreciation cultuo the men whose sole I have deemed it my object in dealing with the affairs more than ever perhaps as well as upon the Canadian country will bo to devote Northern Railway Act and upon whole resourceswealth and many others against which they of the country to the win- strongly protested and from of the war It can only no which their presence in the Gov- j honest agreement among cannot remove me different elements and and indefensible charac- interests of the country I would tor hope to have a Government rep- Such legislation is repugnant of the masses of the to every sense of justice and people the common people whose right has for its object and guiding principle should be to for its effect to discourage and defend them against organized to stifle the free expression of privilege which has heretofore the will of people and lo make had far loo much control over Parliamentary Government he Government of he country In mere name without the reality this election it is A bold attempt is being made corn lo silence the voice of people Ihe course of my long public life to work frankly and equivocally upon Ihe problems that now confront us The obtaining or the retention of office is at all times only a secondary consider ation In this election Hie su preme end is at all limes only a secondary consideration In this election the supreme end is to assist in the tremendous strug gle in which we are engaged jo maintain Ihe unity of be nation to avoid the divisions and discord which for many years kept in are now unfortunately rny desire that check 1 again looming up people should of express em- Jfa Ihe view every organize at y constituency candidates in order to defeat such a of this policy may he r 1 I will accept It conspiracy Ihe masses nominated so that the people can victory ardrr l 7 as T will bo a Canada In a Changed World bo fewer than War and will to copo with responsi bilities of never boon known prepared Are Canadas I I AT IJLiWrlAnUET Are Particularly Adapted for tho Enormously ImportantYask of Useful Capable unci Women to Improve their to and to tho Community CLASSES WILL BE OPENED WLiWHilfclii ON it in lew AY EIGHT People make no Effort to Improve their Position by Study have no Right to Grumble if Employers pass by when Promotions are being made or Wages Increased f I I ESS SET V of