Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 9 Nov 1917, p. 2

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1 A TO Church Newmarket Apply on the premises Mrs flood Team one Black and Apply Newmarket oilo Apply f v Strong Horse good In all harness Dollars CUAPPKU Hill A smart lo learn the au tomobile business Apply at Thompsons Oarage Newmarket I From Lot to Lot Con Koel a Yearling Heifer red and white Owner can have same by proving pro perly and paying expenses MARVIN Holt an Informal Kinff George Hotel in marvel last Tuesday of lornooji to have a oft political In NorthYork the renult of that tho advised to call Wirt Maia McoiinR the Town Newmarket on Saturday after- next Nov to nominate- a War candidate and the Executive to meet at one oclock sharp on the day and at Hie same place It is hoped that man selected Who will support the Union Government in the immediate enforcement of the Conscription Act and use his voice in favor of conscription of wealth und munition profits as well as against the iniquitous passed hV the Government whoso friends have lined their ppokpN out of Everybody man and who is anxious to win this War should attend The Liberal women of North York have done just much Patriotic work the women they have known no politics in their anxiety to win War Let every who will oust her first vole at the election come out and hear the issues Thompson at the Office Terry Pie A Robinson j Mve Mett Brown spent weekend with relatives in Keith was Hamilton yesterday on- a business trip I to Hospital The soldiers are to bo given a Iront by Toronto talent evening and evening next week the Choir of the Christian Church lo give them program E Iho funeral of He Into la Purest lit on Tuesday only the Waller came 3 6VBOp back from the last week that the I to fcouoht all of It put up In iinT tin Field and 8 A vino One Carload of Apples vari eties Carload of Nut For prtocs of RALPH Workmens Club I TO RELIT and convenient on Huron Apply to J Newmarket FEMALE Would you like or daily home knitting War Sox on Aw- to Knitters Send stamp Knitting Company Toronto On account or the local Tri bunal sitting on the of Nov and following days Meeting not bo held on Nov and in hereby postponed until Nov At at A a MACKENZIE rn up 2w4fl Your Earulno Charles boon lately to flU itioh at month and up to annum It to got a r training Write for Enter VJ leader Addressed to will lio up to for purcuiaso of the West of of hot G and acres West of Lot ou th Con of East Mrs The is timbered with and may bo by purchasere at any time flhe land and tim ber or Umber alone will ha sold to euit purchaser The or any tender not necessarily ac- C6pted further particulars aply to Solicitor for Vendor A Cow with long strayejl from of Newmarket a few days ago Information of bor be rewarded When a certain was a boy on the farm clean ing Wheat was one of the things be never liked lo do because ho always had turn the Tanning mill and fanning mills in those flitys wore about a bard to turn as a is now was an backracking job Wheat In those days was queer stuff Most of it had to be run through twice on account of the black peas because in battery of screens belonging to that old mill there was no sieve for cockle The two of them father and boy had to clean thirty bags fori a load a days work near noon had ten bag bagged up and a heap on the floor for the scoop The father held up his hand when he hopper was empty Guess bag that Thank the Lord muttered the boy as he got an empty a nice little heap of wheal Hope this make five bags more thought he boy guoos twill always hags a heap would at it Cleaning a load of wheal in those days was a very human job The heap made four half rooms every Of course they dont do it that way now A load of is only a to with all the extra ma chinery for cleaning and bagging And il takes only an hour or so to have the barn floor haymow and the granary wall looking like a snowbank with the white bags ready lo load up Hot is as interesting as il When a bag of only about It the ttmowhen father begins lo get a pretty clear es timate of how much wheal be really has at a bushel In the old days though a load of wheat meant a lot It mitfhl moan interest on a mortgage or taxes anything to keep tbe farm and the farmer together it mean just tioposUing in the town bailk Down in Ottawa pretty farmer named Tom White bagging up his wheat to payoff part ob ligations in the Avar to help on buying wheat and other things from Canada He when its all bagged tip to have at least 150000000 He may have more But iff he doessit gel 1 ho wont be satisfied with national crop And in the matter of buying Canadas very likely the Canadian farmers will see to it Ottawa has mil his bags chockful and the floor when all bagged up Married or single man by year for farm work near Mount Albert fiteady employment Ap ply to J Toronto COLLEGE FARM Motes Anotber Olricjo for Atoor Nov no grain any kind that an be used for food shall used in Canada for the distilla tion of potable liquors The for violation is or in another direction go and risk their lives we are compel ling them to do so and Ibis would ho a bad time for public men lo shirk responsibility or fail to do their share in working out very serious problems which face the country Mr Graham slacker Bowing in the Friday afternoon at The wish to thank all the ladies who turned out so willing ly to help pack the overseas par cels parcels to help cheer the boys at Christmas Save the dale Saturday the si of Dec for our Hot Fowl Sup per Watch for Menu laid There will be a table of Making and Fancy Work in connection with this The ladies in charge will be grateful for donations of cake pie or bread and articles of fancy work All come and bu your presents Mr Win Wright has present ed Hie Society with an Aeroplane will sell tickets on will be on display in Mr Wrights window Anyone having any of Field Comforts Tea Towels since the please return them lo the ton rooms There are still a lot of plates and jars not claimed Try lo get Ihem on Friday afternoon when you come to sew There are a few subscriptions not yet paid in towards Mili tary Hospital Fund The Ladies would bo glad if he money could be paid in lo the Hank of Montre al as wish to close our ac counts Red Cross Society The following were sent Nov 3rd to Newmarket Hospital Night Shirt Day Shirt 2 Suits Pyjamas 2 Dressing Gowns Vj Pairs Slippers Puzzles Pillows Dor Handkerchiefs Comfort Hags each con taining the following Tooth and Paste Hair Brush and Comb Toilet Powder Wash Cloth and Shaving Brush Following supplies from New market Branch sent to Toronto Prs Socks 1 Suits Pyjamas Head Bandages Housewives Comfort Bags each con taining Razor Brush and Comb Tooth Brush and Paste Shaving Brush and Soap Toilet Soap Writing Paper Envelopes Pencil and Wash Cloth is no wKn I iouu good com Must ho of good conformation first class and just fresh or duo vcrysoon We are wil ling lo pay their value for right kind of animal We are also offering a General Purpose Good at all farm work Call and see tbern at Newmarket College Farm Solicitor Notary for taking Affidavits etc Will Newmarket Office all ay Tuesday Friday 1 and on and Thurs day evenings from to Office Floor New Mock Opposite Post Office Office Phone No Residence for Imperial Bank of Canada Walton A Co Aurora fund to Flirt Mortgage Will and work a men in tilths arlo or later than No ehotci fcbout it Men who do a dry Canada have always admired Sir Wilfrid a man of broad vision and a forceful and elo quent speaker and everything in Jiis Manifesto wvi can en dorse except his attitude on Con scription A referendum on this question would bo a nonsens ical delay The front want help as as they can get it or the noble prestige that they have won for Canada will be lost through the inertness of its citizenship The War is not over yet by any means In the Italian disasters of the past two weeks have delayed prob ability of peace for at leaet a ycai or two unless something seen to the advantage of the Allies During the year the Farmers Sun promises to bo more profitable and Interesting to those engaged in agriculture than at any time during the past years of Us production News and Views from the Farm by W for years one of the Sups Editors will continue this most pleasing and profitable part of the paper The farm mar kets will bo given extra and spe cial attention by Mr Crane ana Mr Thurston while many others will contribute from week to week topics of Interost to those active ly engaged In farm work One dollar to let January fa a small prlco for The Sun a paper that has so long and faithfully sorved the farming Interests You cannot do better than sub scribe at once a Town and surrounding com munity numbering about people about 3000 of them regu larly absent themselves from a House of Worship on Sabbath In history we rive told that Jehovah brought de struction upon people of Israel because they forgot true and living God and followed after idols It would seem that the Canadian people for other Towns like so intent on pleaouro and ease that they ore also forsaking God of their fathers and It is tak ing the atrocities of a worldwide war to people up their religious rea son if for no other move went for a church census Willi a GozoChurch Sunday is opportune Mr T A McLaughlin of To ronto will speak at the Methodist Ghuroh at in Iho inter ests of Belgian and Serbian Re lief on Sunday next While returning home from a neigh bors on Monday afternoon Mr Hugh Archibalds horses became frightened and ran away killing him In stantly Particulars elsewhere The members of the Womens and friends at the home of Mr to bid them farewell previous to their departure for New Hamburg Mrs Curtis was an the Institute and Hie members of that Society presented her with a handsome dish The evening was spent in music and games The crowd dispersed in the wee small hours of the morning after partaking of a sumptuous lunch Mr spent Sunday with friends in Aurora present at League Our League will fioon be a thing of the past is very discouraging when the young ladles have to build the after being all summer Douglas Scott and bride of Toronto spent the with bis mother Mrs Dr Scott Mr and Mrs Cane of Toronto weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs Mr Donald of is Returning Officer for North York the approaching Dominion Elections Mayor lives left on Saturday for Wuskoka hunting grounds and Mrs Eves is Visiting at her old home in Bradford DeputyReeve Pearson Miss Mabel Davis attended the WinlheWar Convention in Hamilton last Friday Mr W Hilts of Detroit writes I enjoy very much to look over the news of the old homo town and vicinity Miss Carter of who has been a guest at the Methodist Parsonage for the past five weeks leaves today for a Visit at Co- Mrs Jackson went to oh Sunday to see her sister Mrs D Harding who continues poorly Mr and Mrs Graham Weddci were down a week ago Sunday J of To ronto brother of Mrs Walter Stephens visited bore on Sunday Mr and Mrs J vis ited friends on Sun day Mr Hilly Gallagher of Peru Indiana in sending a re newal subscription for the encloses a Theatre Program with an ad marked which reads Hippodrome worth of Liberty Bonds displayed in my window Go thou and do likewise P Good boy I Mr Donne has taken groat pride in both his flower and vegetable gardens the past summer and they have been an object lesson of value to the citi zens at the North End That his efforts have been generous ly rewarded are amply illustrated by the magnificent specimens of vegetables sent to the Editors office last Wednesday morning and we tender our thanks for his kindly remembrance About seventy ladies attend ed the reception at the Methodist Parsonage last Wednesday after noon Mrs Wood received in the drawing room and was as sisted by Mrs Itev and Miss Carter Mrs Howard Cane escorted he callers to the lea room which was presided over by Mrs G Jackson and Mrs Ed Richardson assisted by Mrs Manning and Mrs Dr Hull In the evening between and ladies and gentlemen called when Mrs I Hunter escorted to the tea room and Mrs Dr Scott helped pour tea assisted by Mrs Atkinson Dr Wesley and Mrs Sleckley The helpers in the tea room both af ternoon and evening were Miss Esther Stark Miss Rhea Atkin son Miss Miss Julia Miss Rob- son and Miss Hewitt Yellow and white mums with smilax were used in the decora tions and the table was very tastefully dressed Miss Irene Wood answered the door bell when your Canned Fruit both Canned u 1 Lombard Grcon tin tin tin tin 2oo tin tin Stpawbarrlc Qra and OUR dropped but Quality remains tho a cock and bo Try CONFECTIONERY Quality that That reason our Candy growing VJo have both tho and Fac toryUndo Candy voun it will get prompt attention I 111 GROCERY Ring ll it lo Quality that Counts QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY AGENT FOR I THE Inotrumont In World- CHOCOLATES aillfSIl MAIN STREET Agent- for and Photo House Phone No Store Phone No King City York Co In full work view of his and daughter I Coffey livery hire who were on the verandah to Luke Lyons livery lure and welcome Hugh Archibald a wrinkling streets King Township farmer kill- Wiles two new yesterday He was driving IJowcs re lo his team in the gate when they became frightened and ran away Archibald was thrown out and died almost instantly Deceased vas years old and had been a resident of Canada 3 AM WO a Presbyterian Robert Stewart reps to road MB a Liberal One WhU years corning from Ireland In religion he was and in politics of his sons James Archibald is at the front with the Canadian forces Our Toronto Letter Ross reps to culvert and learning A Lloyd plan and cedar M Slater printing hod Cross supplies Township account l reps lo culvert Furniture and Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Might attended to at There were five on Tuesday night tO Hon- George will contest an Ontario constituency at the forthcoming general Mr Graham when asked if there was any foundation for the that be was likely to membw lb a Sale Register Monday Nov Mr West half Lot Con will hold a sale of horses cattle implements at one oclock credit J Kester IVcdtiesday Mr Crittenden Con Scott will hold an extensive farm sale at one mos credit- J Tuesday Win I King will have an Important sale of Thoroughbred Cattle Horses Implements Etc oh Lot 17 Con one mile west of Button mos credit or per cent off for Bale one sharp Kava- is the order of the day Miss of Toronto spent the weekend at Mr Ellas Miss Laura of Toron to spont tho weekend at her homo hero Mr and Mm W Evans and family motored from Toronto and spent Sunday at Mr J Cuttings Mr and Mrs spont Sunday at her parental home Miss of spent a few days last week at Blacks I Severe School crowded put The Canadians took prisoners this welt After all advertising In large part is merely making peo ple feel friendly toward your product and organisation that Is why the shrewd advertising man should never overlook an Incidental gooa of bpfodvifit Of UlfthOVM J OS Phones 17 and Cradle Happen In Newmarket on Nov 2nd to Mr and Mrs Hopper a daughter Newmarket on Nov to Mr and Mrs Barker a daughter In Newmarket on Nov to Mr and Mrs Sherman Kirby a son Miller- In oil Nov 7th to Mr and Mrs William Miller a son Draper in North on Nov to Mr and Mrs Draper a son At Bond Luke on Sunday Oct to Mr and Mrs Prank a son Davis lighting lanterns at bridge i hardware Samuel to road Joseph concrete iT3W Israel J Cooper one of To- James Kitchen bill oldest merchants passed Victor Allridge lumber and away on Sunday in his 7ith year work He was specially known in South hardware York Kaake hat this foreigner named confirm the of the rem charged with murder nas been authorizing the treasurer found guilty of manslaughter cheque favor 0 Kemp Minister of n Militia was given a grand recep- c lw Lo tion by an Orange Lodge of re McClure bridge in confirm he of not In Politics but will authorizing the candidates who will advocate w measures Browning for the sun of 832 Herring in considerable jng estimate No 3 re Evenltf lilies are on sale in Toronto bridge and also a cheque for fish market sun1 being final By way of establishing new in- ro EvenIcy bridge as certified to in Toronto the Corpora- by the engineer Frank lion is considering the question Campbell Thai Ifci vacant ihi of offering the lands for sale than 6000 volunteers will take the Church Census in this city Friday afternoon A motorist named Arthur In gram was arrested last week on a charge of and kill- an old man by name of hat Arnold He is lo go lo be to borrow from the Royal Henry Patterson aged the sum of 1 electrocuted last Friday in the m Hydro Station Ave when he camo in contact with an ar rester carrying volts Pat terson was day operat or at that station A wife and two children survive The World has a heading to an article on Monday as follows w Jenkins York County is the Home of Can- that the adian Wheat Grower Plowing authorize to pay Matches and Field Crop Compeli- being has done much for farmers 3 on bridge and In this towards insuring success treasurer be authorized to as rebate on cement per Joseph McCabeKaakethat the treas urer be authorized to pay the fol lowing persona re selecting juror being estimate No re Con lot Kaaketbat the The Section of the Merchants Association has Vita on Oct Mrs formerly of East aged years Si J Berkeley Street Methodist celebrated its 80th Anniversary sheep bo paid w his week value of same Andrew io00 Campbell sent the Canadian lied Cross So ciety Ihe proceeds of their excursion to Niagara in July last A young girl of four while playing with on Monday was so badlyburned that she had to be sent Hospital v Council The Councilmet at Watson be paid the sum of for engineering and cement bridge con lot an J Notice is again hereby J to ratepayers of J King that all taxes must be the collectors or into J arranged by them and member of the council or tfie aud also to last day of l out the Saturday Oct after that all fill be flitted the of Jfhjcf Inn tea of mealing wins to1 I ww ad SrS3K5K8 4 sum of 2000 be paid Miss for copying bylaws merits etc treasurer be authorized pay I0000 as part of contract for printing for TORONTO

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