Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 2, 1917, p. 4

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ii ESS ii 1 I A tain a more even tompmture less fuel and less attention than Any yon can buy for illustrated booklet TOM I TORONTO HOOTS VAHCOUVBR Editorial v Li BY Y J A W ALLAN CO fell fee If you bo In conditions under which will bo paid for you on car i I The Ontario of Agriculture Is anxious that the flplcnrlid crops fall should he to best In many this can by feeding a mora of catllo or for breeding Department calls to annonnceincnt of bo Federal Mlnlfttor of turo offering lo pay freight on car lots from Eastern Btook Yards to country points those facts i or in cooperation with your yon can purchase a carload of or ewes or both combined and have shipped from any filook Yard lo your station with out any coat for freight charges You will he required to make a declaration that the stock for breeding purposes only Any farmer or drover can pur chase A Cap Load of for Feeding On the Winnipeg Market have them shipped lo any coun try point In Ontario upon pay ment of only tho Usual Freight entered the War on llio side of Allies neu trals are calculating whoro they flprnany has -7- has three the field ah Independ ent a Labor Man and a Conserv ative The Post lias a splendid on What To ronto Has of the carping of certain regarding the estab lishment of certain industries and the operation of largo finan cial concerns in the city does not pay to be too narrow public and private matters j The soldiers need beef and ba con and they can only bo sup plied if the civilian populations of Canada and the States will reduce of those foods A having of one ounce of meal per increased and bacon would go a meeting Hie Army requirements A religious canvas of Toronto red peppers J ftobinson insbnC celery If Kite- 11 Kitcly Colorado pre serving Klteiy bops Emerson Cooper cauliflower M v best display of and flowers J Childs Fruits Apples I Greening A Lioyd Lloyd A Lloyd Merchant Norther A Spy L Davis li Lloyd win Lloyd King of Tompkins A Lloyd Toliimn Sweet Davis Merchant Golden Merchant A Lloyd Davis Wagner Lloyd Mann Marchaut Maidens Blush Davis St Lawrence Davis Snow A Lloyd maple sugar Mrs Walter Potter toward Emerson Cooper maple syrup winter pears Merchant Skinner fall pears A- Lloyd Marohant crab apples E Lloyd comb honey Davis extracted production or Harvey Clark Ralph Davis on Ibid con Wfty Mrs Waller Potter Emerson Cooper host collection conned Mrs Win collec about to bo made under lion of pickles Mrs of officials to as- Mrs J McDonald catsup certain Hie actual cburcbgoingi Mrs McCaw Mrs Lloyd attendance lo be followed by display of fruit Mrs Mar- method of securing the at- chant by at religious exercises those who do not attend now Ev ery City Town and Village of On tario ought lo follow Ibis ex ample The War should im press upon Canadians the neces sity of more attention to religious matters and less to pleasure i Feeding at the Toronto Stock Yards available at Reduced Rates and expert assistance is at the disposal or formers- Every effort should he bring the surplus stock of some sections to the surplus feed of others All indications point to a steady supplies of this country for some time lo come Sir William Hearst Ontario Minister of Agriculture The District Representative will assist you in organizing laion win operative car for your district if desired or in giving any other Canada Information J 1 1 1 LEY i- Our Toronto Letter Last week the War Veteran As- being nonpolitical re fused lo nominate a candidate Parliament at approaching election During an address at a meet ing of lio Burns Literary Club in Technical night fiir Sam Hughes gave reminiscen ces of a tour of the Burns coun try and staled that a Canadian forestry Battalion is now cul- ling timber from forests in which llio poet roamed A few flays ago Walter While was terribly burned at bis homo by accident On Thursday of- last week Wrn Patterson of Spruce St was struck by a board of a passing carters rig and thrown into Don River but was rescued Word has gone forth that big League Club have decided to very materially lessen salaries The following important an nouncement is in the United Stales this week A war lax of per cent on railway tickets and ten per cent on Pullman berths lor car chairs and compart ments and drawing rooms has been imposed by the United Slates Government and will be come on Nov Tick ets purchased prior lo that dale but not used until after the first of next month will be subject to I hat taxation This new regu- for trav el in ho Stales Teams trained at homo will fory materially lessen salaries Toronto potato prices are re- ported from sixty to seventyfive wholly cents per bag lower than in P Graham addressing a gathering of Liberals at Otta wa said As lo compulsory ser vice I voted for it and insist thai it must be enforced Tbe old Borden Government was bo- People have commenced mail ing Boxes lo soldiers over seas A further advance in the price of corn and oats has taken place this week the cessation of recruiting But the boys at the front have to bo supported and to my mind the quick and sure and fair way to accomplish thai end is by com pulsory service These views I held when conscription was In troduced These views still A messenger hoy in turning tbe And yet Mr Graham corner of a street accidentally supports who is against ran in front of an approaching conscription without a referen- on Thursday of- week and was killed The Kail- Assizes opened on Monday with an exceedingly long list criminal and civil cas es Five tons of Government fish arrived from Lake on Monday night Sunday School is a great success The average at tendance each children is ALL Only Hold Day Postponed and Owing to Wot Bread and Dairy Products Fivelb rolls butler Mrs bastings Miss Palmer Mrs 5lb roll butter Mrs Hastings Mrs J Miss Palmer of but ler Mrs J Atkinson Mrs Hastings best lbs butler in Lib rolls Mrs Hastings lb crock of but ter Mrs most points in dairy produce Mrs Hastings Homemade bread Mrs Waller Potter Mrs Mrs Jr sofa pillow embroidered silk Miss- any other kind- of sofa pillow Mrs Miss Henry work else- whore specified Miss Henry cushion or table cover Miss Mrs Kersey Useful Miss Fisher Mrs Graham crochplcd in wool babys sal Miss Miss Elliott cro cheted bedspread Mis Honey Kcrscyi embroidered bedspread Miss Elliott Mrs Davis knitted bedspread Mrs Kersey Miss Henry dressed doll by girl under years Mrs Mrs Davis by girl or years Mrs Dove hemming by lrl under years Mrs W Dove milt Miss hose Miss McCutchcon bundmade ladies underwear Miss Mrs machine- made ladies underwear Miss Mrs knitted ladies shawl Miss Miss Henry crocheted ladies Miss Mrs Knit- led ladies slippers Miss Fisher Miss Henry gents Miss Miss Henry shirtwaist Miss Henry Fisher- cotton work quill Mrs Kersey silk patch work quilt Mrs Kersey woollen patchwork quilt Mrs Kersey Mrsj E Pearson hooked rag mat Miss Henry Miss MrtaW fine wool len socks Miss Miss Henry woollen socks Mrsj Graham woollen slock- 1 iiiKS Miss McCutchcon Mrs Kersey fine woollen mitts Mrs coarse woollen mitts Miss Fisher Mrs Kersey fancy ladies milts Miss Miss Henry plain ladies mills Miss Miss Henry soldiers socks Mrs Kersey night shirt Mrs new work by old lady over years of age Miss Mrs A darning in wool stockings Mrs Graham Miss McCutchcon darning in cotton stockings Miss Fisher Mrs Graham patch on old garment Miss Fisher Miss McCutchcon hut- Ion holes Miss Miss IMi- It In no doubt time to be cautious But it possible to bo over cautious There la no reason a man Have tils money on deposit when ho could as easily and with equal obtain by Investing It- in- Mortgage Corporation Mortgage Corpor ation form a profitable and oaf investment lor money Interest fit It lidno Principal on or bu raarkctt HI Not a vr fcsaa lot by n Investor In An InUrttftf PROFITS FROM viluablo I bo requital Writ lor It today I Branch Office M McDonald Home Competition by La o which would fcvsto end iiicduclton a aruf wo Lil ft i da Li1 cur la rtLilIy tid eta 1-X- La The first day set for Fair the weather was fairly good and a large exhibit was displayed in the If all This may be said especially of the vegetables roots and ladies work the entries in the latter class being exceptional ly large Incessant rain prevailed on the second day and the Fair was post poned for a week hot no heller weather conditions prevailed and there was no other alternative but to cancel the exhibit of live slock Following is the list of prize winners Hi lJ OS- tllU J EMM us j VJJD J W and Seeds White Wheat Plunkct barley black oats Plunkct white oats Mrs John McDonald Brown Emerson Cooper red clover Gor don Drown timothy Palmer Bros white beans Mrs Hugh colored beans Mrs J McDonald Kilely yel low corn Win Dean white corn M Robinson Hoots and Vegetables Collection of vegetables Skinner M Robinson collec tion of potatoes Chas Empire M Robinson American Wonder Elephant Irish Cobbler Plunkcl W Robinson Dela ware Karl of Ver mont G Early Record A Lloyd any other kind Emer son Cooper Swede turnips Gor don Brown Grey- stone turnips Plunket long field Adair short fteld car rots Plunket J V table carrots Ber nard Button parsnips Plunk Gordon Brown globe in angel- Plunket J V long red mangelwurlzel J yel low intermediate mangel Plunket Win Dean any other kind Plunket Win Dean long blood beets Rob inson shorl blood beets films Robinson sugar beets jumbo sugar beets J yellow globe onions Plunket A Lloyd common pumpkins Emer son Cooper mammoth snuash common sqaatiji Lemon rod onions Robinson while onions Mi Robinson- V Childs- pickling onions Robinson bread made from special flour Mrs collection of homemade baking Mrs Geo Vcrncr fruil cake Mrs Walter Poller Mrs Geo Vomer sponge cako Mrs Dove Mrs J Atkinson layer cake Mrs Dove Mrs J Atkinson biscuits Mrs Walter Pot ter Mrs John McDonald home made buns Mrs J McDonald Mrs Geo Vomer homemade candy Mrs Mrs McCaw brown eggs Mrs Davis Mrs Hastings white Mrs R W Dove Mrs Plants Display of potted plants M Robinson hanging basket Robinson fuse hi a 1st and 2nd w Robinson chrysanthemum 1st and 2nd W Robinson asparagus fern Island 2nd MW Robinson any other variety of fern Robinson begonia Mrs Harvey Clarke Mrs Cooper fancy color geranium 1st and 2nd M Robinson geran ium any other color MWRob inson house rose Fred Skinner M Robinson colons 1st and 2nd Robinson fable bou quet 1st and 2nd M Robinson Ladles Work Embroidery Silk on linen Miss Elliott Miss Henry silk on flannel Mrs Mrs Graham Bulgarian Miss Mrs eyelet Miss Elliott French Miss McCutchcon Miss Elliott Miss Henry mountmellick Mrs Miss Fisher Roman cut work Miss Mc Mrs punched Mrs Kersey Miss Mrs Graham Miss Lace Mrs Ker sey Miss duchess Miss Mrs Kersey Mrs Kersey Mrs Graham netting or Mrs Kersey Miss Irish crochet Miss Fisher Miss Henry point Mrs Kersey Mrs Graham crochet and fancy braid Mrs Miss Luncheon set Mrs Miss table cloth and napkins Mrs Miss McCuU fancy apron Miss Fisher Mrs Graham baby pillow Mrs Graham Miss Elliott babys or childs dress Mrs Miss El liott baby carriage robe or Mrs Graham Mrs Kersey buffet or disser scarf Mrs Miss collar and cuffs Miss Elliott Mrs crochet collar and cuffs Miss Fisher Mrs Kersey crochet corset cover yoke Miss McCulcheon Mrs crochet doilies Mrs Miss cro chet centrepiece Miss Miss Higher crochet pincushion Mrs Graham Miss McCutchcon corona- lion braid work Mrs Miss Henry embroidered while centre piece Miss Fisher Mrs em broidered colored linen centrepiece Miss Henry Miss fine drawn work Miss Elliott Mrs Ker sey Italian drawn work Mrs Ker sey Mrsi purse or shopping hag Mrs Miss work bag Mrs Graham Mrs Ker sey five oclock tea cloth embroid ered while Miss Fisher Miss five tea cloth any other kind Miss Henry Mrs hemstitching Miss Mrs Graham initial ed Mrs Graham Miss fancy handkerchief Miss Mrs Graham toilet set Mrs Graham and tie cases Mrs Miss serviettes Miss Hen ry table malts Miss McCutchcon Mrs tat ting Mrs Graham McCut- cheon tea cosy Mrs towels embroidered in itialed Miss Fisher Mies Henry any other kind Miss Fisher Miss Henry tray and cloth em broidered edge Miss Mrs pillow cases Womens Institute Fancy apron Mrs D Davis Mrs E Pearson crochet centrepiece Mis L Walley Mrs Pearson colored embroidered centrepiece Mrs Pearson Mrs Davis cro chet corset cover Mrs Pearson Mrs Ralph Davis collection of work Mrs Pearson tai ling Mrs A Lloyd Mrs fancy towels Mrs E Pearson Mrs Davis fancy pillow cases Mrs Pearson Mrs Walter- Potter sofa cushion Mrs Pearson Mrs A Lloyd fancy handkerchiefs Mrs Pearson doilies Mrs Pearson table runner Mrs It Davis Mrs A Lloyd Iray cloths Mrs J Atkinson of l of Moor Hospital Eyes I Then you Know Made If Ito Anything 1 AOK forma If You VJIph Weal Teach si Agent Corn pi Fine Arts painting Portrait or figure Mrs Hurst Florence seen- Hie disease of anthrax occurs cry Mrs Hurst Florence Bailey among sheep horses cattle and any subject Mrs Hurst Florence other or grain- eating Bailey water color portrait or fig- animals animal of any of Mrs Hurst Florence Bailey these classes is capable of Mrs Kersey Mrs Icar- anthrax infection providing Ron any other subject Mrs Hurst suitable conditions obtain The Mrs Kersey painting on glass or disease is also liable to attack china Mrs Pearson Mrs human beings although it does painting on plush or velvet Mrs not appear epidemically in man Florence painting on Many cases have been reported satin or silk Mrs Mrs Ker- where men have died as a result soy on bolting silk Mrs of contracting anthrax from the Miss Henry pencil drawing skinning of the infected animal or Mrs Graham Mrs crayon handling wool or skins of animals drawing Mrs Florence Bail- that have died from the disease Indian ink with brush Mrs I This information is brought Graham Mrs pen and ink out in Bulletin No of sketch Mrs Graham Florence Health of Animals Branch of the burnt leather work Dominion Department of Agricul- Bailey Mrs Kersey burnt vel- lure entitled Anthrax It is vet Davis Miss Henry col- 1 pointed out that the carcass of lection photos Miss the animal that has- had the Florence Bailey stencilled ease should he destroyed by fire sofa cushion Florence ham- care being taken that all rnered or pierced brass Mrs charges and litter about ani Mrs Kersey i mal be burned with it even the halter that it has been wear ing Under no circumstances should the animal be skinned as this is a most dangerous proc ure Neither should it be drag ged over the farm Deep burial is sometimes resorted to but it is not nearly so satisfactory as burning Veterinarians farmers and any who have reason lo suspect existence of anthrax arc compel led under the Animal Contagious Diseases Act to promptly notify the Minister of Agriculture or Ihe nearest Veterinary Inspector Mai llie 0 QUAY HAIR Dr Natural Hair RW- used as directed Is guaranty to restore gray hair lo its natural or money refunded restively Ml dye and noninjurious postpaid Write Supply Toronto On alc in J Drug Store vlonu Call CUV I Kepti will bo a Changed Canada In a Changed World There will be fewer than before tho War and they will to with initios tho like of which has been known prepared Are Canadas men j AY Arc Particularly Adapted for tho Enormously Important Task of Useful Capable Won and Women to Improve their Usefulness to Themselves and to Community WILL BE OPNBD IN THE Latest All Call All Men Huron mm rge i ii In the Subjects TWO DAYS TO People who make no Effort lo Improve their Position by Study have no Right to if Employers pass them by when are being made or Wages VouKOlf with Application may bo from the of the Board or Principal of School must bo signed on or before FEE FOR EACH CLASS The be If the Pupil Is at per v J ii- A- TORONTO

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