Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 26 Oct 1917, p. 8

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MH St Montreal April In my opinion no other world la so Constipa tion and Indigestion A3 years and my sedentary occupa tion brought about a kind of Intestinal with nasty Head- belching gas drowsiness after and Pain hi Hack I tried and medicines of nothing helped mo Then I was Induced to try and now for months I been entirely well any ono who from that trouble Chronic Constipation with resultant Indigestion J to try Iruitatives and yon will bo surprised at great benefit will receive A Wo a box for trial size or sent postpaid by Fruit- Limited Ottawa J in Delayed in Moil Potato scorns Mr It took a trip north last The MclhodlHt at Gum to bo attended Mr took a trip north Inst week- Ile- everything K Wonder what- that man one week to let Ilia horse and rig get away Sunns lost gloves oh Mr Rose brakesman spent over Sunday in town Fierce- colds seen to e travel ling around these parts Nobody escapes Threshing Is oner of the day Mr Lawrence Hose returned Inst week from the West Re ports everything alright SoLong I Sleeping beauty eOOO I I Farm for Sale cash fifty- acre farm XSwillonbury Township lo metropolitan dwelling frame and loamy soil acres good bush valuable for timber and sugar making Spring Price John Co East Toronto Slock and Dairy Farms for Sale it VANDOnF I A QUICK Owner leaving town Frame Collage good well small greenhouse stable aero of land feel creek at bottom of lot All kinds of fruK Adjoining College Farm Apply to 345 Newmarket COTTAGE FOR On St Rooms Good harden and Hen House Janes Prospect St New market r I I FOR SALE Horses Buggies and Harness also one Shetland Pony Apply Ho ROBERTSON Newmarket for sale acres Lot Con 2 of Kink All under cultivation Brick House and Hank Barn Vina young hearing Orchard well and small pond on the premises Three miles from the Towns of Newmarket and Au rora miles from Metropoli tan stop also rural mail and tel ephone service For further par ticulars enquire of Mrs Knco- haw Spruce St Aurora Or Js to Plant you take off your Early Peas or Potatoes and liuylny at Fall and Winter I a vim On I Machinery for Sale DAVIS Wast of Bank of Toronto Newmarket B I Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties In S a newpresi dent for the Cradle Roll was chosen and Mrs Win was elected to lake the place of Mrs Albert who is leav ing our church Mid neighborhood and moving to King and Church The tea meeting held at Wesley Church on Thurs day evening was a great success both in the quality of the supper and the high class literary pro gram given in the auditorium later in the evening The talent was exceptionally good the fid- lowing persons taking part Well wood of Aurora giving an address Miss Powell of To ronto Miss Nellie Graham of Au rora anl Miss Bertha of elocutionists Miss Hose of Aurora little Miss Flsio Pros- Ion Mr Winchester of Pleasant- ville and the Wesley Quartette helping in the musical part of the program Mr J Walton not ed as chairman for the evening The church was decorated with maple leaves and Union Jacks making the old church look very pretty and adding the pleas ure of he evening GOO WITH HOOT SEED Farms Note Among the problems that the great war has created for Can ada the problem of growing root seed i seed of swede and fall turnips mangels and Meld oar- rota may seem rather insignifi cant to the average Canadian cit izen Yet that problem is to day one of the must vital to the Canadian farmer In Canada imported a to tal of pounds of turnip seed and pounds of mangel and beet seed In the import of turnip seed dwin dled to pounds and the import of mangel and beet seed to pounds and for the figures stand at pounds for turnip seed and pounds for mangel and beet seed This means that Canada imported a total of these most important farm seeds in the years of and which falls short of the import alone of roughly one million pounds It should he added that practically every pound of Held root seed used in this country is of European origin Canada is running a great risk of having her supply of root seed from Europe shut off partly or wholly as a result Of the war Canadian farmers should not only try to meet the emergency demand for Held root seed in the immediate future but also try to establish a permanent seed- growing industry which would make them independent of any other country In the Central Experi mental Farm at Ottawa raised from a field about acres a mangel seed crop at the rate of about 1150 pounds of seed to the acre Mangel seed was produced at the Experi mental Farm at at the rale of pounds per acre at the Experimental Station at Lennoxvillo Que at the rate of 1150 pounds per acre and at the Experimental Station at at the rate of 2- pounds per acre The same year the Experimental Station at Lennoxville Que raises swede turnip seed at the rate of close to pounds to the acre But what about the profit It may be stated that there was ac cording lo records kept a net profit of about per acre from the mangel seed crop at Cen tral Experimental Farm Ottawa in 1910 And this in spile of the fact that the men handling the crop were quite unfamiliar with the same The above figures indicate most decidedly that there are in Can ada great opportunities for de veloping a now field in agricul tural activity promising substan tial rewards from a profit stand point to those who take up root seed growing In a businesslike manner it Is fine guard our homes against soldiers of whoso purposes are all aware But it is also very Important to thorn against other insidi ous foes that creep In under disguise Of friendly entertainers to plunder and destroy the cher ished ideals lofty standards clear viows that have given the horde its character If will familiarize your young people with the best road- they will not be lively to crave what Is inferior and de- The Youths pardon is powerful in awakening a taste for whal Ik host in reading It is on guard at thereading gale I Nothing cheap mean or hateful passes Its challenge Hut neither does the crabbed and dull and But cheery idealism Is The Compan ions counlersin It on guard at your reading gate I Our offer includes for Youths Companion issues of AH the remaining issues of Tho Companion Home Calen dar for 1018 THE YOUTHS Ave Mass New Subscriptions Received at Ibis Office coo oh PROMISE FOR GOOD Hw As old Morpheus deeper Im a most unusual sleeper Imagined that keeper Kept commanding Plant- plant l Illinois wilt need the reaping For her soldiers food and keep or sleeping I shant Was When At yews of age WDNEY3 NEED HELP Tfrtrcla why it man filly he or li full of energy and Ittfttiut greater be to f must drive away the Ills which if proper to Kidney vroatiiz A At the flrpt that Kid- not working proper you tot back or find or benefit from the dose It nothing I you Ate not for the tell on our of money back not While the rulers fit nation in reokloss Grain enough for all creation In the poison still of of mothers In made for brothers To the others Who can urge them if they will Wan I wide awake or dreaming Every atar heamlng j And a trdant thought was To escape me at the WnKnt It our Hade go and plant And theyre surely some debaters But we beg to say YOU FIRST Havana III M Ferguson I r 1 If you ever months for years you receive 34705 la If you amount for at von Would receive la Interest at would bo or excess of the a Why Lose the Difference s -sooa- With In a dlljjuont War Dooms a box for A to National Chcuilcal Co of Cnnadft limited Toronto A Mi Ice SI of Age an old lino- the hill- In cash On it Is due to lately alo Ho worry local At I of have Invested In without Aft you a or Write for advic Kill Branch DROCKVILLe WOODSTOCK I x There ia Lord Brougham every Mature gave Drink free and leaves iiim but a slave 9 i J long ago concerning drink He mid it was The curse of every age rind every clime- Drink leads lo waul and want conducts to crime a saying busy a good and llinely heard word AnnoiiTiceiiieiil that the Munitions Hoard will spend money liberally in panada fori the winter on munitions contracts is welcomed here as an assurance of industrial prosperity during j the winter months It also means that the lolaUamount spent on munitions in Canada to the end of the year will be an Imposing sum just bow large it is difficult lo estimate at the moment Consideration of this question brings up the point bat Canada has been unusually fortunate in tho matter of obtaining contracts for war material all kinds of which have been exported to RurOpo since war began One of the foal urea of Canadas partici pation in war has been the prosperous business it lias brought the country The adoption by Canada of the Military Service Art has vastly increased the national prestige as a belligerent on the side of the Allies and has assured lb coun try of continued prosperity through war activities or a Dull ness nature Golumr the Arm THE POINT I at the Shop- t i L A ftAMK I Wtt There is a man in Ibis pari of the world who represents lo our way of thinking a pretty good av erage of human nature When ever the preacher in bis church delivers a very not sermon against some special kind of sin Ibis man gels enthusiastic and goes around lo the vestry to tell the preacher what a fine sermon lif was Then be goes borne and repeals it to his brother and they talk over the points and the peo ple the sermon hit the hardest But this particular man never sees when the sermon hits him next month the biggest public campaign ever put on in Canada will be opened to get sub scriptions for the fourth Cana dian War Loan the Victory Loan The thing people in this district hear in mind is thai the appeals directed to each and every one of them It is not merely the welloff men and wo men who are being asked to in vest It is everybody The little sermons which will be preach ed in the advertising should not be taken as hints to the well-to- do people only Every man and woman should watch for these advertisements and start now to gather up the necessary money lo buy either a fifty or a hundred a five hundred or a thousand dol lar bond In the United Stales there were about subscribers to the first American loan out of ev ery persons They only re ceived In Canada for the last war loan there were only about subscribers or say in every 700 Yet in Canada the interest was much higher on the Victory Bonds that will probably be issued to yield about The first thing anyone should do in our opinion is lo gel rid of the Idea that there Is any sacri fice involved in investing in this loan is true that he patri otic spirit is appealed to and It is equally rue thai a great and generous response is expected on that ground But new war loan Is a straightaway business proposition safe profitable and convenient Every man and wo man with as much as fifty dollars to spare should own one of these new bonds and not only that but should help to show others the worth of these bonds by recom mending them everywhere readers of Hits paper are among the most thrifty prosperous and publicspirited in the Dominion When the subscriptions to the Victory Loan are added up from the various districts and subdis tricts we expect them show that this part of the great Do minion has been to Us tradi tions and just to its opportunities There are about HO farmers in Canada constituting about ton per centiof our entire population The value of their products is approximately per farmer or for the whole country The liquor trade pur chases from the farmer about worth of produce or Just one cent of all that be pro ducesthat Is for each farmer in Canada The question so often asked is what will the poor farmer do with Ibis worth of produce when prohibition puts the liquor trade out business One thing is certain he will never be compelled to throw away ibis i0 worth of material about which the liquor men are troubling them selves so grievously The like lihood is that someone else will want the grain and grapes the apples and the cherries To hear the defender of the liquor traffic talk one would think that no one likes these things unless they are brought to him in the form of liquor If be people of this country were to increase their purchases to the extent of cents per week it would amount lo about 80000 per year the amount Ihe liquor interests ex pend on purchases from the No need to Worry about farmer He isnt worrying himself but is voting the business every time he gets the opportunity THE OLD in Spec tator London Who is the one with the empty sleeve Some sport who was in the swim And the one with the ribbon whos home on leave Good Lord I I remember him A hulking fool low down in school And no at games was he All fingers and thumbs and very few chums I wish hed shako bands with me I is the one with the heavy stick Who seems to walk from the shoulder Why many the goal you have watched him kick 1 Hes looking a lifetime older Wbo is the one thats so full of fun I never beheld a blither Yet his eyes are fixl as the furrow I He cannot see out of either Who ones that we cannot There are at least persons homeless and penniless in China and probably square miles of territory devas tated with the crops gone and land still submerged by recent storm Ihe Though we feel them as near as near In chapel one felt them bend the knee At the match one felt them cheer In the deep shade of the Colonnade In the ringing quads full light They are laughing here they are chaffing there Yet never in sound or sight I iV Two infantry regi ments totalling men were captured on Moon Island Gulf of Island Is now com pletely In possession of were brought down guns and avfaU or during the night of Friday JMr Ob those are the ones who never shall leave As they once were afraid they would They marched away school at eve But at dawn carno back for good With deathless blooms from un- tombs To lay at our Founders shrine As many are they as ourselves to day And their place is yours and I YOU Onco upon dreary While slumbered somewhat weary I could hear old plow drag I Be this Mots which cherish our too will Jot busy Life old man is up lo you Not what others nay or fa Be sure to provide plenty of keep smiling don hoecake for the coming winter Oct busy l The Mirror of the Worlds Happenings Because it mirrors the news of the world in which I live and am interested Whether il he an epochmarking event like the sinking of the or hut the story of a local happening I know shall find il described pictured or commented upon fully and sanely in My Paper Whether il he the current sport or the latest theological discussion I know I shall find its importance recognized in My Paper Whether it he a political discussion of a Government measure or a searching analy sis of some sociological problem know I shall find the matter sanely treated in My Paper Whether it he just the Bedtime Stories for the Kiddies or the Fashion News from New York Paris and London for mv wife The Star to each of them is My Paper Whether it he a witty paragraph or the problems in Bringing Up Father the enjoy the whole family Paper humour of My A Few of the News and Special Features Exclus ive to The Toronto Daily Star Cable bib arti A f a sir In Inly the Jlan womin f f r In Britain late en su lift la amy tit men in OH other In Torciio rim I a- J ladaiitf war i la fa illlJ count All the a of lla lou In All the Hart WIn1ermer ariltM in the won The Da calve vices taken to Jlun Jaillta w Vttu Mcatd Pre V picture Dally Mirror War sport t iia If you will read flie Toronto Daily Star you will thoroughly ORDER IT TODAY The enjoy it price from your local news dealer 2c per copy or per delivered on the day of or you may direct this office for for three months 200 for six months or from 400 per year Toronto Star you bills letter If you deida to direct pm your bills to or money order coupon and mail it tor a subset A reaches anil Is promptly rliu you or It will wit to from of ft to me it Atdr it you want your Just cut f hi j TORONTO 3HT S- A-

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