ft Albert Mr Nelson Morton and Hinds of were vie- Horn at homo of Mr Ira ton Mr and J Hamilton of ftavenftlibn were visitors ow the at llio homo of Mr Ira Morion A of Hilt a former pastor of tho Molju hero was in town on calling on old friends Those who both morn ing and evening- services in llio oh Bungay two sermons by the Pastor I LEAGUE than twenty young men women attended llio moot ing of League bold in Methodist Church Monday ev ening A good spirit prevailed unavoidable ab sence of Anna Dike Ken neth presided at the organ The president Miss Wilson the The was road by Miss The topic fop ibe National Weals was lak- 90 by Mr Wesley and liis paper bristled with good joints Miss read a selection from Rhymes of a Red Cross Man Hiss Dike also took pari by redding several passages from lie Bible bearing upon the topic After the Secretary Mr Rowland read the minutes of Ibe last weekly meeting and also of the l2xeeulive meeting it was decided to take up a collection League meeting and to give the collection Of earth Missionary Mooting lo the Missionary Fund dengue minis at raising at least for ho Forward Move ment for Missions Fund and the raising of this is left lo the discretion of the Missionary Com It was also suggested hat at each meeting some two or bo prepared lo dis- ouss the topic Our meetings at oclock and the desire to have a good attendance each Home and help us Next evening meeting will be in Charge of the President fQ HAS BEEN CANADAS FAVORITE YEAST FOR YEARS staunch canine friends a very intelligent animal He could open and shut doors equal to a iblpcd His animosity to the au tomobile fraternity was deep and he expressed It by tongue and voice He gave ho first real understanding that a dog can sob as clearly by night on day He would rush off In pitch dark yelping el strangers Hed not say a word lo local persons Poor Harneys gone that good old dog We neer shall sec him more He dope passed in his cheeks I On golden shore I German Warship by or I to made up from those at has issued Hie following of the Gulf of naval operations In the recent operations iho up under bo enemy employed the major part Military Service- Act since all Preparations have boon rushed to take care of- point to a heavy spouse at the first H re- quires a organization all throughout the country lo take care of the operation of tho Act fleet and overwhelming superiority enabled him- to carry out debarkation rapidly and suc cessfully Our fleet only was a bio to do lis best to hinder these efforts and to inflict maximum losses With this object was printed in all the a Arlea of attacks using of the country on Oc- Ibe naval resources in our Queensville Mrs J I Moore spent part of last week in Toronto owing lo the serious illness of her daugh ter Mrs A number of our young people wnre home for Thanksgiving Mr Dan Moore spent last Sun day in Toronto Mr Angus was mar ried last week Congratulations The I will hold their regu lar at the homo of Mrs Hill on Wednesday Oct lit Ladies are requested to bring their Humbles A Wln-tlie- Tea will be stowed for a charge of will be ipado i Well his woalher is not very for the to lake up hi- and roots A number of ladies are quilling We wonder if it is weddings or fuel economy Our hunters are busy these days getting ready for holidays HOP Mrs Hall Mrs j and Miss Go ode have returned from a weeks visit with relatives in and Mr and Mrs Frank Smith and Miss spent Sunday at Mr Fairbanks Mr is having water in stalled in the house and barn this Mr Lark occupied the pulpit in the interests of Mis sions Misses Lottie and were appointed as col lectors A duet by and Mr Lark was much enjoyed Mrs P Morris and Mrs Wil fred egg and Mrs Dyke are lak- everybody welcome Mr is visiting at his old home in the Niagara Dis trict for a few days Mrs David Wats in returned on Sunday after spending a week in Aurora Willi her son William Mr Sandy Milne Jr got back in the West Monday night What about that smoky sehon room and hours Who ami vhere are Ibe authorities Mrs Campbell of vis ited Mrs week Mr J Morris is busy these days with his ranch cattle Our Presbyterian lied Cross ladies and Young Ladies Class of arc preparing to send our soldiers a box of cheer Mr and Mrs spent Sunday in Mr and Mrs Waring and Mr Stewart of Toronto spent Sunday at Mr J I Terrys Mr and Mrs Clayton moved into the old Parson age and have already made some improvement Rev and family have got moved to their new Parson age Levering delivered a line patriotic sermon Sunday lo a large congregation There will he union services in the Metho dist Church the next two Sab baths Atkinson will preach Disagreeable weather for of lb cant bo cur- lo digging but what must be endured potatoes such as J J Poster raises are some pumpkins The grow an im mense size but hot nearly so del icate flavor as the Gold Coins American Wonder or White Ele phant I suppose the of Hebron are has but Donald lias a crop white as the virgin snow Old time potatoes I remember art Apple Potato American Wonder or Cup Delaware Garnet Chilli Gold Coin Merino Pink Peach and Late Hose The many friends of Mrs Amos will be pleased to learn that she underwent a most successful operation for removal of cataract of lie eye Her sight is restored Peeves a specialist did it There arc few who him Our Long John Alexander says Ine Dr is a gentleman No doubt about it John I regret to have occasion to re port that we are aboU lo lose the services of Mrs Crittenden in the Post Office She has been an efficient and considerate offi cial none more obliging The new Master will be Jas tendon who has purchased the properly John Miller the veteran mby- has moved into Gum Swamp next door lo Jerry I guess John has in the neighbor hood of two dozen times maybe less Hard times no apples this year That sounds too much like the North West to suit me As wonderful nag has got first money once more Brad ford Fair was he occasion of a procession A will have money to burn if bis goes on Schomborg would in all probabil ity have been a repetition but rain dispelled it Cloudy weather has put an end to my the enemy lost submarine attacks and- flre two dreadnoughts one twelve torpedo boats one transport and sweepers all of which were put out of action Their fate Is unknown Our looses are the ship of the line Slava and a large torpedo boat destroyer of the type The efficiency of our other ships has been maintained completely newspapers of the country on calling up first class This- includes all male operations between- the ages who were unmarried ihiourth minca Ju widow without children All such men must report for service on or before November next if cation for exemption has not been made in their behalf before that dale Since this time the whole country lias been fully informed us to each mans duty under the Military Service Act and knows the- severe penalties provided for those who Iry to evade llio law a The PandoraMlange has triple grate bars tura easily because each bar fa shaken separately The firebox made smooth to prevent clogging of ashes and theashpan is large enough to hold more than one days ashes Write for booklet a trip lo Toronto this week Mrs and Eva spent Mon day afternoon at Mr Tansleys Miss Mildred Woodcock spent Sunday in Mount Albert Dont forget that the ladies will meet at the home of Mrs Tansley On the of November to pack boxes for France Everyone feels like it is asked to con tribute There are boxes to Pack so come early I it THE NEW CABINET Ottawa Oct Union as it now stands com prises members including the SolicitorGeneral Hugh Guthrie addition there are now two parliamentary UnderSecretaries Messrs Hugh Clark for External Affairs and for Militia and Defence A Parliamentary for the of Labor is to be ap pointed according to Premier announcement of He will probably be David A Carey of Toronto Cabinet is the largest since Confederation Tho portfolios however have for present been at least increas ed by onlyUwo namely the new portfolios of President of the Council and of Immigration uad Colonization Four of without portfolio namely Hon Messrs Cochrane and Politically new is divided unequally there feeing Conservatives to Lib erals f I for Efioailng His Honour Judge Denton has appointed Wednesday Oct 31st iHiT at the hour of in the at Sharon for holding a Court to bear and determine the of errors and in Voters lasts for tie Municipality of the Township East for tho year A Strayed from Lot Con the of May two Yearling ftttla Heifers Information Vfd9d by tom Keep this date Oct next Tuesday evening in your mind and come lo the newspaper social be given by the League in the Methodist basement A good time is looked for Mr and Mrs Hob Miss Sarah returned lo city Sunday evening after a few days visit at Mr Mr Westlake is a returned sol dier who has had some experience with the hardships of trench life having had his feet frozen and other injuries livening service in the Presby terian Church on Sabbath at This is a Thanksgiving Service lo whicli all are welcome There will be special music by the choir and solo by Miss Hazel A Thanksgiving Offering will be taken Miss Edith Atkinson of Toron to University spent the at her home The Y M W W Class will meet at the church on Sabbath morning at oclock Miss Edith Hill of Out spent the weekend at the Manse Union services will ho held in lie Presbyterian on Sun day morning at oclock and at Methodist Church at oclock Anniversary services will bo held in Presbyterian Church on Sunday Nov at am and pm The congrega tion will make a special freewill offering in support of the general work of the Church The marriage of Miss Smith of Queensville lb Mr Allison of Richmond Hill took place at the Manse on Wednes day evening The happy couple will spend their honeymoon at Sudbury and will make their home at Richmond Hill Baldwin Breezes Herman Pringle has returned well loaded with after a fourweeks service on jury We are pleased lo hear his ob servations that our friend Judge is an At gentleman courteous and deferential lo his subordinates It is a trail of the family away in days by Pringlo had misfor tune to lose his little bunting dog Mrs Seymour J is hereby deputed to make all necessary ex planations Barney was a splendid chop the wild woods after deer was one of our Keswick Too Late for Last Week The Willoughhy home on the evening of Oct was the scene of a quiet but pretty wed ding when Miss was united in marriage lo Mr W A Munro Tho ceremony was performed by the Rev W P Fletcher Pastor of Christian Church The bride was daintily attired in a gown of white satin with overdress of wilo silk lace After the knot was tied dinner was and spending a pleasant even ing the guests went away leaving all kinds of good wishes for the future of the newly weds The Ladies Aid of be Keswick Christian Church purpose having a Thanksgiving Supper in the Temperance Hall on Monday ev ening Oct under the man agement of Mrs J Warriner and Mrs Jesse Morton Supper will be served from lo oclock A good program is being prepared Mr Miss and Miss of Sutton will as sist and wo consider anything given by them is a rare treat The program will be given in the Church Come and have a pleas ant evening The Stores of Keswick have agreed at oclock sharp on and after Nov on Monday Wednesday and Friday nights Sutton West The Girls Patriotic League are anticipating a full bouse at tho Town Hall Sutton on Friday evening Oct when they open the season with a Euchre and Dance Cards commence at sharp Prizes for ladies and gentlemen Dancing at Tickets each Proceeds for Cheer for the Soldiers Re freshments served An enjoy able lime promised Mission Band of the Pres byterian Church will hold a Tea in Dr Nobles Store on Friday Nov from to pm Euro pean stylo v a Rev Levis Hall of Leam ington formerly of Newmarket charges that Lake Eric fishermen turning back into llio lake from Iheir nets large quantities Of flab not because of small size but lo prevent a surplus supply of fish and a reduction of price has anointed man to investigate uuaiitAl f J ALLAN CO Till- WORLD speedy formation of the required Wephowr to ail reinforcements to the number of V J 100000 is expected from the an achieved fact class called Mox Graham Be speaking at a mass meeting held Flight Cadet Roebuck of here loWight terminating the was killed on his ceremonies of the unveiling of the tial flight at Mohawk Aviation Hell Memorial to mouth I 1 iris Oct Wireless parts of the in a possibility is achieved fact de ll i The town of Port Perry yes terday with a population of one thousand contributed more than 4000 for Red Cross and other purposes Geo a farmer aged CI about killed at Whitby when be attempted to Camp near on Sunday The eminent inventor told of cross in front of an approaching his plane getting out of control recent experiments whereby sci- train i i in Honolulu to wireless telei rh and i of iho world win JJ wires nor naileries is war J lo uur The districts total casuahii from the Zeppelin I I j I all raid and plunging lo ground enlists spoke from Washington last Friday on Knglandv kiln and injured officially I to date the war has cost Canada about 700000000 Canada has spent in Canada over 400000000 on her own account Canada has spent in Canada on behalf of Great Britain over What Canada spends for Great Britain is really loaned to Great Britain and will be reDaid or credited to Canada later on Britain needs so much ready cash to finance her own expenditures at home for herself and for our Allies that she must buy on credit from Canada and from every other country where she can get credit Of course Great Britains credit is so good that other countries in order to get her trade are quite as willing to give her credit as we are in Canada Canada wants to help Great Britain not only because Canada Britains trade but because we are Canada and she is Great Britain both members of the same great Empire kin of our kin our mother land Canada it is both a filial and patriotic duty to supply Great Britains war needs and remember her needs are our needs Also it is in Canadas selfinterest to supply those needs and thus keep open a market for our products Now Britain needs our wheat our cheese cattle hogs and many manufac tured articles Canada also needs many of these things between the two it amounts to more than a million dollars a day in cash i i ill i i And the producers must be paid in cash Neither Canada nor Great Britain could go to a Canadian farmer and buy wheat or his cattle on credit The farmer and all other producers might be ever so to give their country credit but they could not do it because they have to pay cash for wages for rent materials etc They must be paid in cash or its equivalent So Canada says to Great Britain I will lend you the money so that you can pay cash to Canadas producers for what you want I will borrow this money from our Own people just as you borrow money from your people will also borrow from the people of Canada money to pay cash for all the pro ducts that Canada as well as Great Britain needs in Canada That is Canadas practical patriotic part in helping to win the war Without this credit the Canadian pro ducer could not sell to Great Britain and without these Canadian products the war would be prolonged So it is necessary for Canada to give to Great Britain the credit in order that Canadas own producers who need a market will have one and in order that Great Britain which needs the products to win the war will get them Nov how does Canada get the money by winch both Canada and Britain can pay cash for Canadas products By borrowing it from the rjeopjeof Canada through the sale of Canadas Victory Bonds tobe offered in November That is why Canadas Victory Bonds are offered to the people to raise money to help to finish the Canada must keep her shoulder to the wheel even though it be a chariot of and the way for Canada to keep her shoulder to the wheel by Jan Victory Bonds I Cadis i mm- f Our arc fl floral Pat Clover body WE TO So A Imp Sol aioner for Willbe ft lay Tuesday and day evenings Office Grou Office Phone Solicitor for J Private funds probating la all count Reliable County lo Fruit and Fail a Good pay free selling Of ibe Choi eluding trolled by date splendid to offer jobbers terms lo Cat to purchase- Homo OF Door Nov No clusi tarit mi inch ho an from Mam open from Write for of ing J Pbone 10 Phone An Passed o on and ant oleoiiiargurj free oJ TORONTO