Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 26 Oct 1917, p. 5

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I- 43 WMl Barrister Notary 0 St 50000 lo fcon on good security corner DOME Toronto ft Hank Building Snider J Harvey Bono J Toronto Building Mr ana Mothers Meeting Will bo on Thursday Iho 1st of November in homo of Mrs Albert on Queen St commencing at pm A full at tendance is requested bo in Newmarket AUG Frank Dunoon AND Dr WHUIncon DENTIST Corner Main and Newmarket rjowmnrkot MSui Graduate loyal fccroflhe of England of Toronto of the Medicine or physicians and loyal College of Former clinical and and Throat An passing over Iho Town on Sunday afternoon looped the loop and hits daring feat by a number people man between the ago of and should read Iho pro clamation re Military Act Ignorance of regula tions will not be considered an I rlothodlot Missionary Com had charge of prayer service on Thursday evening of lost week and there was a good attendance Mr NA Cornell acted as chair man Mr contributed a solo a splendid- Quartette com posed of the Misses Rogers Mr II Manning and Mr rendered sacred selection and the address of evening Was by Stevenson of Toron to and it was full of suggestions with blackboard aid why more onMon should be given to Mis sions After the service the Dr had a conference Willi the Com mittee on organization work Airily London Glasses supplied Telephone no eyes WATCHMAKER AND Park Avenue Wow Post PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Avo 2nd from Queen St Newmarket Ada IPO 401 phone Tom Jlooo J A Toucher of Piano and Dealer in M kinds of Mu sical ana Repairs Piano Tunlnfl Agent for Columbia and Complete J Prompt As the long and dismal oven- fast approaching when nature attractive is somewhat repelling and people are beginning to look for pleas ures and comforts indoors once more let us direct attention to the Newmarket Public Library flood books are a pleasure and a profit and when exchanges can be made so conveniently every family in Town should lake ad vantage of this public institution which offers wholesome litera ture absolutely without cost the expenses being paid out of the taxes The Heading Room is al so free to Townspeople situated at the foot of Alain fit In Jirfugfrig up Father who will appear in the Town Huh Newmarket one night only Mon day Oct presenting the popular drama with eight vaude ville nets and Highland Pipers and Dancers Prices and Scats now on sale at Pattersons Drug Store backache- Last March I and have new kid raaicino recently duscovered by Dr Fierce and it way ami- gave too relief in flhort tried bat is only that I feel my duty to to any who Ml did Mao Folks la town and adjoining delighted with the tbeyhaYeobtalncabyu9lnK norcat discovery of Pierce who fa head of Hotel and in Buffalo who with a atWI and an aching head worn out before day began because they In and out of bed a dozen night perfect comfort and now they obtained from Tablets To that this a certain acid and headache kidney and bladder and rhcumatiBrn If youve never need Anurlo cat this out and tn cents to Doctor Pierce for a large package will to you that Anurlc id thirty ceven mure active than in eliminating uric acid and most perfect kidney bladder cor rector If you are a sufferer to your beet druggist and ask for a box of You run no nek for Or Pierces good pome stands behind this wonderful new discovery as it baa for the pact half century for his Golden Medical Discovery a general made from roots with pure glycerine which makes the blood pure his fa vorite Prescription for weak and Pleasant for liver ilia -V- Vin HI delighted in preparing slraiigd surprises for his guests and was moVe- ovor always anxious to find out his subjocts possessed qualities generally attributed to thorn On the oc casion of a at- Pots dam ho observed among throng of magnificently dressed courtiers plainly and without any of Insignia of rank The strongly marked per sonality of the quiet stranger pleased king who after gaz ing steadily at him for a mo ment the marshal of tho palace Monsieur who is that man in the black coat talking to our learned chancellor That sire replied the mar- shall is Iho celebrated Doctor Gall who can toll a mans char acteristics by his physical op- Srr 4C V I l k i OT ripe ill jelly or simply preserved In light to winter supplies I- f J Jail cried SOUTH Council ji Lyman Issuer of Marriage Licenses At Bra Office Newmarket Private issued at private- re sidence if desired NEWMARKET LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones Call before ordering elsewhere CUT building I Kept in and Made to Order W NORTH YORK I ram In linolund In the Method Church at Horsham tho marriage took place of Mildred youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs J Carman Horsham to Lieut Edgar Hare son the late and Mrs Hare of Canada Before enlisting Lieut Hare had an appointment in the organiza tion Department of Agriculture and was at and Newmar ket Stanley Penman conducted the ceremony The bride wore ivory do chine embroidered in veil and orange blossoms and was at tended by her cousin Miss Peg gy of who wore crepe de chine Mr J was groomsman Miss Wall Is presided at tho or gan Mr and Mrs Hare left to spend their honeymoon at the Isle of Wight Why It Pays It pays to read the Era he- cause it contains important no tices that the public generally interested in and which you might not hear anything about until they were over Aside from the news there are always mat ters of importance in the Using columns A man assigns you may be creditor and the legal notice tells you when and to whom to make your cluim Ani mals stray from heir owners and an ad tells you where to get it Thus the of usefulness continues link by link As a medium of communication it Is valuable and convenient alike to those who have announcements to make and those who are In terested in hearing them and it is above all cheap cheaper than note paper and postage stamps Dont he without the local paper it will save you its price over and over again I AH Latest Designs In Monuments and Headstones All Kinds of Cemetery Work PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO see us before buying elsewhere kinds of Building Stones to Order Memorial Tablets for In otook JOHN Dealer and Importer of foreign and GRANITES AND MAHfiKKS Phone Box Huron St Newmarket photos Your Friends can buy thlnu you u thorn except your Uu YOU One Door West of New Post Office At Newmarket on Thursday ev ening Oct a very pretty wedding was solemnized when Alberta eldest daughter of Aldernan and Mrs freeman Lloyd became the bride of Mr Herbert Gordon of Toron to Tho ceremony was perform ed by the J Wood Tho bride entered drawingroom to strains of Lohengrins Wedding March played by her sister Miss Marjorie bride was given away by her father She looked lovely in a gown of white silk crepe chine trim med with embroidered satin She carried a bouquet of white roses and wore grooms gift a sun burst of pearls During the signing of the register Miss Laurel McOarty sang Because gifts both numerous and costly showing the for both bride and groom After a buffet luncheon happy loft for a short trip the bride travelling in a suit of navy blue French Gabardine with hat to match The outoftown guests were Mr and Mrs Harry Mctfeo To ronto Mr and Mrs J Mo- Bride Toronto Miss McBride Toronto Miss Mies Mar shall Mr Wolfe Mr Gall also of Toronto Misses Dunn of To ronto Mies Mr and Mrs Lloyd Pino Orchard Mr and Mrs L P White Rose Mr Mr and Mrs Fred Proctor and a number of other friends Farmers Between forty and fifty farmers attended the meeting of the Club in Wesley Hall Inst Saturday night and it proved to be an ex ceedingly interesting one Mr A occupied the chair and the announcement was made that four cars of coal had been ordered one was delivered and the invoice had been receiv ed of one or two on the way Al so three cars of apples had been purchased would he here shortly one car of which is for the Club The subject for discussion The Cost of Milk Production was introduced by Mr Baldwin Dennis who road a very interest ing and lucid paper which we give in another part of this is sue maintained that it cost to produce an can of milk Mr Win followed He made the statement that no sot of men arc capable of setting the price of milk under existing con ditions owing to the varying of feed and labor He al so that it was possible to produce milk at less than per 8- gal can at present price of feed He said There three filings that enter into the production of milk The Feeder the Feed and the Cow Some men gel better results because they are in sympathy with the cow There is a good supply of feed on hand now silo straw and hay He gave a blackboard illustration to show the differ ence between a 4000lb cow and cow The various items of cost in connection with a cow showed that the profit allowing interest for in vestment was only per year with milk at per can while the cow showed a profit of with milk at the same price being a cost of per can He said the remedy for the farmer was to keep more of the 7000lb cows average will not produce more than lbs The best cow in the Province showed a profit of S6- last year at per can aim in a herd of ten cows the cost of production was SI per can In conclusion be said If wo want to get down to patriotic work lets get rid of the poor cows Mr thought there were several items left out in the table of costs The Chairman said that it was a good thing for the town that the farmers do not keep hooks He kept track last winter of the cost and found that the SI per can received just paid for the feed and care and he had all the delivery to do for nothing Con sequently ho gave it up More would do so if they knew what it cost and go into something else Figures were given from Mr to show that cows cost on an average per cow per year for keep Mr Dennis colled attention to tho that is costs to heifer before she becomes a producer The chairman thought it was time that the fanners undertook to educate the city people and let them know the real situation The table showed that the cow consumed a great deal more food than the cow and and Mr Currey asked if the food was withheld from the cow The reply was that both cows were fed all they would take hut the poor cow would not respond like the other The statement was made that it lakes Five years to improve a herd but nothing pays belter than weighing the milk and it does not take long when you get accuetomed to it The was a very satis factory one and all present fell that they would like to have some more of them Whitchurch Council met at Wednesday Oct 1 7th with all the members present and the Hoove in the chair The Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed Communications were present ed us follows viz of Board of Railway Com missioners with notice of meet ing re proposed Subway at T crossing on St to be held Toronto on Tuesday A Abbott Organiza tion of Resources with ap peal on behalf British Bed Cross Cross and Womens Patri otic League- requesting grants of each to purchase material for Bod Cross work in their respect ive Societies Mrs A J- Star and Mrs W Janes of on behalf of Newmarket Branch al so presented a claim for a grant for the same purpose represent ing to Council that while their organization was called the New market Branch it was composed mostly of ladies resident in the Township Claims for sheep killed by dogs were presented by J Wesley Hill and If following bills wore pre sented viz J yds gravel 10 D yds gravel less Walker for placing culvert Lots 2021 yds The Treasurer was instructed to pay the bills presented and the sum of lo each of the three Ladies Societies request ing grants for lied Cross A grant of six hundred dollars was made to the British Red Cross and the Treasurer in structed to pay the same Resolutions were passed in structing the to pay J Hill for sheep killed and ho sum of for one sheep killed by dogs The Reeve and Deputy Reeve were appointed a Committee to attend the meeting of the Board of Railway Commissioners re proposed subway on St Deputy Reeve was appointed Commissioner to dis pose of certain trees on Con Lot and Town Line Fast if deemed advisable A grant of was made to gravel Sideline between Lots Con and Reeve appointed Commissioner 16 expend the same also one hun dred dollars for gravelling Con 3 and Councillor Legge ap pointed Commissioner lo expend same Council adjourned to meet at Vondorf Wednesday Nov at 10 am aOOOf Short of grain for food I Fa mine faces the world I Cease the destruction of grain lo make beer and make bread ftislead Sons of Temperance Record June 1017 My native city has treated mo badly said a drunken vagabond but I love her still Probab ly replied a gentleman her still is about all you do love The Australian Son of Temper ance king Ah I am going to discover whether what they say of him is not exag gerated Go to him and say that I wish him to dine with mo to morrow At six oclock the next day there was a banquet at the royal palace which a dozen guests were assembled All wore deco rations of distinction and wore handsomely dressed with the ex ception of Hie famous doctor whoso simple raiment looked quite dull between the official uniforms on each side of him When dinner was ended the king turned to Doctor Gall and said Now doctor I beg that you will ell us characteristic of those gentlemen as they are in dicated by their exterior phy sique Doctor Gall rose instantly for the request of king is an order and began lo shako his head slowly as he surveyed his neigh bor who was apparently a gen eral He paused as if rassed Speak freely said the king His excellency is fond of hunting and fighting He ought to care most for the pleasures of a battlefield He lovers blood The king smiled and motion ed for the doctor lo examine the man who sat on hie right This lime the doctor looked still more disconcerted This gentleman he said with embarrassment ought lo excel in gymnastic ex ercises he ought lo be a great runner and remarkably adroit J i S i V LOTS OF FEED BRAN AND SHORTS ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR FAMOUS BREAD FLOUR ALSO I CREAM OF THE WEST In Broad Linking Contest at School for Milling May Got of tho West oro A HOWARD Prompt Delivery Phono GO at p JUL HURON NEWMARKET It To Every Lover of HOMEMADE BAKING a TRY and Five Rose Our Favorite FEED ANTHRACITE With his hands That is enough my dear doc tor Interrupted the king I know now thai what is said of your powers is true Monsieur the general your neighbor an assassin who is condemned to prison and your adroit gentle man Is most notorious thief in all Prussia As the king uttered last words he struck three limes upon the tabic Three guards entered at the signal Conduct these prisoners back to their cells ordered the king then turning to the stupefied doctor be said This was a proof You have dined side by side with the great est bandits in my kingdom Ex amine your pockets Doctor Gall obeyed His handkerchief purse and tobacco box were gone I The next day these articles were recovered and returned to him and as a of this singular occasion the king sent with the stolen effects a tobacco box of gold set with diamonds ooo LIKE AN ON TOES Prices Right OLIVER Give Us DIKE a Flour COAL Cain AW- W IY8 AN you know 11 fill ss The readers of this will be pleased to learn Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been to cure lu all its stages and that is Catarrh being greatly Influenced by requires treatment Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts thru the oo the Mucous Surfaces of the System thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease giving strength by building up the and nature In doing Its work The proprietors have so much faith In the powers Halls Catarrh Cure that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any ease that It to Scud f J V a til Tolls why a corn Is so painful and says thorn a row Press an electric button and you form a contact wilh a live wire which rings the bell When your shoes press against your corn it pushes its sharp roots down upon a sensitive nerve and you get the shock of pain Instead of trimming your corns which merely makes them grow step into any drug store and ask for a quarter of an ounce of This will cost you very little but is sufficient to re move every hard or soft corn or callus from ones feet A few drops applied directly upon a tender corn stops the soreness instantly and soon Iho corn shrivels up so it lifts right out root and all without pain TJiis drug is harmless and never inflames or even irri tates the surrounding skin -t-OOO-t- ALL IN A My eyes exclaimed tho po tato hut this is poor soil for a garden Thats right said the onion I dont get along worth a and Im losing strength every day going to leave said the cabbage Ill never bo able to get hero This spot isnt fit for a ryingjground said ho straw berry Hut here comes the sun and well all have lo dry up You lose sense soon as you ignore all sentiment Polishing head alone often paralyzes the heart The church hat lifts fall en never need fear failure The oar ready for slander makes the lips ready to slay A man Is not sound in life be cause he has much sound on his lips True is root of ll reform If Anything Its a I CANADIAN Ycrm8 If You Wish OFFICE Adelaide West DAM mm MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AMD LUMBER Such as Flooring Siding Moulding and Inside Trim in Pine Cypress Ash and Oak and Stair Materia all well kiln dried ami nicely machined bash Doors and Window Frames In Pino Fir or Oak Sold at prices that will Interest you Kindly tie atrial r l A Hill Iccav of that will secured ft Tweed for Business Wear this YOUR iNSHtVriOH WILLIS LnVJViV CAM OP i

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