Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 26 Oct 1917, p. 4

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Will Inflict on of i- Know Tins is a True i- I- all Monno by of Snored HynuiH and Tunes and Likewise Soup certain of which were Suiigo in ye Yeur and will be at his Great Yo Brick and Morlar TOWN HALL Which Hard by Yo Highway On of Which on a of scouring safe sittings can bo had for two York Shillings Souls Oho Shilling and Sixpence Ye Plan for Picked Seats will open at Deacon Patterson Shop on Tuesday ye day of October P M Positively no Produce such as Butler and Eggs will be luk as Darter for Seals as ye cant be Pestered with em Goodman will out yo Siring at by ye Main Street but ye and will not begin till so to favor ye who cannot gel ye Milkynge done earlier when ye Candles will be lit fl can be on ye pegs at ye door or loft on yo oulsydo in arms may bo loft wi Ushers at doors A OF YE GREASE OLDEN Edith lowland Deborah Beside yo Chorus and Mayor Will sit in yo Chair ye same who Pitches ye Tunes in ye Meeting House on Sabbath will keep for ail ye People so ye Need Not Stamp Facte 1 from that Brant have nominated Aid next candidate for the Ikjmrhoris and one of Toronto Hidings While become rho program outlined by the Union Ministry pledges adminis tration to vigorous War Policy civil service reform fran chise for and women in creased taxation of war profits and incomes of railway operations and developments reduction of public expenditure and other re forms The platform Is a strong one Ontario had a in Toronto day lost week when the subject of lead ership In the Legislaturewas dis cussed but no decision was ar rived A resolution was proclaiming their determina tion to maintain the name high standard which has been estab lished by the Libera parly dur ing recent years and that heretofore a progressive policy will be continued -ooo- Comments of Exchanges Mirror Wo dont want to grow sarcastic but we think that Food Controller should either lake aside those who prepare the war menus and loll them to be more careful or else draw up a separate menu for working men The suggested courses mean well but it has to he confessed thai most of them show a lamentable Ignorance of What constitutes a days for Ibe overage workingrnans fam ily Mercury Our idea of a real handy man around the house is the chap who can putty a pane in the cellar window frame with dinner knife Mercury About three months after the actual dale of fifty years Confederation the government issues a special stamp lo commemorate the i event Three months isnt bad though for the Ottawa Gov ernment ye piuaYE Ye introduction of ye having ears for Musioko and Souls in Tune and ye Singers whoso Voices Oak of ye Christian Meelynge House sung by our Grande and Grandeparcnts even before ye days of Houses A Come Come Away a AH MonjC and Chris Kuhelick will a piece failed Ye Ye People are asked to take good heed thereto that ye may become familiar with ye Musicke of ye Angels Mann will Ye Young will Silver Threads Among ye Guide Philander Breeze and Perkins will help will right here all by herself hs toll us about yo for ye Reception to Cousin who comes from Boston will a pretty Quire will Ye Campbells are Coming a piece Land of dear lo ye hearts of ye People from ye yo Beautiful BagPipes They practised a lot Porridge with on this piece i 3 PABTEf A Played Tune The Battle of Waterloo by When You and I Were Young Maggie by Consolation and Perkins All ye will Cornin through the Young will a wliich was wrote by one Moore A P Aunt Jemimas Plaster Moore Spoke Piece by Maide Merriweather Courting by Dorcas Talbot A Spoke Piece by Huldy Kolc Perk ins A Two Parte Oor Hill Oer Hie Dale by o aiion and her Perkins and vlU ye is ended NOTE who are so as to have good lunges and religious liaining are expected to stando up and sing ye last tune which will be ye National Air All ye people must keep ye exact tymc and then depart lo ye abodes in a comely manner ye married by themselves and ye single menne one cache by themselves Yo Syngers will their Ancestors old Clothes I There will Lots of Pun and I Lassies do not criticize ye neighbors It is not a polite thingto do Lads do not talk politicks or the navy question as elections are yet to come Yo folke can bring yo knitting and ye young obliging tipstaffs will bold yo When any of ye please ye when they or donl be afraide to clap yo bands They like lo hear it besides it will keep hands P Clap with your hands but do not stamp as the dust will rise and ye will ask tfor more stipend The lassies who wear skyscraping are requested lac leave them the man at the doore as the short lads and lassies can neither see over Ibem nor through thcin If ye ore the committee will not charge you extra for standing the wall Tribune How docs Ihq York County Commission- get away with their punk work year after year There is not only a bump in now but pleasant stretches of condition in the neighborhood of the Is the Commission try ing to see how much Ibo public will stand before turning Incom petents out Good Roads Camp bell bad a horror of on the road and always advocated metal More money is being spent on the salaries of Commission than on building roads Are pres ent members of the York County Highway Commission like the Senate appointed for life Cobalt Nugget The aggres sive development of Consolidated goes on unremit tingly Wages being paid lo un derground employees are high The straight wage of four dollars per day to all branches of labor underground now holds good only in part and many employees find themselves receiving still higher rate while the minimum- is four dollars This high remunera tion is attracting labor and it to estimate that this premier gold mine of the Domin ion is adding lo its ore reserves at an average rate of upwards of half a million dollars per month Herald Thanksgiving Day instead of being devoted to thanksgiving is for the most part given over lo holidaying and mer rymaking by the vast majority of the people Those who stop to express gratitude for Ibe bounty of Providence do so on he Sun day preceding the holiday In Ibis respect hey resemble the boy who said all his prayers a week ahead so hat he would have more lime for baseball The Government does its part by des ignating a day for national thanksgiving but public seem to have got into the of re garding it merely as the- last respite from work to be enjoyed until the Xmas season It is probable that the substitution of Monday for Thursday as Thanks giving Day in keeping the wishes of the commercial tra vellers helps lo popularize the festival as a day of pleasuretak ing rather than of thanks to the Almighty 0O0-i- v happenings yuporslUions and grotesque fancies Natures voice Is dumb and face is veiled with a soft and haze that adds a feeling of uneer- lainty as to what she is about to do The whole natural world is in a stale of hushed and it no wonder that the feeling culminated with our an cestors in a festival of tradi tions and mystic observances- Halloween The name All Hal low Day was given by ifacefV lo the first of November in celebration of conversion of the Pantheon at Home into a place of Christian worship On that day all Ibe saints were wor shipped in whose honor particu lar days had not been set aside popular observance of day however long preceded its tin a festival of he church It was one or the four great festival occasions of our pagan ancestors and even ing before was given up to fanci ful and strange customs and practices I It was a time when spirits were to wain abroad and Urn power of witches was at height offset by the efforts- of good fairies who strove lo shield men from the powers of mischief In consequence all the practices were gone through with the feel ing mixed of joyous anticipation and fear Scotland and bonfires vero lighted In every vil lage and each member of a fam ily placed a marked stone there in When the Are had burned out the condition of the stone foretold the future of the persons who had put it there If injured or moved the person was destin ed to die within the year In Ireland the day was celebrated somewhat as a thanksgiving for the fruits of field apples be ing especially used in tho festivi ties is an other applied lo the eve of All Saints Day One custom still prevalent throughout the British Isles is that of placing two nuts side by side upon the hearth The name of is given to one and the name of a- laddie to the other If they burn together marriage will be he outcome if one burns with out the other a onesided affec tion is Exemption Board been In a as lo ihem Absolutely independent and I removed from oil Influence over boards throughout the country each composed two men by county Judge in the district concerned and selected by a Joint committee of Parliament Being whore they sit members to appreciate reasons for exemption as put them by men called up Exemption bo granted to those vho can establish that It In the national interest that they remain In civilian Ufa This tho Exemption Board to decide after received full information In each case on Which may be claimed which arc similar to the grounds recognized in Great Britain and United States arc as follows- i lit In mIIomI man should of employed la Strmets engaged In work In which ho It ft Thai ll Is expedient In ho national that man should being employed In Military Service ha encaged In other voile which bo to be encased and for which ho hat That It la expedient In the thai Instead of being employed In Military Service he to bo or trained for any work lor which ho la the n being educated and trained win were on owing to firrtneitl or HI of combbtactserrlco prohibited from doing by leasts articles of In effect on the day July any organized denomintlion tad In Canada at date and to which ho In food belong Or exempt under Wax EtccUon Act No Claim tor should bo put forward unless or other of these grounds in fact and no loyal citizen in or allow himself to bo made a party to any Claim for thoroughly thct It fn good faith Exemption may for by selected themselves or by their parents near relatives employ Application for exemption must be on printed forms to be found at every post office ore to bo filled In end left postmaster if exemption is The postmaster will forward form to send it to appropriate Exemption Board In due tiinethtnuj get to when ho present his ce3 before Board Milium Sink Cornell in of mad by Mr Baldwin Den nis at tho Club last Saturday Night In of wo have a lot of tilings to take in it consideration such an cow feeds labor rent taxes interest Bradford carried Hydro by a vote of lo so that all muni cipalities in South have now endorsed Hydro Uv Davis former pub lisher of St Marys has purchased the Time and will shortly take possession on farm stock and implements indicated if either cracks Everything a fanner has to liainlnu t Charles PIb Toronto Has Mkd lately to fill vinUi up to to net WtlU iUt any J bylaw to raise for the memorial hospital carried by a vote of to Bother it I I loft my watch up stairs on the dressing lablo feel too tired to run after it If you wait long enough itll run down Children FOR FLETCHERS During some excavation in a district of historical interest some workmen came upon a stone which was shaped Very like a coffin They thereupon began lb discuss coffins and an Irish man remarked Vhoy dont they use stone coffins now Theyd save a lot money Why how would they Theyd be most difficult to make said another workman Oh but said the Irishman you see a stone coffin would lust a dead man all his life a a a Dr Natural Heir ortlvo used directed Is guaranteed to restore gray hslr to Ha natural color or refunded not a dye end nonInjurious postpaid Oat Ox hi J a torn jumps that one is untrue Burns in his Halloween a picture of the observance of its many customs by A maid goes out alone into a field and closing her eyes a of colcwort The lump of earth which clings lo the rols indicates the dowry to conio at marriage Another custom is that standing before a mirror eating an apple The appari tion or the partner in life may he seen in the background In England the practices are of a lighter nature The young people gather around tins open fire cracking nuts and bobbing for apples A stick is suspend ed at its middle from the ceiling On one end is put an apple I lie opposite end supporting a lighted candle The stick is made lo revolve rapidly and each one is given a chance to catch the ap ple with the teeth without the use of hands Those and many other customs have cojnc down to us and are practiced in our own country Halloween brings lo mind rooms brightly lighted with open fires gay with the laughter of young people as their fortunes are old or their success in the games is varied with failure But the phase of Halloween observances which the most universal and with which we are most familiar is that which oc cupies the allcrition of the small hoy It is he lime of all times thai js dear to him when his In nate love of mischief and ro mance finds expression For days before preparations are secretly made by the members of the gang Bean blowers are pur chased and quantities of beans and peas are laid away for use on the great occasion Cabbages pumpkins turnips potatoes and other vegetables are collected with which to batter house doors and arouse unsuspect ing occupants When the ev ening conies bonfires are to be seen in every quarter and the pleasant smell of burning leaves is in the air Supper is hurri edly dismissed and the small boys steal out to gather at some dark Corner in easy reach of all Then the sport begins Front doors are the recipients of cabbages and potatoes hurled by the youth ful Showers of beans and rice rattle against the window panes Nails manipulat ed by strings from concealed quarters cause weird mysteri ous noises on doors and windows Bells ring and when is no one in sight up and down the street yet showers of grain from nowhere greet the wondering householder or great grinning features of a Jaek- laugh at him from the gale post Away down the street may ho heard notes of a la horn then several of them In ev ery direction Gradually they grow nearer and finally the gang sweeps past doing mischief in sight of anyone Again a chorus of horns is sounded and when the fn house goes to door for second lima no one in near put front lying at his upon the porch chase is high and going higher When lop notch will be reach ed no one seems lo know In comparing present prices with prices of we find that grain and mill feeds have increased labor and hard find thai while milk at per can has only increased and even the winter price of per can asked would not leave a fair mar gin of profit lo the producer Milk is absolutely essential to the human race It must be pro duced and all should hear in mind that unless a reasonable profit is assured dairy farmers will turn their attention to some thing else such as raising and pork production Over in Britain food control has so work ed against the dairyman that dif ficulty is found in getting enough rnilk In New York dairy farmers were so drilled down in the price of milk that they were driven out of the business Con sequently buyers from that stale are corning to Eastern Ontario and offering a for milk which is equivalent to per can A continuance of such an agitation here without understanding the matter may soon have the same effect upon Ontario producers A consideration of he by hose who understand the and difficulties of presentday dairying will reveal the fact that the dairymen are not asking prices in per can What does it cost to feed a dairy cow per year present feed prices We are safely with in the mark when we say any where from to In the 0 A herd of 3i cows were fed on an average of per head when feed was 50 lower than this year This would mean a cost of- about per hear this year Some may not feed so well as the A oth ers better but is certainly a low estimate to put the cost of feeding a dairy cow at present feed prices Let us suppose she is an aver- ago cow giving pounds of milk or around gals per year At price for an 8gal can she would yield exactly SI but it cost per can to deliver the milk or so that the producer if he figured his feed al market prices and counted nothing for labor interest on investment or depreciation would be out of pocket 910 on his average cow His only hope is to breed and feed cows which are above aver age producers Even the price per can the average cow would only gross or after delivery charges wore paid Utile more than pay for her feed if it required only to feed her which we doubt Milk should bo worth at least per can this winter with feed so high or it isnt worth- the producers while to put In long days feeding and milking In conclusion I say keen bolter cows feed them teller stay with the the price ask ed for In union then la strength and unless it cannot export to corns out on top spring The Maxwell real greatness is Inside be puts you cant tee But wonderful Maxwell hat delivered to us Nov vove changed cur Today we say it great and in POSSIBLE way cut leal light car the efficient mo it now A 6inch longer wheel large And roomie more of 3 inches and yet is lighter inches pound in spring suspension springs the any price to A sloped windshield of the hifhet priced Friend the Maxwell is the hast look- built car lor the money we ever Touring Car Coup Btrtirt Sdantl540 WbUtot I Hill HOY Button ONLY- Do tt sMH ta let of ta itjle you can have it by heading Natures lava Keep tfcj tlie liver active the blood the regular and you will seldom be ill la good care of these organs and at the first sign w anything wrong promptly take Pills help and relief of this world famed remedy to the body in health They quickly establish nor mal conditions to the perforin their as Nature intended No other remedy will feurc the system stimulate the liver bowels and quickly improve tlie general ififi lJ Hi Soifrl TORONTO Jar

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