Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 26 Oct 1917, p. 2

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HI fc- 1 4 CARD OF t I Mr and Mrs Chas to thank friends and neighbors for their help and sym pathy during the sickncsB and funeral of their sister J oft A good deal of interest la being token in Convention which at Hamilton on Telegram Having Nov 2nd to which pealed half by tat from manlfcato the Union Government cry Riding in the It was can be trusted to finish- Ha OURS column farm to In King miles from Apply to Now- 11 porters of Conscription thought act on foot prcvioua to tho form ation of tho Union Government by Liberals in various parts of Province who being strong sup- in or 1 pinuoiVArdTCo Must bo in good condition state price- Hunt Servant Girl Apply Newmarket O Box IVrtUTEO Farm to with Buildings Box A Era Office House on fturon St at a gain for quick sale Also one on Queen St Apply to Hughes a should be to lead this wing of tho parly In coming election Party politics are certainly getting mixed up these days and surely some good will conic out of it o THE VIOTORY TO Cottage corner of and fitn All modem Hood Garden and Garage For partic ulars apply to WIDD1FIBLQ Newmarket In the course of a week or two Canadas Fourth War Loan will be launched and people should begin to plan and save for It success of this will de pend upon in the small towns and farming communities work by Act of Parliament Toronto Globe If patronage wore really abolished there would bo less taken by somo in Politics Woodstock fit seems impossible for somo Con servatives to understand that Government failed It seems equally impossible for Liberals to understand that a purely party Government with a Liberal label would be likely to fail for similar reasons It is not question of what name the par ty in Is to boar the real question is Can any political parly can any Government rep resenting only a section of the people lie expected to meet the needs of the country under con ditions as they now exist Pat riotic men on both sides of the parly lines are convinced that the Of course the large subscriptions task of carrying on the war is too great for any political parly or for any Government representing only section of the people a great FOR THE Tender addressed to under signed will be received up to November for the purchase of North West quarter of Fast half of Lot IB and HO acres West half of Lot both on Con of owned by Mrs Annie The land is partially timbered with and other woods ana may he in spected by Intending purchasers at any time The land and lim ber or limber alone will be sold to suit- purchaser The highest or any tender not necessarily ac cepted apply to 3w30 For further particulars Solicitor for Vendor Newmarket TWO TO Apply to Brown Niagara St Newmarket chopping day at mill Hoover Prop On Oct Quoons- villo Station a Silver Watch with gold bead Finder will be rewarded by notify ing Mrs Albert M Cole Haven- ahoc in the cities are necessary but it is the multitude of smaller sums that nt It is a patriotic du ly that everybody should make his Victory Loan the greatest success of all the War Loans- Canada is in this War to Win both by men and money If we are to win a peace that will pre vent for generation to come if not for all lime a repetition of the present carnage in Europe we must work to the end that the militarymad he made to see that their madness cannot sway the world and to do this every ounce of power of the Allies must bo exerted Money is needed to do this- to efficiently equip and maintain Canadas share of the fighting forces Besides this there is the powerful material in centive to make the loan success ful thai Canadas prosperity and therefore our own is wrap ped up in this effort If Canada does not provide the money to establish credit for Great Britain In this country Britain will have to purchase her supplies of food and munitions in countries that can do so Consequently if the Canadian do not provide the money called for in what is to be known as Victory Loan Micro will be business stagnation in Canada and everybody will suf fer quickly and acutely A press despatch from the Federal Capitol on Monday nouncettthnl Mr A Maclean of Nova Scotia had Joined Liberals as a member of the new Union Government also Hon Zeppelin Brought Complete Two and Taken I- ranee Oct Tho Zeppelin Which came down at losDafns was inspected today by I he Associated Press correH- A Dentist Office in Hank of Toronto NEWMARKET Crown and Work Great Care Given to Plato Work I Appointments The following question forms the heading to an interesting ar- liele in the last issue of Can adian Liberal Monthly Are shareholders of the Sir Joseph Flavelle Meat Packing Establish ment being appointed to positions in the Federal Department of Ag riculture under the Hon Mr for the purpose of acquiring information which will aid the Win Packing Co The question is Important lira to Absent Friends 1 Cleanses teeth sweetens the mouth i- allays thirst and fatigue i untie iN can nun The Forces hi Europe are finding it a great comfort It them vim and staying power f It is refreshing to workers everywhere Smoker will frill Si did Li sfjtiku Sueur in iihii in v ufl 4HAVii and was found to be in tact as were also he machinery and instruments This is the time during the war that a Zeppelin has been brought down complete and an opportunity was given to a number of officers to inspect the craft They to gether with French flying men Spent many hours in gaining knowledge which heretofore has been jealously protected by the Germans The machine was driven down with her nose resting on the edge of the main road and the stern in the pine Irons on a hill half the craft lay across a little valley feel from the ground So quickly did the avi ator who was responsible for he landing of airship land that the Germans had no opportunity to do damage The only vlsiblw break in the structure consisted of tears in the outer skins caused by the trees When the commander who With the crew remained under guard of French soldiers today saw that it was impossible to save his ship he destroyed the wire less apparatus and unsuccessful ly attempted to destroy the air ship by firing his pistol at it The whole body of the Zeppelin is painted black except on top which is silvered There is a small German cross on either side amidships It floated the German naval ensign The two officers and nineteen mem who were taken prisoners were removed from the jail to day They were he centre of a large crowd of residents of Hie French countryside who dressed in their best walked drove or rode from miles around to see the German airship and the The commanders arm was in a sling as he had been in jured when landing He seemed especially downcast for the loss of a complete Zeppelin to the en emy is a serious offence The airmen on the other hand grinned now and then and seem ed greatly surprised at American officers These of ficers had an opportunity to talk with some of the airmen arid with the youth who like a hawk flew over the Zeppelin pouring his machine gun into it puncturing the gas containers and forcing the craft to land They talked also with the Zep pelin commander a slight blonde lieutenant speaking excellent English He said he had flown over England and dropped all his bombs and when his craft was attacked and wounded he thought he was descending in Holland The French aviator told of ficers the story of the thrilling fight bow he flew In pursuit of the Zeppelin to such an altitude hat his cheeks froze and how he succeeded finally in forcing craft down with his machine gun When he saw thai it was bound to land he dived to the earth Other French aviators landed nearby At the point of a pistol the Germans were prevented from damaging tho craft and were taken prisoners Incendiary bombs which had been placed under the airship Among he articles taken from the airship captured were med ical supplies machine guns oxy gen tanks for use at alti tudes fire extinguishers an elec tric stove gas masks parachutes and fur coats ia Ill AY Paris Oct 23 In one of the swiftest and most blows of the war the French to day smashed through the German lines north of the to a depth of than two miles at one point inflicted heavy losses on enemy and captured more tin prisoners and heavy guns and field guns fcrsEmrna of Dray J ton- says she cannot do without Era Mrs C of Sas katoon was the guest of last week Mrs Oliver of Moose Jaw was guest of Mrs Jackson for Mr and Mrs Harry Hawkins of Montreal spent Saturday with his cousin Editor Jackson Iho Terry spoilt weekend In Town with his Davis McCarty Elder conducted service at Drayton last Sunday and was very cordially received Mrs Lloyd of Newmar ket won second prize for lady driving at Bradford Fair last wo ok Mr J Hewitt of New York paid a short visit to his brother Mr Hewitt week TMisH Kathleen Wallace of Toronto and fricnl spent her aunt Mrs J St Mrs Cane and Mrs Jackson spent with Miss Marrow and Miss at Orchard Mr of Toron to son ofythe late Timothy of this Town was calling on old friends here on Monday Postmaster is getting over his accident and is able to be at the Office again Mrs Widdifleld is improving slowly Bradford Witness Mr Moss of the North York Marble Gran ite Works Newmarket- has just erected a granite cap monument In Ml Pleasant Ceme tery to the memory of the lato Win I There will be no sowing this Friday afternoon but all come and help to pack the par- cols afternoon next week at Rooms at The ladies to hay an exhibit of parcels ami r- I ft C Wo of lo that can ha nil of lorils in Imperial Store only tho It put up In Corner Main fits so at tin i all nee good things going pi L to the boys ovorflcas The ladies have sent up Easy Chairs to Hospital for the pa tients sitting room and put cur tains on the wind6ws as those things arc not Supplied by Government They are very much appreciated Thanks arc duo lo Miss trude Millard for some beautiful plants donated to the and lo the Upper Canada Bible Society for flO Bibles m TIME ECONOMY Una your Canned Fruit both Canned Fresh n ow Lombard V 9 i I 9 tin tin tin tin tin tin l- Qraoo Pino and Lemons Ull I 0 Our Toronto Letter Another practical example of what Canada can do in the na ture of finding oceanic tonnage was given Monday at the launch ing of the cargo steamer at the slips of the Poison Iron Works The is a sturdy type of ocean going steamer Its length over is feet breadth feet inches depth feci dead weight capacity tons and draught feci inches These dimensions represent abso lute limit of construction permit ted by the canals between Pros- Colt and Ontarios contribution to the British Red Cross will bo vell over 2000000 this year as com pared with last year and 1510000 in This was the estimate made at the Provin- War seems lo have affected ev ery item of daily and dress is not the least conspicuous of these It is curious how fnuch latest styles resulted from the insistent economies of war it is noticeable in line In materials in color ink trimmings To quote from an in Good Housekeeping for November l Ihough there has boon no decided change in the silhouette me win ter clothes can be distinguished by their narrower skirts And for he woman who makes her own clothes there is nothing quite satisfying as lo find models lhat are simple enough in line to be easily made and yet smart enough to give the appearance of coming from the best New York shops The line gath ered tunic with Wis deep band of fur and the tighter underskirt are the new notes of the season The top coat worn the piece dress is replacing lo a great extent the tailored suit Price but Quality remains same a sack and bo J CONFECTIONERY Try It that That Is tho reason our Candy Is growing Wo both Varieties and the Candy U8 YOUR IT WILL GET PROMPT ATTENTION I GROCERY PHONE j A rrrrj Toronto prepare for known Canadian Diploma or too high for our grado of work Iroo tor any time Pros P Yongo Toronto I It Quality that Counts QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT TOR I THE PATHEPHONE Host Instrument In World CHOCOLATES MAIN STREET for and Photo Supplies NEWMARKET House Phone No Store Phone No Office the cam paign headquarters for the prov ince The Life of Christ was the topic of an illus trated lecture at the Bible College last Friday night by Prof Kyle in which he showed lhat Jesus work as a carpenter consisted largely of making tools and agri cultural implements Dr J Hastings Torontos medical officer of health was elected President of the American Public Health Association whose convention in Washington Dr Hastings is attending This is the highest honor that can be paid a public health official- in America J K of Toronto has been appointed Junior Judge of Waterloo County Clarence Gallagher who was guilty of disorderly conduct while in charge of an auto on Warden Ave paid when he appeared in the County Police Court Marie Moir who was found unconscious from poisoning in her room at College St on Saturday morning is very critical according lo the authorities at Toronto General Hospital Little hope is held out for her recovery North Toronto Labor party or ganized into an association last Saturday evening Hew left on Sat urday for China He is for the Foreign Mission Hoard of the Methodist Church in Canada An incendiary fire in Aberdeen Chambers on Victoria St on Wed nesday did damage Game in Northern Ontario is reported lo be more than usually abundant this season Toronto hunters are getting ready for the hunting grounds Geo W Yates who was Private to Hon Frank Cochrane has been appointed lo Borden in place of A Blount appointed Clerk of the Senate It was evidenced in court this week that heavy fines await men who try to outwit tribunals Tho penalty in certain cases reaches I000 Mr is just now figur ing in the realm of over bacon profits -ouo-i- A Useful THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY IJIght to at HI Phones and 26 If go you will bo Interested In conditions under which Freight will bo paid for you on car lots The Ontario Department of Agriculture is anxious that splendid crops harvested this fall should be used to best advantage In many cases this can be done by feeding a few more head of call or sheep for breeding purposes The Department therefore attention to the announcement of the Federal Minister of Agricul ture offering to pay freight shipments on car lots from Slock Yards lo country points fir r Norwegian steamer with a of tons for lltl Some very valuable advice up on the matter of savings is con tained in a little book entitled Profits from Savings a copy of which will be sent to any read er of this journal If you would like to a copy write the Standard Reliance Mortgage Corporation King St East Toronto and say please send mo your Pro fits from A despatch from an nounces that tKo will bo held Deo Politicians can now got busy Parkin In Newmarket on Oct lo Mr and Mrs Clarence Edgar Parkin a son The Tomb Dike In ML Albert on Saturday Oct Selena Dike sis ter of Albert and Wilfred Dike Clark At Holt on Saturday the of Sept Joseph Clark in his year In King Tp on Oct 20 Mrs Thos F in her 77th year Burial at Cemetery Oct 22nd In Newmarket on Oct Florence daughter of Ernest McKenzie aged months Pottage In Newmarket on Oct 1917 Henry Pottage in his year Interred at Newmarket Ceme tery In Newmarket on Oct Edmund in his year Taken to Brock for inter ment In in loving Grace dearly beloved daughter of Mrs who died Oct 913 Four years ago the Master came And from amonghis flowers Commenced to gather And that day he gathered ours Any farmer or drover can pur chase A Car Load of Cattle for Feeding Purposes On the Winnipeg Market at have them shipped to any coun try point in Ontario upon pay ment of only OneHalf the Usual Charges Please note these facts Individually or in cooperation with your neighbors you can purchase a carload of heifers or ewes or both combined and have hem shipped from any eastern Slock Yard to your station with out any cost for freight charges You will be required to make a declaration that the stock is for breeding purposes only Feeding at the Toronto Slock Yards available at Reduced Rales expert assistance is at the disposal of farmers Every effort should be made to bring the surplus stock of some sections to the surplus feed of All indications point to supplies of this country for some time to come William Hearst Ontario Minister The District Representative will assist you in organizing operative car for your district if desred or in giving information District Sale Pianos Dominion Piano Mahogany Now Piano Used Practice Piano A Butyou not forgotten Grace Nor will you ever be As long as life and memory last Wo will remember Mother and Aunties 1 How Dominion Walnut Caso Leg Mot a Scratch takoa a Fine Toned Piano 1 Organ Oak Organ Like Mow Octaves Number of Organs from up SPECIAL BARGAIN Ccclllan Player Piano How than 3 months and 20 tioooo 8URB TO SEE A 20 to nt Longe and a Slied llaollne on Trial TUNING AND DO Your Own Terms S J iff TORONTO peuoiua Alio OP On account of high value has issued Feeding This bo I free of concentrated foods suitable Ottawa favine feeding it is important that of foodsluat arc used be so com bined to of results question bousing also enters largely into the profitable production of To farmers to many as possible and ttak Ilia thJojsi euro of seasons the animals of iho lions and large cabin i J m v SB

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