Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 26 Oct 1917, p. 1

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see J In to Watsons The IjQiiriiifg Paper York won as the v tin I advance JACKSON and PivHV TKRM8 per annum in advance whoa not so paid to United States in advance only What arc Your feM I to WOrJft Wo have Experience and Equipment tolest them Properly ember Canadian Opticians since Graduate Detroit Optical Institute Canadian Ophthalmic Col- College HEW OPTICAL noori 1 ft- OCT H 7 I 1 I NECESSITIES FOR EVERY HOME LAUNDRY To lave lime labor in lx object of every woman who talcs keen in Iter housework Come and tee latest models in Irons Ironing Boards Wringers Wash Tubi Clothes Baskets etc I The so items cost little some few dollars some a few cents All ate 11 worth many their prices on and on ironing day a and It BINNS HARDWARE THE Phono PAINT 8TOR I CLEANS ft PLUSHES fgniiurc It itrt vjxftce ft hud J it fir fell difficult v4 p f tV47ll3UiUI- up 10000000 Heat Total AaicU April Accumulatnjg savings in the Bank of Montreal to purchase Dominion Govern ment War Savings Certifi cates is a patriotic step on the part of the individual as well as helpful to our Country w- C G Rosa Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD W PEARSON from Cantors Qllos John Murphy and John Draper OFPIOU PHONE BO I HE INCORPORATED 1865 Fund Money Orders and Drafts or email do by of Otiiis It lriJaUl3 to Ijy o a to Our Toronto Letter wo My Country On of last Land of while llio of I ini St Land iy Ave foil into an lifting by pvcry mountain llitr city ruHUlthig in a lct fioiloin ring I fracture of tin leg I- Rift to British save our King lied year the donation of last year about Friday afternoon Ihoro walked into the I 1 Red Cross Campaign Headquarters a middle aged man of parentage who stopped Up the counter bander two Ovedollar bills to a and said I am of Canadian who have been disfranchised but no can prevent file from giving bit to the British Red Cross I Salisbury Chapter Now may the God above live our noble King Long may he reign him victorious Happy and to reign over us God save the King I Two empires by the sea Two nations and free One anthem raise One race of ancient fame One tongue one faith we claim One Cod whose glorious Name We love and braise held jolly lea and bridge at J he Arts and Crafts Rooms on Yongft St the proceeds to be ap plied to the Ball Col Sharp in supplying the men overseas with parcels The large room was full of tables being in use and at the farther end a lea table was placed was cleared At a public mooting of Ward ttfcSK OUR OTTAWA LETTER Guard the dear land we love Moth East and West Lot love more fervent glow As to our work we go Our ties yet stronger grow Blessing and blest I Sung at a banquet in Boston last month at which were pres ent many Canadians ago at Ottawa was endorsed On Thursday night of last week the congregation of the Metropolitan Methodist Church extended a welcome to their new pastor Rev Trevor anil his wife and to Mr Frioker recently appointed organist Miss Lillian and Miss Kathleen Anderson have been ap- pointed to the Presbyterian Mis- in and Miss Anna McDongall and Miss Grace Pat terson to the staff of the mission in India Accidental death was the ver dict returned by Coroner Grahams Jury at the morgue on the death of Mrs Charlotte who was fatally injur- when she fell from a street car Oct Dominion Elections are to lake place December and all will be over before Xmas of Cpper Can ada College have gone to the front and of this number have made the supreme sacrifice j It is a mistaken idea if people think that war kills only Ihe scum of the earth it takes the very best both physically and far from being contented with fair play the Borden Govern ment goes into the general elec tion with the cards stacked They In a cold deck in the shape of a provision by which they can apply it to thousand loose votes to the weak spots all over Canada which is bad enough But what is worse they- bold certain cards out In be shape of a disfranchisement clause which deprives fifty thousand lawabiding citizens of their votes That their friends do not think they can win even with the stacked cards is amply proved by the wild scurry for safe jobs in which cabinet 1 Islcifi and Conservative who consider their seats as goon I as lost arc taking part phatj that will divert public rohld from their proillecring transac- i Their idea is that if they talk- rapidly about I the people will not notice them getting away with the money Sir Joseph had the same idea when he to hell with prof its and watered Ottawa Can adian Club with bis tears Sir Joseph by the way treats the Borden Government or any union government that the Bor den- government may form with One disdain The appointment of a iood Controller has no effect on him save to pause him to raise the price of bacon again Bacon Sir Josephs home town of now linysix cents a pound and the Food Controller says he can do nothing about it The Controller is quite right Be cant do anything about it because Sir Joseph owns the Borden Government and how can a Food Controller be more in dependent than the Government hat appointed him Sir Joseph snaps his lingers at the Borden Government in other ways For instance he refuses to resign his job as chairman lic Imperial Munitions Board to which he was appointed on the recommendation of his friend and protege Sir White backed by the the Borden Gov ernment On the Borden Gov ernments recommendation Sir Joseph could be removed just as expeditiously as he was appoint ed but so far the Borden Gov ernment has failed to make the recommendation The reason has failed is because Sir Joseph wont lei until he is good and ready Sir Joseph may resign but it will be in his own good time and in his own way lie may resign before a general elec tion which will he loo late to save the Governments bacon hut his resigning wont do the people of Canada much good It wont give Canada hack the money he has leeched during the past three years The five hun dred thousand women who arc given the vote most of them poor may well ask why Sir Jo seph the Borden Governments friend looks so ruddy He VOL No Singi copies 5o each From Era Nov Mb 1 At a meeting of the Grammar Board he Chairman reported that Ihoro were eleven scholars on ho The secretary Mr informed the Board that reported that unless the number of students was the Government grant would be withheld Holland Landing cricketers wind Up the season with a ball and sup- per at Hole tonighL A Union Sabbath School Teach- Meeting is held in Newmar ket every Tuesday evening Or Bros advertisers in this issue have their large ad placed upside down as an attraction to readers the Married At the Methodist of Parsonage Newmarket by Rev an on Nov 5 Jos Swain to Herbert Roily Less than two weeks after War broke out on Ihe August Herbert Kelly English lad who was employed Miss kiri6niboih with the Davis Leather Company j market went down to Aurora and of his I On Oct by Rev Jas Vines own accord enlisted with the Lewis Bolton PSI to Lavinia wl ed to Newmarket last week as quietly as he left arriving here on be Metropolitan without even his closest friends knowing it having spent nearly two years in the trenches He fought in all the battles that have won for the Canadians a place in the worlds history for bravery and valor such as St he 2nd Bat tle of Ypres and Vimy Ridge He was twice wounded but recovered rapidly and returned to he trenches The Era Oct About young people spent a very pleasant lime with Mr A Hunter one evening last week Miss Millie and Master Wake field Howard enjoyed the com- Two murder charges and five of manslaughter are set down foi trial at the Assizes which open al the five manslaughter eases arise ait of motor accidents Mrs Elizabeth McKay of 430 Manning Ave was badly burned In a gasoline explosion By mis- lake she poured gasoline instead of oil into a heater and when she attempted to light it the gasoline exploded Her screams attract- 1 the attention of her daughter who smothered the flames in a blanket Mrs McKay is about years of age and her condition critical Torontos contribution he British Cross Fund was nearly 824000 being about more than last year The generosity of people is re- and it shows the boys at the Front that they are not he Borden Government does not- lo fllU believe hat union government blood my blood our blood will save is proved by tnr at the front they take toprovido certain w hardearned dollar be has I ado worth forty cents by bis I famous manipulation of prices womenfolk of five hundred thousand soldiers who have band ed every dollar of separation al lowance and patriotic fund over j to Sir Joseph and his tribe for the necessaries of life are free to wonder if vote the Borden Government gives them is any compensation for the way the faithful but porters with life jobs before union government begins to get its work in If the Borden Gov ernment were really sincere about union government it would not be dispensing Tory patronage while the union government n of were going on Union Government is he Bor den Governments plan to divide great hardships which he endured of some and nervous strain has resulted in a general breakdown of his- system and he is home on leave for recuperation wearing a Good Conduct Medal He is lo be con gratulated on his safe return Very few of the flrflt contingent will have this privilege Two o his companions Carl Grange and Jack have made the supreme sacrifice and their guests last at a birthday urday afternoon party Miss Miss Miss Richardson Miss Keith Mrs J W Stephens Mrs Hughes and Mrs L Jackson are attending the Convention this week Mr Wilson of Pine Orchard is rep- e resenting he North York Co As- be blame with the Liberals but Borden Governments friends keep all the jobs tor me Tones eluding Sir Joseph have fleeced reminds one of the Indian p for bread and Ihe while man who had shot sixp Borden gave them a crows and six ducks When it scorpion that is to say they sharing the bag the while cheaper food and he gave man said to the Indian You take lnnm votes After all a vote is the crows and HI take the ducks scorpion the women can sling Or Ill lake the ducks and you take the crows A similar ment of generosity appears lo last resting place is Somewhere in France Herbert was one of Mrs Hewitts boys in her Sunday School Class He was given a welcome at the Epyorth League on Monday evening of last week and also a public reception in Au rora last Friday night where his parents reside WHY IS LIKE A characterize the union govern ment negotiations as conducted by the Borden Government So far the union government negotiations have drawn no big cards Mr is spoken of as a face card but if he is he is a card with two faces front and back The last lime it They certainly will not vote for Borden and fiftysix cent bacon ft a small hoy on a bicycle Mr John Lamb ran bis motor car up on the sidewalk on the north side of Queen St near St Sunday afternoon and fatally In jured George England 49 St a man years of age Ward Four Conservatives had a sort of one night last week Blood flowed freely Military authorities report that here are nearly convales cent soldiers in Canada now Addressing Ward One Lib erals last Friday night MPP said that the would LEMONS AMD BEAUTIFY THE StlL Make this beauty lotion for your faco nock arms and hands Men from Front Point Out Certain Similarities An army in the field has been compared with a circus travel ling about the country The comparison is a rough and ready one but according to of ficers back from the front it suffices lo show certain essen tial features Of the fighting force One is thai a large number of men are needed to look after Ihe transportation and care of equip ment to cook the and put up the tents etc while Ihe num ber of actual performers is com paratively few Many more work outside the ring than in The army has many disadvan tages however from which the A number of young folks happy time at Mr Addison Williams one evening last week Mr of attended the London last week as representative of the York Co Association A new Fire Alarm with con nections was installed at ho Wafer Works his week Exciting football match last Saturday Toronto vs Newmar ket resulted in a draw neither side scored The following corn- nosed Newmarket team J A Burgess Ed Irvine Smith Milne Foster L Clarke Foster A lings head A McCrlrn- mon Mr Smith teacher at The Harvest Festival in Methodist Church on Monday ev ening was a great success The decorations were immense Tho Church was packed to the doors Lecture bv Rev Jos on John Bull and bis Little Island was he chief of the pro gram John of ville carried in prizes at recent Newmarket Fair Mr Darius Mann of Mr Hugh Guthrie since cards are Ihe metaphor may bo re garded as the joker Ho whatever the hand demands Premier Borden is having a hard time making a trump hand out of the discards and the two spots The general opinion is that he cant do il even wilh a cold deck and a campaign fund switched from lire prospective proOU of the deal omon pup gets in the Borden Government comes to l lnifi lotlon will keep fresh At the cost of a small jar of ordinary cold cream one can pre pare a full quarter pint of he most wonderful lemon skin soft ener and complexion by squeezing the juice of two fresh lemons a bottle con taining three ounces of orchard while Care should be taken lo strain the juice through a fine circus does not suffer It has to died suddenly on Sunday Oct 23 build its own railroads as a rule in his year run them and keep them in re pair while it must also bring in williil nearly all the food and other supplies it needs must be braced also for a constantly Or was mar ried at San Jose on Sept 30 lo Miss Ella Fairer eve Ethel Pearson gave a de lightful parlor concert her increasing burden for casualties home last Friday requiring special care and corn- Guests present from fort and in modern war the Bradford Toronto guns consume vast quantities of and home cash in its chips at a general elec tion it will find that a campaign fund is about as much use as a sue at the coming election bo against the R landslide pie Uremic Vtt A LISTER TO your furniture that Spring and you want While We carry full lino or lion Beds and and alto keep Kenuali furniture Polish up old lurnlture public opinion Rumor has il thai union gov ernment would look upon John A Spanish club was organized at a meeting in the Albany Club d A to encourage the study o Spanish iifcte Li furniture fend f izU Am- MH0MM9KI and lo develop trade between Can ada and Spain and Ihe South American Ropublics PAID A gentleman who was in habit of dining daily al a certain restaurant said to he Irish wall er who attended him Instead of tipping you every day Pal Ill give you your lip in a lump sum al end of the month Would ye paying mo in advance sorr asked the wait er Well thats rather a remarked tho gentle man However if you in want of some money now heres a halfcrown for you But did you distrust me that you asked for payment now Oh no grinned Pat pocketing tho halfcrown but hero tomorrow to Ate as con- liluency that might care to have them So far no constituency has broken its neck reaching for them nor has any Conservative candidate made an offer to slop aside in their favor When Ar- looms up as a pos sibility in the union government we begin to see that the deuces are running wild for months Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles and tan and is the ideal skin softener and Just try it Get three ounces of orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of Ibis sweetly fragrant lem on lotion and massage it daily into the face neck arms and hands is marvellous to rough red hands QOOt Guelph Oct 21 Bert way years of age of this city I was killed in an automobile observes that a group of j Toronto looterssome of lhem ast company four keen on union government group is interested in about four hundred million dollars worth of munition and supply contracts and naturally wants a union gov ernment with Borden Gov ernment on top so that their graft will not be disturbed They are in favor of union government or any other old government that will leave them with their feet in the rough They willing to limits something wrong the gear of car and it wont into the ditch and landed about feet from whore it jumped a culvert when it loft the road Young who was In the rout deal was out his head strikloK a fence post result being that bis brains were dashed out He killed almost Instantly Abe shells daily which bo re placed immediately Ever notice the number of men who are engaged to keep Ihe cir cus in running If you have you may be able better to understand why an army needs thousands of men behind the lines AMglllOAU SUNK The American transport An- tiles homewardbound was tor pedoed in the war zone October and went down a loss of about lives The ship a former Ward liner was under convoy by a naval patrol when at tacked The submarine was nol seen nor was the torpedo All naval and army officers aboard were saved and all but three of the ships officers but soldiers out of aboard were lost One hundred and fifty lives were lost on Wednesday when Norwegian Danish and three Swedish vessels were sunk by two German raiders in Iho North Sea Every for miles up the Bella Valley lu British Columbia has been swept away by floods and great damage has been suffered US Wheat fi3 Barley Markets Sorin Goose Peas Eggs Butter 17 Potatoes inc bag Chickens pair OF The decision lo rcrtfWe Iho Russian capital from Moscow is equal to an allied victory It takes the govern ment from the midst of a great cosmopolitan population in largo part and largo part having an old against he Russian poo- pie transplants he govern ment from which have absorbed vague and imprac tical ideals which have long floated round Europe to sur roundings of a more conserva tive nature in the midsl of the real Russian peasantry may therefore make for stability of government wilLgive Iho new national assembly less turbulent environment In the Gulf of Riga the enemy Is pro ceeding to attack other Islands He lust vessels the naval operations including two trawl ers and two torpedo boats He has massed en dreadnoughts ton cruisers- fifty destroyers and eight to ten submarines for the offensive ARCHIVES OF TAD

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