Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 19 Oct 1917, p. 7

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Sir CHINA Department Our rrtaro of Coot Quality and at In- our window of thorn and noat floral Pattern and white body The Old Loaf Pattern on while body- Wo novo to from i HAVE OTHER FINE 1 N FROM pood congregations Pastor at both services last Sabbath Brother proach- and with on following In the morning Our of great grace In these perilous limes In the evening An Invitation to Participate In Lord The services will lie usual next Sunday Sabbath School at am Preaching a in and pm The will proacji both morning and even ing Morning ftubjoot Grown of Righteousness In for those who love Ilia Everting rJo- ho Leper cordially invited conic and enrich Iholr soul Ami prove Mo now the Lord of Hosts If I will hot open yon windows of heaven and pour you out a bless ing that here shall not he room enough to receive it Hal Com whoso return home from Eng land was noted in last weeks Era public Until further notice j About attended the mooting of Momentary Sunday School Teachers tho School last Wednesday evening and the of Mrs of Toronto was greatly enjoyed It was decided to moot again at ame place on ho second Wednesday In when the question of forming a Union for Newmarket to meet monthly will ho determined I Trafalgar Day Club The Newmarket Farmers Club will meet in Wesley Hall on Sat urday evening oclock Sub ject The actual cost of Milk Production i Li Importer of ji and m all countries Ask for our ion Wo Want Nov Reliable Agent in North York County to sell Poihams Peerless fruit and Ornamental Trees dur ing Fall and Winter months Good pay exclusive territory free soiling equipment COO Of he Choicest Nursery Slock In cluding VA1UKTIKS con trolled by us Handsome up-to- date selling equipment and a splendid Canadiangrown slock offer customers Wo not Jobbers Write now for lerms to Toronto Catalogue sent on request lo applicants for agencies or purchasers of Nursery Slock local Agent Wanted Newmarket and TO SELL THE OLD RELIABLE Splendid List of Stook For Fall Planting AND Planting Including Many Nov Varieties which We Alone Control Send for New Cata logue Also Agents Proposition Hand some Free Outllt Exclusive Territory Liberal Com missions Stone Wellington ONTARIO CHARLE8 Solicitor Notary Commis sioner for taking Affidavits etc Will be in Newmarket Office all Tuesday Wednesday Friday and and on Monday and evenings from to Office Ground Floor New mock Opposite Post Office Office Phone No Solicitor for Imperial Bank of Canada A J M Walton Co Aurora Private funds to loan on Mortgage Wills and KsUte work a specialty WHAT Gasoline was originally used for cleaning gloves and Meeting hired girls through the but has now taught a feoal variety of interesting tricks as running automobiles aeroplanes motor cars hearses corn rollers and bicycles the of gasoline we can miles an hour through air miles an hour over the la and fool into ground Ho the greatest case A gallon of do as wen work in an hour as a horse J do in a day and it doesnt a to ho fed and bedded down night A gallon of whiskey at a night cause a deal of trouble but it is kittenish beside a gallon of nzwator and certain drivers a clear nervous juio is composed of and trouble in equal parts 1 a made of kerosene reduced stage and is supplied to he restless JWUoa of mankind by the Oil Co That was an inspiring and audience that gath ered in the Town Hall last Mon day evening ami shows that the interest of ho citizens of the Town has not slackened one iota in the groat struggle for freedom that is bathing in human blood The Hall was crowded and many stood around the doors until the last gun was fired from platform at His Wor ship Mayor Eves occupied the chair and the splendid speeches were Interspersed with songs by the inimitable Eddie of Toronto accompanied on piano by Mrs J in her usual artistic manner which kept in good humor and in expectancy of what might follow Mr A called at tention lo the large expenditure of British lied Cross ex cellent is rendering and the necessity a most generous response Hon J Davis praised the ef forts of he people of Newmarket for their generosity lo patriotic funds in the past and especially for the number of voluntary re cruits she had soul the front staling thai very fow places In the Dominion of Canada had sent more population considered than this lowri Attention was called lo the remarks of Mr Taft of the United Slates at a church con vention in Montreal regarding the righteousness of War and to the reply of President Wilson lo the Kaiser on entering the War on the side of Allies Ho also dealt with largo proportions that the War had assumed the work of the lied Cross ambu lances and Hospitals and Urn groat need of increased generosi ty to meet the growing expendi ture He expected that measure up to the re sponsibility as she had always done in the past Mr P Davidson of Toronto was the chief speaker and for a whole hour ho com manded undivided attention He is a pleasant forceful and en thusiastic speaker and has such a fund of information that it was easily lo be seen lie did not have time to say more ban half what lie wanted to say He commenc ed by interesting the boys by tell ing them the impressions lie re ceived when he was a hoy in Te- West concerning the Crimean War which had but recently passed and the chief thing was the wheat which built the string brick houses on the road between Bradford and Bond Head He hoped that the big prices the farmers were getting for their produce and the big wages the workers in the munition factories would not he the important re collections but the great sacri fice of life and property that is being made for their liberty and freedom Ho impressed upon audience he ideal of service for principle and the happiness in service for others This is the opportunity to realize something belter than gelling it is to stand up for the oppressed and every person can have some part En this great War even lo the contribu tions of the children He pic tured in touching language the marks thai the soldiers bear in their bodies for tho protection of Canadian homes- the pain that they are suffering and the sacri fices they are making the con dition of he people driven from heir homes by the Germans while in Canada there is plenty- and business is going on as us In carrying on their great work of mercy he British- lied Cross is receiving a week and is spending a week that is sue is going into debt a week and is appeal ing to Canada oth er British Colonies lo assist in making up this deficiency There are Canadians under arms but Canada has not foil any tax upon her resources while in he Government demand out of every of income Toronto expects to nearly double her contribution this year In view of the extraordinary noed he hoped contribution from Newmarket would bo adequate to tho situation Meeting by singing National Anthem Pair was postponed for a week on account of the wet weather last Friday Tile new crossing is put down for the Specialty employees and another piece of walk on Timothy St is being repaired Torn Marks and his Company are coming lo town on the mil worth An Interesting meeting is plan ned for Monday evening the W Terry will give a lecture Terry has been with the Canadian forces in France and later in Egypt and has many interesting talcs lo tell come and find out from one who has been over the ground what our boys are doing fehrlotlnn The C Society was well at tended last Tuesday evening the topic being God our Helper and was taken by Miss Lulu Col lins Miss Bessie Morion favor ed us with a piano solo Next Tuesday evening there will treat for everyone A debate that wealth in a curse the affirmative to be taken by Mrs Collins and Mr Young the negative by Miss Dorothy and Miss Bessie Morion Dont forget the shower for our soldiers boxes Oct welcome On Saturday evening last a large number of relatives and friends gathered homo of Mr and Mrs Isaac Ni agara St it being 40th An niversary of wedding day After enjoying a sumptuous re past the evening was with many pleasant of the past Mr and Mrs been spared to a long and useful life Mr Isaac was the seventh son of the late of St who was ono of I he early of York Co and passed away at the ripe old age of years leaving a family of eleven children all of whom were spared lo reach the allotted three score and ten years Only two of now emain Mr Isaac Armitage of Newmarket and Mrs John A Crone of Buffalo both of whom have passed the four score years Before the company parted many kind wishes were expressed for their future happiness and all joined in singing the old fa miliar hymn God be with you till wo meet again Era I noticed by the papers last week milk has gone up per quart owing to farmers having raised the price What wc would like lo know is why when the farmers raise the price less than lc per quart the dealers should raise it lo the consumer The same old thing the farmer gels the blame but the middleman profit Formers Wife tO be made to sell at ft low price particularly present conditioner Shoes they did formerly because came care the of material and the same good work- employed in the pro duction of costs were You can depend on the utmost mam ATUNY AGENCY i i v A Y P A On Tuesday evening a large crowd assembled to hear Mr J A M Armstrong the chief speaker of the evening who gave a stirring addross on Canadas Patriotism illustrating the fact that This Day England expects every man lo do his Duty Misses Flossie Moore and Gladys gave a piano duel in their usual pleasing manner Miss Joyce and solos were well rendered solo was en joyed and Miss reading was appreciated by those present Dr Clark also favored us with a short address We were very pleased lo have with us about fifty of the soldiers from the Military Hospital and the proceeds of evening were given to he Hospital Com ip- J Public Board Regular meeting of the Board was held on Wednesday evoking Present Messrs Chairman Dr Scott II Manning and Allan Howard Accounts amounting lo over were passed which includes SI for coal and iii for fram ing and The- Principals Report shows an enrolment of pupils with an average attendance of 472 They are distributed as follow King George School Teacher No Pupils Av At See to it that you do not miss the opportunity of hearing Ben the Hallelujah Postman Methodist Church Anniversary on Sabbath October 2ist The memorial services in memory of Sapper Matthew Agar who made the supreme sacrifice in France will be held next Sun day CO 10 POUND try buy they J iiiorotfmn They buy finished product of a equipped with materials and to turn out Any which Is not la every material In Is not told through any Dealer cor AT ANY AGENCY THIS JAMES CO NEWMARKET The Gents Furnishers M WW J King George gave a donation of lo he British Red Cross Oct The body of W T P Boyd who had been days was in Pigeon duck of Great Canada Produoao all Cobalt Used to Mr Cornell J2 Miss Morion 3i Miss 46 43 Miss 41 Miss Stark AG Miss Stewart 51 Alex Muir School Miss 377 Miss 52 Miss Clarke 36 22 Miss Baldwin Mrs 61 Aflr this month use of feaboline in is foibld- la NonResident fees for October The Principal adds the follow ing Pupils whose absence we do not know to bo justified re ported regularly lo Truant Officer at the end of each week sometimes also at the middle week so that neither Princi pal nor staff are neglecting duly members of the Council ex pressed it recently Penny Bank reported at the end of June that our pupils had on deposit is about half of their business in York County outside of Toronto There are 310 depositors on one ledger new flags are flown every school day Senior boys are be ing appointed to act to hoist them and lake thorn down at oclock request of the High School Board for use of King George School Classes was granted and an account of for in to sent for Board Widespread interest has been aroused by the announcement of the discovery of a tool steel stat ed lo be equal in durability and hardness lo highspeed steel but of which tungsten always diffi- obtain is not a component as the new steel is called is made by adding cobalt to chromiumcarbon steel Thorough tests of the new alloy have been made in a large number of important works in England The worlds supply of cobalt formerly came from Germany and Now Caledonia but since the dis covery of the rich silvercobalt ores of Cobalt that prov ince has produced almost the en tire worlds supply The ores and concentrates of his district contain from to per cent cobalt per ton During the early days of min ing in this district much ore was exported lo the United States and treated for its silver contents alone During the past few years the smelling Industry of Ontario has progressed at a rap id rate and can now recover as refined product all of the valuable mineral content of ore viz silver arsenic nickel and cobalt The latter is largely marketed as cobalt oxide but it is also pro duced in the metallic form and in the form of salts The output of the cobalt pro ducts in Canada is largely con trolled by he market demand as he capacity for production is considerable Cobalt was for merly used for its colouring pro perties but in past few years new uses have been found for it It lias advantages over nickel for electroplating and is used to con siderable advantage in the manu facture of highspeed lool an alloy of cobalt and tungsten has proved lo he superior lo highspeed steel for many operations and is claimed that it will allow of in creasing the rate of cutting on the lathe from to per cent and requires less time for sharp ening the tools thus Increasing the efficiency of shop production The Increasing importance and use of metal In the produc tion of which Canada has a mon opoly again emphasises the Im portance of our mineral resources lo cud lha V J missing for several found this morning Lake He went on a trip last Friday Calgary Albertas first snowstorm of the season swept the southern part of the province yesterday and Calgary appears to have been in the heart of it during the day and the better part of the night Snow fell constantly British ships were sunk by i lie boats last week The new Quebec Bridge was crossed by a train on Wednesday and the test was satisfactory The number of prisoners captured on Friday was Ene my trenches were raided south east of and in the neigh borhood of An American on patrol duty in the war zone was torpedoed by an enemy submarine Wednesday and had one man kill ed and five wounded She man aged to make port despite severe damage ATTACHED Little Mary had been sent lo the store to get some fly papor She was a long time in returning and her mother began to feel a bit anxious Going to the door she spied the girl coming up street and said Mary have you the fly paper No mother cried Mary U has me but were both coming together I Food shortage threatens Italy Three milloin tons of Wheat must he imported before next harvest I THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY Increase Your Earning Power and Improve Your Citizenship CLAUSES WILL BE IN THE tailing j a j IkIot In Following Subjects ENGLISH STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING PENMANSHIP MECHANICAL and DRESSMAKING STRUCTURAL DRAWING SHOP MATHEMATICS PflOM yiJ and MILLINERY y ho dad from of of end mutt ha signed on or the 3rd of FOR EACH CLASS Li co If Pupil i ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO J

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