iS rt I a iJ Mount Albert TO Mr a his son who has neon serv ing the British army Tor the year informing him Hint ho ordered to India and is leave for a few days be fore sailing for Bombay the trip two months Anllsllng Mr prac tising law in Dauphin Man i IN ACTION in Mat of casualties pub In Hit i evening pa pers was namo of A native of Scotland and a of Ml Albeit for Ho Was a clerk in J I Store for 4011111 time and moved o ho Last year he enlisted with a Western initiation and had seven wool in the when he made su premo sacrifice No further par ticulars have lieen received by his friends hero who had the pleasure of liurman boy of Toronto filng at the Church on Sunday enjoyed a rare treat There was a attendance at the Market on Tuesday and prices are soaring higher than aver for all kinds Of produce The Dr pair ok of iCuox College Toronto will communion service in the Jcresbylerian Church Sunday Oct at o clock will also preach at evening fflNTH8 been- received that Flight Russell had a from his aeroplane in England and is in Hospital yhero wan a regular proces sion through here to Island Grove oh Wednesday about people- attending- He suffered from Rheumatism am at Hoove residence last found relief when oldest daughter Mli Hamilton i familiar one to throughout Dominion over forty Mr Held has seen service commercial traveller- A letter re cently received from htm indicates how Head this letter About four years of my condition Trouble and my efforts through travel of the most popular young ladles and change of cHnitc to rid of in community and her hosts these unwelcome guests and how I only friends wish her much Joy and found relief In Gin after apciidlng conjugal voyage through The gifts were numerous anchor I find in advancing years Mid exceedingly handsome a tendency of the kidneys to get out of Van VanNormnn tod the eon- order more easily than formerly but a knot j T I OTKI This ladies of tho Hod Gross a box last week contain ing the following articles Vtannol Day Shirts Shaker Shirts IK Wash Cloths Towels AH Hand kerchiefs Medical Jackets Socks the whole valued at Besides there has been to the hoys overseas Cheesecloth Combina tions There is plenty of ifnc on hand and when it is needed badly we hope each one will try to do a little to assist us as little helps Jhe Christmas boxes for our hoys overseas will bo mucked on Wednesday Oct the fruit for the Hospitals Those wishing to contribute will Ikindly leave parcels at the TeU Office Cake Candy Writ ing Material Socks Candles Handkerchiefs etc will be vary Every soldier from Tt Albert and vicinity will get a The regular monthly mooting of the was held Thurs day of last week at- the home of Mrs Win Brooke The chief Stem of the program was an address on Womans and Influence in by Hoy David Terry DAY SERVICES The recent Rally Day Services Mount Albert and Methodist Sunday Schools were successful from every standpoint scholars acquitted them selves splendidly and the offer ings to the general Fund very generous Mount Jrtrl contributing and filACtmaii 830 The of Ihehvo Sunday Schools arc to be both on account of deep interest which they themselves took in the Rally Day aJfco on account of the showing of the scholars Also wo gratefully flodge the kindness of the Knight Bros of It ought always to bo remembered that he is tho Churchs great asset therefore deserves every en couragement few of Gin puts them right and wards off other and more serious trouble I feel it not only a duty but a to recommend Gin Pills for idney and Troubles to my thousands of friends through out Canada to whom I am well known a commercial traveller of over forty years service Yours truly Signed G A of Gin sent free upon request to National Drug Chemical Co of Toronto or to the address Inc Main St Buffalo MOUNT PJKASANT successful Red Cross moot ing Was held on Friday afternoon last week at the home of Mrs John Hamilton Remember Evening Service on Sunday Oct 21st Subject will be Good Citizenship oQOOS Queensville Thanksgiving Service In on Sabbath the 28th at halfpast seven in the interests of WMS Full particulars next week Mrs Rev Atkinson address ed the ThankOffering meetings of W at and St Andrews King on Wednes day and Thursday and The Wo Will Win Young Mens Bible Glass wish to an nounce hat tho Class vill moot in Church at oclock on Sabbath morning All members and others welcome Miss Emily of Newmarket spent the weekend at The Manse Anniversary services will be hold fn the Presbyterian Church on Thursday Nov a It am and pm The congregation is making a free will offering in support of their Church work instead of holding their Chicken Pie Supper Look for full announcement later o HOPE Mr and Mrs David oldtime residents of our neigh borhood celebrated their Golden Wedding on the of this month Both are enjoying health and wo hope to have them With us many years yet The ladies held a very success ful business meeting at Mrs Mark Halls Preparations were made for packing Christmas Boxes next month also it was de cided to give a small gift to the Soldiers Hospital in Newmarket The ladies intend holding a Chicken Pie Social in near future Particulars later Mr Ross Hodge is confined to bed with ulcerated stomach This is certainly a busy season of the year for farmers and very cold for gelling out potatoes and roots Mr and Mrs Boyd visited under the parental roof on Sun day Mr Richard spent the weekend his sister Mrs Kerr of King Holland Landing Mr Chas West spent the wrfek- at homo Miss Parsons spent Friday in Toronto Miss Mable Glover wasKpend- aj days at home Sirs John Donaldson is spend ing I wo weeks in Toronto soldiers marching along every day makes It lively here Mr and Mrs W Wood spent Friday in the city Mr Harry Hell spent four days in town Now Torkppt tho weeks lief the outbreak of the war fixed the actual date Before buying your Shoes give me a call as is told Women Childrens and Mens Shoes I can v Turkey intihiinusual in World of which the Panto CO and 2G0 pair Panto and And a lot of other Special Values can give you o o alonqi following are- wards rip through a leinporary breakdown of diplomacy It was care- West At the last mooting of Lodge No AF AM Wor in A was presented with a Past Masters Jewel as a slight ac knowledgment of his services to the Lodge A largo number of the members and visitors wore present and many laudatory speeches wore made respecting the Worshipful Brother Council Council mot at on Saturday Members all present Jhe Inspector on the I rid go presented a statement of wojkho far done and informed thai the extra work re- to he done owing to the of North abutment would Jan Graham waited on Council and requested license for a pool able which was granted The following accounts were ordered paid Jos at Cedar Brae 00 Godfrey gravelling on Con brushing on Uh Con King Sanitarium or It Sol sheep fully and doHheraloly ex- Boots and hops Dry Goods Qrooorloa Snoddon si by dogs Oliver labor LEAGUE League elected officers as follows Pros Miss Wilson 1st Vice Miss Grace Wagg 2nd Vice Miss Edith Smith 3rd Vice Miss Mildred den 4 Hi Vice Mr HecyTreas Mr Stuart How- land Organist Miss Anna Dike mot last plans for the coming- six and appointed various On Monday evening Oct very profitable lime was spout David Terry A gave an interesting impressive address Life in a Military Camp in ho vividly both Mi dangers and henefits of camp life He urged us to the boys who are en suring temptations and hardship Kit defence of the and of He asked us to that they may strong d pure exhorted us not to f remiss in letters filled With kindness and sympathy Mrs Rev Gray we look forward to months of 4Jurtfulo6satn our ifcwbrlhLtthfeUe work evening the Is In the London Oct Official Bel gian figures arc published show ing that Germanys invasion of Belgium resulted in the destruc tion of nearly 50000 buildings with a loss of houses heads he list It is followed by Lou vain with a total loss of 1- 120 structures Warning I If would he well for those be tween the ages of and to at once attend their Post Office and fill in the necessary registra tion as the penalty for neglect of this is years imprisonment or the alternative of being sent at once to the front without any consideration as to exemption Mr Anson of California spent a few days last vcck his parents Dr and Mrs tOt KILLED INSTANTLY A letter just received by Mr KHgour from a comrade tells how his son W Kil- well known at Hoochs PL where he spent his summer holi days for many years tells of his fatal accident last Inly It says I had just been up with him in an aero and ho had been show ing me some stunts Immedi ately after he look another chap up and when about feet be did what looked like a tail slide When they came out of Hint and tin nose went down he put it in a spiral We noticed him spiral and thought nothing of it until he was about500 feet above ground and he did not come out In a few seconds the machine crashed to ground about a mile from the drome Art was killed in stantly as he was sitting in the front seat The chap with him escaped with a broken leg It appeared from the way he spiral led hat the tail slide must have broken his elevator controls and knowing these were gone he used his rudder as an elevator in rath er a steep spiral Ho certainly showed wonderful skill and un doubtedly saved the other chaps life by his wonderful work He was about the steadiest pilot wo had and had done a lot for me while have been here SHOT A SPY killed on 5tl Contractor Bridge Clark gravel Jos Skinner rep culvert A grant of was given to he British Red Cross Council adjourned In meet at on Dee 15 at O clock Coimcfi Sharon Oct 12th regular meeting of the Municipal Council of the Town ship of Fast was held on the above dale mem bers present Communications from the Brit ish Hod Cross ro funds The bonds of the collector were placed before the Council That the bond submitted by Mr collection of taxes be approved as satisfactory Carried That the ac count of Mr Win for of cement Sharon sidewalks be referred to Mr Haines with authority to issue his order for payment if found correct Carried The Treasurer was ordered to pay the following las cleaning ditch Harmon Dike posts and limber for railing A Goodwin work Con 775 J D Rowland wire and staples Newmarket Era Adv Vot ers Lists A Park Oiling washout Con Garfield Oldham grading Geo King rep culvert t 9 9 4V Edward Joyce Gravel Stuffing filling ap proach to bridge Gravel Council adjourned to meet Fri day at Sharon at 1230 in the afternoon A Clerk edited in cold blood The spirit and- motive behind it- were the spirit and that brought about Hie war between Prussia and Denmark the war between Prussia and Austria and war between Prussia and France- It was undertaken in the further- 1 of a definite program Prussian imperialism Whonever the question of peace is raised Kaiser sol- emnly asserts that he did not will this- war He did will this war and he brought II ah it suited his purposes rid his preparations The ian was more ban an excuse it was an opportunity War On Auk 18 as American Ambassador at Constantinople called on I he Marquis of Pallavi- the Am- to him on the Emperors birthday After exchanging the usual dip compliments the conver1 safjon turned be war which j was in its third week and his Excellency told me that when he visited the Km per or in May his Imperial Majesty had said that war was inevitable because of conditions in the Balkans The Austrian Crown Prince was murdered at on June yet weeks before that the Austrian had confided his Ambassador to Turkey that war was inevitable Confirmed by Diplomat A still more remarkable con firmation came to me from Baron the German Am bassador at Constantinople In an outburst of enthusiasm after the arrival of the and the In the Dardanelles he having directed their movements by wireless while they were en deavoring to escape from British fleet the German Ambas sador informed mo that a con ference had been held in Berlin in the early part of July at which date of the war was fixed by This conference was presided over by the Kaiser and the Baron Wan genii was present to re port on conditions in Turkey Moltke the chief of staff was here and so was Chief Admiral von With them were the leaders of German finance and caplainfcof industry whoso aid was essential to the Kaisor in pulling his vast military machine into operation Each was asked Flour taken In Exchange Our fit At the with Pall Clover to a body Fine MECHANICS AND Wanted up to years of Minimum Height ft 1 in lVi2 FULL OF PAY AND PENSION EASY PHYSICAL EXAMINATION WITHOUT DELAY TO Direct PAY AFTER IN ENGLAND if he was ready for war All re plied in the affirmative except the financiers who insisted that they must have two weeks in which to sell foreign securities and arrange their loans It was not to alone that Baron told the story of this Berlin conference Only recently the Marquis Hie Italian Ambassador at Constant inople announced that Baron said the same thing to him Italy at that lime being a member of the Triple Alliance For twenty years continues Mr Morgenlhau Germany has been the I WAV of the nations Wher ever there was trouble the Kaiser was there adding to the difficul ties of a peaceful settlement and watching for his opportunity to set the war machine in operation The old idealism the old phil osophy the old religion the old freedom and passion for educa tion all disappeared The Kaiser became the head of a new Prussian system erected upon the foundations of the sys- 300 per day Newmarket tern that Frederick the had created out of his genius sad war remained a ever the chief industry of Prussia Propaganda At leasl German wire turned loose upon Spain probably a quarter of a million upon England France ov errun with them There was bo occupation calling or industry in which they J I J not make their way They swarmed over South America over the Near the Tar East and all of then were card indexed for the of Berlin Nothing was I have seen his war from sides and know that unless is destroyed dmocra- will be destroyed We can- not live in the same world with the kind of Germany that Prus sian militarism has created- that the Kaiser directing Fire at Forest Out five business places all SOUS We ITANTED Will the party who took the lap- robe from the Meth odist sheds the last day of the Fair kindly leave it at T Hunt leys Store and save further trouble the Liure nor Appointment for His Honour Judge Denton has appointed Wednesday 3tst at the hour of the af ternoon at for holding Court to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions the Voters Lists Municipality of the Township of East for the year A Clerk NeU Strayed from Lot Con the month of Hay two Yearling Heifers by addievini lecen Paris Oct Dutch dancer and adventuress who two months ago was found guilty by court martial on the charge of espionage was shot at dawn this morning Mile MataHari long known in as a woman of great at traction and with a romantic his tory was according to unoffi cial press despatches accused of conveying to the Germans the se cret of the construction of the entente tanks this resulting in enemy rushing work on a spe cial gas lo combat their opera tions A bulletin from the New York college of agriculture which ought to be more literate speaks of egg omelet Some thing like cold ice cream isnt Parry Sound Oct 15 Iris the threeyearold daughter of fl Jones a munition worker of this town strayed from home on Saturday morning and up lo the present no trace of- her has been found Hundreds of citizens have formed searching parties and have boon out dayand night A detective wilh a bloodhound ar rived from Toronto last night The dog traced her to with in a short distance of a railway crossing half a mile from and after thrift so no farther It Is feared hi Id picked up here by hand of this vicinity Aii ancient resident of whoso conduct in one of the battles of the Civil War had brought him under suspicion of cowardice was naturally indis posed lo think ho had played any hut a manly part t I didnt run away and slay till twas all over no such thing ho always affirmed I retreated in good order that was ail Twas a time for retreating if over there was one and accordingly I used my and retreat ed This statement was regarded as more or less satisfactory up to the day when a military gen tleman came to visit a cousin in and in the course of conversation held at the village store one evening heard the oft- repeated explanation Well my friend he said looking at the hero of retreat you say you retreat ed in good order but I should like lo ask one thing About bow fast did you go Well said the other man surprised into the un adorned truth If Id been home and for the doctor I reck on folks would have thought that somebody was mighty sick Pul will you please no to room and if your grandpa it asleep Yes aoftly said Paul on his return hbj filep Ford a mm County lo Fruit and Fall Good pa free scllin OV Of the Che eluding trolled by date sellii splendid lo offer c jobbers terms lo ft to Local For Including Sand for Also Agei Terr Stone car on an open stretch Youll like it and will be surprised how easily the Ford is handled and driven If you have never felt the thrill of driving your own car there is some thing good in store for you It is vastly different from just riding being a passenger And especially so if you drive a Ford Young boys girls women and even grandfathers thousands of them are driving Ford cars and enjoying it A Ford stops starts in with exceptional ease and smoothness while on country roads and inns its strength and power show to advantage Buy a Fold and you want to be behind the wheel constantly a THE ROBERTSON Runabout Touring 495 Sedan mm ike Will be a Office ft J Id ate fun Latins only tot Meeting f but Sreal var at fellers tho air laud and With the A much wo can- do to night A ali ni doa am ma mo fl Sill T BBV f fcSia KBaXfA