Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 19 Oct 1917, p. 3

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iv p- mm just il of P nitbokah ok moot in the pm Oct All arc rdcjupslod to bo us nomination will bo for for next year mom Looks Good Tins Taxes at Town In to savotho amounted to ovor whirl was bolter than last year and indicates Unit ho Town is in a con dition Not only but If Ibo flnoltolal credit of Hi municipality A P A St Pauls School was wotl on Tuesday evening under Hie of the Angli can Young Peoples Association A program was enjoyed lamp rising music and a good Patriotic Address by Mr Arm strong MP- Some Of tho sol dier assisted in tlm singing Division Court There whs vary little interest in the liivision Court here morning Honor presided l was Ibe smallest doCUCl for lime Several suits were request of Die yets who were not ready to coed Court was noon There was only one case of public interest A tenant was for balance duo on rent which Included a month after Wo kail Ibe promt 80S not intj given a months notice refused to pay liecuuse bo bad not made any agreement jive a months notice to pay it however him that lie iuul made any I mil in Toronto ador or the to- of the prayer sorvlco in ijieHohuol- Roche Co of Mr John Rogers will speak in Church next Sunday mprning There are now invalid sol diers at the Newmarket Military Hospital and the officers in received to make more in arrangements for a few days They puzzled to know where to thorn GO are put A meeting of the Advisory touk Tueadayovcning to arrangements for ibe Classes member being namely J Wedlock Chairman and Messrs Cane J Watson Prod I lorry Jackson and Hie Secretary Mr TJ The Committee appointed lerview the teachers of las reported that all take the work law- pi-o- year were willing to again this year The report was adopted and following teachers were engaged Cornell Principal Miss Mr A to He had as Judge Ilia lav vhelii- Something Good The ladies in the country serving a Hot Fowl Supper in the Field Comforts on Saturday the f Oct from lo and intend to present following bill f Tare Goose and Apple Sauce Ducklings Spring Chicken Jelly Hashed PotaLoes Hushed Turnips Celery Pickles and Olives Home- Made Bread and Butter Pies and Tarts Tea ami Coffee Print Proceeds for fur nishings in Newmarket Military Hospital Will be pleased lo see all Ibeir town friends sej Mr Man ning and Mr Ed Wilson The is an addition to the staff lo lake Shop Mathematics which includes laying out all Kinds of carpenter work as well as shop work from drawings for which there seemed to be a demand from factory workers The fee for each class Is SI same as last year and is lo bo relumed if ibe pupil has an at tendance of per Applications are lo be made on or before the 3rd of November the Sec rotary or Principal Tlielasscs will open at the King George School on Monday evening Nov and continue for four weeks Then holidays resuming on Wednesday Jan 2nd and continuing for three months Other details were arranged and the Hoard adjourned lo meet on evening of Nov Dili f led to the meeting of 6roKH receipts balance brought forward from last year of and ox of leading on band Oct 1st of in- the pohdlturcBre a donation of to ilia lied Cropland lo the i I- Robert Youngest son of Mrs Albert Queen Street arrived in Newmarket from England on Fri day evening by the oclock car His coming was not very general ly known consequently there were only between twenty and thirty to meet bun and extend the hand of welcome Among the number was Mayor who represented the Town He driven home in an auto and bis mother was indeed proud of him was one or the Korean Hoy of the Methodist Church and Ihfi lime of bis was in the employ oi the Hell Telephone Co North Hay was the of June He wen overseas In April England for Franco in June 1010 Tho day before bottle of be was assisting in placing advance bombing posts in No Mans Land- about or 10 yards from the German a rifle bullet mini a Herman sniper Struck him in log As Ik was crawling back lo Can adian line he was again bit in he wrist by a rifle bullet Ho tin- ally gof back to Ibe trench and was taken lo Ibe Dressing Sla lom During past months be has been in five Hospitals His wrist Is all right but be is likely lo be lame the rest of bis life has report at he Base oital Toronto on the Oc tober All his friends are glad to see him back to Town and looking as as he is the inclemency of the weather there was a good attendance at the Church oil Sunday evening last Tho Paine a very Missionary sermon bis text being Gome over into Macedonia and help us Next Sunday the will be oclock J of Toron to spent Thursday of last week at Mr McKucns Corn cutting and silo filling seems to be order of the day on Our Wo carry the Stock and at the Present can Gave You from to I pair on many of delay wow I m 18 VERY STEADY The oldest native horn resi dent of York passed away during Thursday night at his res idence Markbam in the person Lansing in bis year The late Mr Heche was born in on the and until be had passed his year carried mi ill Hon and u a maker 1 lools- the picks and pump augers being note for their excellence all over Ontario A man of sterling integrity and a gentleman in every sense of the lerm for Time- BUY f Thoro aw lot of cold today Dear at Any Boots and Shoes UptoDate and- tho of Every Pair Safe I Register Mr T A Queens Hotel lon will dispose of a quantity of valuable household furniture at oclock I t Letter from France At leu oclock Oct at SI Marys Church- King Ibe mar riage was solemnized of Nora Catharine eldest daughter of the James and Mrs Cull to Geo Melville youngest son of Mr and Mrs The bride wore her travelling suit of navy blue serge with bat match and was given away by bar groat undo Mr OCon nor Miss Agnes McCahe acted bridesmaid and Mr Dan Cull best man A reception bold after at the home of the brides mother when about seventy guests were present The bride was the of many beautiful ami useful presents Later in Ibe afternoon the couple left amid showers confetti good wishes for short trip worth A most enjoyable time was at League on Monday Ernest and Herbert Kelley were present and welcomed back After the program which of papers by Miss Wid- Miss Marjorie Lloyd and Miss Haines on Literature and what to read ami solo by Miss Manning and address of by Dr Wilkinson lo each boy responded with a few words of appreciation went to the gymnasium for games and refreshments Next Monday evening the W Tarry who lias been Willi the Canadian Forces in Prance and will be This will he very Everyone come and hear from one who has been over the ground what our hoys have been Silver collection Industrial Willi commendable generosity tho School Hoard lias now made it possible young man and young lady to improve their mental capacity the corning winter and enlarge their sphere of usefulness lo society as well as personal financial gain and it is to be hoped thai they will ea gerly the opportunity No thing pays like a business edu cation ami yet it is surprising bow many young people there are who content themselves with walking the streets in Lhc even ings instead of improving Ihejr menial faculties The Industrial Classes offer jusl what these young people require Last year there were over look advan tage of the evening studies and we hope lo report Ibis year that there are over Those who attended last year were well pleased and many will attend again Tho same teachers are engaged and in addition one to meet the need for Shop Mathe matics The staff is as follows Mr A Cornell Principal and teacher of English and Mathe matics Miss Wicket HookKeeping Penmanship and Stenography Mr Manning Mechanical and Structural Drawing Mr Ed Wilson Shop Mathe matics Mias and Mrs DressMaking Millinery There will he a four months course two lessons a week from to pm Watch for posters and ads In the local papers Last year there were two or three pupils from Aurora and half a dozen country pupils Al ready ibis year enquiries are be ing made from and possibly the pupils may be con veyed to and frdjby auto Those who would like to do this can leave word Store of Caed Grain and Potatoes A free distribution of superior sorts of grain and wilt made during the coming winter M spring to Canadian farmers The samples of grain for distri bution will consist of spring ftl about lbs white oats I lbs barley about a and field peas about lbs will he sent out from the Milrat A distribution of potatoes Hi of about lbs will be tarried on from most of Harms Central arm supplying the Province Ontario Ail samples will be sent free by Only one sample of of potatoes can ha sent lo applicant As In supply of Jfid we to apply KEEPING YOUNG Work and worry make ago faster ban year3 Whatev er makes vork easier and worry lessj back the wrinkles and lengthens life A splendid help to this end is liltiOTAOLEa that hurt when you work or read or that fail to see clearly both near and far can almost always be helped by glasses We will test your eyes and toll you whether glasses vill cure the trouble Our ad vice is reliable and you nothing If you need glasses we guarantee to fit your eyes perfectly and at the most reasonable cost A handy repair shop la here to Ox up any littto hurt lo your spectacles while you wait Other repair work done promptly as at fair charges Co This letter was received by Miss from her broth erinlaw Win Wright Somewhere in Prance Sept Dear Sister Well here am again a bit late in answering your letter but I had not forgotten you Wr have been doing quite a lot of moving around lately and I did not feel much like starling lo write We felt more like lying down and getting all the rest wo could I was sent back out of the lines last Saturday the lo get ready to go on a course at one of the training schools So you see I am still hard at work even if we are a way behind the line We are billeted in quiloa large village of people around We have a good billet It is in a good big yard and the people in the house seem to be very nice Some of them understand enough English to be able lo talk and make them selves understood It is a treat to he in a village that is not all in ruins Some of us generally lake a walk down town in the evening and treat ourselves lo a nice plate of eggs and chips a good cup of hot coffee It is a change and certainly goes down good I sure would like lo be able to see you all now However we can only look forward to the day when this strife and turmoil is over and we all arrive once again on good Canadian soil You say you have lots of ber ries Well jusl wish was were close enough They would not last very long While I was out cutting clover I found a patch of blackberries and got a quart We are having some very nice weather here just now Have you beard from Ernie lately I bumped into one day last week and be is looking One One is always running into someone over here Well I guess Ill have to close as it is nearly time for the mail to he collected and I dont want to miss it am enclosing a postcard for Leila with my old battalion crest on it Byebye for now hoping this finds you all as well leaves me with lo all your loving brother Will Change lo an Union Govern ment at Ottawa has resulted in a mixup in political circles in Toronto Word conies from Ottawa that Osborne has been ap pointed Military Secretary lo Ma jorGeneral Minister of Militia Considerable interest was cre ated by the cable war news in To ronto papers Wednesday morning when it was stated that Ger many was to declare coasts of Canada and the to bo war rones Canadas airplanes will now have work ahead of them Lecturing in the Hiblo College last Tuesday night Bingham said that according to Scripture tho worlds financial ah Pretty white frosts these nights will bring rain digging is be order of the day Farmers report good turn out Mr Fred Crowley is engaged wilh Mr J this week Mr T P Webster is busily en gaged putting up a shed Mr J Wilson is main man for the job Mr Cbas Norton is also engaged What do you think of our Choir There was a good turn out last Sunday morning and ev ening Hon J Davis gave a splendid address Mrs Jefferson of Newmar ket spent Sunday wilh her son J Jefferson Mr Sbarpe and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Jef ferson Wonder what takes all the young follows north these days Some special attraction I Weary Willie Wednesday 24 Mr Edward Kay Lot 14 will hold an extensive rami sale at one oclock months credit W h Kestor And Thursday Oct 25 Sale of Thorough Cattle General Purpose Horses implements Etc on Lois 15 and Con North about I A miles from Keswick Ibe property of No reserve at one Terms months W Kavanagh Mr J A Haw- tin will have a sale of standing and down Timber consisting of Maple and on Lot to Con King Old Survey Sale at two oclock Smith Auct Thursday Oct Mr J A will have a sale of a large herd of High Grade Dairy Cows and Young Cattle Registered Horses threshing outfit farm imple ments etc on Lot Con 5 Whitchurch It cred it Sale at one oclock P W NEWMARKET Heavy Fine Wool Hose for Boys Sizes and 10 Good 76o Ladles Cashmere All Wool Today8 Our Price Fine I loco Sizes to Good Pure Sizes Only QVz to GOc Ladles Pure Vests and Drawers Low Neck Short Sleeves Good Weight for Fall Wear Underwear to per flormont 1 IMOW IS THE TO BUY YOUR SUPPLIES FOR FALL WINTER gold THIS There was good at church Sunday morning Tho sermon by Dyer was excel lent and the Choir well Mr and Mrs Hoy visit ed at Mr J Jeffersons Sunday Mr Gordon Webster has en listed with the Patrol Navy and leaves Friday for Halifax Mr lingers of Toronto College spent Sunday un der Hie parental roof A number of farmers are dig- King their potatoes and report treat crops The euchre club met at the borne of Mrs A Hoe Monday night OOO Cincinnati authority tolls how to dry UP any corn or callus It lifts right off AND THIS IS THE RIGHT STORE FOR RIGHT GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES ve few of wo Putting on AT Sato You cornpestered men and wo men need suffer no longer Wear the shoes that nearly Wool Undorwoar nog 2 for before says this Cincinnati Mans Coats Hog for Ihorily because a few of Pro Mens Pants Worsteds and Reg for freefone applied directly on a worsteds and tweeds alios to lender aching corn slops sore- 14 Poisons trimmed and pluah Hog for root and all without a bit of pain I Heavy Coats for A quarter of an ounce of Ladles Skirts and black sergo for costs very little at any Ladles for fi5nSJ Wstn or callus This should be tried Overcoats Reg for as it is inexpensive and is said not to inflame or even irritate the surrounding tissue or skin If your wife wears high heels she will be glad lo know of this I Mrs McOuire of Toronto is vis iting wilh her daughter Mrs Koran and Mrs and sons Lloyd and spent the weekend at King City where Mr had charge of Ibe services Mrs Lloyd of Toronto is spending a couple of weeks her parental home Mrs W Howard of Toronto was the guest of Mr and Mrs Friday Mr and Mrs Wintcrslein of spent over Sunday with Mr and Mrs Joel Ed warns Miss Keys of Toronto was the guest of Mrs Coffey over the weekend Miss Gray of Toronto spent he yast week with Miss A Edwards Mr Skinner of Orillia spent Friday and Saturday at his parental home Mr of Toronto spent the weekend his wife and family here Mrs and lady friend spent the weekend wilh Mr and Mrs Mr Moses made a busi ness trip to Toronto on Thurs day Dont forget lo come lo Fair Friday Oct the last and largest of fall fairs Mr P of Kettleby spent Friday liis sister Mrs Skinner We are sorry to report the ser ious illness of Mrs Thos Ellison who had a slight stroke on Thurs day Miss Milligan spent Thursday and Friday the guest of Mr and Mrs A The citizens of and vicinity met the evening train on Saturday Oct when Lennox who was in France arrived borne The gathering headed by Aurora Rand and went to the Town Hall where lunch and a Concert given in honor of Pie 1 Lennox and Peach With the arrest of three men in New York detectives believe that the heart of the conspiracy to destroy ships carrying allied supplies has been reached prisoners are said to have confes sed Kansas City Mo Oct More than onehalf of the Kan sas City stock yards second largest in the country was de stroyed by Ore early today Sev eral thousand head of cattle wore destroyed There were cattle in the yards at close of business yesterday Live Stock Markets Toronto this for you buy your Footwear Supply and our Largo As of CLEARING OUT MILLINERY A Good Assortment of Ladles Misses and Childrens Trimmed Hats and Shapes IF J I Couth of Ulna ESTABLISHED J Top prices paid in week Choice Export Steers Choice Butcher Steers Good Butcher Steers Choice Butcher Cows Milkers Springers Choice Veal Calves 1275 850 OF CANADA CAPIYAL PAID UP FUND Co til hit yield you a order to it vill bo cur local Silt Ntta 1 NEWMARKET BRANCH M SMYTH Manager Medium Veals Common Calves Spring Sheep Hogs fed and watered Hogs country points 6 Toronto Markets Butter lp Turkeys lb 30 Chickens lb Fall Wheat bush Goose Wheat bush Barley bush Timothy Hay Ion 1560 Mixed Hay ton Newmarket Markets NEWMARKET OAR J I political predominance would soon bo In the hands of the who have returned from ALL OP A Olretchcr Wore continually fired by the Germans In Fridays fihtln Butter lb Wheat per bush Oats per bush Barley per bush Bran ton ton I I I 4 015 44 60 1000 FEEDS J J in ARCHIVES OF j

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