Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 19 Oct 1917, p. 2

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i 1 CHOPPING DAY o a t o vi Fred Hoover Prop LOST Oil Oct 11 around a Silver Watch with gold head Finder will ho rewarded by notify ing Albert M Colo A In Bank of Toronto Bldffi t and Work Given to Plato Work I i LOST On Prospect Ave opposite the Public School lut Saturday af ternoon containing a sum of money Kinder Will well re warded by leaving it at this A QUICK SALE j Owner leaving town Frame Cottage good well email greenhouse stable aero of land font creek at bottom of lot All kinds of fruit Adjoining College Kami Apply to FOR SALE House and Lot at North of Newmarket one Main All modern conveniences furnace and water in llOUSO No town taxes Inquire of on Premises Newmarket COLLEGE FARM i fi DULL FOR I I I us I Our senior herd sire Ploral Victor la offered for Hale His breeding good and he is a splendid individual We arc also offering a General Purpose flood at all farm work Gall and fleo thorn at Newmarket College Farm Increase Your Earning Charles Sis Toronto Mas boon to fill positions at from to a month and others up to annum It to not a training Write for Onto- any J ELLIOTT I It Notice Elevator day the is given that the above will reopen on Tucs- of October 1 nil Kinds of Grain Bought and Sold FEED8 HANDLED Highest Market Prices Paid A Square Deal to All Manager iaaBiiaiRBw OF ONYAniO CANADA Home of the Deer and the OPEN Deer November 1st to Nov inclusive Nov 1st IU Nov in clusive In some of the Northern Districts of On tario including mi the open season is from Nov 1st toNov 30 inclusive In that part of the Province of Ontario lying north of the Canadi an Government Hallway from the Quebec to the Manitoba boundary the open season for Moose is from October to No vember 30tb Write for copy of Playgrounds Haunts of Fish and Game giv ing Game Laws Hunting Regulations Etc to Horning Union Station Toronto J Depot Agent Phone Phone Up Town Agent as The shipping building plant on the Niagara at is to be placed in operation tatonos Jjy- Hi Canadian Co of Toronto of Canal ili be built s Soldiers at the Front for the time being party prejudices- have been and a Union Cabinet lias been formed at Ottawa com posed of tho following diotin- men Prime Minister and Secretary of State forExlernal Affairs Sir Hubert of Privy Council Hon Howell Minister Finance Sir Thos White Minister of Immigration and Colonization Hon A Gaidar Minis tor of Militia Hon Ma jorGeneral Mewburn of Militia for Overseas Sir Edward Kemp Minister of Hallways and als Hon J Hold Minister of Justice Hon J Minister of Customs Hon A Minister of Trade and Com merce Sir Minister of Agriculture Hon A T Minister Public Works Hon Carve J I Minister of Marine Fish eries Hon PostmasterGeneral Hon P Minister of Inland Revenue Hon Albert of Stale Hon Mur ray probable Minister of Labor Mar tin probable Minister the Interior Hon Arthur Ministers without portfolio Hon Frank Cochrane and Sir Hugh Guthrie Tim above list Includes a Con servative and a Liberal from No va Scotia a Liberal from New Brunswick three Conservatives and a Liberal from Quebec five Conservatives and three Liberals from Ontario one Conservative and one Liberal from Alberta and one Conservative from Brit ish Columbia a total of twelve Conservatives and nine Liberals Hon Frank Cochrane goes to the Canadian Northern as Chair man of the Hoard of Directors and Sir Geo becomes the Canadian High Commissioner in London Ministers retiring Hon Frank Geo Hon J Hon J Hon T The Liberals who have helped in the formation of the new Ad ministration are some of the most prominent men in public life today Including the Premier of Alberta the Premier of Nova Sco tia and the Loader of the On tario Opposition The purpose of the Union eminent la to have an adminis tration thai will not be hampered by parly prejudices and will feel itself free to adopt and enforce more aggressive progressive and efficient measures in the inter ests of he Canadian people that the war problems have made ne cessary but which a party Gov ernment would hesitate to at tempt So far as Liberals are concern ed it is just hard to say whore we arc at Many regard it as a bold stroke on the part of Prem ier Borden to continue in office They feel certain that the record of corruption and profiteering of the Borden Government over since the declaration of War is sufficient to cause defeat not withstanding the Disfranchise Act which is expected by them to retain control of the treasury branches and there is no doubt but that the Liberals who have accepted positions in the Union Cabinet sunk personal and party interests in the broadminded patriotic- view that demands the united efforts of all Canadians that this land does not fail eith er in her duty to the Empire or to her own citizens Tho Globe calls attention to the fact that there is only one paral lel in Canadian History to the present situation and that Is the formation of a coalition in which solved the federation is sue The union of today is ex pected to solve the problems of the proper prosecution of the war and give force and harmony to the application of conscrip tion At this moment there are prob ably thousands of men in both parties who think all is lost be cause their party has merged with the other In their belief in the value of parly discipline they think the loss is greater than any possible gain It is worth recalling the conditions of George- Brown and John A had been political anil personal enemies for years They bitterly assailed each oth er and it was last thought in anyones mind that they ever bury the hatchet Yet this is just what they did They cast aside personal prejudices and differences for the welfare of the country The Ottawa correspondent of the Toronto Daily Mail and Em pire at the beginning of this week says an early election be looked for The same day it was further announced that Seven Liberals and thirteen Conserva tives composed the at Ottawa It is now called a Union War Administration Political changes are rapidly made these of butter la al most prohibitive to poor people The embargo on cQnncd peas and beans has been lifted from air Provinces of the Dominion It served a good pur pose In stimulating householders to use growing vegetables Instead of drawing on reserve Sir Wilfrid Laurier has ar ranged for a meeting of bis friends in the Eastern part of Ontario at Ottawa today and another meeting will bo held In Western part of the Province next week which Liberal Chief will make pronounce ment as to course the parly will lake at the coming election The Liberals of Canada will await the result with interest brother rDr and Mrs Wesley attend ed Willoughby wedding at Is land on Wednesday Mini Howard daugh ter of Mr Allan Howard the hew assistant in the Bank of Montreal Sterling Cody and son arc hero from Wolseley visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Sutherland Robert Borden Hon W Howell Hon Hugh Guthrie and Sir Geo Foster are expected to at Chatham in the near fu ture In the interest of Mr J the WintheWar candi date It will he the firing of the first guns of the new Cabinet and the roporl will soon roach all over Hie Dominion What will be the effect Will Canada measure up to the responsibility 1 Our Toronto Letter The fouryearold daughter Mr and Mrs Michael of West Toronto was so badly horned about the fane and body as the result of playing with match- hat she died two hours later at the Hospital for Sick Children The of a street car who opens the front door of his ear and thus affords passengers an opportunity to alight before the car has come to a standstill Is guilty of negligence and under such circumstances a victim of an accident is entitled to recover from the employer according to a decision of the First Divisional Court Appellate which rendered judg ment on Monday dismissing the appeal of the Toronto Hallway Company from a jury award and by which was awarded and her husband damages The King Edward Hotel has passed into the hands of the United Hotels Co of America and will shortly be under new man agement Some arc to bo spent on its renovation Early this week Sir Robert Dor den wired the Mayor of Toronto that no application for a private franchise to conslVucl a darn on the St Lawrence bad been re ceived A rumor bad been cir culated that this was the case and Toronto intended to oppose it The British Empire Union of Canada forwarded a memori al to the Legislatures of Do minion asking that German language be an optional and not a compulsory subject in future Desirable technical German text books it is suggested should be translated into English This years British Cross appeal to Toronto sets a higher aim than ever The loyalty of the city will be tested by ef fort to get In three days The Dominion Railway Board have ordered the Canadian North ern Railway to file plans within thirty days for the proposed sub way on the Don Mills Road at This subway is on the new cutoff line through North Toronto to the TorontoOt tawa main line While attempting to adjust a picture machine at a so cial In St Johns Presbyterian Church corner Broadview and Simpson Aves Tuesday night John Stalker was electrocuted It appears that Stalker had con nected the battery of the machine with an electric light and after having turned on the current ho attempted to adjust the machine A doctor was hurriedly called but upon arriving lie could do nothing beyond pronouncing his death to have been almost in stantaneous Margaret Eaton Burden was married this week to Major W A Bishop the worlds greatest avi ator Ex Aid Plowman president of the Toronto Prisoners of War Association has received a let ter from Sir Robert Borden in which it is stated that he regrets to say that a cable from Sir Geo Perley in London slates that the war office is unable to grant the permission asked by relatives of Canadian Prisoners of War in Germany to send them parcels at This will come as a great disappointment as last the parcels were sent from home Mrs Rev Alfred Young and daughter leave on Wed nesday of next week for their new borne in Boulder Colorado Mirror Mrs Jnmc Davidson and Miss Mndelon spent the holiday with friends in Newmarket and Toron to A number of prominent gen tlemen met at the King Hotel in Newmarket last Tuesday morning to discuss the Liberty Loan Miss Hewitt is tho yew assistant at the Bank of To ronto Our bright young ladies are filling places of the men to the front A number of Newmarket peo ple attended Bradford Fair oil Wednesday and report a goon Fair and good crowd but awfully to stand around Deputy Reeve Pearson sprained his ankle coming out of Church on Sunday morning which caused him considerable pain for a couple of days Mr and Mrs A Caldwell of Toronto were in town on Tues day last to convey birthday con gratulations to aunt Mrs M Mr and Mrs John A Rose of Keswick have arrived from the West where they spent past summer and spent yesterday in town with her sister Mrs La- Mr John was in the city on Sunday to sec his son the rooms on Friday afternoon at 3 oclock AH members Ur gently requested- to lie present Business mattery to to arrange about the par cels for the hoys overseas- The Society wish to thank the Cross Branch of Roachs for a cheque for 2 which will bo to the Military Hos pital Fund and giving comforts to the patients Additional subscriptions to the MIJHary Hospital Fund Mr Hoy Shaw Mr J Patterson The piano which was given to tho Hospital and placed there by was used for the first time at a Concert on Friday ev ening and gave general satisfac tion- Mr Millard donated a Smoking Stand for the use of the soldiers and Mr a Jardeniere Stand With the chairs and tables placed there by the Society this week the convalescents will thor oughly enjoy their Sitting Room Mrs Silas Arm Ha go entertain ed about of the soldiers at the Industrial Home on Wednes day afternoon after their motor ride There are any number of plates still at the rooms left af ter the Fair if the ladies would kindly call for them Wo a of Hall a Purest that bo bought all of only Coffee It put up In tin IT I removed leavl and 1 if I your Canned Fruit Supply la lev Wo both Canned and Fresh Lombard Pino and tin tin tin 20o tin 2uo tin tin I Grape o and FLOUR i dropped but tho Quality remains sanio a lb and bo CONFECTIONERY It lo Quality that counts That oue Candy Trade growing have both and Candy i of kill ed in it will get prompt attention i jo bo GROCERY PHONE Ring London Two hundred and fifty lives were lost when the slfcsmr lorpadoad fiet in ram The Missionary campaign of Methodist Church on the Circuit will be continued on Sunday Services as follows at am and ser mon by Rev Dyer of Aurora Snowball and at tike usual hour and sermons illustrated with Lantern Slides by the Pastor A welcome is ex tended to everybody who will at tend Missionary Banquet will be bold at Hall next Tues day evening and promises to quite successful- as year J of BlirliBi Oat died ho til a Mr Brock who was in the Hospital having undergone an operation for ear trouble He is getting along all right Mrs Will Campbell of To ronto was in town on Tuesday making arrangements lo place a tombstone at her husbands grave in Newmarket Cemetery She is left with two daughters 9 Miss has re signed her position as Soprano Soloist of College Street Baptist Church Toronto and has accept ed a similar and more lucrative position at St Pauls Presbyteri an Church Toronto Mrs arrived home last Friday after spending four months in British Columbia and Saskatchewan She reports everything very dry in the West but she had an enjoyable visit with friends and relatives Lieut Lev Marsh who was Wounded in France and under went an operation in the Base Hospital in Toronto a few days ago is a son of Mr Marsh the Superintendent of new bridge at Huron St Newmarket and be fore he war was Edit or of the Canadian Sportsman He is wellknown in sporting cir cles in Newmarket and was in strumental in getting Torn Long boat to have his first race in I Newmarket It is expected that he will be at least live months in the Hospital Word was received last week from Carl who was wounded in the head on the of June by a shell which was only 20 feet away from when it burst Ho bad been in the firing line for a whole year with absolutely no rest After spend ing three months in the Stanford Convalescent Homo in England a beautiful private estate that has been given lo the use of the War Office during the continuance of hostilities he almost completely recovered and was sent to the Transfer Office in Manchester for further orders Here he met David Brooks who had been in Hospital with trench fever and was just discharged The latter was sent back lo France but Carl is to have further Hospital treat ment Red Cross Society Over fifty ladies attended the Knitting Tea in the Methodist School on Tuesday after noon and the increased number was very encouraging Collec tion The matron of the Newmarket Military Hospital Miss Patterson gave valuable assistance in show ing how to cut bandages to ad vantage make slippers and other Hospital supplies A very special meeting of the members of the Society will take place in the Council Chamber on Friday afternoon at 330 It is hoped that all the ladies will make an effort to bo present During the gathering of the Indies at the Knitting Tea last Tuesday afternoon a returned called to deliver a message from the boys at front thanking the Red Cross for their many kind nesses and expressing grati tude of himself and many other Newmarket boys for the favors they The a Wednesday from Turner Amsterdam Oct 17 The Tcl- says the air attack on Routers arsenal was one of the most dramatic and terrible epi sodes of the Flanders struggle The Germans had troops too arsenal which is a spacious now building of several storeys in the Place Armas They had only arrived at in afternoon A squadron of Brit ish airmen appeared at halfpast and suddenly pelted the build ing incendiary bombs These penetrated the roof causing col umns of flame to ascend high above the arsenal The Germane fled screaming and gesticulat ing but those on the upper storeys saw their exit threaten ed The flames licked round the stairway where wounded and dying lay groaning Desperate men jumped out of the windows demented Tho Germans ran to the Place dArmes tumbling over each other in their haste Then the airmen descended and shot them with machineguns Nowadays it is Quality that Counts QUALITY OUI SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT FOR The war is now costing six and a half million dollars an hour THE Remarkable Instrument In World HUYLERS CHOCOLATES MAIN STREET for and Photo House Phono No Store Phone me No 811 AW8 Toronto prepare for known Canadian Commercial Diploma or too high for our of work Free catalogue En- tor any time 811 AW Proa P Prill Head Toronto iim LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Hip lit attended to at residence Dominion Piano Mahogany Case How 300 Piano Mahogany Practice Piano Mahogany Nearly How Fine Tone a Dominion Walnut Cant Log Hot a Scratch takes a Toned Piano Organ Oak Organ Like How A of Organs from 10 up BARGAIN Piano Case How Loss than 3 months and Rolls TO QBE U8 GETTING A PHONOGRAPH I Columbia to Always in Stock Longs Plays and cords a fullSized 575 Have a on Trial TUNING AND MOVING PROMPTLY DONE Make Your Own Terms Instrument Guaranteed AURORA Phone 38 and 26 on a prisoner in Germany In East on Oct 17 to Mr and Mrs David J Denton a daughter Altar On the 17th of Oct at the home bride by Elder D Mr Lehman lo Mies Lillian Allen both of Whit church At the residence of Ihe brides parents on Oct 1917 by Rev Mr Angus son of lo eldest daughter of Reeve of North On Sept at her late residence Logan Ave Toronto Out Ida Ethel Wythe daughter of the late Wythe formerly of Newmar ket beloved wife of Arthur A In her year j AY r not and Best Quality that the Market Can Produce- It was during the manoeuvres that a British soldier was being tried for a chicken on prohibited ground Look here my man said the commanding officer to the farm er who brought tho accusation are you quite certain that this man shot your bird Will you swear to 11 V No I wont do that replied canny farmer but I will say the man I suspect of doing Thats not to ft retorted officer Vki raid ed your suspicions Wall sir etui farmer as he slowly forehead with saw him on my gun then I heard then him lh en into his ana seem somehow 10 that the bird committed sulci Is Hike Clancy he I the visitor at the quarry hes Bone For Weil bo TORONTO

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