Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 19 Oct 1917, p. 1

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l For and Wen Now In to Jowolrv i I AH Hi CHEAP your BEST 1 ii AvI JACKSON and I Graduate IS annum in advance when not so paid 18W1915 to United Stales ifi advance only VOL Single each J T- r NECESSITIES FOR EVERY HOME LAUNDRY To in of a in WrinEfWh Tubi CloiheBitctc little- tome few orno a few All many their on and on I THE 1 -ii- HARDWARE the Phono A I T STORE a CLEANS POLISHES It vy of itn to I AWiwh Mrut Of d 0C4d Poll Will A I J an 2s Polish J i RE j 18171917 CapltnlPald up Total April 38080G887 Any Branch of the Bank of Montreal is prepared lo receive deposits of and upwards that may be- converted as they accu mulate with interest into Dominion Government War Certificates ICCMOIITRCAL a far as can bo learned at Hie will lie bo- which man in cither report for or for About Nov the tribunals will start ait- 1 ting and all before I lien are to ho disposed of by Dec It is pointed out by the officials who are arranging for the admin- ol the Military Service Act thai only the men who file ap- j plications for exemption during the period from Oct 15 to i Nov will have a chance of be entitled exemption Those whii wait until Nov 10 to apply for exemption from military service will not bo allowed ex emption even though they have valid reasons for asking it Men who are invalids or win happen to he taken sick during Urn llnic for Ming for ox- must someone in for them Jhis can be done either by near relatives or em ployer- In the ease of men who are ill temporarily exemption pa- will be issued When they recover will have to appear ho fore a tribunal and slate the I grounds on which they claim ma neat exemption Got Transportation In the country districts the men who report themselves as ready for military service will be issued papers by the government entitling them to free railway transportation to the nearest town where there is a military board making examinations of re cruits men will also i be provided with money for subsist ence while away at the rate of two dollars a day The men mak ing application for exemption it is announced will not be given transportation when they go for medical examination The men in the rural districts have only lo go lo the nearest postmaster and stale whether wish repirl for service or exemption ill either case they will he furnished with a form lo 111 in The forms will be sent lo the central registrars Office at Ioronlo from which in due time the applicants for service will he word where they are lo re port for medical examination on exemption notified where they go to ap pear before an exemption tribun al WAR IN AN AD A Military and Naval of Canadians not to European War G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD a W PEARSON Coal from Carters Giles John Murphy and John OFFICE 1855 I Capital Reserve Fund 5000000 Resides the military organiza tion she maintains overseas keens no a considerable at home Coast do have lie looked at fivdnev Pi John Canada fluffy of home intern men ramus railway bridges etc renuirinor number of men besides hospitals and addition in watery Canadian Naval fippviee sine wm- heron absorbed as and men its flso- servicer nil under direct Canadian control far removed from the central seat of war Canada Is of a military at Ibis is a World war and in its mo- horrid hear of The Opel of efficient front nerfecl order- a I home CANADIANS IN COHPS Thousands have Joined Nov and Thrilling Army and Naval or vice The Convenience of Savings Account l lai t Iktuci Is to is bud lo may La in and tie P A LISTER Manager COME TO SCHOMBfiUQ I for your Furniture also that Spring and you want while Wo full lino of IDEAL GUARANTEED of Iron licda and MutlrGbcoo OUR ARE Wo keep Jienuaii Furnltura op the old tliotoi feats of Major Bishop the Canadian avi ator who has won all the medals for valor available in the British army has called attention strik ingly to the manlier in which young Canadians have taken to the new manner of lighting in the air Canada has sent to the war some of the air fighters developed in recent years The air services take only men under twentylive years of age to train as pilots These young men must be of the lineal physi cal type active alert and unusu ally Intelligent From Canada over one thousand of such young men have joined the Royal Flying Corps as aviation cadets in training and over live hundred and ore officers in the Naval Air Service ho branch of the flying service Re sides this three thousand Cana dians joined tho Royal Fly ing Corps as mechanics helpers etc the rank and file of ho corps It is said lo bo an encouraging evidence of the spirit LS A CANADA t URGE FIFTH by Grace of God of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions the Seas King Defender of the Faith of Indian to whom these presents shall come or whom the same may in anywise concernGREETING A Proclamation calling out the men comprised in Class as described by the Military Service Act The Minister of Justice Cannda it Is pro vided by our Militia Act of Canada Re- vbed Statutes of chapter Section that our Governor General of Con in Council may place our Militia of Conodaorany part thereof on active service any where in Canada and be yond Cpjiada for the defence thereof at any time it appears advisable to do by reason of emergency A militia of Canada known vv ft3 Canadian Expeditionary Force is now engaged in active service overseas for the defence and security of Canada the preservation of our Empire and of human liberty and it is to the emergencies of the wax to provide for our said Expeditionary Force In addition to whose Inclination or circumstances have permitted them A rA reason of the large number of men who VV agricultural indus trial pur In of Canada in order to join our tionory as volunteers and by reason of the necessity of main taining under these conditions the productiveness or output of agri culture ond Industry In our said Dominion we have determined by and with the advice and consent of our Senate House of Com mons Canada that it is expedient to secure the so required not by ballot provided by our sold Militia Act but by selective draft such reen for cement the provisions of the Military Service Act hereinafter referred to not to exceed one hundred thousand men A k accordingly enacted In and by the Canada In the years of our reign and known as the Military Service Act that every one of our male subjects who comes within one of the classes described intended by the said Act be liable to be called out on active service in our Canadian Expeditionary Force for the defenfe of Conada either within or beyond Canada his service shall be for the duration of the present and demobilization after conclusion of the A lhc the VV last Act liable to be called out arc comprised in six cloaca of vbich 1 by the of the said Act defined to consist of oil our ordinarily any time since the day of August resident in Canada the of vho were born not earlier than the year were on the day of July unmarried or are widower but no child find who arc not within of the following enumerated EXCEPTIONS Members of our regular or reserve or auxiliary forces as defined by our Army Act Members of our military raised by the Governments of any of our other dominions or by our Government of India 3 Men serving in our Royal Navy or in our Marines or in our Naval Service of Canada and members of our Canadian Expeditionary Force Men who have since August 1914 served in our or Navel Forces or in those of our allies in any theatre of actual war have been honourably discharged therefrom Clergy including members of any recognized order of an exclu sively religious character ministers of all religious denomina tions existing in Canada at the date of the passing of our said Military Service Act Those persons exempted from military service by Order in Council of August 1873 by Order in Council of Decem ber A A7Htfoo It is moreover provided by our said Military VV service Act that our GovernorGeneral of Canada hi Council may from time to time by proclamation call out on active service as any class of men In the said Act described and that all men within the class so called cub shall from the date of such proclamation be deemed to be soldiers enlisted in the military service of Canada end subject to military lav save as in the Act otherwise provided and that the men so called out shall report and shall be placed on active service In the Canadian Expeditionary Force as may be set out in such proclamation or in regulations but that they shall until so placed on active service be deemed to be on leave of absence without pay A it provided by the said Act that at vv proclamation en application may be made by or In respect of any man in the to be called oat to one of our local tribunals established in manner provided by the said Act in the province in which such man ordinarily recipes for a certificate of exemption from service any of the following GROUNDS OF EXEMPTION A moreover it is enacted in by the pro- VVIiOiorfb vI Act parliament of in the 7th and years of our reign and known as War Time Elections Act that certain persons thereby disqualified from voting of their sons as on polling day ore not of legal shall be exempt from combatant military and naval service A further provided by our said Military Service Act that application for exemption from shall be determined by our said local tribunals subject to appeal as in the said Act provided and that any man by or in respect of whom on application for exemption from service Is made shall eg long as such application or any appeal In connection there with is pending and during the currency of any exemption granted him be deemed to be on leave ofabsence without pay A net GovernorGeneral of Canada In Council VV determined to call out upon active service as aforesaid the men Included in Class lias in the aid Act and hereinbefore defined or described a That it is expedient in the national interest that the man should instead of being employed in military service be engaged in other work in which lie is habitually engaged That it is expedient in the national interest that the man should instead of being employed in military be enlaced in other work in which he wishes to be engaged and for which he has special qualifications That It is expedient in the national interest that instead of being employed in military service he should continue to be educated or trained for any work for which he then being educated or trained J That serious hardship would ensue if the man were placed on active service owing to his exceptional financial or obligations or domestic position 111 health or infirmity J That he conscientiously object to the of combatant service and is prohibited from to doing by the tenets and articles in effect on the sixth day of July any organized religious denomination existing and well in Canada at such date and to which he in good belongs And that if any of the grounds of application be established certificate of exemption shall be granted to Now Therefore Know Ye the men in our Military Service Act and hereinbefore defined or described to the class belonging on active service in our Canadian Expeditionary Force for the defence of Canada cither within or beyond Canada as we may in the command or direction of our Military Forces hereafter order Of direct And do hereby strictly command require and enjoin that each man is a member of the class shall on or before the day of November in the prejcribcd form and manner report for military unless application for exemption shall then have been made by him or by another person entitled to apply on his behalf wherein our loving subjects members of the class are especially charged not to fail since not only do their loyalty and allegiance require and impose the obligation of careful end implicit obedience to these our strict commands and injunctions but more over lest our loving subjects should be ignorant of the consequences Which ensue if they fail to report within the time limited as hereby forewarn and admonish them that any one vho is hereby called out and who without reasonable excuse fails to report aforesaid shall thereby cprnrn t an offence for which he shall be liable on summary conviction to Imprisonment for any term not exceeding five years with hard labour and be shall nevertheless if we to require be compelled to immediately in our Expeditionary Force And do hereby proclaim and announce that for the greater convenience of our subjects we havc directed that prescribed forms for reporting for for application for exemption from serv ice at any time on or before the said day of November be obtainedtt any post office in our Dominion of Canada that reports for service and applications for exemption from service if obtained at any of our said post offices and properly executed shall be forwarded by our postmaster at the post office from which the same arc obtained to their proper destinations as by our regulations pre- scribed free of postage or any other charge And we do further inform end notify our loving subjects that local tribunals have been established in convenient localities throughout our Dominion of Canada for the hearing of for exemption from service upon any of the statutory grounds as hereinbefore set out that these our local tribunals so established will begin to sit in the discharge of their duties on the day of November 1917 that they will continue to from day to day thereafter as may be necessary or convenient at such times and places as shall be duly notified until oil applications for exemption from service shall have been heard disposed of also that men belonging to the class hereby called out who have not previously to the said day of November reported for service or forwarded applications for exemption through any of our post offices aforesaid may make applications in person foi exemption from service to any of our tribunals on the or day of November And we do hereby moreover notify and inform our loving subjects vho are within the class hereby called out that if on or before 10th day of November they report themselves for military service or if on or before that day application for exemption from service be made by them or on their behalf they will not be required to report for duty or be placed upon active service as until a day not earlier than the day of December which will by our registrar for the province in which they reported or applied be notified to them in writing by registered post at their respective addresses as given in their reports for service or applications for ex emption from service or at such substituted addresses as they may have respectively signified to our said registrar and vc do hereby inform forewarn and admonish the men belonging to the class hereby called out that if any of them shall without just and- sufficient cause fail to report for duty at the time and place required by notice in writing so posted or shall fail to report for duty as otherwise by law required he shall be subject to the procedure pains and penalties by law prescribed as military deserters Of all of which our loving subjects and all others whom these presents may concern ate hereby required to take notice rendering strict obedience to and compliance with all these our commends directions requirements and governing themselves accordingly In Testimony Whereof cat and the Great Seal of Canada to be hereunto affixed WIT NESS Our Right Trusty Right Entirely Beloved Cousin Counsellor Victor Christian Duke of Devonshire Marquess of Hartmgton Earl of Devonshire Eaij of Burlington Baron Caverdish of Baron Cavendish of Keighley KnihtofOur Most the Garter One of Our Most Honourable Privy Council Knight Grand Cross of Our Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint Knight Grand Cross of Our Royal Victorian Order GovernorGeneral end CommanderinChief of Our of Canada At Our Government House in Our City of OTTAWA this day of OCTOBER in the year of one thousand nine hundred and seventeen and in the eighth year of Our Reign i By Commarid of State Canadians have joined the most difficult and arduous also lo be further proof of Can adas deep sincere interest in the war By death of Hoover who died on Thursday morning in his year loses one of its pioneer residents and this community one- people thai so many young of its most respected citizen PAID A MEAL Mrs Matlie If annum of No Ave Vincennes was employed thirty years ago as a servant on a farm in Indiana when a poorly dressed man call- at the house and begged for a cup of coffee supposed tramp was weak and and the young servant prepared a nourishing meal and a pot of steaming cof fee for stranger Just theft her employer came up and order ed the girl to remove the food This she declined to do and re mained beside stranger de spite her employers abuse until he had sufficient strength to leave On Marshall of died To the of relatives his entire estate valued at was loft to the woman who had refused to drive away when he was hungry- a of Kitchener- was instantly by his auto mobile overturning in a dilcb when ho look one bund from blearing wheel a of grapes out of Ji Just bought at I ARCHIVES OF iVi

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