Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 28 Sep 1917, p. 6

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gjp 4 un TWilfiinr Mount Albert DALLY In will Id noxt Sunday Sept- fat welcome 1 LEAGUE The first of the worlh League for the fall and winter will he held in iho Methodist Church on Monday onlng Oct oclock A J good prograiu will ho rendered and a very cordial invitation is extended to all who are interested the work of the young people to ho present- The Wednesday halfholiday which has been observed the stores and other business to an end on Sept Business as usual every day in lho week now Something should bo done to improve lho driveway leading in to the Market Is not a very convenient entrance at present The ladiOS propose putting up hoards at the different street entrances into Mount Al bert hearing the legend Speed limit miles This is a move In the right direction Mrs Oliver ami daugh ter Hilda are spending a week visiting friends in Toronto Mrs Rosa paid a visit to lho oily on Monday last Mrs Grata of Toronto and Mrs of vis ited at Mr last week and Mrs Stokes returned homo with Mrs Stevenson to spend the win ter Mr Albert Sloan Is spending a few days at his home here Mr and Mrs Prank McDonald of Button motored down last Sun- and called on snvoral friends Mrs John Moore spent several days Willi her brother Mr A Shaw of Button Mrs Mahan of Rivers Man who lias been visiting her aunt Mrs- returned to her home on Wednesday of his week Mrs Heigh and daughter Mrs of loft for their home after spending some lime visiting relatives in this vicinity Mr J Cook of Woodhrldge spent Saturday with his brother Mr Cook Mr and Mrs Robinson and fam ily Sunday in Toronto Mr Lome Stokes of Toronto Normal School spent Sunday at his home in town Miss Belle Cook of Toronto was home in town over Sunday Mr Barrett of Toronto an old resident called on friends in town last week FOR SOFTENING WATER FOR HARD AMD SOFT SOAP i Sharon Mrs A Olivo of Edmonton Alia lias arrived on visit with her sister Mrs Sutherland Miss Butler spent the weekend at the home of her cousin Sutherland GOOS BALDWIN of To ronto came up In Mr Agios and with here should he The Happy Family so agreeable are They moonlighted it home accompanied by Mrs Amos Crittenden and Herman reports a visit from several flying ma chines Huh Just as if that was anything wonderful Why weeks ago a lovely being an Angel appeared our midst Whether from the clouds or oth erwise cannot say but she is still at Andersons Her benevolence No Wild an abundant crop and ducks showing their Bang Wedding bells were ringing last week Ono sweetly of our qui- wv told wl for good Oh I Well there is more Queensville Miss Carrie returned home after spending a three va cation in Pittsburg Pa j Mr Joel and Mr J mi lls did a fine job In in the public school grounds Mr P Crittenden has got in a carload of salt Some of our young smart class are just on the verge of going to Newmarket before Squire Br un ion Beware I Who is that young man from Baldwin- who is coming to see one ot our Baldwin Belles Some very pretty snap shots of holies were taken Sunday wonder who I Mr A had his from to see one day last week lo report that Mr is under the Drs care It ia to be hoped that lie will soon recov er 10 Ttjany a woman has had to give up baking cakes for her fam- iily the price of butter and eggs remains high A very delicious cake can be made with out these two ingredients one which the children will like ami the older members of the family will appreciate To make it take cups sugar onehalf cup of lard or other shortening onehalf Cup cocoa onehalf cup hot water one cup sour milk or buttermilk one soda one tea- spoonful vanilla two and half cups sifted flour Mix sugar and cocoa add hot water and soda then flour and salt This makes a largo cake If ins currants and other fruits are added it will he as good as many fruit cakes and fresh a long time Try it FARM Being Lot in the 2nd Con Of good brick house and hank barn plenty of water about acres of limber Apply J COOK Albert FOR OH REMIT 3 and Con East OWilMmbyty about acres fcLout iZO acres cleared flln for ploughing any tliiie further PO Or the Anniversary services in he Methodist Church at Haven shoe next Sunday Tlu preaching will be at a m and pm A splendid program is being provided for the entertainment on Monday evening Besides Orchestra there will be other good talent come Wo dont know what happened the items last week as they were mailed in time Miss Eva spent the weekend with Miss Maud Fair- barn Air and Mrs Morton and fam ily of Keswick spent Sunday at Mr Aug Gibsons Hose was visiting her sister Mrs Longford on Sunday Mrs was at church on Sunday also Mr and Mrs of Albert Miss Maud treated the Choir with Ice Cream and Cnke on Sunday also Mr Cake on Friday evening Miss Philips spent a few days with the Misses The Teacher Training Class met Mr Tansieys on Wednes day evening The Officers of the Home will distribute new literature for the coming Quarter next week We hope the members will have their reports ready An enjoyable time was spent at the Corn on Saturday even ing under the auspices of the League Holland Landing Christ Church Thanksgiving Service will he held on Sunday evening Oct 7th On Friday Sept 1st Mrs Wight died suddenly after a few hours illness Deceased had not been well for some time be ing troubled with brain affection She leaves her husband and five children to mourn theirloss The funeral which look place Monday afternoon last was largely at tended Interment Quoonsvillo Cemetery officiat ing Mr Wilson of Omaha formerly of his place was call ing on friends here on Saturday last Mrs Shunk of Toronto spent a few days week with her mother Mrs West Mr and Mrs Johnston of Hamilton after spending two weeks with her Mrs West returned lo their homo on Saturday Mr A Ballon has received a position in the city and left on Tuesday He expects to remain all winter Messrs John Stephenson and Marshall of Toronto spent Sunday at heir home here Sorry to hear of the death of Mrs Wight Mr Glover was home for weekend Mr Stevenson was home for a few days Mr was visiting friends in town for a few days Mr Harry Bell was home for a few days A drop of paint looks alright on that top buggy Willie Miss is homo on her holi days Who were those four young men from Newmarket with two buggies who nearly stripped the pear tree Thoy had heller not he here again Mr Wight and family wish to thank all friends for their kind ness to them in their sudden and pad bereavement One precious to our hearts has gone The voice we loved is stilled The place made vacant in our homo Can nevermore ho filled Our Father in Ills wisdom called The boon His had given And though In earth the body lies The soul is safo in heaven Husband and Children lYls6 Button The list of Button yester day morning- too late for The kids unani mously declare their admiration for her and the seniors are cap tivated- as- well She must he a goodun Keep her Angel its are few and far between What makes the children love lho teacher so I hear the Breezes say Oh shes Angel thats quite sure So Ill sing a merry lay Mrs Ainos Crittenden has gone the 10 consult a specialist lo in diseases of ic eye A Swoot little lassie Wilson Sweet of cant boast of being more than ordin arily good looking but his girls are O K His lass of two years Sweet by name and nature is a most amazingly pretty and intelligent un I seldom see as handsome as she Come little one and see the Owl does come Mrs Clark has a clover baby beyond her years Though hut months on Friday she is making great progress in the ac quirement of the English lang uage and costs many years for acquiring a thorough knowledge of it Some yes the majority of mankind go through life and never gel there as well as a riner If you saw Mossies baby youd just have lo love her be no way out of il She winner surpassing precocity giving you flashes of is such a little heart We have a number the OBrien kids for Lack of space forbids an example of heir wit and infantile cleverness Huckleberry Chapman Some pumpkins of a A true true tale On Monday Aug Prof Bertram Chapman of teach ers staff Toronto went to the huckleberry plains and returned the evening of the During I hat time four days by his own individual effort ho picked pails lbs each of berries This is Bertrams own story cor roborated by bis mother and sis ters They are all of the highest respectability and sincerity Knowing the persons as I do I unhesitatingly accept it as true hough it may sound big You or I Couldnt Quite a number of our people lake justifiable pride in their gar dens I dont see any who have greater reason for so doing than Mrs Crittenden She is in defatigable in her efforts and successful beyond degree Her garden goes far toward keeping the pot boiling and as a notoriously homely woman said Beauty doesnt make the pot boil Now quit your snickering I bear you I have heard it remarked lime and again that our friend Mrs Stewart and Marjorlc Pearson has the most beau tiful flower gardens at her sum mer home near Roches Point Every variety of flowers and flowering shrubs obtainable arc in luxurious profusion Mrs Stewarts sister Mrs was describing the beautiful flowers growing in winter In her South ern homo in North Carolina Ill tell you something hut dont let on I shall call my friend Mrs the Southern Belle I doubt if a handsomer ever grew in old Dixie Mercury period passed off Now farmers will welcome rain whenever it pleases to colne The ground is baked No fall wheat sown on clay- farms A pleasant looliing chap evi dently well pleased with himself stepped up lo mo one day recent ly as sat on my roost and quer ied Are you a Mr Riddel Un fortunately I am not The Rid dels are amazing brainy clever men The aforesaid individual turned out lo be Mr Calloway Many years ago a resident near by hut now of the rocky regions known as Muskoka On a visit to civilization neighbors dropped in unexpectedly on J J Fosters prior to their departure from our midst and Some gave valuable assistance with men and teams to aid in lho removal Miss Jenny will be much missed by young folks Arthur and Goo shouldnt go duckhunting on Sunday It is setting a bad example to the ris ing generation Decoy ducks are amazing tough to kill No thing but a shell will make thorn wiggle around Brownhill a bit and youll find it has been demonstrated Supposing were palhmaslor of Swamp hustle off all the coarse stones from my boat and thus earn the thanks gratitude of men Yes Richard Id do it if didnt do another stirring all week AH hula are an abundant crop twill be a hard winter Lots of folks say I may brag of their excellent crops Do you thank Good Matter news corning Hurrah David Come back lo the farm Mr John of Hunts ville is spending a few days with old friends in Brown Hill Mr A llillis has boon on he sick list lately Our thresher on the is turning out some work eh- 30 loads in two days Miss Duponl left on Tuesday for She will be very greatly missed around be ing here for about or years Corncutting is order of the day Our leading merchant Fairbarn look a business trip to Toronto on Monday to get anoth er big stock of boots and shoes Mr Traviss is making some improvements on his house The ftlh getting remodelled some Time ip up Ill tell more of it next week Sleeping Beauty ft- Sutton West A quiet wedding was solemniz ed at the Methodist Parsonage on Wednesday Sept when Marjorlo eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Taylor of Bald win became he wife of Mr Davio of After lho ceremony he young couple left on the 2i5 car for Toronto lingwood Kingston and other points We wish lliom every happiness A wedding which has been look ed forward lo with much interest was celebrated Sunny Acres Virginia in the presence of about wo hundred at on Thursday afternoon Sept when Pearl Alma daughter of Mr and Mrs Richard was united in marriage to Mr Gilbert Crosby of The was performed under an arch on the lawn by Rev J A of Sutton West as sisted by Rev J J Coulter or As the strains of the Wedding March- were being play ed by the sister of the groom the bride appeared leaning on the arm of her father wearing a gown of Crepe with bridal veil and orange blossoms She earned a bouquet of roses and vatley The bridesmaid was Miss Helen of who also wore Georgette Crepe and carried yellow rnums The groom was supported by his brother Mr A Crosby Af ter the ceremony was and congratulations had been given to the young couple by he dejeuner was served in the diningroom followed by suitable toasts and addresses by the guests The young couple left later by auto for their honeymoon amid showers of confetti and good wishes The list of pres ents was unusually large and choice The Sutton Fair on last was well patronized The exhibi tion of live stock was fine also the vegetable exhibit was excel lent but very little fruit and not of a very high order The Homo Cooking and Dairy Produce was very good The Fancy Work was fine but not as much as usual The aeroplane as circled over lho grounds was a great attrac tion to both young and old The Secretary has not yel supplied the Era with the list of prize win ners The Knox Church Missionary Society met at the homo of Mrs Mackenzie on Thursday evening and presented Mrs Robert nell with a Certificate of Life Membership Mrs is leaving Sutton to make her home at Brampton and will bo greatly missed in the community The Girls Patriotic League made over selling tags al the Fair and realized about at their refreshment booth Our girls are very enthusiastic and deserve much credit A Harvest Thanksgiving will bo held in St James Church Sutton on Wednesday October 3rd at pm The sermon will be preached by the Right Rev Dr Sweeney Bishop of the diocese An augmented Choir under the leadership of Mr It render appro priate music Mr and Mrs Allan and Miss Cunningham of Toron to were guests of Mrs John over Ihe weekend Mrs Howard Morion and little daughter of Weston spent a few days with Mrs lho past week Oulte a our people motored to Lindsay Fair on and all a very en joyable day From Rural Women do With Ho does not like farming- Be is a worker he true and wo can him how great But his laVlo farm seems to like books He reads and reads and his tastes seem to run along tho line of machinery and men and organiz- alioh Must we keep John on the farm against his will After all wo cannot make farmers put of all our boys in fact wo have not land enough for that and wo cannot afford lo give them the proper start as farmers so If John is going to farm wo may as well bow to Inevitable But wo will do our duty toward him and give him the proper start for lifes Jour ney away from lho farm if it must ho and we will leave it lo him to make his own choice when the time comes for him to make that choice fotMl Preserving ieZvi fine granulation because of Pure and 2 and 51b Cartons and 100lb Sacks Library of free for cut from Carton or Sack ATLANTIC SUGAR Limited Montreal A dogs tall no teamster but it has a How often these thoughts or similar ones spring Into the mi lids of parents living on the farm and are given expression one way or another The prob lem is an everpressing one It is not easy of solution it is not so difficult a question to know what to do with John if we are informed as to the experiences of others who have been over this or a similar before and so we welcome find great interest in reviewing the experiences of those great men who have gone out from the farm and achieved success How Boy Was Helped As a most fitting and timely ex ample Mr experiences may well be reviewed this time to serve our readers as a Pillar of smoke by day and a pillar lire by night by which they may he guided How one boy was helped lo find bis life work how his early training fitted to grasp the opportunities which came lo him found foi readers of Rural Canada in Ihe story of now President and General Manager of one of the largest manufac turing industries in Canada the Company Limited Horn at Jacksons Point on De cember Kith 1870 he developed lie first fifteen years of his life on a farm His father ano mother died when he was a very small child and he was brought up by his grandparents who were Scotch Presbyterians of the good type The greatest influence of my early life was grandmothers influence said Mr as he was talking to me recently She had all the characteristics of the best Scotch type of actor She was very thorough industrious strictly honorable in every possible way and with great tenacity of purpose She was he sort of woman who in a country district such as we were in was called upon to help in any ease of illness or trouble in all he surrounding neighborhood on the Perm Attaching great importance to early influences of his home life Mr likes lo dwell upon his experiences on the farm The farm on which we lived was pretty much under pioneer conditions he explained It had a good deal of bush land on it helped two or threo win ters in the actual clearing of the land At eleven years of age I was driving a team of horses day after day looking after thorn and really doing the same work as lho men except that I was doing the lighter part of the farm work At seeding time I drove the harrow haying time I drove the rake putting in a good days work Soft Snap There was no soft life for this boy He had to walk four or five miles to school in all kinds of weather and this with bis work on the farm helped to lay the foundation of a good rugged constitution His grandmother made attend church regular ly and saw that he was well grounded in Bible Reading Pos sessing a strong selfreliant character she sought cultivate a similar character in tho lad on the farm Mr himself believes constitutes the very best possible kind of train ing a boy can have But in spite of the fact that he never shirked his duties it soon became apparent that young was not intended for the farm life Al Sutton West where he at tended the Public Schools there was a post office and general store and for the boy this place had a peculiar Many a on his way to or from school ho would enter the store and pick up a book or paper lo read Postmaster who was an observant man noticed how fond the hoy seemed of reading and became interested in him Ho kept him in iiiind and when ho had an opening he It to him Thus at about to years of ago young began his business career as a telegraph operator id postal cleric An point to nolo in this is ihet did not to ask for the ill was offered lo by the post master And so right on through his career we find that Mr has never had to ask keep for any post He lias always so prepared himself so made ready that when his chance has come he has been able to grasp it with- long afterward- how out hesitation I havent much faith in the man who has to ask for words he faced Uiennn lion said Mr I con- which stood in way of hi It rather a sign of weak- promotion and overcame it A A man so strong character is prepared himself that when the along the lines of lime comes he will be invited to step into a position as being one person filled for it very man for he job accepted the post ami win admitting his of keeping attended the night clan at the West End such good purpose did study thai no one long afterward- how little once knew about Ihe Of keeping books In other develops ones or and overcoming them His Assured From thai lime en his Overcoming Obstacles assurel For four years young years he was Chief Accountant be remained at Sutton West and into touch to a greater then in when he was twenty lent than before with the Man he came lo ToronUand entered agement of the business and for the employ of the a considerable period before lie Co as a telegraph operator was appointed Assistant to the From that time on the story of President be was doing work of his career is one of successive a more general character Ifaaa forward steps His sterling that covered by his title of Chief character soon gained the Accountant confidence and esteem of the In the discussion of account heads of the organization j from year lo year he earn into In he was offered the close touch- with he General post of chief accountant And Manager and President Tte thereby hangs a tale young longer hey knew Mm the mora man as a matter of fact did they valued In be be- know very much of book-keep- j came Assistant Cenrral Manager ing but he had a way of get- Director in VicePresided ling down to brass lacks and in and just recently- grasping the fundamentals of a successor of late Sir Lyman situation which made him seem Continued The Maxwell actually earns a profit you Webster defines profit as follows Accession of good valuable useful consequences benefit An automobile saves your lime and energy And a Maxwell motor car accom plishes that saving on an outlay of only a week lo run the car We know of no more profitable of investing a week No in ordinary circumstances tiford not to own a Maxwell Car 9tOiSt 9IS40i Oat button OH k ft mi fcV I pries Pattc I a particularly Pattarj Clover Leaf body HAVE I TO Import Fan Field The ladies taken the cam toward ll Fund wish lo I Lave there are any called on ami can do so by at The Fun until Saturday hope to at the I serving lunch in the Main Booth on drinks ice en Have the chil Pond all kin The Society Boyd for movi Hospital for The sent in by the has been trie Newmarket la client peck J lbs Brow lbs lb Candid 1 pint i Level I Level Level 1 Level Tea meg Teaspoon PulToinatof through boll ahou Rooked then ami Oil ami nough for A or Family Star of a their no European Ugh aid they are J at any pi to all win to ih for included value and it securing Be ttlh ahead set is very worth ww paper an i Geo A by his l a fence l fin to WHITE iii Oft v

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