Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 28 Sep 1917, p. 2

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Urn i FPU gale As Good power Gasoline oh Trucks Apply Box I On Lot Owner can have same by proving proper ty and paying Win VIfOQCOck Aurora P O i WANTED Young Girl lo with light housework in family giving particulars and wages expected lo Mrs Ave Toronto Metropolitan J i I i property and at North End one block off Main All modern conveniences and water in house No town taxes Inquire of on Premises For Delivery drive truck chance to learn active Young Man to Steady Job and good hardware Apply to A Newmarket 1 Ft b k i I a t L a Men to Farm and Must ox- with gasoline Apply to J of Agriculture Solicitor Notary for taking Affidavits Will ho In Newmarket all lay Tuesday Friday and aturday and on Monday and Thurs day evenings from to Office Ground Floor New MoOauley Mock Opposite Post Office Office Phono No 205 for Imperial of Canada J M Walton Co Aurora funds to loan on First Mortgage Probating Wills and Estate work a specialty i i J I Hound trip tickets to certain points in Manitoba Saskatchewan and via North Day loch- rune and Transcontinental route or via Chicago and Paul on nalo each Tuesday until 30th Inclusive at low faros Tli rough Tourist Bleeping Gars to WINNIPEG on the above dales leaving Toronto P no change of cars via Transcontinental Route Return limit Two Months ex clusive of date of sale Berth reservations and full particulars at all Grand Trunk ticket offices or write HORNING District Passenger Agent Toronto J Depot Agent Phone J Phono Up Town Agent op War Part Nation Is Taking at Last Figures up to Aug allow that Canadians had enlisted in the Canadian Force Canada is repre sented on many fields From inland transport workers of whom one thousand are Canadi ans and who among other things to take supply barges up the rivers of the Far East to aviat ors flying over the battlefronts the North Sea and the Mediter ranean of whom upwards of are Canadians this country has contributed an important part of the Allied war effort As lo the work woman is doing it is interesting to note that Canadian nurses have gone overseas in the Canadian Army Medical Corps service and in Alexandras Imperial Mil- Nursing Service This of course is apart from the accomplishments of mens patriotic and social ser vice societies all over the coun- Canadas strength as a bellig erent nation is shown rather strikingly in the finance Whereas Great Britain has loan ed millions lo a number of Med nations has received from Canada more than she has been asked to give Canadians returning from abroad report a widespread re cognition in other countries of Canadas importance and value to the Allies as the final stages of the war seem to approach r J A Harvest Homo Service will be at the Friends Meeting House Station on day Sept 30th at oclock This is to an undenominational rur al community meeting of neigh bors lo consider a practical in terpretation of two Parables Ad- will ho given by Elizabeth filouffer Field and O Carson Inspector of Public Lib raries and local speakers You say he married but she was A college girl if a good cook -i- market Hal Tho total number of patients Is 53 One interesting case was ad mitted on Monday night last sent from the Camp Hospital at CampBordon Tho limit of capacity of this Hospital has booh reached until moro and attendants report for duty and equipment is received Med ical and surgical supplies have not yet arrived equipment for electrical treatment has not yet boon installed peulic baths are still in hands of the workmen Proper furnishings for day rooms and recreation rooms have not yet been received Keeping in mind that Ibis institution Is a hospital for the treatment of mental diseases much has yet lo be done before it will bo ready for full service Despite all this there has been a marked Im provement in many of tho pa tients and as soon as Iho proper documents belonging to the men arrive a few will be for discharge The nursing sisters will move on Monday next Into their now quarters across Iho street The offered by Mr Mrs A has been accept ed by the Commission After the hours of exacting hospital duty the nursing sisters will be able lo enjoy their leisure amid the quiet of this charming homo J CAMC re ported for duly on Monday last as Modi on 1 Officer Flowers have been received from numerous donors special mention Doing accorded lo gifts of such from the Roman Catholic Church Mrs Rogers and St Pauls Church Many of the do nations of flowers fruit and veg- bear no label so that it is impossible to thank individuals but these gifts are fully appreci ated by staff and patients The Office Specially Co has very generously donated Iwo oak Book Cases six sections for use In the recreation room Already those are filled with books and magazines The piano from tho Town Hall has been kindly loaned on two oc casions Both Ihese removals have been made through tho courtesy of Mr Boyd A parcel of very useful uten sils came from Johns Ambu lance Toronto Five Safely Ra zors Gillette two Hair Clippers five Shaving Brushes and six slicks of Shaving Soap mean that the of the pa tients will proceed vigorously Mr Atkinson has also donated an Auloslrop Safety Razor Mr J Broughton sent up a very splendid phonograph the other night and delighted the hoys with numerous selections This loan was much appreciated Last Sunday was filled with in teresting features At he Church Service Rev was Minister The Male Quartette from Christian Church gave two selections while Miss Lund rendered a solo in a very pleasing manner In the afternoon Iho Newmarket Orchestra under the direction of Mr gave a concert In the evening Mr At kinson showed a number of ex quisite sacred pictures and the Orchestra again gave great pleas ure to the patients would ho hard to praise highly enough the willingness of the Newmarket Or chestra lo be of service The biweekly motor drives continue through the kindness of the Auto Club The weather has been ideal and the anticipation of the Tuesdays and Friday out ings added zest to the pa tients lives in this institution Through a misunderstanding Dr Hull was mentioned in a former article as a member of tho staff- doing parttime work This was incorrect Dr Hull as one of the citizens of New market and as a medical man was much interested in work of the Hospital and assisted the Medical Officer in charge dur ing the first days lo get into touch with local conditions and while he was without Iho assist ance of permanent Medical Offi cers did a great deal for the Med ical comfort of the patients The ruling of the ADMS of the Mil itary district negatives tho ap pointment of any parttime work on the pail of local practitioners Dr Hull has been giving his ser vices voulntarily during the try ing period of the beginning of this hospital and his kindness has been much appreciated by the Medical Officer in charge Mrs Joy the dietitian has re ported that there are no arrivals of chickens lo the fowl house to bo chronicled In all serious ness it would be a real service if someone would engage to secure a number of pullets for the Hos pital Washington Sept most startling revelation of Gor man intrigue in the that has been made since the war began Implicating wellknown men who claim American citizenship and involving a Supremo Court in New York City was made last night by Government Committee of Public Information Richmond Hill Sept The barn belonging to W which ho had Just finished build ing summer was burned to the ground this afternoon with all the seasons crop and a valuable set of farm machinery and im plements only the stock be ing saved Tho building at a considerable distance from the owners residence on and more than miles from the village and only local help could bo obtained fight the fire Mr loat by Pro IVfii Whoso Idler appears on the First Page of this of enlisted but was brought up at Holland Landing by his aunt MrsLonghurst and is well known among Iho boys of that place Be left for overseas a year ago last spring Ho was severely wounded at the Battle or the on Iho of Sept and is now In a Convales cent Homo in Hastings Ho expects lo go back to France In a short lime Our Toronto letter Gasoline I Puff I gone J Mr A Armand Ave was cleaning his trousers in a pail of gasoline that held two and a half gallons Ho look 300 in cash and cheques out of his pock et and laid the pile on the table He then lit a gas iron In turn ing around he pulled gas tube from the iron and disconnected the gas Then things moved very rapidly Puff I went through the back door blown bod ily through the hack yard and when he recovered he found 300 in cash and cheques burnt in a heap on tabic build ing was damaged lo the of and the contents Gordon Far roll a 10yearold boy was sentenced to six months in jail on three charges of auto- stealing Edith was found guil ty by Judge in General Sessions on a charge criminal negligence in connection with the death of Florence Cook Sentence deferred A man and woman were sent lo jail for days for gelling mar ried a month the final judgment for divorce was signed in 1910 Mfi had company over Sunday tjrsj Merrick of Toronto is visiting nor aunt Mrs Clark and of Toronto were in town on Sun day- Mr Hudson Bowman Au rora spent Sunday with frlonds in town Mrs and Mrs J Brodio wore visiting in the oily over Sunday rMr Lome Tibboll spont a few days at the home of his par ents in Mrs Gould of is visiting Mrs Wilkinson Joseph Ave for a fow days Mr and famil got homo from Orchard Beach Tuesday They wore about the last to leave Secretary of Markham Fair which lakes pjaco next week has Iho thanks of tho Editor for press courtesies Mrs B Maw was called to tho city lastFriday owing to the Illness of her daughter Sho re turned on Tuesday Toronto Mail and Empire Mr A A Y Ramsay of Newmar ket is the guest of Mrs William of Wttlincr Road Mrs Rev T W of Toronto was a Judge on Ladies Work at the Fair and was the guest of Mrs Dr Wesley while In town iMrs Nancy Murray of Ridge- way has gone to lo visit her sister Mrs Stewart after having visited her sister Mrs food supply- but knowing never amount tomuch for unless it is ac companied by sensations of pain The idea food scarcity sinks deeply and correctively into some minds into others itgoes naif vay in others It hardly the surface of thoughts In some way or other tho need of conserving the food supply must bo carried into tho innermost re cesses of the Canadian mind and move us all in the same way as the call for defence moved our gallant fighters at Ihe front to volunteer for service m A Wo just received a of Ball Coffin Purest that bo bought all of removed only It la put up in 1ib tin SOME DAY will YOUR Why Not Now Opticians Limited LflOT I E Corner end oil TORONTO COTTAGE CHEESE The contempt with which he majority of people regard skim milk is wholly undeserved It is a nutritious and valuable human food The wasle which has- oc curred in this byproduct of he dairy on account of the prejudice against it is a reproach lo our in telligence Undoubtedly skim milk lacks in and to overcome Ibis objection it can be treated in various ways or combined with Other foods in cooking The manufacture of cottage cheese is one method of convert ing skim milk into a more at tractive and appetizing form of food Cottage cheese may bo made in a small way in home as well as in a larger in the creamery Several different methods of manufacture may bo employed but those most commonly used are by the coagulation of the milk of souring 2 by the co agulation of the milk by rennet you would like to makeCol- Cheese or Buttermilk Cheese send a card lo the Ot tawa and ask for Leaflet It costs you nothing i0 DIG AIIMtAlO ON LONDON Tho enemy carried out over England Monday night larg est airplane raid yet recorded His machines attacked Kent Es sex London and the northern counties The assault in Lon don lasted It is gen erally recognized that possession of Ihe Belgian coast is giving Iho enemy a great advantage for these raids Ho has only a few miles lo fly over bo- fore reaching Iho coast so his machines often begin the bombing before Iho alarm is sounded An attack on Paris is an altogether different matter from an on London To reach Paris the maohines nf- met and other guns so that If a ma chine escapes being shot down the alarm has preceded it long Mrs- Davidson and her litllo son Stanley from Belleville Now Jersey and Mrs Robinson of To ronto are viisling Mrs Moss Millard Ave Mrs Isaac Waldon Queens- Mrs Harold Armitage have returned after spending a couple of weeks in Ottawa visit ing Mrs It A Little Master Maxwell Hatch Scotch Entertainer and Miss Oracle Elocutionist of the Canadian Academy of Music Toronto are in town for the Fair Mr Frank Fisher who is moving from to Toron to was in Town a couple of days last week having brought the re mains of his father here fo rburi- al The thanks of the Editor are due lo the Secretary of the Fair for Compliment ary Ticket of admission The is on Thursday and Friday of next week Mr and Mrs John Sliney of Richmond Hill announce the en gagement of their eldest daugh ter Mary Alma to Mr Frank Gibbons son of Mr and Mrs Gibbons of Newmarket the mar riage to take place early in Octo ber Mrs Lundy Queen St got a phone message on Wednesday announcing the arrival of her son Robt Lundy at Que bec It was quite surprise He will probably be home in days and many friends will bo glad to see him Last Saturday Ihe Era vas favored with a call from Mr W Wilson of Omaha Nebraska He is a son of the late Calvin Wil son and grandson of the late Tit us Wilson both of whom were well known by the older residents of North York Mr Wilson has been a resident of Omaha for years and for the past 20 years has held the office of Police geant He was born at Holland Landing which place he visited but was unable to locale his birthplace It is years since he left there He regretted that there were so few of his ac quaintances that he was able to find x IN THE FOOD The campaign that is being car ried on by the Womens Auxil iary Organization of Resources Committee in cooperation with Hon W J Food Control ler is one in which wo can all serve It is not a war cam paign but it is a warlime cam a campaign of publicity for the purpose of impressing upon every producer and consumer the urgent necessity of keeping up our food reserves In this war the food reserves are scarce ly less important than our re serves of manpower We can not all lake personal pari in the campaign that is being carried on on the Western front but wo can all do something to sustain that campaign by abstaining from wasteful or unnecessary consumption of the necessities of life What we conserve is so much stored lo feed our fighting men and our Allies for Iho re mainder of the struggle If we could by mathematical demon stration or prophetic inspiration fix the term war is to last wo might feel less or perhaps moro anxiety than we now feel In re gard problem of provi sioning the Entente Powers But on that point we are in the dark No man can say when Ibis dread ful war will end Therefore no Canadian patriot can bo reckless or even calculating in tho mat ter of drawing upon the food sup ply We can simply keep on practising selfdenial in regard lo appetite The publicity cam ONE ON THE any good- asked the curious individual on the bridge Any good asked the fisher man Why I caught forty bass out here yesterday Say do you know who I am asked Iho man on Ihe bridge Tho fisherman replied that he did not Well I am the County Fish and Game Warden angler after a moments thought exclaimed Say you know who I am No the other replied Well Im the biggest liar in eastern Indiana said the crafty angler with a grin c- FOLLOWING The president of one of the prominent railway corporation in America was making a stirring address to an audience of young men and dwell with particular emphasis on the necessity of making a good appearance When you are looking for work he said be careful that you are presentable If you have only in the world spend for a suit of clothes for a pair of shoes fifly cents for a hair cut and shave Then walk up to the job wherever it is and ask for it like a man This advice greeted with great applause and the railway president sal down amid a storm of cheers The very next morning a dap perlooking young fellow walked into the outer office of orat or and banding a note to clerk said Please give this lo the president The note read as follows I have paid for this suit of clothes for a pair of boots and fifty cents for a hair Cut and shave I have walked from Harlem and I would like a job as conductor on your road Ho the job Thl ran and collo at tin vhon your Canned Fruit Supply Ite both Canned Lombard tin tin tin tin tin Bananas Pino and FLOUR The dropped but Quality remains tho same Try a oaok and bo convinced 1 CONFECTIONERY It Quality that counts That Is reason our Candy Trade Wo both Varieties and tho Candy PHONE IT WILL GET ATTENTION bo o PHONE El Vim LEADING Furniture and Under talcing House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY to at residence J I J Nowadays It lo Quality that Counts QUALITY OUR AGENT FOR SPECIALTY THE Tho Remarkable Instrument In tho World- CHOCOLATES 9 MAIN STREET NEWMARKET for and Photo Supplies House Phono No Store Phone No Phonos and 2C In Newmarket on Sept 21 to Mr and Mrs Lyman Hose a son Cubit In Newmarket on Sept to Mr and Mrs Joseph Cubit a son Haines In East on Sept 1017 to Mr and Mrs Haines a son At on Sept to Mr and Mrs James Kelley a daughter and granddaughter to Mr and Mrs A J McCaffrey of New market At Mount Albert Sun day Sept 2nd to Mr and Mrs Beverley Sinclair a daughter Margaret- lone Nixon In Newmarket on Sept 21st to Mr and Nixon a son and grandson to Mr Morri son Davis In East on Sept lo Mr and Mrs I Davis a daughter Tho Tomb At San Diego Gal on Sepl 12th Win Lock- in his year a broth erinlaw of Mrs Dennis enough to enable lo prepare a warm recep tion i peasons were killed in a hurricane Jamaica on Sunday half by all loyal Canadians In recent issues we have inserted very telling advertisements laying before public some striking facts as to the food situation Ev ery line of such matter ought to lie read marked end digested by Iho Canadian public Every presented in Iheyead ought to be careful ly pondered rrat Sutherland At Ont on Sept 25 Susan beloved wife of Donald Sutherland in her year Thompson At Longford on Thursday Sept 1917 George Roy infant son of Mr and Mrs Clarence B Thomp son of Kitchener formerly of Newmarket aged seven weeks On Sunday suddenly as a result of motor accident near bridge Robert Latham mack aged years IP ITS AH you know Its Made nan If Its Anything a Yankee I i Terms If You Wish TORONTO St West an To H 0 Our Every Lover of MADE BAKING TRY- Favorite and Five Rose Flour FEED ANTHRACITE COAL Prices Right OLIVER oiiilOTLY Give Us DIKE a VISITOR TO newmArket FAIR Should not Fall to Ceo Our display of J tit A UN ESS PLAN OS W A PHS CARS and MAXWELL bis display will interest intending Purchaser as and General Durability with Satisfaction are our cine All lUlAiSa fct on Price Full Supply of A CALL FRED Sol J it v I t Tr6B Sk- TORONTO

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