Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 31 Aug 1917, p. 7

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J I 12 ile St or in is It he din 1 IT 111 if China Department our patterns of Din- are of Hoot Quality and at very Item- MM Prices In our window two one of thorn and neat floral Pattorn and body la tho Old Loaf on body Wo Linos to from HAVE FINE LINES TO 8ELET IjhoAfit Tea be held Pauls Boom off Tuesday afternoon of next AM Indies invited Coroner Wcsloy has boon no tified by the that an or- dor has boon given for all trains lo alow down lo miles an hour in passing SI crossing at Holland Landing per request of Jury at inquest a short ago 1 Direct of and PHOTOS your buy any- thing you thorn your Photograph LET THEM FOB YOU Phono Photographer Studio One Door West of the New Post Office EVENING SITTING APPOINTMENT Furnace Work Plumbing Mr Fred Nottingham of Nov1 received appoint ment of Agent for tho Maxwell Gar which has been advertised for some lime in the Era says the Maxwell has many ad vantages Ask him to them Mr Jack Murphy is now in swim Ho had a new Maxwell truck delivered to him yesterday I M Ml Mr Win of Kcswiok leads the farmers of North York by the purchase and use of a Tractor on his farm which is now doing Kail Plowing in a very sat isfactory manner This Is an other Innovation that will lighten the drudgery of farm work An other that is coming as surely as the Separator is the Electric Milking Machlno Early Morning Caller The presence of an aeroplane hovering around town yeslordaj morning attracted considerable attention and about camo down in Mr Geo Hold The accupant of T prov ed to bo Cadet Jukos Perkins from Camp Borden who called upon Miss Millard Hots- ford St and been regaled by a cup of coffee flow away again about oclock just as un concerned as a bird out for morn ing exorcise Ho apparently takes great delight in controlling flying machine Ladles Aid of IlQpohavp Bent by Reg of the tn p ranee ML ft and I appreciate their sending very It came Just in I right lime STATEMENT Eavetroughing Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at Shop THE LEADING SOUS TO SMITHS The following is the financial report fix making Rev P a life member of On- Sunday School Association It boon the in the Era two weeks ago oh Our Sunday School Work in North York The collections from the Town ship Sunday- Softools were made through Township Sunday School SecretaryTreasurers ex cept in North and Sutton where Mr the dent did it and in King Town ship where I did it myself I wish here to thank all the Sunday Schools and the individ uals who contributed and all who in any way assisted in this good and laudable work North and Sutton per Mr Emerson 1700 East per Mr Geo Richardson Whitchurch per Mr J P Franco Dear I received from you since yours of Juno but hove a few minutes to myself thought would drop y6Uft7ew lines to let you Know that all is going good Wo are hoping very fine weather over hero and it has been a love ly summer that is so far kind of are you having this year 1 it is good Tilings are around hero except for a few bombardments at times and ail odd raid but nothing To talk about any1 have something to tell you The other day I received a parcel from the Ladies Aid of Hope as a big surprise to me as it is quite a few years since I lived in that part and then I was only a boy Hut it goes 10 show that their hearts are with the boys in France on a whole it the as he rations were very bad Just then The cats were in very good condition and boys enjoyed them very much are three others in the same office I am in and they arc a good bunch of fellows One camo from Scotland and enlisted with our battalion at North Hay another from Ireland who enlist ed in the North West with a and was transfer red to our Hall in and other from Wales and came over from to enlist in a Battalion In and am from so you roc our lit office represents the British Well as I have a little more spare lirno I think will loll you a little about Franco To start with France near the coast is very hilly and extends inland for some distance about the same as Canada When you got well in from the coast the land becomes flatter and Is al most a roiling country There are big valleys not very deep but very wide You almost call It flat land two very slight ridges of the ridges are miles apart as in the Valloy but most of thorn are closer together ft 1ft all farming land The farms arc large but are divided up four or five farmers and hby live in the villages is very v Forester NORTH YORK HARNESS STOP Tlie Best is None Too Good toe Farmers days and here ls Hie place to get THE HARHS88 We do all kinds of Power while you wait you going away for a visit If so you will want a NEW OR GRIP We have Aasoitment Town and Prices are if you are going to stay home jm will want Music Jokes lo liven you up King Township 505 and Aurora per J Hudson Bowman Individual Contributions From Girls Teen Age Con vention J fiver Sharon Til The Annual School Fair in the Township of will be held at the Temple in Sharon on Friday the of Sept Following is the program Till Placing of 1030 Judging Lunch Hour School Parade Judging Live Hall Opened 300 Public Speaking Paying Prize Money may re moved Everybody is invited to bring a basket and enjoy the day with the Children Agents for the firetclass instrument W Plays all disc records and j8 t only Cabinet form Give ooc Holland Landing Mr It Stevenson was home for duys Miss Saint was visiting at WW us a call and be convinced of Hells We are Mr Henry Smith is spending a Agents for Victor Records P South of Atkinsons Jewellery Store e Newmarket HELP used to lUm Steady tofc 6 V arge circular mm jiHKacBOHBco Limited few days at Mr Hells u Marjory Hell is visiting friends In the city for a few weeks Miss Nellie Davison has re turned from the city Mrs Horry Hell and son are spending their holidays in North Hay Mrs Smith son and daughter have returned to the city taking with them Klsie Woods for a few days Mies is a week with Mrs Fred of Midland mo tored to her brothers Mr flunday and stay ed over IHI Tuesday i to toftt seldom you see a farm house by itself The villages are very close logeOief some being only a few hundred yards apart The buildings are all brick even to the barns Thc lower class Small villages live in brick houses which are buildings The floors are all stone and the walls brick inside They look very but they them very clean peo ple in the small villages arc poor while the belter class live in the towns and are very classy in dress The towns and villages in France are very pretty but they are old and a mass of trees a distance you would think it was a bush instead of a village They have large bushes some hundreds of acres and they cah them woods I saw this coun try when I was at the hospital is where there has been no lighting Where they have been fighting all beauty Is destroyed The villages are all blown to pieces the woods made ragged with shell Are and the trees along main roads cut down The Germans just cut them down and left there Some fruit trees are cut down and Instruction is all around us Germans not a single house standing in any of the villages that they have had to do with The Is the worst have seen was there once and you can stand and look ap far as you can anti all you around you Is a mass of shell holes In the dis tance you see a hunch of black rising out of tho ground and at first you would think it was party of men but when you got upit you find it is what once was a wood and the trees have been twisted off and the slumps are nothing but mass es of splinters surrounded by of the trees are uprooted There is not a tree standing in he Val ley When you walk a farther and notice there a lot of bricks mixed with the his is where a village stood There are targe mine craters all over and sunken roads You will find mixed up with the shell holes craters old rusty rifles of all kinds German and Also duds that is a shell which did not explode parts of guns helmets and equip ment of all kinds Then come to the worst of it all where you see bodies that have been burled and blown up again end bones all over But let us pass over this horrid sight and get away where there has not been so much fighting where wo find the fields all green and all kinds of flowers in the villa There ere some lovely roses which have escaped the Germans are red black and while currants pears apple plums and gropes The pears ftpplea and i but soon will have mo Well- I Will nBw as I have to write mother not heard from her yet nor Hoping are all well West- Kent July 1 Just a lino of thanks for your very welcome box and to lot you know that it arrived here al right hardly any the worse for long journey- It wps in what wo fellows call first class shape It euro wont fine I havent lime lolry the box but I can safely say they will good and come in very handy reached mo in a better time as I was broke as is always way with a the day before payday J I am line now and enjoying the best I it a very hard country to get along In The drill hero isnt much harder than in Canada The hours are a little longer 1 think why the fellows caro much fop it is because wo are so far from homo and cant got a pass as often as wo would like Well I guess I will close once offering my thanks and knowing lhal I am not forgollcn in my good old Canadian home Hoping title finds you as the box found me I will soy goodbye A Canadian Soldier G Woodcock West Kent July 1017 Dear Friends A Just few lines to let you know that I received the box the Hope Ladies Aid sent me alright Everything was in best of shape I thank them very much for it There five of the boys in our hut We ale it without stopping Went to bed wilha full stomach for once Wo all thought it a good treat I al ways share up when I got a box and rest do the same It doesnt do to be selfish around here or anywhere else so far as that goes We arc all good- hearted Sometimes I think we a little too much that way for our own good The army a great effect on a person Al though a fellow certainly learns some bad habits he learns good ones too If I ever go back to Canada I shall he a big grumbler Wo will be able to sleep anywhere or cat anything- It also gives one control of bis When in I used to a very quick temper guess you have scon me huffed lots uptimes but now I never think of gelling angry no matter what happens I always take it for a Joke I am now at West moved hero from Otter- pool about ago This is a very strict damp one of the worst in A follow has to toe the mark or they will soon help you to I have already got seven days but dont mind that much I just laugh over it Twelve of Ibis hut got Hie same dose for not going on phys ical drill We didnt know that we had to go on that morning were for the ranges and thought it right to do so When on they give Us work Tonight peeling potatoes over In the cook house I The cook gave us all a good Joed j of rice pudding I do net mind doing so long as dont slop my pay Am used lo I am always of diyilmont Used to he at c P about half the lime last winter Wo do not yol fed loo heavy over hero eat about three times as much as they give us Then I sit down and a good meal The change in climate gives an awful appetite Englishmen say the Canadians terrors to eat That is say about them over in Canada When an Eng lishman goes to Canada you can hardly fill him Well it is just the same with us in this country I would die civilian life on what we get It takes over half buy grub I hear there is talk about the Gov ernment raising soldiers wo SAVING MONEY The wisdom of saving money must fee apparent to every person who gives the subject any thought A little money saved enables you to j i take advantage of opportunities such as we are now offering w M THE PRICES ARE RIGHT On these Splendid Boots for Hard Wear 1 i In buying these goods we took into account the leather shortages and all the other factors that have entered into the value of Boots this year but we rigidly insisted upon HIGHEST QUALITY in the Leathers and Workmanship Youll find the Boots strictly up to the mark in every way and priced so money will be well spent See our Many Lines and Get our Prices before Buying I i low that your in buying them THE JAMES WHIMSTER CO NEWMARKET The Uptodate Gents Furnishers Abbey Thc Kings Palace London Tower Zoo logical Gardens Wax Works and some others but I cant think of their names London is not pretty city About all I cuu say is that it is only a crowd ed mass of people I got ac quainted with a few little girls who used me the very best It is no trouble lo pick them up They are all struck on the Can adians If I ever gel another pass Ill go to Scotland All who have been there say they like it better than London Well I must soon close as lights should be out The or derly officer has just been here raising a row If Im not care ful he will give roe some more I gave him a little lip and lie came very near pulling me in Well goodbye for this May write again before I am as ever yours truly A You will a hard job lo this out as I was just a over minutes writing a Dear Friends Somewhere in Belgium t I July you thanking Dear Friends you for your kindness in sending Very many thanks to lIlO good condition a few days ago time P a it is so as dont get loo much only course there is 20 signed pay- heals mo how it is fat Weigh Nearly more than I ever did in Canada all my winter J think it must be the good hear agrees with me I never felt better in life than do now The cliaiale agrees- with mo Some lime this Battalion is aunobilization We pack and leave camp for about one has to fake of nitlobr We a hundred pounds to carry when all loaded I expect there will a very long route march but idont know where to We vII sleep just where night overtakes us Food will be by kitchens which will go along with us The Idea of a is that if the Germans were to laud in England- to see how quickly we can prepare to get for them I dont know how long I bo in England Some say we will go to Franco from here and i dont care how soon My A and J were separated He went in one of the first drafts to Camp it was impos sible for me to go as quar antined with mumps for vceks We have to go wc are sent He Is in the Highlanders have had first ah ore leave Went lo London and bad a fine lime Saw a good lilt of the country and all of London tbat was worth The Belgium July 15th Miss Eva Hope Ladies Aid Bear Friend- a few lines lo lei you know your parcel arrived a few days ago for which please accept my sincere thanks That was the second parcel I have had from your Ladies Aid and be lieve me any homemade from Canada arc appreciated here This is Sunday afternoon and as Churches are out of Ihe ques tion hero we have time as a rule to do a little corresponding In this battalion- there are quite a number of boys from Newmar ket and vicinity but as I have never been there for any length of lime I do not know many al though probably you would As I have a stack of writing to do this afternoon guess I will bring these few lines to a Wishing you and the Ladies Aid all kinds of good luck in fu ture I remain Yours sincerely A Motor Transport 127th Bat Bear Miss Please convey to the ladies Hope Ladies Aid Society my sincere thanks for the parcel sent mo Juno 30lh- Shared contents with a friends who wish me express their deepest appreciation This is a picture of the Dorset Memorial mentioned my friends card Hud the pleasure of visiting this place Saturday last and found It very interesting In conclusion I your So ciety prosperity and many happy meetings I am Yours respectfully J Operation MU Bat Ifc must say that I was a sur prised when I opened it and found who il was from but it was a pleasant surprise Thai Is the kind wc like over here There arc three other men in the office with me and they all enjoyed the eats They thought they were line and Ihey all wish Ihe Aid the best of success and send their thanks It just came at- the right time as making changes and things were not settled down andj a time like that rations are not very good There was a lot of grumbling and kicking going on and it sure quieted things in our little gang We have been feeding like princes ever since We are having nice weather suppose things will bo nice around Hope wnuti like to he there for a visit A leave alright We have not had any lime Off since we ar rived in France Sometimes we have had to work on Sunday but not very often Wishing you all kinds of suc cess in your LadiesAid and hop ing you are all well and thanking you again for your kindness to the boys in France I am Sincerely yours It Turney Belgium July 2Clh Dear Friends Just received your kind re membrance Box and contents in splendid condition Please con vey my thanks and appreciation lo the Ladies of- Hope Church hoping that in the near future I will be able to thank them personally for their kind thought of us so far away You know when we receive anything that way from Canada il seems to put new life in us Well everything Is going on usual but there appears to be a general feeling among a great number that the war may bo ovei this fall Wo are hoping so for none of us want another winter here if the Huns can be beaten this year They are defeated now but I rather think they are hold ing out to see if they can get some kind of place to suit them selves but I dont think they will have a great deal to say in regard to terms The health of the boys has been good over here although this is not quite as good as some places we have been in Kindly remem ber me to Mrs J Gibson as I guess she posted the box as her name was on Thank her kind- give my best re gards to all Ladies of Mope Church Again thanking you all for the I four fully 10 your self and the members of I Ladies Aid for the parcel I re ceived from you this week It came in good condition and I cer tainly appreciated the contents We are well and enjoying good weather and of course happy to be able to uphold daily successes Wishing the Society every cess and once again thanking you I remain Yours sincerely Sapper Canadians France Dear Members of Hope Ladies Aid I have much pleasure today in thanking you for your splen did box of cake candy and a pair of socks It arrived in very good condition You cannot know how much appreciate these gifts from my I home community My thanks is simple but sincere I wish thank every member of the So ciety When we have finished our task here to return and thank you personally The weather is and has been for some weeks clear bright and warm To put it in French Tres We have not had things very hard for the last two months At we arc billeted at a French farm The people seem quite kind and glad to have us My health is excellent Hoping you are all well prosper ing and thanking you all again for your kindness and generosity I remain yours very sincerely Herb W Tansloy Program for September Tho Master Power of En durance Speaker Mrs Frank Milne Header Miss Canadas Strategic Base for- World Evangeliza tion SpeakerMack Header Lindsay 16 How I Spent My Holidays An Essay Contest Speakers and Headers from T W Class 23 Returned Soldier His Employment Speaker Reader Eves 30 The Meaning and Value of an Education Allan Reader Vera paper had at present prices in August von have spoken of value of a scrap i I j LI ARCHIVES

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