Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 31 Aug 1917, p. 6

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TIeo6utlnual6h and Public fiChOOl rOponS Rent Too iC6nUnuatlou Principal Blififl Ruby J HBt Public Mi8 Mdbol Daisy Principal- paw y understand will bo workon the good roads S In our Vicinity year aa it baa found impossible to fiocuro to haul from whoroit crushed The work finished from the Kast St to Con wcqk after Visit with friend Toronto Sept ralmiB Blafr as follow Orchard of was renewing acquaintances a Mr Stcopcr and daugh ter of Windsor wore visitors at Urnhomo of Mr W Steeper V Ernest Hayes of was on a visit to his parents in town last week Mr and Mrs Tony Whitby ware at the homo of her parents Mr and Mrs Sunday Mr MoLonnan of the Dominion Hank hero has been transferred to Miss Olive Lloyd is spending a week in Toronto with her friend Miss Alice bora last week- and was warmly welcomed by friends Iarmora around here have lino shipping large quantities of J ft aloes I to llioCty Prices ran go- a bag CONTAIN numorotis plantings in back yards roddsideBcto this year lowered the price are an crop and of size and quality but the blight appears In several patohos A Memorial Service for the late MrHKllis of Bel- Poarson will bo held on and her daughter Mrs Sunday at the usual 11 of visited the Covering will MiBBes Leek last conduct the service Tho sons will attend In a body tho ladies in connection with Blount Albert lied Cross work re cently a box following body binders wash cloths V day shirts pairs socks 45 at In addi tion 40 pairs of socks and com binations were sent to boys di rect month amouhl collected in the Cross amounted to ladles lb thank all those assist them in this way It is only a small amount asked from each one but it means a groat deal those who have charge of lie work and it is hop- co that none will forget their buying have purchased a lot of goods and there will be lots of work for those who are willing and have time to work for our soldier boys llio homo of brides Christie SI the marriage was solemnized on Thursday morning Aug of Vera Frances youngest daughter of the lute Mr Thomas Buchanan and to Mr Fran cis Clove No Special Service Company son of Mr and Mrs If I Albert service was conducted by Canon Roll of College bride who wore white georgette with bro caded silk and corsage bouquet of roses was given away by brother Mr was unattended Only immediate relatives of the bride and groom were present includ ing Mr and Mrs Buchan an of Mr and Mrs K C Buchanan Ottawa and Mr Mrs If I- ilamsden Mouiit Albert After a wedding lunch eon the bridal couple left on a lake trip to Detroit and other points Mr A Cook of Toronto his brother J bore on Sunday Miss rolurncd with him for a visit Mrs visited with her parents bore and Mr Terry motored frpm Whitby for tho week-end- Mr and Airs rttlond- wedding of their son Toronto on Wed nesday last o Queensyilie Work on the Roads in Mt Albert is about com- plelcd The section so constructed will be a vast improvement cially that part on Main Street was a veritable quagmire spring it are several cases of sick ness bore Evelyn is improv ing slowly after a severe attack pneumonia is now past It a pastime with some and a task with others but the innum erable sealers full of this de licious fruit will give unqualjfied pleasure In the scarcity of apples The high winds are taking the plums off the trees Hope that they also will not bo a failure There will be quite a change round of when school Tuesday Miss AVatts tapes charge of junior room here with Mies Anderson ip senior room of the Public school Mr loaves his South end where he has for sixteen years and Miss V Ross goes to Vivian and Mies Hansford to the These are two who have just passed the Normal and the life Jf a teacher is yet to be proven We hope they will both find A Memorial Service will bo held in the Methodist Church at on Sunday morning for Fred Pearson sonof the late Or Pearson who made tho su premo sacrifice In a few days ago Mrs J Rogers for merly of and Keswick was laid to rest in the Queens- Aug- Rev addressed a gathering of friends and relatives at ho grave Many from where tho deceased was held in high esteem in her youth were present Rev W P Fletcher arid Miss Morion sang a beautiful du el I Dear ones in glory looking his way Mrs Rogers leaves to suffer their loss the husband two sons and Iwocdnughlors four sisters and two brothers one brother serving his country at- the pres ent time Shortly after Mr Rogers ar rival in Toronto a private service was held at his sisters Mrs Walker prior to leaving for following is taken from a paper Service To J Rogers Many Beautiful Tributes Paid lo Memory of Friend and Christian Worker A Memorial Service was hold in the Molhodisl Church on Sunday evening last in honor of Rogers of this town who died at Well pal oy Hospital Toronto Aug Beautiful tributes were paid to mem ory of Mrs Rogers by Mrs If Mc Gregor on behalf of the Womens Institute of by Mrs A Bennett on behalf of of Methodist Church of which Mrs Rogers was the esteemed VicePresident by Mr A on behalf of Methodist Sunday School of which Mrs Rogers was Superintendent and by Mrs A on be half W of which Mrs Rogers was also President Rev W paid a tribute fine Chris tian character and sterling worth of Mrs Rogers and made an ap peal for others to stop into breach made by Mrs Rogers call to higher service tributes paid showed hoi lo be a woman of fine executive ability of splendid enthusiasm and of broad sympathetic Chris tian character One who will bo very greatly missed not only In her church to which she meant so much but by the whole com munity for she was a woman who belonged not only tola nar row but to all a claim on her womanly sympathy Two beautiful solos one by Mrs and other Prof Weaver added greatly to effectiveness of the service The church had been very beautifully decorated with flowers by Mrs M Class In front of the pulpit the word Love bad been worked in sweet peas ser in the ceased a member of Order- members are a good time at their corn roast at Mr gaits soon sooov Nearly 2000 pcoplo assembled on Sunday witness tho baptis mal service being baptized Mr Reynolds from de livered four excellent sermons Brother Reynolds received over Brother Luck or bolter Mr Alex Crappnr spent Sun day at V Mrs- Atkinson formerly of but now from North is visiting at this place Mr Howard is a few days with his parents leaving the West Mr A Is improv ing nicely We will soon see him again Our village blacksmith doing a big business Mr Morris was in this berg on Monday is hoped that Mr Luck will be permitted to take bis former charge after Conference which is now on Tho Lawn Party under auspices of the Branch of the Canadian Red Cross decided success notwithstanding the wealRor Miss A Hamilton and Mrs Robt reci tations and Rev of Keswick gave a short Im promptu address all of which were very greatly appreciated musical part of the program which was a complete program in itself was given by the Piano and Music Com pany of Toronto who very kind ly loaned an AcolianVocalion for the occasion and sent three art ists each of first rank in his own department to There were Mr an export on both he Player Piano and Mr Norman tenor soloist and Monsieur the distin guished FrenchKalian Violinist Mr Piano and execution were excellent also Mr solos and both were very much appreciated by the audience but I wish to make special mention of Monsieur violin playing Ho cor- is a master player on he violin His tones were won derfully pure and beautiful and he carried the audience with him he passed from one to another now all tenderness and deep feeling again all fire and sparkle Now the tones swelled out and again they were so soft and always so pure I canl describe it but it was just- beautiful We Jope lo hear these gentle men again as us hat Nordheimer Co arc al ways pleased to aid the Red Cross Proceeds for the HOPE vico will long remain memory of all who attended It may bo remarked as a strik es the at Holt which that the in charge of Miss Watts eo day that interment took place at V1 Misses Mabel and Cora Johnston of are visiting aunt Mrs J Miss Bertha returned on- Saturday and Mrs of down on Sunday and called on old friend Miss Bertie Miss Lewis of Toronto has been spondin two weeks- holidays with her parents here The was well filled on fiunday for Union Service and a was delivered by Hey Mr and Mrs i Huntley motored lo on Tuesday to on Rev Atkinson- funeral of the laU of Toronto up by spe- on In very good Union services in the been in charge of Roy Mr Grey for the last two weeks For the next two weeks Rev Mr Osborne will have charge while and family go to for a refit On Tuesday evening Mis- Band held an Ice Social Owing to the rain It was held in the School Room in stead of cm the church lawn as would like to have a lo enrourago the youth pi vaiimUUxiff Several from here are planning Mrs Stevens of Toronto and Mrs spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs Mr and Mrs Frank spent Sunday at Mr Mark Mrs from the North Wost is visiting Mrs Gibson Mr Win is nursing a heavy cold Mrs and family look len with Mr and Mrs W Andrews on Sunday evening Miss Cook of Toronto spent Friday afternoon with Mrs Wil fred Mrs A Dyke and Mrs spent Friday with Mrs Dykes parents The Sharon Leaguo visited Hope Sunday night Tho topic Wo man and the War was- taken by Mrs a duel by Mrs Hall and Miss being great ly enjoyed Mr and Mrs of Ml Albert were visiting in the neigh borhood on Sunday Misses Bertha Hall are spending a couple of weeks in Toronto The ladies met this week at the home of Mrs Boyd out vermin for in In close to women are in ered by the sick and death fh more than ployed outside of their homes of half million work in the munition Similar obtain Willi of wind and its fields yellow The the fear- that the Crop will be Stylish early as I on- the a car drew up and alighted therefrom Mr and Mrs J J Foster ready to milk the cows Thinks thats prolty tough for a of size John Joseph though once dancer of considerable repute showed effect of and wasnt as spry us he Used Id was ahd bored down backward much as a boar down a tree Jenny Joseph alighted with and graceful as as a las sie sixteen That tokened that she been a when wns in her prime It remains for other milkmaids to go one bet tor in the of nobby style While Im speechifying of John Josoph and Jenny I will add re gretfully bat given us is their inten tion lo leave soon Thoy have given us to understand it Is their intention to leave us They purchased a farm out Pefferlaw way We wish thorn every success Theyre neighbors aro in luck and some are in bad luck Some po tato crops arc K and some A R all wrong John- Alex potatoes planted June Just two months later ho has tubers as large as an oversized hens egg Some of the hayseed fraternity have discovered they in error in the of the fertilizer It Is a pud- din head policy to spread manure in winter Ive been preaching that long long lime Thoy thought I didnt know but I did sarnee Our summer visitors are about all gone Mrs Charlie Owen left for her homo in Sarnia this week She is much beloved and thought well of hero Mrs Sinclair left for Winnipeg on Tuesday She goes lo be company for sister Mrs Will Gordon who mourns the loss of son at the war Mrs Win Thompson Egypt is also taking a trip to visit a sla ter in the North West for the benefit of health She mourns the Joss of a brother one of wars victims an1 it has told on her Friend after friend departs Who hath not lost a friend There many many sad homes in Canada Such are the sad fortunes of war but cost what may Germany must bo crushed The German trouble is problem to solve but ltifgreat Republic has a problem glaring her in the that will lax their powers lo the utmost limit lo successfully and settle refer lo the color question- The negro came hot of his own free will but because he was forced They be treated as equals which they are in many respects It would take pages of manu script lo discuss the Question and a thorough the history I cannot do Throngs visited the baptismal services at on Sunday It wasmuch like a picnic Thir teen cars from this direction took it in I guess it was quite in teresting I was conscpicuous by my absence A friend in city Smith byname years ago sent me a on Bap tism His strong effective that mere in the water is not Scriptural baptism but thai there must be a complete separation from he wickedness and vanities of the world wish those in such topics could have heard It showed a masterly grasp of the real meat of the nut Ive heard some say that Wardell and his Nellie now have the snuggest home in these dig gings The Owl says Donald Riddels caslle Maple Villa takes the bun To be in keepingwith other surroundings it behooved Jim to don a- silk plug patent leather and a swallowtail coat and Nel lie a broadrimmed carl wheel hat with a roosters feather Basil Miller well known in grandson of Andrew was desirous of learning lo swim- He and a companion like Pharohs daughter went to the river lo bathe They chose the Devils Elbow as the scone of their adventures Basil had a very narrow call Heescaped by the skin of hie teeth as you may sav Too deep water and the the Devils Elbow was too much for him- Lucky he had a companion to his aid Sorry to see campers leav ing They have been nice visit ers Mr Gladstone Mdf rill was weefcehd Ho crops around Coirig Kflrr is recovering quite buwill hot teach in the you want to bo a slacker It Ihomost terrible thing be in this great If dphCt wevoan help in Red Cross r Sunday will Prayer and its relatiori to this great war text will be Hozekiahs Prayer Kipgs2 Mr Lov- Is giving us vory powerful sbrrnons are sure this will be good- School opens on Tuesday Sept am afraid a few of the teachers and children will be sor ry to go to work again School may bo a fine place a grow wise in but it certainly is place to have a good time Miss Orpha Peters is back from nursing has not lost any avoirdupois and seems to enjoy her work very much Miss Mqry and Wbitford were guests of Mr Wm Mnrritt this week in great war If we dont lmlp in Cross Hewing Circle lit tie bit helps MrJ 1 thing you buy with them Too many blows will extinguish love j bat two you- on a two dollars aro full splendid possibilities if you know how to spend them wisely For only two dollars a week you can operate a Maxwell auto mobile That means 1000 per cent pro fitin health and joy for you and yours We dont know of any invest ment half as good Mr and Mrs mid Percy Wil son of Aurora arc spending a few days own this week The services on Friday and Saturday evening were well ap preciated Rev Reynolds deliv ered bible sermon Guess some of our professors got hit by his subject What about ho life you are Jiving Mr Howard Crittenden of Al- landale is home for a couple of days Re is leaving on Thursday for the North West Allandale I The Quarterly Meeting on Sun day was largely attended Rev Reynolds is certainly some speak er He can hunt brokendown gaps you bet In the a collection taken for he elder and in the evening a collection exceeding was taken for the Rev H Say that new scribeis ly some nvialor Oh Afraid to show his colors Where is your name and number Mr Ross and family moved back to Toronto on Mon day The baptismal meeting Sunday afternoon was extremely well at tended it was reported that candidates were baptized but the next thing is needed the worst way and that is the baptism of the Holy Spirit This I know Our flower girl is certainly some photographer also some organist and quite grand on so los Next Sunday at Mr John King will occupy the pulpit All and hoar the of an outlived life by practising what he preaches Ah I These of this stamp are as bard to find as needles in a baystack Our professional bicyclist Tiro is busy these days Gertie dear come here come here I have some news lo confide to you it be Im glad to see The camera will take me Oh what a joy I receive When my heart believes Ob I What a relievo My picture to receive I -iTiniothy- Mr W Rose of Toronto took a flying trip lo town last week Wo hope that the rain wave will pass over for a while farmers get their grain in Sleeping Beauty Sutton West The Red Cross will be gin their meetings again on Tuesday Sept when tho us ual monthly loa will be served Rev E and Mrs on Friday last on a hol iday trip and the services Sun day were conducted by Rev Gor don Matthews Miss was the guest of aunt Mrs J over the weekend Miss Fry of Aurora was guest of Mrs J during the past week Mrs Camp and children of Syr acuse are guests of Mrs Gamps parents Mr and Mrs John Reed Rev and Mrs and baby boy were guests of Mrs John Percy last week Miss spending a week the oily Miss Maude Greenwood is spending a few days at the home of her parents Mrs and Miss spent a few days in the city last week 23 British vessels were sunk by last week The lug James field valued at between and 9 1 one of target most on the Great foundered near fulet i r Car Coop 1640 Alt I Wtnim hi Ont FRED Ont HARVESTERS WANTED TO Half a Cent per Mile beyond to any Station East WINNIPEG Return Fare Half a Cent per Mile to Winnipeg till 30th plus lo Original Starting through trains I leave Toronto Union Leave Toronto hi Aug 30th Best of Equipment and Lunch Car Corresponding at Richmond Hill Special Accommodation For Tickets and for Leaflet showing number required at each point apply laborers or write General Passenger CNR Toronto Chicago Aug 28 Two men carrying payroll of the Bros iron works were shot to in front of the plant today by five bandits who escaped with the money in an automobile CATTLE upon Lot in the Con of East about the middle of June a Black Heif er and a Red Steer one year old Owner is requested lo prove prop erty pay charges and take them away WELLINGTON COLE P EXCURSIONS TUESDAY THURSDAYS tiw In a May UH ENLIST FOR TOAIHIRQ For Business In Schools Toronto- from Sept explains Writ PNiIderti GerrirJ A or L thine except LET Phono Bludlo the liVEMI THE I Canadlfin Howard FARM LAMDS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF worth Pursuant to Order of COJ frod John Shaw and John Executors of Hie i Testament of William Shaw late of the WgJ- East Gwillimbury ret r deceased offer for tale by East Half of Of the Tp of Nor bury a lease w on March 1st On erected wr House and Barn with undornoath and bPV House Tenders will be Crozier Solicitor or thirty day For further Alfred John Shaw ton Wost P Dated Aug The Kami Is the pi THE I Wo do Are you m NSW have if you jou will We I HI The on Hurt play S at give o Ago Boot TORONTO is

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