fe I IwyVvIiaij In Action supremo Sibley gt word yesterday A Hint her son Joe iii action on August K wo all regret those Main has another sprink ling Tournament on Monday Cross Knitting Ton In Church next Tuesday it was Bowlers play at tVa Red Pauls bale from Toronto on Metropolitan to Newmarket wobfc Fair it ft meeting of the officers fl directors ofNtfwmarket Fair mi Monday evening was decided a was Military Hand from -To- ami the selection fell upon the Hand of the York Hangers Endeavor mooting reopens eveiiinK Every in urged to present Heating is charge Wall Topic My Fa vorite Hymn Why J to the next Mrs Fa taken by Miss to a short talk IcomC Dont forgot v business meeting Tuesday in Sept Com of the lO mcl in the Our National Newmarket Branch womens Auxiliary Council Chamber on Tuesday af- Mrs Gjimnilngs of Toronto addressed meeting in connection with publicity work both and Provincial Govern ments under taken by the Local Council of Women Mrs emphasized the advantage government certificates especially among young people decided to hold Public Meeting in connection with Food Conservation In Town Hall Newmarket Friday Sept nth Particulars lalor Who was mentioned in of Field Marshal fitr the Army Corps and wan in dining and Bleeping car department Winnipeg Ho is a brother of Mrs Norman Bain Of last Friday night ho ijufiBta from The season bepn as lost year ftdioK QrovirtUhm Very for and conoeaduringUifi Fivofatriljlesleft last day and closed tbelr ight leaving lhf and largondinbor will close their cottages noxt Monday or Tuesday for season The Howard cottages arc opon again Mrs and Mrs Howard will likely stay an other month King Council The above Council met at Tem perance Hall on Vlf1V i Bowling gave Aurora a groat Irlbiming last night Five rinks up and all were Fergus was away up against Scrivener and Bonier were both pretty well up ami two of the rinks which played friendly were also ascendant Chief Anderson played with Pearson and was considered the tar the evening winner of the Lennox Cup Is Charlie Willis He played exciting game against anally won by two points Hi- team played well were up against a very strong combination in Ghopnin Tom Boyle and Goring men were Steve French The latter led splendidly To him belongs a share of the credit for the via I I I A wry pretty wedding was sol emnized at J he residence of parents Church Tuesday afternoon hen third Mr and Mrs the bride of Mr Jospph ftennie Ieasdalo of Au rora Over thirty guests were jnl ami Hie ceremony was J Wood the Methodist Church bride was unattended The bride was very kindly by many friends Af- r refreshments the couple loft fk Muskoka and Jjwr the will reside lt Among the guests from of town were Mr and Mrs Jfwdale Mr Win Mrs J Miss Miss Mrs Muriel and and Mrs alt of Aurora Mrs Miss Margaret Holes of Daniel Mrs OBrien Mr Mm r OBrien of M teaman of I Mrs J of Town Ceo Teasdale JJJi Mr and Mrs John Hen tit Mfi How Hat Alberta Watuiahnns and wishes the 5WS voyaK0 rtn Ports lo- ik an order 1 countries than SSuS Include I com- day Aug Momhcra present A number of communiealions wore Tho following hills were passed Mrs John cedar reps li Pon J W7r Walton yds gravid and clay J lull reps to culverts Arthur Hill reps to bridge and Village of Holland Landing use of grader 150 Webster 1 yds gravel Telephone Co jo Con to Newmarket P V 1 A Lloyd lumber V Luke Lyons sprinkling streets Luke Lyons work on P V Elmer street V Win reps bridge Courtney reps bridge Win Shaw reps to culvert loshuaOourlnoy lighting lan terns at bridge Wright lighting lanterns at bridge Resolutions That this Council confirm the actions of in authorizing the Treas urer to issue a oh duo for the sum of to being No re con- tract re Bridge as cer tified lo by Frank Barber Tp That Treasurer he and is hereby authorized to pay the following sheep claims being full value of same Daniel 125- and Mrs Wood H the Treasurer be authorized to pay to the Sterling Ban of Can- College and Grace the sum of re estimate No 1 re Sloan Bridge as certified by the Township Engineer This payment is- authorized by ByLaws passed To raise levy and collect during the current year for County Township Gen eral School and special purposes To appoint collectors for rates for with names of Nor- man McMnrcIiy for the Southern Division and for the Northern Division To levy arid collect from the several School Sections applied for by the Trustees Appointing Her bert as Weed Inspector in lieu of George Norman resigned Authorizing the borrowing of certain sums of money to meet expenses Out Aug Pur chase of rolling stock occupied the atten tion- of the House when it went into supply on the supplement ary estimates Hon Frank Cochrane announced that four thousand cars were required for the Government railways and an other thousand for the Canadian Northern Grand Trunk and other lines Of two thousand had been ordered in Canada from Eastern Car Company and from the National Car Company lo be delivered between October 1st and February 1st Account given by Pie Everett Draper in a loiter received- by Miss Adelln Hartley Newmarket J Trance July Cousin Received your most welcome epistle yesterday It is dated July nth Delia do noi make me too conspicuous you know I really cant write you a decent letter for what you want but will try to tell you some of my first experience in going over bags Hi take you right to the place a trench about feet deep and fool wide dug for purpose We wore all living in therewail- for appointed time It was quite dark as it was between and am The guns were going on as usual with their oc casional As the liYno drew near the guns gradually decreased and all at once slopped A fellow under such tension from suspense will generally tell you his heart is In his mouth waiting is hardest thing to put up with knowing all the time that some thing is going to happen I was no exception during that brief si lence when there was absolutely no sound whatever on either side I Very delicately fixed my bayonet more to put in that hateful few number and all imported bavirfg a evening of the date a laro Aurora and vicinity gathered in the at in the of milk dvciiing was spent musii and dancing after which smVcd The proceeds to- more than i li be used i in 11 C work Rov Pastor of Ihe First Methodist fionville brother Madden bis- daugh ter Florence spent a fewdays at Maple Villa Aurora Mrs Dyer of sister of Mrs Madden- ami their niece Miss Nora Man visited tff Maple Villa dur ing the past wefck Mr and Mrs Yule have been visiting their parental homes and attending- the Golden Wed ding of Mrs Yules father and mother Mr Mrs Lomoiir Two lieu are visiting he old homo A look place Inst ftt the Methodist Deaconess Horte Toronto when Miss Mr of Aurora were united in mar riage the ceremony being per forated by Rev Hull uncle of the bride Wo understand that wedding bells are ringing again this week this lime for Mr Jr who gets his bride from Newmar ket We wish all parlies a long and happy married life The Quarterly Boar Aurora Methodist Church at its last sil ling granted the Pastor Rev Wellwood P A leave of absence for a holiday On 2nd Rev Madden will eon- duel services and Rev Gar- butt will preach on Sept BRADFORD 1 Miss Winnie has been visiliug in lately i Mr A Sutherland came up from Newmarket on Tuesday a few days farming Mr and Mrs J M Stephens Mrs Mr and Mrs Ad ams all of Newmarket motored up to and were guests All ydaVtVldo Oil Clothe In 6bad63 tain Muslin Many of Thoso Proo Wo Buy Them Fori J r and It Is Bound to to a Rlubl Wq Still 8u0ara Good Buy It Bound to a Our of Oboes largo so k protect you from for time QUAMNTBIPI MIL FOB NONPAYMENT OF Have we any right in this country to Jiay to any man who may have transgressed the law fiye dollars and coats or ton days have wo to send a man to jail for lie of fence of not having or The mutter has been discussed of late and the general impression seems to he that this style of ver dict- is riot very defensible There is a certain stigma at tached to a jail sentence and such a sentence ought never to be imposed upon any respectable lawabiding citizen unless it is absolute necessity If it is ob jected that such a sentence is never imposed upon a j NEWMARKET w i vJ AUGUST CLEARING SALE A Our Cut Glass There are many nice things that we ought to say it In first place It from a that turns out a product and nothing else You will find tod that the de signs that we show are de cidedly novel and attrac tive Resides our Cut Glass the heaviest there is and the skilfuUy and accu rately cut We arent going lo tell you lids Cut Glass Is cheap because It cannot he It priced low for Quality now have nice of Cut Glass and la our to you to look it over We Co I Krffao follow woOld let on that was nervous before his chums even though his hair was trying hard to raise the steel dome from its poise then sent over a shell quite near me was looking around as I do hate lo thai feeling of snared or not seeing what happens if it does happen and as that little whizzbang of came me complying Willi natures own request very promptly ducked Then away she went such storm Ive never seen or beard of It was no longer dark as shells lit tm everything a forest Ore as Iho overhead shrapnel hurst upon the enemy Nobody was frightened now Come on boys 1 they shouted and away we went Well I cant remember much about our own front line which we crossed on the way oyer lo frilzy But when we reached lines we could easily pee the de struction our artillery had wrought I judged we sent a few thoughts of home and deep dug outs into the bottom of their hearts as they saw us scrambling over and around their trenches as far as the eye could see with the flashes of our bayonets as the flame from the bursting shells fell upon them You have heard perhaps of the jokes going around such as a fellow coming lo the mouth of a German dugout and after find ing out how many there are down there dropping a bomb down with the remark Share hat among ye or catching German and putting a bomb in a convenient place in his trousers next the hide and then off telling him lo wait there that you will be back in a few minutes Well such were some of the cases that day It snowed and rained by turns so we dug in for a while getting away from the zipzap and of the machine guns and snipers which seemed quite the whole affair was over I felt myself over took a run and a tamp or two just to well see or sure I found out the worst that had happened lo me was a swat in the mug with a piece of mud That was not so bad you know but I had an awfully dirty face and in fact I had to wash that day which hadnt intended to do So now I will ring off hoping this finds you as well as it leaves me and thai is simply Jake Remember me to Auntie and Undo and all concerned also Milton when you see him again Write soon to your cous in P sending you a small souvenir from this burg Dont throw good food into the garbage can is wasted every year in this country by carelessness in the kitchens The Shoe end Leather Jour nal says If local merchants did more- advertising and lees whining about departmental stores there would bo loss to whine about The brightest and successful in today are those who have built up their trade through local advertising Try an ad In the Era and share of Witness FIFTH KING Threshing is the order of the day around here Well how is George Mr and Mrs John ana son Arnold arc about to leave he North West Miss Johnson Is the guest of Miss Laura Arming Well Mary how is the fellow across the way Well Ella have you answered that letter yet Whistling Jim Is Miss Mabel of Toronto visiting at Mr Miss Mary Stephens is visiting at her home herd Miss Johnston of Toronto is visiting at Mr J Miss Mary spent Sunday at Several from here motored lo Camp on Sunday The Ladies Aid mot at Ihe home of Mrs jeer last Thurs day afternoon and was well at tended citizen we answer that in our cities the multiplication of by- J laws has created so many civic crimes Ifiat very respectable citizens are in increasing hers becoming lawbreaker ihslance if one lad- throws a baseball loannlher our Oily streets wholly regardless of whether there are any people on the street and entirely apart from any damage which may result these lads are each liable to a One or jail j In most cases the citizen has or which the demands and so he escapes jail Hut suppose the citizen is too poor to pay the fine then he must go to jail and the jail sen tence becomes Ihe punishment not of his lawlessness but of the of having no money Some propose that the payment of the fine he extended over a more or less lengthy period and we Hi ink lhai this will help to meet the case but whether this Is done or not the present plan of making jail for the crime of having no money is surely doomed We cannot af ford to punish men for poverty One of our exchanges says wisely Any system which im poses without regard to individ ual circumstances the alterna tive of imprisonment against in stant of a line makes for injustice to the poor To a wealthy offender a fine jneans nothing It is only an item and a small item at that in his incidental expenses To a poor man and his family it may be the most tragic of punishments and one loo far in excess of the crime committed against the stale This is undoubtedly true and some method will have lo he devised that does not dis criminate against the poor The time was when men laws and penalties as middy and with Fancy Collars and to Sale Price Ladles White H 4 I Muslin Four Patterns only Sale Cotton to 10 regular Price J i Table of PrintsLinen and short ends of Dress Ladles Largo 8ize Hair Sale 2 for Bo J ESTABLISHED OF CANADA lX CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVE FUND HEAD OPFlCe TORONTO SAVE your money SECURE your fature d SERVE the allowed at oat at all I NEWMARKET I SMYTH Manager rf I A New Stock of millinery for Fall and Winter WE HAVE SPECIAL FOR YOU WEEK On Sunday afternoon last the service was well attended The pulpit was occupied the Pas tor Rev Paine who preached a very effective and eloquent ser mon hie subject being Loy alty of the Master Such ser mons should he productive of very much good in our neighborhood for the speaker is so much in earnest and surely will see lht results of his labor if not now the next life Miss Cynthia Cook and some friends from motored Up to on Saturday and spent a few days with friends Miss Lola Lemon of Moose Jaw is a guest at Mr Cooks Dont forget the Ice Cream So cial lo be held Friday evening Aug on Mr Cooks lawn under auspices of the League Come ana enjoy a pleasant evening PINE ORCHARD re- a Mr and Mrs Davis have turned home after spending week at her brothers Mr J Hope Mr and Mrs Weaver of Tot tenham spent Sunday at Mr Mrs Terry has returned spending a few weeks under the parental roof The Womens Institute met at the home of Mrs C last Wednesday with a good attend ance and the paper given by Miss Hope on her trip was very much W shipped to the Red Cross a box containing pairs of pillows and sheets pillow slips towels amounting lo over fifty dollars Mr J- Woodcock has the threshing outfit of Mr Jesse We wish Mr Luudy had of losing a good cow j things mysteriously and divinely ordained but that day has pass ed and laws anJ penalties are seen to be very human things hearing in every case the most manifest evidence of their human origin and in not a few instances giving mute but certain testimony to the moral standards of the past It is the business of Ihe Christian community to see that these laws are made to conform lo Ihe highest moral standards of today cO Out Aug Col John A P was tendered the nomination for North for the Federal House at the convention of the North Conservative Asso ciation held here on Saturday Col in accepting the nom ination provisionally asked for a free hand in matters pertaining to the soldiers and that he be permitted to criticize legislation referring lo the war if he saw fit Live Stock Mar kefs Highest prices paid in Toronto this Choice Butcher Cattle 1260 Good Butcher Cattle Medium Butcher Cattle 9 GO Best Butcher Cows Go Feeders Milkers and Springers Choice Veal Calves Medium Veal Calves 1200 Spring Lambs Sheep Hogs and watered 1700 Toronto Markets Aug 30lb Dairy and and Eggs to Potatoes S2 a bag Newmarket Markets Aug 41o 43c Ladles Skirts Reg from to 5550 for Ladles Embroidered Underskirts Special White Lawn Dresses 30 to Corset Covers Reg for 1 Go Ladles White Middles with Dolts 400 Childrens Dresses from to yearo Ladles Knitted Drawers I Reg for Ladles Largo Collars Latest Stylo 2b0 for Radios Black Silk Blouses GO Pairs Liens Heavy Working Boots Russian Calf r Reg to for Palps Heavy School Boots flea for 529 Ladles Patent Leather Boots Cloth Tops Button or Lace v Reg 54 for Ladles Strong Boots At Cut Price 176 Pairs Running Shoes Mens Boys and Must bo Cleared Cost SO Mens Goodyear Raincoats Reg to Bo Cleared at Each Moris Chocolate Color Boots Rog for Li of King George v- I Anruvno KIKbO OP LUMBER LJJ I fe tf ix no i7 from or by Out ARCHIVES OF ON TORONTO fri SPG mm- AiQ