Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 31 Aug 1917, p. 1

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V- J m Cannot Afford to be aroloso of His HAVE THEM AT Watsons v J i I J j j i Mr v I J 4 iBfii-isiB- JACKSON and Proprietor p ABsMant-EUihtf- i i i I flic cur of be every door window J V out Good money fc ii Time nd overhaul the lawn mower you need one We have a number of easy running inexpensive machine Every woman recognize the Aluminum weir It if clean and forever to Sec our of AT HARDWARE Cheerfully Bright A wet cloth few drop of OCcdor on it a light rub J xtK8Si88rc off comes date cum Cleans it Poli AlmwewcypolIJi fur up on top of iht vf ff7 a I I 18 TOTALLY DIFFERENT remove the J 1 doiund bring A Capital Paid up Tola Aiiett April 380800887 Dominion Government War Savings Certificates can and should he purchased by everyone who can accu mulate from 2150 upward in a Savings Account in the Bank of Montreal C G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD Jf FRESH CAR JUST IN Bargain In 2 per M PEARSON L a Order Coal from Carters Giles John Murphy and John Draper PHONE BO Paidup Reserve Fund If Money Orders and Drafts Win remitting In Urge or to by tttf ufl of furonto It them ere a probation to tid6x a4 In Qobco fttd Vct A COME TO Per want Furniture also that and MaUrcss you while We full lino of IDEAL GUARANTEED LINE Iron Beds and Mattrt and PRICES ARE also keep up the old furniture of I PREDSKINNER In who has ftnilHHibnnry in Japan for 28 yearn in Toronto by is throe idea of good work that being fruit Judged from the fact that the first car containing of fruit wounded Canadians was sent forward lust week in a couple of weeks fish direct from the Northern Lakes will ho brought In cnnsldorahio ties to Ibis city under direction of the Food Commissioner The Increased demand for mutton and Hie result ho Ibe the prices of llieflo- linos to soar Million JunipcdUvo cents a pound and veal from two to four pound Benjamin visit ing Toronto after years ab sence Kays Japan is firm and loyal ally of the entente has boon a Missionary in Japan for years Cecil McLean of Parry Sound bail bis leg broken when Winchester car in which lie was a passenger collided with a Carl ton car Parliament Street Mr Frederick aged of Ave was Knocked dnwrrby the of an auto and died in the Hos pital from his injuries The driv er was arrested Hon Treasure A Cameron announces a to the Canadian Aviation of from the Toronto for the purchase of three air planes A new Professor is announced for Toronto University staff Sev eral changes have been an nounced Miss lUancbe Stewart wiio was a victim of trio accident on King Street West hear Howling Ave on the morning of August was arrested on Thursday as a material witness when she left Grace Hospital Mrs Helen Hen derson of the Arlington Hotel was killed In the samo accident Cle ment McCarthy the chauffeur is on a charge of murder with out bail On Thursday night Mr James McDonald aged when cross ing over St Aye was struck by an auto hud received injuries from ho died the same evening The Street Car employes made a demand for an increase jn wages of ten cents per A despatch from Ottawa on Saturday slates the award to be an increase of seven cents Park Commissioner reports that the work of tilling Cattish Pond is progressing slow ly Pic George Ellis a soldier from Hamilton was arrested last week city on a charge of per jury According to the Police arrest of followed his malting oath obtaining a marriage license in regard to the age of the girl he was about to marry A trunk was found by the Po lice in possession of a Chinaman containing several thousand dol lars worth of opium An arrest followed Eighteen hundred harvesters left for the West on Thursday of last week The war has developed many noble women in the varied Acids of life The selection of Mrs A to tho office of secre tary of womens auxiliary of the national resources committee of Ontario is one that meets with popular favor among the many womens clubs and organizations with which Mrs has to Several years on the ecutiv6of the household economic league and as secretary of local council of women during which period she was particularly interested in the food question have given her special prepara tion for her new office It seems hard for some people lo keep from coveting things not their own Two women wore ar rested in a departmental store on Friday last The annual meeting of the Ontario Municipal Association will convene today at the City Hall Charles of Township and the son of Fred a neighbor of Silverthorne were in stantly killed oclock Saturday morning when a west bound Toronto suburban radial cor motor car driven by the as lie crossed ihp tracks near munition employees of the Russell Motor Company have boon laid off during the past few days About of these are worpen It is estimated that em ployes at least workers will be laid off in To ronto due to reduction in mu nition orders KEEPINQ SWEET n her under- naiiie vy era was always anr A Now I am sure that this wo man was not oho of people to whom being is second else no one would have credit for- iy as being anything had probably worked hard long and patioullyio win battle over self which rcsuHqd in her always pleasant Of all the which con front the busy woman of today there is ho inorc one than live her life satis factorily for at the best as the irishman says she has the worst of it- A woman owes it to herself to bo sensible neat and pleasant But away down under this out ward manner alio owes herself the duty of keeping sweet It an oldfashioned phrase keeping sweet but it so It being womanly and gracious and kindly and think ing sweet lovely things and put ting into your face gentleness and sweetness And this means a constant fight against the annoying trying things of life the little pin pricks the small trying things which come to roar the of even the most sheltered life and which are scattered broadcast over the path of working woman Once on a crowded street car mot a woman delicate her hair SI touched with gray and she Was standing She- was not tall enough to hold a strap hut was valiantly trying lo keep her foot ing A lurch of the car throw her a el low and lie scowled al her With one of the sweetest and most winning smiles I ever saw she looked up him I beg your pardon she said The mans face grow red and ho looked embarrassed for a moment than Its me beg yours maam I am sorry I was cross After a while we both got a seal and I said to her Doesnt it annoy you to sec such and lack of courtesy as there is for on this can She smiled said My I cannot afford lo lot myself get annoyed over anything I must earn my living in this cross old world and I must do a bit of coaxing and its than scolding dont you think so There she had if Coaxing is bettor- than scolding A smile will always bring one more than a frown is a saying trite and old but it is true When one is Urea count ton twenty one hundred and keep saying I will be pleasant yes will be pleasant and in a lit tle while you will find yourself gaining a victory which helps not only yourself but others For a long story I had mc smile cv it lo drive away that feeling of crossness and nervousness which follows unusually exacting duties When 1 thought of this story it was impossible to from smiling and in a little while I had myself hack in good humor One business man had a sten ographer fourteen years She came into his office when he was a young lawyer and she a green inexperienced girl For four teen years she followed the up ward tide of his success until she knew the detail work as a thoroughly interested person could know it She was thirtythree years old and she had worked hard and One day she came into his private office and told her em ployer that she was going to leave him as she was lo ho mar ried and she suggested her suc cessor so that she might help her to become adjusted Her em ployer quietly agreed with suggestions and told her to some one to take place then he said to her Hiss Jones you- have been part of this office arid part of the success of this business since it started I may not have seemed as appreciative as I might a many times but I want you to know hat I have understood your worth and in selecting a successor there is Just one of your traits I must in sist upon absolutely And that is She must be pleasant you have smoothed the rough places more limes than you will ever know by being pleasant in the face of things where it would have been excusable to have been otherwise and many a lljne I know it a struggle but respected you he more because I knew that it was not easy Have you unselfish things you can learn to do for those with whom youcome in contact There a those to whom Just a smile will moan much Just look about you and the sad tired faces and think how many hard sad things crowd every life aiid think how one can do to lighten the burden and yet how much that little helps Thero was a woman I hoof seen every day for several years go ing lo and fro Sometimes had wondered about her she had an air of refinement a wonderfully Winning smile and the once or twice had heard her voice it sounded so sweet andwomanly quite longed for an occasion to speak to her it came arid I learned dial she wasa business woman who was supporting a widowed invalid sister and tier two child ren besides a crippled child she had adopted Her life bad been full of tragedy for site felt that the accident which crippled child had been indirectly her fault and lo tender heart could hurt more than that Af ter a hard and often worrisome day she would go home smiling with some bit of bright news of the outside world for her shut- ins as she called thorn giving of her individuality freely and ful ly There are heroes and hero ines in world of folk and the outward and vis- sign is often a bright cheery smile I The woman wto had engraved upon her tombstone She was al ways pleapanl may have a mother living in the shelter of a borne caring for those whom she loved and who loved her or she may have boon a business woman out in big world of men mak ing her own way with no one to stand between her and the un pleasant things of life but wliich over she was she bad trained herself to smile to see the bright side of things to sympa thize and to give out the milk of human kindness in short she bad mastered the art of keeping sweet to heproblem of war Referring to he entrance of the United States into war ho said that were thai she had come in but her entrance should not be for Can ada lb shirk her duties I dont whether lie is an American a Frenchman or I Era Sept fltfi At the conclusion of Nar row Gauge Railway on the of last month Mr drew the York ject to narrowing- our line in J which were bought by France that anyone shall steal the for glory that our boys have won To today were yielding J SSboper mile or interest on tho actual cost He contended that be bel ter to improve parallel roads than to put it into a sinking fund as the money did not have to in full for 20 years idea was build more macadam roads IhcJoll plan The writ is issued for North York Flection Nomination at Newmarket on the and polling on the ARM8TKONQ AGAIN FOR NORTH YORK Or Clark is Elected Presi dent of Conservative Assn From Toronto North York LiberalConserva tives convention at Newmarket Saturday afternoon were unani mous in their choice of J A M Armstrong M P of the present representative of the riding in the Dominion Parlia ment as their candidate the coming federal election No oth er name was submitted lo the convention and Dr Stevenson and Dr who nomi nated Mr Armstrong that he was out to win the war on the lines adopted by Sir narrow that one inch would be a discredit to the who would allow it to be Ho advocated further menl in order- that not only the strongest navy but IJie world might bo under the Union when peace was to be Such an army and navy would bo only fair ar biters to the smaller nations We desired no land in Europe All we wanted was peace When be peace documents are signed wo must be sure that the peace will be lasting and this could be effected only by a mighty army and fleet If Sir Wilfrid should win in the coining election he would be placed in power by the votes of FrenchCanadians the aliens within the Dominion and the slackers and shirkers Than J MacNichol President of the South York LiberalConserv ative Association spoke briefly Any opponent to conscription played a worse part than the Hun sniper who fired the bullet Can adian hoys Such opponents should bo locked up in the peni tentiary for the duration of the war he declared Tom Wallace the final speaker paid a tribute to the can didate Mr Armstrong Ho be lieved that a coalition govern ment would bo formed in the near future Sir Robert Harden had gone the limit in trying toinduce the loaders of the Liberal party to come in So far they had not done so but he was hopeful of ultimate success The present government as long as it was in power would he declared keep up the Canadian lino in France For the sake of the Dominion and for the sake of the hoys that had gone before the line must be kept up but the by which reinforcemcntsjcouldbe obtained was conscription The following executive was appointed President Dr Clark VicePres Dr lane Henry Executive A J Anderson Kavanagh J Harvey Dr Stevenson Coffey Waller Rolling Moore Goodwin J Tate J Stevenson and YEARS AGO i V I QUE OTHER NEED her find and same tenets of the wimlhewar league Mr Armstrong was accorded an enthusiastic reception when he arose to speak He slated that he was in favor of conscription and any measure that had for its object the standing behind the boys a the front and of war He had been one of the first in York County he adoption of a policy of conscription and his belief in its efficacy at the present lirne had not waned No more unjust sys tem of waging war was ever con ceived by the mind of man than the voluntary If- one cer tain part of Canada had done its duly we would never have heard of conscription in Canada The issue al the coming general elec tion he whether the of the American con tinent was lo be ruled by Anglo- Saxons or Senator the prin cipal speaker of the afternoon delivered an eloquent and patri otic address Ho condemned Sir Wilfrid Arid his support ers for their stand on conscrip tion and endorsed the policy of Borden Leaders of the French as Martin and others be deolared were responsible for the failure of Quebec in recruiting A beautiful young lady inter viewed a fortuneteller on usual subject Lady said llje clairvoyant you will visit for- lands and the Courts of Kings and Queens You will conquer all rivals and marry the man of your choice He will he tall and dark and aristocratic- looking And young inter rupted the lady very rich ThoJeautifui lady grasp ed The fortunetellers hands and pressed them hard Thank you she said Now tell one thing more How shall I get rid of my present husband He who never drives his work is always driven by it The dripping a roasting pan caught fire as Miss Verua Voimans was bast ing one morning and her was presence of mind threw off the garment and though severely escaped more serious in jury The house taught fire and fire brigade had to be called lo extinguish flames CLIP AND PIN ON WIFES From Era 2nd 1882 Long Sons Paper Box Factory at Aurora and all the machinery has boon moved to Toronto be ing purchased by Hemming Bros Mr Long will still have charge having reserved- an- interest in the business Aurora Council has just mado a 3year contract with the trie Light Co for street lights of 2p00 candle power per annum The cheese manufactured at Sutton Factory has been purchas ed by a Toronto firm at per lb boxes have been shipped Miss Gertie left Satur day lo spend a month at Detroit Miss Ella McLaughlin is spend ing a couple of weeks with friends at Toronto and Hamilton Misses Millard entertained young people al The last Wednesday evening Mr Ed has gone to Madoc to take Principals room Miss Maude was brides maid at the wedding of Miss Alico Playlet in Toronto last week Mr and Mrs Austin of Whitby are spending a week with Mr and Mrs J W Stephens Miss Maude Wallace and Miss Winnie Belfry have returned from Port perry where they spent a week Willi the family of Rev L W Hill Miss who spent vacation here has returned lo Ottawa accompanied by Mrs and Miss Millard who intend to spend a few weeks at the Capitol The Novelty Works are in full swing Seven candidates rode the goat at the T of T last Wednesday evening members good standing now The Hall is get ting too small for the -attend- Two bus load and four single rigs drove to and held a meeting last Sunday afternoon Elder and Mr T Hunter were the principal speakers Another week will finish the new Reservoir and connections Engineer Warren is superintend ing the job Model arrived yesterday Mr is in charge Mr Woollen had a horse stol en from his livery a couple of weeks ago and it was traded lo Mr Armstrong on the of The buggy wasnt recovered Constable Savage had a lively time serving a writ of ejection on the 2nd of fiwillimburV on Wednesday morning Dan ford Roche A Co opened six cases of Mantles direct from Germany this week The Tomb At Holland Land- Aug 30th Margaret widow of Thos Lane in her year Markets Fall and Spring Wheat Goose Barley Oats Eggs tic Butter 16c Polaloos bag Apples 30c bag Man tells how to shrivel up corns or calluses they lift off with Ouch I This kind of rough talk will be heard less than or If there will Exhibit Number One to Mr Armstrong he said You are nominating this gentleman in order that there may be one more voice in parliament to stand by iho the front He exhibit No for vic tory and the boys in France As an example of the incapacity of Sir Wilfrid as a leader ho stated was in power he had tried to build two trans continental lines where only one was with result that both me bankrupt was because of yi and that the to here in town if people troubled with corns will follow the simple advice of this Cincinnati author ity who claims that a few drops a drug called freezone when applied to a tender aching corn or hardened callus stops soreness at once and soon the corn or callus dries up and lifts right off without pain Ho bays dries Imme diately and never inflames or even irritates the surrounding skin A email will cost very little any drug store but will positively remove hard or soft or callus Millions of feet American women a Hon of the him in ARCHIVES OF welcome t In- if ha IN YOURSELF Believe in your own ability to do big things Only by having- faith in yourself can you compel to have faith in you Treat yourself as a man of worth De mand much of yourself Be your hardest taskmaster Be deter mined to holler the work you doing Show how you can pro duce at less cost of mental and physical energy Think big thoughts and back them up big deeds You when you will you Drier HAIR Dr Hair used directed la to restore gray hair to Its- natural color die tad post Write TORONTO

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