w IV of and thorn i A 5 of Din of the Quality and at Rom n Patterns 1 and body Is Old Pattern on body Wo have to aoloot from HAVE SEVERAL OTHER FINE LIN Ed if NEW A of fltoplo China III and PHOTOS I Your can buy any thing you can them your LET MAKE lOU YOU I Hon Photographer Studio Door West of Ihe New Poet I EVENING APPOIMTUEIftV uiuii vIll meet von to select a candidate for the com- Wcpprt will bo Armstrong again t an adjoin ing Factory an Employment engage and girjBfoffaolpy work- Library for Librarians Aug Work favorably at Huron Street Bridge It Is now posslblo lo tell something of need another week of dry weather off the harvest v Liberal Meeting annual North York Conservative Association bo held in Town Hall on Saturday at 2pm for selection of for next Federal The nominee of ho Liberal Con servative parly must be in favor of conscription and other meas ures necessary 16 win war The Mass Mooting will pm come and seats for ladles following spoaKora will be Hon P for Quebec who thoroughly under- the aitualion in that Prov ince also Mi P for Hastings Wallace P and John A M Armstrong Society their to JohnV Church for the About yards of English Carpot that has boon In also a very good Walnut Bedstead arid Wash- In the of the Junior Me tric Exams last week wo tho name of Miss Muriel Thomas daughter of Thomas who won full standing or which doBorvcs Dr Patterson of Cooks Church Toronto will preach bore next Sunday morniiigi In connect with the Unlpn Service It la hoped that church will bo packed as Is a magnetic orator Doforred Imperial Hank de cided to defer the- alterations to their promises on corner of Main and Streets until war is over when hoy poso erecting uptodate Hanking to replace the present II bo of will Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties Outfit at Shop THE Sl A TO SMITHS i I and Of 1 lot NORTH YORK HARNESS SHOP the Beat is None Too Good farmers these days and here place to get JHE BEST o alt kinds of with tWrlo Power while you going away for a visit If so you will want a OR the In wo Prices ttftht I you are going to atay ill want some Music Jokes to liven you up I we Agents for the ae only arslclass instrument J Plays all disc records and in Cabinet form us a and be convinced of hi qualities We are V for Victor di i I P South of Atkinsons Jewellery Store Newmarket l steam toan Steady circular saws Aim nHi SONS CO Can Over ladies availed thorn- solves of privilege of seeing fruit and vegetables canned un der principles by a graduate of McDonald Institute at under tho Dopt of Agriculture for the Province of Ontario in Town Hall at Newmarket last Tuesday afternoon iie was Miss of who i now starting on her second season for this work proved herself very adept at the work quite composed and a capable instruct or The advantage of a demon stration is thai one not only hears how to do things but sees them actually done Half an hour was lost at beginning the meeting owing lb the late arrival of the supplies hut were very patient their khit- Mrs Miss Forsyth and Mrs Vale gave assistance on the platform where tahles and stove were arranged Miss Williams referred to the war work of the Food Conserva tion and staled thai there was a scarcity of vegetables all Ontario this year Irence all the more need to see that there is no waste The object of this dem onstration is to show how to can vcgctahles as Troll as Trait so that as far as possible Clio common products of the country can go to the soldiers Besides this one can can their own products at much less expense Chan to pur chase them The process of canning and the reasons therefor were then ex plained Everything must bo as clean as possible matter The jars voro washed when put away make sure they perfectly clean then sterilize them with boiling from to minutes jars tops rings and rubbers Use the steamer principle keep jars Tf the bot tom of or kettle oh- is to kill the bacteria Ileal food and moisture are favorable to growth of bacteria Preserv atives are antiseptics such sugar salt Vinegar etc There are three methods preventing bacteriacold stor age drying sterilizing can ning He sure that yourJars are tight are easier to can than veg etables because of their acids Vegetables require to he thor oughly cooked Corn beans peas and asparagus require three- day method of sterilizing Two vegetables and two fruits were canned in the demonstra tion Vegetables are always blanched to remove the undesirable flavor to make thanvlorifc fresher and to cause the Juice to flow Sour fruit requires more sugar in the syrup following was given For strawberries and 2 cups sugar to cup water For peaches plums pears sweet cherries and raspberries cups sugar to cups water For blueberries and blackberries cups sugar to of water To can green corn boil on the cob for minutes cold dip cut from cob quickly and pack in sterilized- jars Add i teaspoon salt to quart Jar Cauliflower is a splendid can ned vegetable f Wash thorough ly break up into small pieces blanch for 3 minutes In boiling water leave in thin brine I cup flail gals water over night pack In sterilized jars fill with boiling water and for minutes day cooking The demonstrations proceeded while Miss Williams continued to talk and ladies were well pleased with information A vote appreciation was giv en to Williams at the presented by Miss Forsyth Friends Canada Yearly Meeting of the Friends commences in the church Friday Aug with a recep tion to visiting ministers Dr of Col- logo Indiana and others will address the meetings See pro gram on Page Q Institute The at Thurs day of last week under the of the Womens Institute was a very successful event After tho ordinary business meeting Miss Susie Campbell gave of her interesting talks on matters pertaining to homo and country At the conclusion all joined in a very friendly pic nic party Lawn Three rinks visited on Wednesday- afternoon Fer gus and Marshall wore down wiqning his game In the evening Barrio was taken on when Newmarket also lost on two rinks brought up rinks from Toronto on Tuesday and there was a good game beat in the Lennox Trophy going koop on tho like they have this last few days I homo to get the I think I am sitting in a little or railroad ties It is to be but I just as well off without them trying to bco what it will aland Every- seems to bo busy but nobody happy l have not heard from you for nearly 3 something wrong with the mail I have done my washing today It is hanging outside now looking line always take my washing with me and wherever wo slop I get busy and wash it and lake it back dry I found on my shirt today that tho least I have boon getting lately I gel all clear of thorn and then all at once got covered again I dont understand It at all It is wonderful the way they keep everything connected Bod as clean as a pin and the Cross trains run along without the least sound I am going back to camp now Weil I am back safe arid had a good supper I found a patch of new potatoes The Just came up them Solves bo I got about a pailful hut I did a lot of digging didnt mind that want some leather mills for winter nothing like speaking in time Nothing lo worry about at all re voir Love to all July Dear Father and Mother and Ada- Of course I am well but the war is still going on as usual I am in the same shack as when wrote before tho one built of lies I am telling you the truth Near ly the half of France is under shellArc but they never get to where we are There is- some very heavy going on now will happen of these days the way it Bounds now Enough guns A red this last ten minutes to knock the Germans to bits one would think I found a nice little stove yesterday and took it into camp with me and set it up last night in my little house A Are felt good last night on the of July We nearly freeze every night is awfully cold Wc have lo wear our overcoats but not in the day time Dinner is over and the men are gone got a box from you night with the catsup in it I tell you I gel a lot of boxes If you like lo send them as well as I lo gel them you arc pleased with your work and I know you do A good way lo do would be to number the boxes and then could send yotf the number ami I would know if one was missing 1 am sure I get ever one yon send I got a parcel with my shirt and underwear and more lo- am very much pleased with my clothes Wo have no trouble in getting pants shirts or hoots but thoy do not issue un derwear here in so am all Axed now I picked up a dandy good chair on the way in tonight and am silting on if now We are just On account of this meeting If you only could see us Cross Knitting Tea will fe how you would look I I nope you are well you dont got a letter for it will be on account of the mail Love to all Jake I The officers of all Patriotic Or ganizations Field Comforts Womens Institutes Ladies Aids of Churches and all others doing patriotic work arc requested to meet at the Council at oclock next Tuesday afternoon to meet Mrs is to be on behalf of the minion Food Controller nod postponed for a Our last was very good IFhe was lino Win Taylor gave address service evening was The pastor an interesting andinspiring on The Coirmassion of Je sus TVxt Sunday morning tbe sorvicuB will beat am for sermon A Christian be ton account olf Union Service in Metho dist Church Com Killed In Action in 1917 Frederick elder Dr F of Quocnsville and brother of Stewart and Mrs Toron to was killed in aged 30 years The notice was Only re ceived on Aug Pearson went overseas with the eooad contingent in January and has been in continuous service in the trench es since early in May go ing through every action after He was with the afterwards being transfer red to the Third Canadian Ma- Juu Pearson was a veteran of the South Af rican War and a member of Company Queens Own be fore volunteering for service In South Africa a The beekeepers of Ontario met last week and Axed the price of selling honey at to 20o per lb retail Wholesale to buying When someone someone When someone stops adver tising someone stops buying When someone stops someone slops selling someone stops selling stops making When stops making someone stops earning When everyone stops everybody stops buying Keep going Invite the people to buy Use the columns of your local DOABLE D SHOULD Thai Iherc la bo such word as impossible In Thai iiis natural ambHion to earn a good living can smiled Thai he can cither gel rid of his disability or a- new ability lo offset It That the of nurses and Instructors Is to help him In doing that very filing Thai he must Help Them Help Him Thai he will have the most careful effectual bailment known to science That Interesting useful Occupa tions form a most valuable part of in Convalescent Hospitals and Sanatoria That if he cannot out his duty by Joining Ills the front end If there is no light duty for him Villi the Canadian forces overseas he to as soon as his and shipping fac- make this his strength ficd earning restored there to the high est degree possible the Mili tary hospitals Commission If he requires en artificial or kindred appliance it be sup pled free That fliMi by service iiU a or In to bis disability That Ids pension cannot reduced by Ids work or perfecting himteif Id iioo of industry That bis aJlowaaces he or till Ids pension begins Thai an exit three pay fi allowance whea there ere dependants such allowance be paid to returned from overseas aad after at least six raonlh rfervlcc with certain such as members of perma nent force and Federal or Provincial Civil Service who can step right Into their old positions If Ids disability prevents him from returning to his old work he will receive free training for a new occu pation That full Is to Wisdom of gnus ho The of saving money must be apparent to every person who gives the subjny thought A little money saved enables you to opportunities such as we 1 are now offering THE PRICES ARE RQHT v v On these Splendid Boots for Hard Wear In buying these goods we took into account the leather shortages and all the other factors that have entered into the value of Boots this year but we rigidly insisted upon HIGHEST QUALITY in the Leathers and Workmanship Youll find the Boots strictly up to the mark in every way and priced so low that your money will be well spent in buying them See our Many Lines and Get our Prices before Buying THE JAMES WHIMSTER CO NEWMARKET The Gents Furnishers his own capacity and desires when a flew occupation has to be chosen That his own willpower and de termination will enable him lo succeed both In the training and In the occupa- afterwards That his maintenance and that of his fanfily will be paid for during the training he may receive after discharge and for a month longer That neither treatment nor his training will cost him a cent That his home Province has a spe cial Commission to assist him In employment dp discharge the Dominion and Provincial Governments the Municipal author ities and all of employers give the returned soldier preference In fill ing vacant positions That returned soldier wishing to take up and farm ft will be help ed lo do so under Federal and other settlement schemes That the Military Hospitals Com mission cedars lo carry his resto ration and training in Canada Canadians are unanimously resolved that every returned soldier shall have a full opportunity to When that opportunity Is put within his reach his success will depend on his own good sense in seizing and using It Write to- Military Hospitals Com mission Vitlorla St Ottawa or of Pension Commissioners Union Building Ottawa if you have any complaint ground The attendant called In help as soon as passible and his was J dressed They took him to his tent and there he lay conscious for a long fo operate Farm while The doctor did all he could Plows Must son ex buS it was soon known he could not with gasoline engine Apply lo tt THAT CURSED My Is a minister and during his life In the West has had many Interesting as well as sad exper iences Although he la a comparatively old man U1I his heart Is young and he great favorite with the young people He seems to sympathize with wayward youth One of the I have heard him speak of took place near his litUe country church Bethel I think was the name of It a large stone quarry near by and so necessarily there were many men employed digging out the rock For they erected tents and an eating house near the quarry My had visited quarry several times and there as other places he was thought well of among the young men especially Well one Sunday three of young men soma whisky into the camp and under the influence of it they decided to revenge on an old man whom they held a old grudge At this time poor old man was sick In his tent but had made brutes of the boys that they actually were going to drag fend bin think of honor of it But the old attendant saw their Intentions a pistol from his pocketfired at them Two of suddenly recover It was distressing to see him tossing and moaning In his conscious moment crying out Oh If I hadnt taken that whisky if I can only live Ill never touch it again At last in terrible agony of mind andsoul cried lo the woman who was taking of Pray Sad to relate this poor woman knew nothing of the joy and peace of Gods divine love and could do naught but put her face In her- hands and weakly say I cant Then send for Mr cried the poor sinstricken youth A was sent vyih all haste lo fatherIn laws house and as qulokly as possible he hurried over the five long miles to the poor boys to learn from the poor weeping woman that he had died just five minutes before his arrival O sir If you had only been here and the sobs broke out afresh as she toM him all the of the accident My afterwards said That was one saddest moments of my life for it was a death with ap parently no hope- all account of that cursed whisky How It is with his soul only God knows Ruth Coburn J Department of Agriculture flat not fiuit The other few UUQ4C0MMt PRINTING PICTURES Many children enjoy taking pictures with a camera few young people know that very pret ty pictures bo printed with out any camera at all AH you need to make these pictures 10 a roll of blue print paper and piece of window glass You can get the paper at a photographers or architects Be careful not to let the light touch the paper before you are ready to use it The next thing to do is to select dainty flowers or grasses or Arrange your pretty growths quickly on a piece of the blue pa per then cover with the glass and leave thorn in the bright sun light Now you may rest for len minutes while sun does your I work for you A windowsill is a good place for making these prints When the clock tells you that ten minutes have passed lift the glass and remove the flowers you will see a protty white im pression of them on the pa- por To make this Impression lasting dip the paper In water a fewminules Ihon it out and pin on a board to dry Church man IVttLDlfJG On Short I Machinery for Sale A DAVIS East of Bank of Toronto Newmarket A Fine Tutted May be Seen fit 1 CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Aug 25 -Toronto- Sept OrJIttrlly ScaU MOBILIZATION OF NATIONAL RESOURCES ici IMtnctlf War CONFEDERATION SPECTACLE fltiry Birth t it AeMtuasat LIVESTOCK AND AGRICULTURAL DISPLAY Judging Compciitions Younif New Farm Com- petitions Extended Clarification and Innovations in All Department lUHENSE EXHIBITS OF TRACTORS AND LABOR SAVING DEVICES ART French American and Canadian MUSIC Solo its score of other leading ENTIRE NATIONAL IWt Tho total German casualties of all classes since the beginning of the 6OO00O Exhibit rVlf feaD tt Model of in for old and a for new FARES ON OF