Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 24 Aug 1917, p. 6

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MolhodlHt Church will hold an Social Hid Hay evening Admishloh- I I J I if J f Mr Hughes IiIh homo in town i Mr Win an old of Franklin wan in town ion calling on old friends Mr and Mrs MS Keller of Midland wore Waiting at homo of Mr Davidson Mr and Mrs Win Hopkins of Midland visiting at of Mr Mr- and Mrs- Thcnkcr I at homo of parents in town Mabel Walton has re turned from of Hays Mus- where months vacation Mr and Mrs Vol Brooks lamping for two weeks fions Point SECOND ST rli J A sovoro thunder slotin vifcilcd this vicinity on Monday and much damage was the ripening grain which was down sd badly as to make cut ting very difficult and in places impossible the was Mr Arch Jo Goodwins two daughters wore in the barn and frighten- started to run to the house just as their father reached tho horn villi his auto The lightning struck a heap of straw close to barn and the young er girl who was about twelve foot distant screamed and fell conseious was hastily car ried into the house and was for tunately not seriously injured one side of her face being slight ly burnt Favored by ho lied Cross Mooting on Wed nesday of last week at Mr Wrights was success ticket for tho Ladys was drawn the article being do nated by Mrs Watson Wright of Mr T Smith of held the lucky num ber The proceeds amount ed to BALDWIN fJ JACKSONS POINT sea- is last service for the son In the Summer Church is to bo taken by Dr J evening ooo STREET NORTH The BbaroSly of- farm labor is greatly fclti in vicinity in fact it is impossible to get an available man from town The same spirit of helping does not fibem to predominate among our as in a neighboring town Lot nothing waste is a good slogan for farmer but how can he do singlehand ed Mr and Mrs of Toronto spent Sunday with Mrs Willie Sutherland of Bond Bead spent a week with his cousin Hoy Mrs and Mr Eugene Proctor of Toronto spent the weekend at Mr J H Proctors Airs her son and granddaughter have been vis iting Mrs Belfry Mr and Mrs Arthur Porter and Miss Hazel Elliott of Toronto spent Sunday at Mr Edward Goodwins The first buzz of the thresher was heard in this neighborhood when was threshed for Mr Mr and Mrs It Noble of Brad ford and Mr and Mrs spent Sunday with Mr No ble at Miss Susie of Hospital Toronto visited at Mr John Lewis recently mm t Two aviators at Buffalo were turned to death on Monday Their airplane caught fire while exper imenting f 8TRAY upon Lot in the Con of East about the middle of June a Black Heif er and a Bed Steer one year old Owner is requested to prove prop erty pay- charts and lake them away WELLINGTON COLE P EXCURSIONS MAYtthTO OCTOBER AURAtLftIoby THURSDAYS has llio crop of- fall wheat I have seen for years skimp twelve acres re quired forty pounds of- best qual ity twine to tic it Twcntythroo largo loads oh it The thresh ing will show a great sight Oili er farmers report crop How much boiler and more creditable it is Co enlist of olios own free will than be drafted and go against your will Baldwin boys are trembling in their shoes I guess mother will to send dad along to care of the boys Now what do you think of this Uncle Johnston is a prollyold KM In his year to go Last week lie tried it just for He pawed in four pail full in three days Now you old kids boat that who can Jerusalem has been the Mecca of lovers of wild raspberries this year There been lashins of them- Last week I had a modi enjoy able visit with two of villes most lovable and highly respected young women A mes sage was sent mo that Mr and Mrs T Stewart Toronto who reside in summer near Morton Park and Mrs Stewarts sister Mrs Kmproy of Carolina would he over cannot toll how enjoyable was our meeting with these two young women after years parting just as pleasant and sociable as of yore and to my eye just as Charming as they used to was This was my first meeting with Mr Stewart and a pleasant one it was I have long heard of him as a gentleman of natures mould hot such as arcgraduated from dancing school like to meet such as ho Thero is bright spot in memorys page and my lonely life I parted from them with regret I remember a couple more splendid young women in twenty years ago Mrs David Steph ens- and Annie They set a noble precedent and for rising young women thresher is starting out this week a day is said to have been sot by the threshing brotherhood Isnt that going the whole hog or none I am told thai Mrs Anson Jones Albert has purchased her old home in Gum Swamp Good for you Pamella Ann What a charm there seems about home sweet homo I Yes there is God knows it Storms arc awfully destructive these limes Those young chaps had belter quit annoying and persecuting the Jews in The He brews so far as I can learn inter fere with nobody If you dont like them mind your own busi ness them alone Ev erybody seemed to honor and re spect L and the Wolffs They wore gentlemen and civil persons Forty years ago this very hour I landed at Rice Lake in an im mensely pretty little rural ham let Wish I could drop in to day Ask Mrs B there Thats the spot to hatch great fishing yarns Ax the Owl I observed the announcement of the engagement of Roy Cody and Jennie McClelland I should to meet Roy knowing his parents as I once did Miss Jen nie is a model young woman and much loved and honored by her schoolmates and friends in gen eral The McClelland young ladies of whom there half a dozen Peters and Roberts glorious fine women none hotter Last week Mrs Allan of Sutton West Little Yankee Queen presented Allan with a boy Mother and son get ting along famously I fain would more must save my eyes Miss Nellie Davidson is spend ing a few days Toronto is to be Joe cream on dt north Mryebb had his chimney knocked off last wook fin tho storm mW spent her holidays atVBtaynor bringing hep son daughter i A- now arrival at QiiA a daughter MfSiA is improving cordvyood Ms now selling cocacold Its top hot to out wood Cocacola is easier to than the axe wondor who had fowl sup per the other night It was Just if it was wild is improving nicely Wo will all welcome him out again shortly is busy gathering in the harvest A Tim Is quite busy these days but where was bo Sunday Dont forget Quarterly Meeting oil Aug at Brown Hill in mo afternoon Mr D Hilts and Mr 1 took a flying trip last fcunday Jacksons Point ft0 Orchard Beach- There is hardly a clay hut half a dozen airplanes are nyinghr llif9 vlcnity 0M Gordon Tyrrell Training jt til Keswick Mr Alex Stewart is leaving this week lo visit friends at Bran don Man Miss Edith Morton returned home on Monday after Spending a month with relatives in the Stales Mrs is spending a few days with Mrs who is summering at Mr Frank Morions collage The number or ladies at llie Hod Cross Sowing Circle is cer tainly Wouldnt you like to help Mrs L Davis of Barrio is vis iting friends in the village Mrs Glover has tho whooping cough and at limes suffers a great deal We hope she will have a rapid recovery Marjory hasnt showed signs of whooping yet Miss Kerr one of our former school teachers is visiting with us for a few weeks Miss Kerr has had three operations and is here recuperating We are cer tainly glad to see her again Miss Evans left for Bradford and Killarney Beach on Monday to visit her friends and relatives A number of members and ad herents of the Christian Church are attending services of the Methodist Church their ihg disbanded during the summer months i Mrs T and little daughter Anne are the guests of Mrs Cooper We knew Mrs when her name was Miss Fleming so are glad to sec her Baby Anne who is only eleven weeks old weighs eleven lbs A very interesting Mission Study Class on China was held last Tuesday Mr Davis stories of Chinese life certainly in teresting You can come next week Now is the busy lime for farm ers The weather seems to be helping them lately We arc glad to see has organized a Red Cross Soci ety We hope the concert to come off before this is in print will be a huge success Obi I have an apology The week before lrfst was sleepy when wrote the items and made a few queer mistakes but it did sound funny didnt it Mr Win has recovered from a slight attack of lumbago Killibnn Camp on Kennedy Point Tubsday andv called- at collage of Ills Ire only an hour and flow aWay again Misp Newmarket is spending a A meeting tho ratepayers of Orchard Beach Is to bo ho collage of MrBall on Satur day at As mailers are to bo dlsous- it is hoped there will bo a largo altendanco Tho South slofro Tues day Mrs Hales of Toronto is spend ing a couple of weeks sister Mrs sunsets and Northern Lights have been beautiful this week Mrs Gilbert Lukes gave a birthday parly fqr mother on Tuesday She is Miss- Irene Yokes has gone to Honey Harbor for a week Mr Thompson and a of I her men had an Mug experience on the afternoon Of the big boil storm dast weeki They were fishing at Snake Is- land and thinking that their wives would he anxious about them they started Tor homo in his gasoline launch towing a rowboat behind in which were their catch of bass three steel fishing rods and a fivegallon can of gasoline The water was so boisterous that the upset and had to be cut for fear of swamping the launch As it was they had doubts about their safety and made In direction of the shore could not sec for the storm Fortunately they came in sight of a breakwater and took shelter till the storm was over The gasoline being lighter than water floated to shore and the can was secured The was picked up some time after One of the- fishhooks had caught into it and saved the rod as well as another one thai was wound in the line so that all that was was one steel rod and their catch of fish l A gentleman his wife and two children are visiting al Mr Ha ulers this week and with plenty Iaast Sunday was loft to mind farm Arn farm wishing to do any harm But the report at last The sheep ar6 themoadbw And ho corn Away th on the bound laugh and song thoy glide along across the ground Mr Thos Allan loaded a of scrap Iron last week for the city Hello there Bill I Cheer up I Your sweetheart will bo back again Patiently endure the pain For I will bo back again Wail a little longer Till your little wings are stronger And then Ill be back again Mr Wardell is back from He brought the goods alright They all report a good crop this year Say our flower gar den is certainly gelling the best of care these days is some florist yes Tim Wo wonder how the fern crop is this year- Well experience counts There will be service in the Church on Friday evening Mr Reynolds is expected to preach Hello Max There is an ex treme demand for Coca tola and Lagerine Whats wrong with our Post man Hes alright I Sorry to bear that Mr Whit- is leaving the town Sleeping Beauty Sharon Miss Shaw of Grand Rap ids Mich is spending her holi days under the parental roof Miss Winnircd Wood of Brad ford visiled at Col a few week Miss Lottie Proctor of Windsor was guest of Miss Ida Proc tor a couple of days last Miss Lundy spent the week end with friends in Newmarket Mrs Montgomery and two sons of Toronto are spending a few days at Mr A Wilsons Mr and Mrs of To Every mechanical detail the Mem indeed is built right the imooth wearproof clutch run- in oil the troubleproof simple transmission the mighty axles every vital part in short The Maxwell price and Maxwell up keep coat are both low that any man and this means YOU can afford to own one of theco cars at Mr oooo HOPE ft It j Pacific fii Dial MarXham Village this Is mills on the dollar Tills scribe has been loo busy to write The aid at Mr and Mrs was the largest finan cially of any we have had yet Proceeds nearly The ladles over a hundred dollars on hand It was decided at meeting to buy lb yarn a web of and a quantity of cheese cloth to he made up for the soldiers An interesting feature of the meeting was- the reading by the Secretary of sev eral loiters of thanks from the boys at the front for boxes the aid sent them to report Pie Leslie Glover son of Mrs Albert Rogers has been wounded We hope not seriously Mrs Dyke entertained her S Class Wednesday afternoon So much rain is keeping the harvest back We hope for bet ter weather There was a bumper crop of raspberries this season which was a good thing there are ho apples Other crops are excellent There be plenty of feed for Block this winter A game of baseball followed by Choir Practice at It last Friday night Mrs of baa been visiting at her father Mr Tensitys for few weeks k Kol a wheel la turning in the Port Hope shell factory and a bailiff is Miss Finch and Miss of ioront were guests of Mrs John Yokes for a week and Mrs French of Toronto is now spend ing two weeks with her The proceeds of the Regatta do nated to the Cross at New market were 70 oo3 Next regular meeting of the Womens Institute will be held in the basement of the Methodist Church on Wednesday Aug at 530 pm The program will he given by the girls Two quilts have been sent by he Institute to National Toronto for the benefit of the soldiers Anyone having cotton sugar bags kindly bring to the meeting on Wednesday Misses and Melva Watts of Holt spent over Sunday with Miss Beatrice Williams Mrs Rev Partridge with Miss Florence and little Helen of Islington spent a few days re newing old friends the guests of Mrs was a good crowd out on Sabbath morning at the Union Service in the Methodist Church and we expect to sec a large crowd next Sabbath in the Pres byterian Church Wo noticed the name of Mr Fred Pearson eldest son of the late Dr Pearson in Wednesdays casualty lists being killed in ao- We deeply sympathize with the bereaved family Mrs and Miss Bertie are spending a week in Mr George Bond left on Tues day for to visit his sis ter and to other parts of the West Mr T J Power of was in the village a day or two last week Miss of Keswick is visiting relatives around here Miss Bertha is visiting her relatives in Miss Mildred of Toron lo spent the weekend with the Misses Smith Berrypicking is over and the farmers are having rather a ledi- out time with their bountiful harvest Mr and Mrs and his mother visited Mrs to spent a few days last week Pic Ramsey of Whitby vis ited over Sunday under the par ental roof Mr Brown and Monday friends at Orchard Beach Mrs MacKrill and children spent a few days at last week Mr and Mrs Crone spent Sunday with friends at North To ronto ooo Touring Car Sedan AH pile fob IVWisr Sutton 0 HARVESTERS WANTED Sutton West Corning Luke Op Street Torontos Yonge Street Toronto able optician can be consulted about your eyes for glasses at W- A Dixons Jewelry Store Sutton Saturday August St James Church Beginning with Sunday Aug the evening Service will be at 730 pm The object of the change is to enable those to lend travel by the Metro politan car which reaches Sut ton at pm Personal Mrs Morrison and Miss aro visiting friends in Shanty Bay Mr Basil Cross returned to the city on Monday after spending a couple of weeks with his mother Mrs French ami Miss French of Bay are guests of Mrs W P Mr Johnson loaded a car of scrap iron last week for To ronto Next Sabbath Quarterly Meeting will be held in the Church Rev Reynolds of Ox bridge will take charge Love Feast at followed by preach ing Baptismal service In the afternoon also preaching at night Everybody come and bear Mr Reynolds he one of the best Elders that ever preached A big turnout is expected We are glad to that Mr A doing well Harvest is in full awing The farmers are filling mow WillisFrench A very interesting wedding took place at SI James Church Shanty Bay on Tuesday August at pm when Miss Doro thy Constance daughter of Rev A French and Mrs French was united in marriage to Rev Harold Willis Rector of St Annea Church New York City The ceremony was performed by Rev A French father of the bride assisted by Rev Gor don Matthews St Georges St Catharines brotherinlaw of the groom The bride was given away by Mr Sydney Jones of Toronto and was prettily dressed in a gown of white and georgette crepe with seed pearl trimmings and rose point lace She wore her mothers veil with orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of while roses She was attend ed by Miss poll who was dressed in a gown of pink silk and crepe and Miss Kate gowned in mauve silk and The groom was assisted by Brio Maohelt while Lt Jones acted as usher Lohengrins Wedding was played by Miss Moore The Church was beautifully decorated with ferns while asters and lilies After the the Imme diate friends of young couple proceeded to the Rectory where a dainty luncheon was served The bride and groom left on a abort trip to ftCuskoka and will be At Homo on t TO WINNIPEG Plus Half a Cent per Mile beyond to any Station East of Calgary Edmonton of Return Fare Half a Cent per Mile to Winnipeg till November 30lh plus 1800 to Original Starting Point through trains I leave Toronto Union Station Leave Toronto P Aug The Best of Equipment Corresponding Times at and Lunch Counter Caw Hill Special Accommodation for Women For Tickets and for Leaflet Showing number of required at each point apply I P Agent Newmarket or write General Passenger Toronto Oat Annes Rectory St New York City ft-DOO- PROBLEM8 FOR LOCAL MERCHANTS New and serious problems for town merchants in Ontario are foreshadowed by the action of a large Toronto mail order departmental store in towns throughout The mail order evil has been serious enough but now big mall order has taken another step and placed a personal representative in an adjoin ing town With its frontiers enlargeJ big business house will doubtless be encouraged to contemplate further encroachments on the rights of small er merchants There Is one cheering aspect of the case and that is that the hand ally of the big merchants also avail able for the help of the small mer chants We refer to the power of ef fective newspaper advertising Indeed In one way the small merchant has the big handicapped In the race for local trade and favor Most newspaper are partial to the merchants and refuse to accept mail order advertising This leaves the local merchant with a free field In which to practice Intensive cultivation Of selling Ideas looking to the greater of paying customers The funny part of It la that many local merchants are content to let Die big fellow la the city sow their own particular business field with the of mail literature without so much as in a counter crop They seem to trust Ihe local editor to keep evil wed plowed up Pcrofiilly we have done consider able plowing- of that sort but the Is coming v the mall order I personally reprinted and then what la nobodys ought to be the l- I will become paying business for the big fltorwa Georgetown Herald to The first of a lied standardized ships -s- in Creal Britain put service during tt month to a made in the House of mops Friday by Sir Money parliamentary secretary to the Munition The capacity of the he about ton d total vessel FARM IK TUB TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH Order of CoartJ John Shaw and Joan Executor- of the Testament of J Shaw late of the To East re deceased offer for bury subject a pires mi March 1st On erected v House and underneath and Croiier Solicitor OnJuptonoonofWM tdI Terms of it cash on der For further pwMVi Alfred John ton West PO At Saltan ill China IV i pur tie J I we have jj FIN TO Q lr I Phone the We I Eave Our I Sec TUE Best the Is Iho place BE awn and If you art will Jughafcle J We re Ira The only i at euperlor Record no Jew 2 ra and man wOd J- Vised at Run I TORONTO

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