Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 24 Aug 1917, p. 2

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or in suite I Bath and all conveniences Apply to Mrs Lehman Prospect I to rent On Prospect opposite Public School Bight rooms light furnace hath Ap ply to Mrs Mulroy Man- ninK Ave Toronto ft J FAnriFonoALQ Half of Lot in the of acres of good coil buildings near rail- tvay and Well water Apply to Mrs Duck fcedar Valley P No Newmarket i Monaco Strayed upon Lot in the 2nd Con of Whitchurch on Aug Two Aged Horses a Black Mare and the other a Hay Owner is requested to prove properly pay charges and lake them away ARMSTRONG Newmarket P I FOB SALE acres Lot Con Tp Of Kink All cultivation Good Brick House and Hank Horn young bearing Orchard Good well and pond on promises Three mile from the Towns of and Au rora miles from tan stop also rural mail and lol- service For further par ticulars enquire of Mrs Kneo- Spruce St Aurora AURORA per acre Stock and Dairy of Au- adjoining the Town of miles north of Toronto convenient to Street and Railway Station twenty acres woods stream runs through pro- party Thin farm is in good pro- condition and clear of en- large bank barn dwelling nice home Us location adjoin ing the town makes it a desirable investment and convenient farm Cash required twenty hundred balance arranged At interest per annum JOHN IUSUEUA CO Building 6 Adelaide Hast Toronto Stock and Dairy farms for Sale SALE Good Horse Power Engine on Trucks Apply Box New market The now undor consideration by the House We among those who are favor of disfranchising all aliens boHev- iug that their sympathies for the falhcrmnd might lead them to vole in a manner that bo against Interests of Canada and the British It is to bo hoped thai the Con scription Hill which is to go into shortly will take into con sideration the per of vol untary enlistments in all Provinces of the Dominion and bo governed accordingly It not fair that any ope Provipco should hear the brunt of lift do- fence of the nation in such a time as litis the new demurrage rules which into effect on the lust not he possible for coal speculators to hold up cars of coal on railways for in definite periods The charges in future will bo more like georooU than arithmetic progression Under the old rule one dollar a day meant quite cheap storage Now charge will be two dol lars on the second day three on the bird four on fourth on liio fifth and live on each ceeding day This order should ho a help to consumers Our sympathies are with the Toronto Globe and Toronto Star for a straight clean Win the War policy and goodbye to all those men who have been out of the exigencies that have arisen because of Can adian bravery on the Holds of Flanders It looks as if without a change of Government and a new Liberal Leader The people want less selfishness and more sacrifice in both political parties ooo Miss Nora spent a It was of la Toronto last week Sale Cheap Enquire at Box er Era Office To learn the Printing Hot more than years 6f ago and must have passed tho Apply at this office WANTED Per Delivery active Young Mn to drive ruck Steady Job and good chance to learn hardware Apply to A Newmarket Ma Notary for taUng tlG Will be In Office all Friday and nd Monday and evenings from to OfficeGround Moor New Block Opposite Post Office Office Phone No 205 Residence Solicitor for Imperial Hank of Canada A M Walton Co Aurora Private funds to loan on First Mortgage Wills and Estate work a specially YORK COUNTY The dry has been the foundation for the excellent sys tem of roadways throughout the County Said Mr A James the York Highways Engineer Last year we completed all the roads leading into the city How ninetyfive of miles of county roads are completed Labor and other factors made it necessary for us to postpone operation until after the war Street is in excellent condition for miles out to the Aurora Cemetery This road is made of waterproof material The asphalt is good as far as it goes It slops Is lington The road beyond that is under construction The Kingston is complete to the end of York County and is in very good repair Tho other county roads running from the city the to Maple I and Weston to furnish fine accommodation for harvest Throe Hun airplanes were brought down during a raid on the south coast of England Tues day Tito seating capacity of the Stand at the Canadian Rational Is it and Our Toronto Letter A ralnstowj on Mon day caused considerable damage in the city and almost a panic at Point where part of the roof of the grandstand was car ried away power was off a couple of Injurs causing much inconvenience Itev Byron for the ten years of Bond St Congregational Church has ac cepted a call to San Israel Richards of iaJ Dover- court died in General Hospital on Saturday night from injuries ho received when he struck by a car and drag ged a distance of about feet Tho coal embargo has boon re moved The Lehigh VaUpy Hall way has lifted restriction on cars for Caiiada and wholesale men arc storing coal for the coming win ters Searching a street for liquor on Saturday Pa trol found Louis in bed and later the man told of having there a woman and of Twentyfive tons of fish from the Atlantic arrived here Tuesday meatless day This is where public interest is advanced As a special fea ture of the Public Health Exhibit at the Canadian National Exhibi tion the board is arranging to oh a model baby clinic The division of child hygiene of the Oily of Toronto are cooperating with the board in the matter of equipment and conducting of clinic of City in the person of Monk died at his summer resort in Carlton County this week It is reported the premier is now engaged in reconstructing his Cabinet on no party linesi Politics seem wonderfully mixed at the Federal Capitol at present Dr J Manager of To ronto Exhibition for years died on Wednesday morning aged years On Tuesday last Miss Lottie fell from a street car breaking her leg The jury empanelled by Coron er Howe to inquire into the death of Mrs Flora Howe found that she came to her death by a fall caused a street car start ing up before she was off Despatches from tpo- several war correspondent oh the Can adian tell the story of fighting Lous describes as dra matic and Homeric Ho contin ues We bad planned to make a certain advance from- the suburbs of Emile eastwards It was attempt which to have been some thing that of AuguHt matp by drive us back and recover of the ground recently lost by- them Both sides a artillery firo slmui- each at thought the other only a pe culiarly prompt reply On both sides the infantry went forward They met fairly in No Mans Land and fighting of most savage description followed Hold Up Col Id Wall weight of numbers altogether against the Canadians but that made no difference Their thindotted waves made up of little parties of men straggling in twos ami threes to hold up almost a solid line of attack ing Germans held them In bitter handtohand lighting and went on every Canadian having several Germans against hi in Out other thindolled waves up and yet others and the battle wheih had raged in the middle of No Mans Land gradu ally receded towards the enemy lines New ranks of Germans came out only to he hurled back till the first line of German trenches was reached Hero tho enemy was in great strength trenches being full of new masses of reserve troops ready to go forward The Can adians driving ahead defeated the Germane in front of thorn and charged the trenches flinging themselves upon thorn with utmost fury It was a formid ably fortified line protected I IN I Moody has been Vis King has a T I Mm week Mr Harold Wilcox was Via ng at Mr Hamiltons last ill week and of Toronto were in town last Sat urday Misses Bessie and Jones are visiting at Ibis week Clean to all Drug- and Mr and Mrs A spent the weekend with friends at Rochester- Mr and Mrs Win OHol- Ottawa are visiting her parents for two weeks Ahning of Camp Burden spent tho with friends in town Mr Frank is homo from Mass for couple of weeks Miss Wood of Bradford has been visiting with relatives in town Mrs Geo Shields of Toronto spent a few days with Mrs Thomas last Miss Laura has return ed home after visiting her grand mother at Sand ford Mrs S was In the city this week attending the Millinery Openings Miss McDonald from New Brunswick is spending a week with MrsT I Miss Nora McKcwon spent I Wednesday at Orchard Beach with Miss Gladys Hunt of Toron to and all that part which has visited is suffering from drought except in very restricted areas and whilst rain now Would bo of groat assistance it is scarcely possible to hope for more than an average crop Hay has been taken off and is very poor Cut ting grain has started and a great deal of it will cut with the Potatoes are very light hut there is still a month for them to develop I both Lombard npcpbarrloo caaepn your Canned Fruit ho and 9 i ff 9 9 9 9 J 9 i i 9 9 Pino and Fruit 1Bo tin 1Cc tin 1Go 20o tin 2oo tin 2Ge tin Qrapo The droppedbut Quality remains same and bo convinced Try two bells of wire The Canadi ans had already advanced hun dreds of yards while the de fenders in the trench wore fresh A desperate combat was waged up and down whole length of the trenches in savage lighting without interfer ence the artillery for Ihe guns on neither side dared fire where the combatants were locked When the tumult died down Ihe Canadians were in possession of the whole line of trenches lit erally heaped with German dead Thomas White Ihe year old son of Mr White of Toronto was killed near Mark- ham MoiuJay when ho and his younger brother took refuge un der a tree which was struck by lightning during the heavy storm in the District Regi nald had been blind from and from Christmas to the holi days had been attending the School for the Blind at Brant- ford Mrs White and the two little boys were spending a week with Mrs Yates on the of whose husband is em ployed on Mr Geo Coxs farm The younger brother was uncon scious for two hours but is al right loday lie was found with heavy branches across his chest Mr White is employed with the Glass Builders and was working in Georgetown FOR BELGIUM The Canadian Belgian Relief Association are going to bold a Sale of Pure Bred Poultry at the Canadian National Exhibition Toronto on Labor Day Sept 3rd Any Ontario breeders who have not already donated still have lime to help along this good work by sending their donations to No Hamilton Out who will forward shipping instructions and tags This work is authorized by the Allies Agricultural Relief Com mittee and is hacked the Do minion and Allied Governments All proceeds will go for the re lief Wives and Families of Bel gian Poultrymcn in the devastated regions Miss Edith Arthur of Beach spent a few days with her chum Miss Jones last week The Misses Kate and Rowland of Toronto were visitors at the Presbyterian Manse for two weeks Miss Wesley has return ed to her the Post Of fice after spending two weeks va cation near Messrs Herbert and John Lewi of Now York City were in town a week ago last Sunday vis iting Mr Win Willis is reported that Hill of the who married Miss prior to going seas has been gassed and Mrs Russell from Toronto spent Sunday at tho home of Mr Nelson lingwood Tccuinsch St Mr Evds has CHEAT The war map issued by The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal is now ready for distri bution It is certainly a great map and ft great help in follow ing the war news It is greatly praised by returned officers and men The price of The Family Herald is now 25 a year a smaller increase than was ex pected and with the map given with each subscription alone it is cheaper than ever The map alone would cost as much The paper and map are giVen to both new and renewal subscriptions at a year but map cannot bo secured otherwise The Family Herald is the greatest family and farm paper on the Continent and a great credit to Canada Printing made a million times stronger the power that had to make all men brothers through likeness In knowledge and wisdom Moreover the truth that passes through the printing press can never he lost And with the printed records of hu man life at hand each man can study all men and his place among and discover the work for which he is best John Cotton Dana- It Quality that counto That reason our Candy la growing both Varieties and the toryDado Candy DRINKS During tho Warm Wo at or wo will carry a of DRINK auoh no Lemon Coup Coda PHONE ORDER IT WILL GET PROMPT ATTENTION PHONE Ring I it Quality that Counts QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT FOR A I Villi Furniture and Undertaking House turned home after spending a couple of weeks visiting with Mr Henry Edwards of Bel haven Rev Richard Morton of Stur geon Falls gave the a call last week while on bis way to visit his parents at Keswick has I wo aunt near You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night attended to at THE The Remarkable Instrument World HUYLERS CHOCOLATES MAIN STREET Agent forCarnoras and Photo Supplier NEWMARKET House Phono No Store Phone No i WAR Mrs J relumed after spending weeks at the home of her Mrs Geo A Thompson Longford Willing Workers of the Church were lerlnined by Mrs Prank Stewart on Wednesday at her home at Island Grove Lake Dean Harris of Toron to was Ihe guest of Rev Father Wedlock a couple of days last week The Era appreciated a friendly call from him while in town Rev John a lorfan Minister at has purchased the residence of Mr Forester at the North End and may remove to Newmarket a rest was a mistake in last paper about Mr erheller returning to school work He has been appointed as Rector to a charge of the Anglican Church at Mindcn Phones and 26 D BUSHMEN MECHANICS AND LABORERS Wanted up to years of age Minimum Height ft- The Italians took pris oners in their new drive last week TheFrench captured over prisoners on the Verdun front last Monday The Canadians are driving Germans out of Lens Very heavy lighting The Russians have defeated the Turks in a number of engage ments In the Caucasian Mount ains Canada is spending a day on war now Miss OBrien of Toronto who was boarding at a Whitby house was drowned while on a picnic party Prohibition is to go into ef fect in British Columbia on Oc tober The question of com pensation is under consideration The live stock department of the Canadian National Exhibi tion has accommodation for horses 200 cattle sheep and Exclusive of live stock and outdoor exhibits is over a mil Hon square The Gazette has drop ped out of lusiness An expenditure of over is required each year lo stage and prepare the Canadian National Exhibition The official report announc ing the Italian victory declared prisoners had been captur ed The enemys losses were de scribed as most- serious A great quantity of booty was taken on Monday Orangevillo Aug The Up per Woollen Mill owned by John located about live miles from the town was destroyed by a fire which broke out about oclock this morning The loss will ho heavy years ago China astonished world by of Mucliu dynasty and establish ment of a Republic Attempts to revert to the old order have but sort ed lo emphasize Ihe hold which re publican Ideals have on the of Chinese people And cow as If to set the deliberate choice to le TtaXed o the tad Ger man end pledges her lo hit has tilt 3 town i or Henry Racine of this formerly of Montreal and Mrs Mary A Thompson of New market wore united by Rev Wcll- Methodist Minister of Au rora on the 1th of his month Forester Dame Rumour has it around here that Mr Boston has purchased from Mr J Johnson Avenue Farm Mr Johnson resided in Newmarket before moving to Mr and Mrs Mills of announce the engagement of their only daugh ter Georgia to MY Oscar Lukes son of Mr Lukes Brad ford TJie marriage tnke place quietly the part of August Mr A former Science Master of High School has been appointed School for tho County of Lincoln For the past six years he has been Science Master in Collegiate Institute at St under Mr- A Coombs former Principal of Newmarket HighSchool At Vandorf Maple Leaf Farm on Saturday Aug to Mr and Mrs J A Clarke a daughter In Op Aug lo Mr and Mrs a daughter At Victoria Memorial Hospital on Aug 1917 to Mr and Mrs John Guy of Arlington Av enue Toronto a son and grand son lo Mrs J W of Newmarket mm On Saturday to Mr and Mrs J A French Howick Place Otta wa a son Arthur Walton In Newmarket on Aug lo Mr and Mrs Frank Adams a daughter At Sharon on Aug 1st 1917 to Mr and Mrs Allan Shaw a daughter ST FULL SCALE OF PAY ALLOWArJ08 AND EASY PHYSICAL EXAMINATION OVER8EV8 DELAY SPECIAL PAY AFTER ARRIVAL IN ENGLAND per day IIIIKvrlglilo Saw Newmarket jf- Mr of Toron to who is in tlie on work for Ihe from that bus been in talooa aik1J Altar At Kew Presbyterian Church on Sat urday Aug by Rev J A Stewart Walter youngest eon of Mr and Mrs Cotton of to Jean daughter of the late I and Mrs Law- Tie of Toronto formerly of Newmarket i lie At Consort Hospital Alberta Fmily May Davis be loved wife of Tugwell and daughter of Mr and Mrs F I Davis Line King In Fast on July 29th Mary Alma daughter of Mr Wellington Cole in her 13lh year lit 1 1 J SOUTH END AND FEED STORb LOTS OF FEED BRAN AND SHORT ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR FAMOUS CREAM OFTHE WEST In J for Campbell May Got Cream or Ho re A HOWARD phonJ 5isrf St o CHE An old lady taking her flrat railroad ride She noticed the bell cord overhead and turning to a little boy sitting across the aisle siiid Sonny whats that for maam ho said with a mischievous twinkle in bis eye is lo ring when yon want some thing to eat Shortly afterword the old reached her umbrella up and gave the cord a vigorous The train was in the middle of trestle the whistle sounded the train to slacken speed win dows thrown open as and reigned among the The old lady sat i all ref old kl Presently lb running through the i car- pulled that be I 1 did replied the meekly J What do the conductor Well you bring and a 1 Women seldom laka kind adages mi lea- a OF ONTARIO toast mm m Call on Ho ie a- goon Alfred oclocH vice- flionafyJ Church- if We the Era for Sewmark if Every is School couple The fui from more ro crowd Dr I residence like Hid i ripe yet It Is l Board fa Class Tlore Nov Mr tract lo on Pi north of double to ready coi II dwelling cupied opposite Mr Ji Ave Jut another which the in The at a filling in Timothy bridge a permane greatly walk next settled lias other pa track to requires is probal oiled Main The been dally to Coal On Ho coal for iii much year at I of future proved The States re April lo the prod with the Up to year Tot of at the Is city bad ma SUp In slightly ery Limit sui require porta he has year thai thai his great but there company been fllli in them tilt they are railway have bet and they more week Over delivered and them lhr delivered another the road and delivered Mr O come in supply hi he his order to take ask 11 Al

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