Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 24 Aug 1917, p. 1

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J I I I I I ft Man Works Afford to bo of His Eyesight I HAVE THEM EXAMINED AT TCWatsons JACKSON Editor and S fejACKSOW Flu DA SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS KEEP KITCHENS CLEAN and COOL those dangerous carriers of germs soon be veniwina into every door and window I litem out Good screens cost money to jc out and the lawn mower you need a new one have a number of running inexpensive machines Every woman recognize lie It Is easily clean and wens forever Ask to sec our of these utensils AT Cheerfully Bright m HARDWARE Cleans at it Polishes will mil fur of then ju ilfi en lop of the IS TOTALLY It I Polish I All Caplu up 16006000 Rett Total April 386806887 Regular deposits in the Bank of Montreal will soon put you in position to purchase Dominion Govern ment War Savings Certifi cates and also help to win the war HEAD G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch south end lumber yard ghl ion here Higher to Toronto Price pep ton Now 75c Lower to our Customers I BELIEVE IN KEEPING PRICES DOWN IN WAR TIMES DO WE NEED YOUR HELP We Pay Cash for Prom Now On Our Terms are CASH ON DELIVERY I W PEARSON Order Coal from Wm Olios John Murphy and John Draper phone The OF raidup Capital Fund a Convenience of Savings Account Is to to la and to La You Juu3i may bo in end the West P A Manager COME TO SKINNER In furniture and Puna Director T I oronto Letter wqkV Ben to need to lost week for months for ah Iuhi Tim notable for the fact that Cooper ran the oar forty miles an hour up Ave the police in chase and made a- flying leap for the runninghoard of the car Rev A and Barker reached Toronto last from Korea where he in MiMsionary work On of last week Huron Old AHSooiation hold heir annual on In land and last week for their hi the Canadian Methodist Mission in Japan after a years furlough in Canada They arc accompanied by Miss Hamilton and Miss Mary who have been appointed missionaries to Japan recently The attendance at swimming baths this year has been very large Joy riding on Police cycles has been forbidden by Corporation authorities Three missionaries left To ronto last week for the Methodist Mission Held They are Rev Dr Dan Norman I and family Miss I Morgan and Miss Lena Flight Officer Elgin Wilson exreeve of Co and Bur- ley bandmaster of the Bat arrived at Toronto on Thursday or last week Lieut Wilson is suffering from shattered nerves due to his machine going wrong seven thousand feet in air and be was forced to make a hurried des cent The Medical Health authorities are making an effort to have milk brought to the city in covered wagons in order to keep down the temperature On Thursday of last week the Hank of Commerce cabled to Lon don the sum of a first in stalment of the sum realized in Toronto for the Palestine war sufferers In all lias been raised here At a garden party at Zionist Institute was raised At the Help One Another League meeting last week let ters were read from seven boys in the Central Methodist Church when Mrs entertained the members to tea The soldiers expressed their thanks for parcels sent which in addition to socks chocolate etc each contained a picture of league workers Last week when his auto unex pectedly backfired Alex had his arm broken in places Murray Nassau of King St walked into the Western Hos pital suffering from a bad gash across the forehead He told OUR OTTAWA LETTER While many honest differences of opinion on Urn Question of con- have been expressed by- Liberals in the recent debate the net result has been to convince the country that the party whole has the cause of freedom at heart both here and overseas As one member of Parliament put light sides of is for democracy whether it is attacked on the hat- loilcldsof or the four corners of flic British America Act This sentiment should give pause to hose who In opponents of lion Willi lack of patriotism The debate brought out the fact lhat the are as keen on helping our soldiers at the front as the the only difference being Ibe by which the object Is to be accomplished A Very prevalent opinion was eloquently voiced M Mc Donald of has a son at the front when he said that the saddest thing about conscrip tion to his mind was the motive behind it He found internal evidence in the bill that it was a mere party manoeuvre intended to set Quebec against the rest of Canada French against English Protestant against Roman Catho lic Nothing could be more fa tal to the unity of Canada than an issue of that kind Mr sentiments were shared by zither Liberals notably by those from the Mail- time Provinces and a goodly number from the West Knowles of Moose Jaw Thompson of Appelle Dr Mutiny of and others The English speak ing Liberals from Quebec were to a man for a referendum and then conscription if necessary The Liberal party is tackling question in real earnest and each man has the courage of his convictions if the Borden Gov ernment could prove it has single to winning the war is not squinting at an that will throw all the he lire these differ- of opinion might not have been developed The objection Is not so much to conscription as to playing the other fellows nasty game Of party politics Impartial critics admit that the Liberal party has come through the crisis a stronger and better party than before It has justi fied its name of Liberal by dis playing the greatest latitude of opinion on an issue primarily in tended for its destruction as a party An argument which was ad duced in the debate hut which was notdwelt on at any length is worth noting here Namely lhat Canada is the only British coun try in which there is a race issue where con AUG VOL No 30 I t ingio Copies 5o each mowed ok venue might been delayed days Another misfortune which hap- Officer of Royal Artillery CjA yed day Another misfortune which hap pened to he bill was Mr amendment to the amend ment Mr is one of Iho Governments Nationalist moved that the bill the six months hoist He did it when the Government wasnt looking He could have done it almost any lime because the Government hasnt been look ing thai way very much tQ TRACTOR PLOW tlclC- to motor tractor A of by tractor held the Kara- Toronto on ihuraday and was witnessed sev eral government officials and local manufacturers The used one of the few Canadianmade tors on the market the of alt the and the on the Canadian farm A large field slightly rolling soil clay loam and grass covered made ideal conditions for a demonstration and notwithstanding the dryness of the ground resulting from the recent dry weather Die three plows attached to the turn ed over three 12inch furrows of an average depth of six Inches with ease The entire outfit was manipulated one skilled operator who experienced no difficulty in attending to the Ions duties which machine was The arose when the engaged in plowing travelled while in the particular employ- can ad- cutting operations an and fat into the hospital people that todwU an altercatmn with a Strang- or on Stewart St the latter drew a knife and slashed him The wound required several stitches Mr A of your also that spring and Mattress you want white housecleaning Wo carry full line of the IDEAL GUARANTEED of Iron Beds Springs and Mattresses and PRICES ARE RIGHT We the Polish up old Furniture Sic Marie has been appointed Principal of the Ontario School for Blind at Mr James returning to the Department of Education Report basil that the steamer Turbinia at the close of the pres ent season on Lake Ontario may be ttfken over by the Canadian Admiralty Harvesters for the West in hundreds passed through Toron to on trains last Friday A girl named Ada was seriously injured a few days ago by a delivery wagon in charge of Albert Criminal neg ligence is charged Mr Walter Jackson of the Toronto Observatory lias been sent to Edmonton Alberta and other points in lire Western Provinces on a Federal Govern ment expedition Be will prob ably be away for a couple of months- Albert Smith a carpenter was drowned when ho stepped from the steamer Cayuga into tho slip at Street wharf before a landing was made on Sunday night J Lev M with his Wife and three children is in city on bis way to India where for the past twenty ears he has bean working under the Canadian Baptist Mission Board The first fatality among the American cadets now training in Toronto occurred Inst week when Steven J Dorr of Now Jersey to- death as a result Of a collision in the air near Bedford Park shortly after oclock Two Amer- cadets wore flying feel in he air about a mile from Ar mour Heights North Tor to camp they were attached for raining One of the cadets crashed his machine into the tail of Cadet Dorrs plane and smashed il completely Bet ting machine on Ore in force in Ireland which is three thousand miles nearer the war than we are Con scription was not attempted in South Africa which is the latest addition to the galaxy of free na tions which compose the British Empire While the conscription fever was supposed to be afrit height the Borden Government was hustling around for a coalition that might pull it out of the hole by dragging Sir Wilfrid Laurier and half a dozen other Liberals in The coalition talk is not- dead yet Conscription is not as popular a measure as the Gov ernment thought il would be and every lime it gets cold feet think ing over ho situation it goes coqlitioning So far its efforts operation at the rate of miles per hour and ran plow during a lbhour day approximately eight acres of land It develops horsepower and uses kerosene or gasoline for fuel The cost of operation is at per acre This chine as well as the ed the provincial government he used for other farm work to plowing grinding sawing and other which require power can all be per formed with equal success Plowing can he most successfully carried on In large field where num erous turnings may he avoided The Held should also he fairly level In order that the engine may be free from unusual strains and for com plete success lie should he free of stones or hidden boulders which not only plowing hut are fi menace to iHe plowshares and the lire machine have unsuccessful No Liberals can be found who are willing to wash all the Borden Governments guilty stains away and pardon all their past fencos by going snooks with them in a coalition cabinet Coalition having failed one would naturally expect Gov ernment to put its back into get ting- the bill through Instead of that the bill has been treated with LIFT YOUR OFF WITH Tolls how to looson a tender corn or callus so it lifts out with out pain You reckless men and women who are pestered with corns and who have at least once a week invited an awful death from jawor blood poison arc now told by a Cincinnati authority to use a drug called frcezone which the moment a few drops are applied to any corn or callus the soreness is relieved and- Boon the entire corn or callus root and all lifts off with fingers dries the moment it is applied and simply shrivels the corn or callus without in flaming or even irritating surrounding tissue or skin A small bottle of freezono very lilllc at any drug store hut will positively rid ones feet of every hard or soft corn or hard ened callus If your druggist hasnt any freezone be can get it at any wholesale drug house for you I LOOK I Farm Laborers are wanted in the Provinces of Man itoba Saskatchewan and Al berta for the harvesting of the crop Tho Canadian Northern Rail way will operate the first Excur sion trains for the West leav ing Toronto Union Depot at A M and 10 P August and P August and running through solid to Winni peg equipment will consist of electric lighted colonist cars lunch counter cars and in neglect Word was sent l continue their last year innovation of keeping a special car for the ac commodation of single women and families and of placing in train where the occupants will be separated from the other Passengers The territory served by Canadian Northern Lines offers the widest choice of employment with high wages hut regardless of whore you may locate re- momher we give you best service to Winnipeg where you will repurchase to final destina tion no matter on what lino it may be For leaflet showing special train service with dates number of men required at various points and other information apply to Town Agent or General Passenger Depart ment Canadian Northern Hail- way Toronto out to the Government support ers not to talk about it an in hibition which was promptly dis regarded by Dr Edwards of and Colonel who bad some bile to get off their chests A week ago last Friday there were so few supporters In the House that the bill was counted out Technic ally it died right there and no body was present to it dio This looks Ifko pretty thai the Governments mind was somewhere else It thought so little of conscription it didnt take care to guard it and prevent Mr a Government sup porter sticking a knife in it when it was out breath It was only by great strain on Parlia mentary procedure that the bill was brought hack to the stage where it left off If TORONTO Officer of Royal Battle of An unusually interesting let- tor describing the battle for the written by John M of the Field Artillery report ed as wounded in the recent cas ually lists has been received by his brother Pie of the University Training Company who is an Owen Sound boy went overseas with the Eaton Machine Gun Battery as a private id won his commission on the field He writes As you already know by the papers severely handled Hun At three oclock in morning just before dawn the stillness was broken by a most terrific outburst of The sky was lit up clearly in all di rections by the gun flashes It was one terrific roar a blue haze rose from the muzzles of the the machine guns pour ed out an incessant sheet of bul lets Then as if in Ihree vol canic eruptions huge columns of earth shot hundreds of feet into the air and we were knocked prostrate upon the ground Then we mounted the parapet and the carnage began The tanks quick ly came up dealing out deadly fire to any opposition while the in fantry practically obliterated remainder The ho he artillery lifted its fire and and dealt likewise with he enemy second and third line While in the third line day began break and when pushing on from hi on there we could just between the Germans and ourselves The air continued to scream with bursting shells of all calibre the tanks wallowed about as great imposing monsters while the infantry dashed from trench lo trench sweeping all in front of them On both flanks I could see that our infantry had also gained their objectives and it was clearly seen that a truly victorious day had begun for the British The steadiness of the Irish was simply wonder ful us they followed closely upon the artillery barrage You can imagine feelings of the Hun fairly shot to pieces by our ar tillery while only one hundred yards away crouching Tommies with shining bayonets waited to pounce upon all lhat was left of them A Glorious It was a glorious sight as the sun rose over the crest of- to see our Tommies steadily advancing Machine guns concrete dugouts and won derfully constructed barricades were encountered and as as wc approached them In many places llere was little opposition the complete garrison being either killed or burned to death by our heavy gun- fire My heart ached when I saw in many places Germans lying two three deep along the trenches You can get accus tomed to most things but it comes to such carnage every where about you a feel the strain From Era Fyle Aug Mr of Chicago is visiting his parents Mr and Mrs Jos- Belfry here on a visit from Miss Farrell and Miss Coylo gone to Port Severn for a- inmtb Mr and Mrs A Wilson en- lertained the Presbyterian Choir last Saturday evening Mrs Dawson of Minneapolis Is visiting Mrs F Woollen is back from Port Arthur His trout stories knock our lunge all cold Mr Geo Montgomery is home from Sudbury for a couple of weeks Mrs Geo and her son Mr Herb returned from a trip to the Old Country Monday Mr John Gray of was In town this week after an ab sence of six years He was a machinist in the Foundry Mr Vernon from Michi gan spent Sunday with Mr J I Millard Richard Morton son of Mr Ira Morton of Keswick nearly had his leg broken last Saturday be ing caught in a hay rake At Edgar Kin- Bey died from eating Rough on Hats It bad been put on some cake by his mother to kill rata Edgar years of age went down cellar and ato the cake not knowing that it had been doctored He suffered for two days before he passed away The Bicycle Club had a Lantern Parade along Main and J last Monday evening Allen East died Sunday morning in his year He worked in the harvest field until within two days of his death caused by the inward bursting of an abcoas Parlor concert at the resi dence of Mr Richardson last evening person must was out four a days and four nights without shave living on bully beef and biscuits and Hun sardines I enjoyed the outing although I was hit oh the arm the first day I carried on with the sore arm We got the Hun stiff in his counterattack I saw him pass ing and being intelligence offi cer for four groups of twentyone batteries I just turned all our guns on tho Hun As a result his efforts were a washout We got hundreds of prisoners and killed others like noes it was the most complete success since the war began Our division alone got held guns unit killed their three senior of ficers and then surrendered I also saw German dead minus their heads tied up labelled for railhead evidently on their way lo the fat and factory even after you kill him you are not finished with him for he comes back again in shells and explodes in your facet ooo THE AT OTTAWA uesday evening Those tak ing part were Miss V V Miller Miss Forester Mrs Wallace Mr A Mr J Lewis and Mrs Lewis It was in aid of the Methodist Mr Lundy threshing- his grain as fast as it comes into the barn the eight men in the held keeping nine men with the thresher- This is fourth year Mr has run his thresher in this manner Mr Alex Moffatl saved Jos tobonla from drowning at Parks Tannery on Tuesday He had slipped into a vat of liquor which was deeper than an or dinary mans head Wednesday was a gala day in Newmarket thanks to the Bicycle boys Between and people gathered at the Fair Grounds where Barrio and New- market teams had an exciting game of lacrosse which resulted in a draw This was followed by a number of bicycle and foot races Bat Band was in attendance Every day or two picnic parties drive up lo the lake in bus loads and spend the time on the lake shore and on the water Tho Altar On July Heine by Wilkinson at the Parsonage Sutton Waller W of Last lb Martha Louise of Whil- The Tomb in Newmarket on Aug 1st Rebecca beloved The Markets Butter Potatoes ha I Kingston Whig There have been different expressions of what is demanded national or coalition ernmenl conscription extension of Parliament The great West was bound to put itself on record and the resolution which the convention carried with sweep Is accepted as an unerring indica tion that the Government for all Its weakness defaults arid de fects lias brought about a crisis at Ottawa Is likely to happen any day The calls of our public men the presence and counsel of the Government can be interpreted only yue way Much exilement has boon caused by the leasing of some acres in the vicinity of Rock- wood near by Oil Company Fronv Era Fy Aug Lengthy reports of political meetings at Hon Geo defeated in South Ontario The demise of John Bogart is recorded which sad occurred on the Do- ceased settled in Whitchurch in when this country was a wilderness In his father erected a sawmill at town and the following year a grist mill Between and peo ple attended his funeral at tho Wesleyan Burying Ground Sun day The Markets Flour 7 Fall Wheat 35 bush Barley Butter New Potatoes 70c bag- tax rate is SO mills on dol GRA I Dr Natural Hair used as directed Is guaranteed to restore hair lo Its natural color or money refunded Positively dye and l00 postpaid Write Supply Dipt Toronto Oft a a J tore

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