Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 17 Aug 1917, p. 6

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l A J J it AGENT y J T It J j r 4 Library will closed for two weeks after and will 16 reopened on MomVdrflniay out fo CAM 01 THANKS Mr Alex Tato and family wish frimid and for during and of llioir and aeo those flowora MrBrimihondBspoht lie very Keainof a I many Hide- few with Minn of The Sowing the mot at Mr and b Something happened last en route to Newmarket Though posted usual failed to their destination in time Our Main to the Station will soon become a part of the good roads system The stone has all been laid and the tar will likely bo put on Ibis week 7 I Sunday Aug Union will held for imp Morning service will be held at oclock Service at as follows August A Methodist occupied by A Secre tary of Bible Society fc Church occupied A August A Hoy Gray- P M Methodist 2nd A Cburoh Mr Osborne Presbyterian Church llov Sept A Jttrrprcsbytcrian Mr Osborne P Church Mr Osborne On Sept 2nd and Mr Osborne will preach at tho homo A Thursday- and Mrs 3 spent Sunday with friends at Queens- Mr spent Sun day at Weston Dr Buchanan or a few days with her mother Mrs A was VlrtUIng In Kvn- last week We arc glad to Mr and Mrs Wright with Ihcir young won Teddy again Mr Dick his mo- wore guests of Win Marrltt mIhs Irene Hal our was also 1AOL IN vlBltlng there Mr Mrs JCIougher of Toronto is were visiting In at Mr and In and vlcloity Mr was blown down Mr spent Sunday at MrB Harolds Mr and MrsC spent at M- beaks tons Mrs and family or Queen Street North spent Sun day at Mr J M Kitcloys Miss M Barker of Toronto Is spending holidays at Waltons Holland Landing born was was done to the Our has passed his Junior Malrlo -Congrntu- I BALDWIN TOR SOFTENING MAKING HARD SOAP DIRECTIONS EACH CAN i erlah at I aVjn Haven hoe- Methodist Church at2 Delayed in the mall last week MIDDLE SCHOOL candidates tried Mid dle School Examination this slimmer with following re sult Vaiidowalor hon Anna Dike and Miiinic Mooro passed in all but Ancient History WOUNDED Mr Walter Willheo was noti fied on Tuesday that his eldest son Hoy was shot in the arm and hack presumably by shrapnol The younger brother Hedge was also wounded a few months ago but was able to k back to the Trout They belonged to the battalion Mrs Smith daughter and son arc guests at Mr Woods Mr Thompson is homo for a few days Miss Stovenson is homo from Wood re turned from the city last Satur day Mr Harry Bell was home for the weekend A of popple of Holland Landing took in sports in Bradford on Civic Holi day Sorry to hear Mrs Webb is on sick list Thompson returned 16 the city on Saturday last Mr W Glover returned to the City on Sunday Mrs Ernest and son are spending a few days with Mrs LonghurHt A number of the young people of Holland Landing Tues day at Bond Lake Orchard Beach After eight days of intense anxiety with three doctors and two nurses in attendance Mr A passed away at oclock on Wednesday morning from pneumonia Deceased with his family has coming to Beach for the summer for sev eral years and was greatly respected Ho was a very active member of the and look 111 the day after Regatta Mr Long was engaged in the wholesale box manufacture Thorns prodigious slock of news silfferln lo be recorded And I know how straighten out the tangle J Firstly Herman has quit his bugging Mini lb now lugging and lugging getting out- potatoes for the His order calls for about live wagon loads at nearly two dollar- a hug dont pun out a per ftcre I think Joe Wrirdeli8 house when complete willpresent a very tony ex terior A lady remarked that it looked too like an asylum Thats Just Is not for the Insane however hut an asylum for Jim and bis darling Nellie Tho veranda and portico promise great things and look very rich John Millers finest work manship I guess you had bettor see It for yourself What wont a man do to please his Missis Booze Is still obtainable at a trilling hit of extra trouble One of our men so It Is said a flask of the ardent very soon sampled the refreshing re freshment 1 It refreshes by making one desire another taste and so on ad libitum Then he directed his course way which he eventually reached He placed his precious bot tle hi a fancied place of security mur muring perhaps Would they lo steal thee If thought but no It cannot be They ore all such gentlemen So genuine and so free Hut when thou art gone And I am left alone What else In all this world Can for thy loss alone He readied for he bottle to take another booker but some lightfinger ed Brownie had swiped it ami a blame good deed it was A man who has a noble goodwjfe diouid have the to say good ie the devils drink complicated fracture of last week lie will need rest for a couple of moons I Itfs Ii Crittenden is III Win Crittendens trouble Is diagnosed bright Jittle spirit my three and a- halfyearold friend Sylvia Is A few days llis iwiiiKwerc down here One something and my little friend Sylvia thinking Henna Jewell must have It spoke her mind thus Oh if was only big Id slap thai Norma if she dared hurl one tho Some ago she took a run about Oh her return home she was asked What did the litlll monkeys look like Why she replied They looked Just like the big ones an answer worthy of a Solon or even this wise old Solo mon himself So service The My Society packed their bales on Tuesday The new goods were valued Theouim the lad A years old was complete and it i shows temperature Our free booklet describes many other special features Write for it i mm w VAnconVEa of potatoes for to P lids life Aug Vera May Infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Harry Cooiucr aged death from hooping cough followed pneumonia flood bye thy star was far loo brief lone from forever our heads Bleeped In grief ooo are live PERSONAL Mr Halt and Mr Ben OBrien of Toronto spent the holiday wiili friends in town Miss Dunn and Mr OBiern left fo last Friday to visit for some time Miss Myrtle Hear and friend from Toronto spent the at home in town Mrs J Paisley of St Paul Minn and daughter Helen are visiting Willi Mrs Aug sad double accident occurred today about two Wiles from Auburn when Mrs and the little daughter fof David lost their lives The girl was visiting at the had gone in bathing She Soon beyond her depth in a hole In the creek which runs through Uie farm When Mrs saw little girl drowning she bravely plunged In but lost her own life in the attempt Donald Hidden has been clearing an awful hit of land for a patch He will be known as Donald the Dynamiter He used dynamite and a plenty of It to the huge in Aurora remains I rocks len were taken to Toronto for torment He loaves a widow sister of Mrs A P Toronto and formerly their Belfry of spending a week at MUNICIPALITY OF- THE TOWNSHIP OF QWILLIMBURY COUNTY OF YORK NOTICE is hereby given that I transmitted or to mentioned in Secions 8 and ol the Ontario Lists Act copies required by Bald sections to be so transmitted or delivered iite list made pursuant to said Act all persons appearing by the last AsBessment of the said Municipality to be entitled to voto la the Municipality at Elections lor Members Mmbly and at Municipal Elections and that the said list at my office on the day of August and remains there for lectors are called to said list and it any omissions or other errors to take immediate to the said corrected U Aug A Mackenzie Clerk of Township of East ury and children Fu neral on Friday Much sympathy is expressed for the bereaved family Mrs is Zephyr Villa Mrs John Graham of Ml Al bert is visiting Mrs L for a couple of days The Regatta Committee ordered wreath to he put on the casket of late A LonKi as a token of their regard ami sympathy and several ladies of the Beach ordered a spray show their sorrow for Mrs Long The bailstorm on Tuesday afternoon was the worst ever known by summer residents hailstones were like buttons and larger around than ordinary marbles was followed a regular cloudburst of rain An airplane lo light on the road near Island Grove oh Wednesday struck a of the fence and was badly wreck ed Mr Cole Principal of Public Schools wag guest of Mr Huntley on Tuesday night It is about years since be was here last Union services will be held here commencing Sunday Aug 10th in Uie Methodist Church therefore there will he no in the Presbyterian Church on thai date On Sunday Aug the service will be held In the Presbyterian Church hovering will preach at these services Atkinson and family arc spend ing their holidays at their suuuner cottage The Misses Ethel Dolly and Bessie Hunker are holidaying with Mrs A Doan FarView Farm and sent them Hying ling Castle the humble abode of Peter the sma In contradistinction to Great who passed in his checks century ago Peter- must have al most imagined that the Germans had come and were shelling arid bom barding his castle SleVonson gave them some lessons of much value on dynamiting Very large drills an Important feature Prof Owl never found anyone who could I Andrew sharpenjng drills Paul has haunting blueberry country raking in the luscious berry He made lwohIghy trips- and was preparing for Another raid when he ran over the road fractured an axle and placed his car hers de combat Notwithstanding their immense pon derosity It required hut a small in significant trine to give the knockout to a car One day our friends Jacob Smith and Jr came along but their car went on strike and gave up the called up Prof who ttiOJLL WMP COM Strayed from Lot It rear of of Eaet about Uie of June one Shet end two ted rewarded QoeavlIIe A severe storm broke over Hol land Landing Tuesday afternoon and followed Ihe direction of the lake for Sutton and Sharon also felt tho full force of it although at Newmarket and Aurora it was comparatively slight At Hol land Landing during the height of the storm a frame dwelling bouse tenanted by Webb was struck and practically wrecked although it was not set on fire The lightning struck roof and demolished it and a considerable portion of the furniture was also destroyed Many of the at the Landing wore washed away by the torrential downpour of rain and In many places the croos were laid low At Sharon a barn owned by a man named was struck by lightning and destroyed with contents and at Point another barn owned by A shared the fate aye about severe thai the oars were delayed half an faour appar- A phone Up Sutton was soon on hand and hitched onto the disabled car for all the world Just as one would hitch a rope on on old dead horse and yank way to the bone yard There ore some awfully rustylooking old godevils on the road beside which Andrew old horse Is an epulne beauty James A Cryderman Is now the possessor of two very speedy horses the little beauty Mabel and his recent purchase Waller lightfoot pacer So clear the way for Old Dan Tucker Berries have been an extra good A year ago our lamented and departed friend John Oldham was doing yeoman service at trimming and cultivating his berry bushes A pro fessed horticulture expert remarked that he was throwing away his work that would never be anyUdng True John never reaped a reward for his labor but there was an Immense The pushes were borne to the ground by the weight of fruit Chas thereby Two- different Individuals sent me marked clippings from Globe con taining on an tour from Polutto Toronto I thank my anonymous friends en joyed Us perusal much I should much enjoy a confab grand ma spoken of I presume iC would have to be through a spirit medium and hi afraid Id be a doubting Thomas presume the write la a Breeie reader I hope later on to refer to acme In ft Out By falUug of a a Miss May Hunker spcnl the week end with her sisters oclock on Tuesday after noon during the heavy electrical storm the barn ami stables on farm of Mr Ross were struck by lightning and totally consumed Mr Eves who has the farm rented lost a binder a sulky plow a quantity of hay There Was a small insurance on the buildings and con tents Miss Bertie is enjoying a muchneeded holiday with friends and relatives here The Ladies Cross Society held a very successful meet ing at Mrs A McKenzics Tuesday evening They are devoting towards supplying comforts- for our boys at the front If of Toronto vis ited Ills brother Mr one day last week Mr Bond of spent over Sunday with friends In the vil lage Miss Alma Bond is also spend ing her among her old school males Mrs Nathan Chapman of spent the weekend with her brothers Messrs John and Geo Wright and with Mrs Pearson We are to have a new teacher Miss Cameron of Mr and Mrs Harry Wight of Au rora spent Wednesday afternoon with friends the Village Mr M Allen of Klora paid us a Hying visit one evening last week delivered a very Im pressive sermon to a large In the Methodist Church last Sunday Some of people took in the Sharon Band Garden Party and report a good tune We extend congratula tions to the Sharon ladies for pro viding such an excellent supper and the Band should provide them with an abundance of music Levi con enter tain two ladles easily but wasnt in It Wonder if Mels smile will ever wear off Mr Max has been up Willi bloodpoisoning has returned to his work again Mr Norman Rogers lady friend and Mr Julius Rogers were the guests of Mr W Hill on Sunday Mr and Mrs J Smith of Armitage Mr and Mr Volt and sou Frank of Sharon spent Sunday at Mr leaons Mr and Mr Mat are visiting at Mr npsons Webster of Hamilton visit ing Ida Mr Draper or the weekend with slater Mr J Mlu Nellie Ballard spent Sunday with Lulu hi Co of Toronto load ed a car Toronto Quite a numbers from here and Im mediate vie I oily went and say the crop was excellent We regret very much lo hear of the accident to Mr A which occurred while roofing on Mr- vlss drivingflhed The scaffold gave way and Mr Crydennan received a broken ankle Mr who was also on the scaffold Hie lime had a slight shaking up new scribe seems to be quite concerned about the loss of beau tys berries Utile things please little minds Why even our little church lower girl bail a metaphorical laugh But some class to that miserable dis honest lowlived longlingered per son who took the berries Messrs A Johnson took a business trip north last week Say That new scribe Is something like the ball he only shows himself occasionally and that at night Next Sabbath at 1045 am Mr 1 John King will lake charge of the meeting In church fevery- come and hear an able sermon Wonder whats wrong with our electrician Occasionally hes away from service- hes gelling his magnet loaded and then look out for a But sometimes tile shock mis carries on the clothesline ami discon nected wires etc electrician on the hill That couldnt still Oh come back and get on the track Be a skillful worker A magnet to load Keep your hand upon the throttle And your eye upon the All I In the distance I hear the sounding tinkling cym- ball Ha l I Mr and Mrs Grant arc back from their visit Our leading merchant Mr Is selling lots of merchandise lliesc days Sorry lo report the death of Mr and Mrs Harry little and only child from hooping cough fol lowed by pneumonia Harvest is in full swing and farmers are bringing in magnificent sheaves Hello How are shorts selling now Whew I Wonders never cease but I must close now as I am very busy like ev erybody else Sleeping Beauty CA BY J A ALLAN CO Sutton West Coming Luke Op Street able optician can be consulted your eyes for glasses at A Dixons Jewelry Store Sutton Saturday August 25th Sutton West The Annual Bazaar held at The Briars on Wednosdly Aug was a decided success Alt hough lle weather was very unfavorable a large number took advantage of the opportunity to purchase Ihe many pretty and useful articles displayed on the tables Tea was served from to pm Proceeds amounted lo part of which will bo sent tolbo Preventorium Toron to and the balance to Red Cross Society Mrs T Noble and children returned on Saturday after spend ing a few weeks in Ottawa Miss Helen is- spending a week at The Rectory Shanty Kay Mrs Norman Burrows and baby w guests of Mrs Geo Burrows over the weekend Miss Myrtle Willis is spending a few days at Tho Jacksons PI Mr Morris loaded three car lots of potatoes at the point this week Our Master is quite a fellow ye keep everything K Baptizing here on Sunday Aug A good number is going to be baptized Mr Wilson is about to rent his farm Our beauty Is Just perfect He also Ifl some rider Sorry to hear that Mr A Cryderman got his leg broken while working on a scaffold at Mr Roy The scaffold fell while be was on it Mr and Grant have returned home again visit two weeks in the North Mr Win Johnston has loaded another oar of Ho la bustler Wild duck plentiful around hers this fctwoo The Maxwell is mechanically right All the world knows that today Why A Maxwell stock car went miles without stopping the motor i Maxwells in our May gasoline economy contest on one gallon each Maxwells in our June conleit averaged miles on one gallon each If the standardized one model Max well were not mechanically right these achievements would have been Isnt that the kind of efficiency the of economy you want in YOUR car J Touring Car Roadafr 91540 AH WinJiot Sutton West HARVESTERS WANTED 1Ialf a I to any Station Winnipeg Return Fare Half a Cent per Mile lo Winnipeg till November 30th plus to Original Starting Special through trains will leave Toronto Union AUGUST 1st Leave Toronto A Aug 21st Leave Toronto P M Aug and 30th The Best of Equipment and Lunch Corresponding Times at Richmond Hill Special Accommodation for For Tickets and for Leaflet showing required at each point apply In or write General Passenger Agent i two P The other Clove body other Pine WE I will receive a of shout May consisting of Cream of est Queen City Flour Th and Monarch Flour For Pastry Oream of the In bags Less MILL FEEDS WWW I I WHOLE 1 oats above Is to be sold at lowest prices is very scarce and hard to procure and I advise eat I BROWN HILL CHARLES J TO a Your thing except LET Phone Studio the PI Sc THE OS NORl HAt The Farm is the THE I We do all Are you NEW We have Town If you you will He are A The on laal play tells at o us a lis super slao Age and Door Might Wlers a learn Mare 1p ARCHIVE TORONTO

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