Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 17 Aug 1917, p. 5

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dSS J vv i ft I J t- J ff Notary ffl Loan on good Farm security TMoDONAtD ft DOUG Solicitor Notaries Toronto Hank Building corner l Sis St snldor J Harvey Bono jjowmarkot Offloo Toronto 10 in Frank Duncan uvEnpoouriArjiTODn FRED Wilkinson DENTIST Main and Sis Newmarket for tho Social to bo hold MoUrodiat cKurch Other How They Were jjt lost week Cameil Safely Through Change of Life and it took in tho School- a and young ladles wore very In addition Ho tho oh tho Edison Phonograph llioro were solos by Miss Miss- Miss McGarty and Mr thus providing a vory social ev ening i Corner Dr J Boyd in Medicine of Graduate febllcKC iMyMciurn and College of Surgeons Former clinical swlBlant Id Hospital ttidiy Collie Tested Glasses 110 Hours ml Unl oad Throat rail Pair Committee finishing up their collodions this A great many Prizes are be ing offered this year Directors are anticipating host lairs over hold in New market Theorize list will ho in the hands of the printer next week it is and will bo nick for three years I hud hot am the mother of fourteen children and I owe my life to Vegetable Com pound When I Was and had the of Life a friend- recom mended It and it gave mo relief from bad feel ings that I took several bottles I urn now well and healthy end recom mend your Compound to other ladies Mrs Mary A Woman Mee My from my ago and I felt awfully found and tlian ever Committee have secured the talent for two Aurora Club will proviso the entertainment Second Night of Fair and Taloiil will fill the hill for the Third Night Watch out for pamphlets and posters giving full information LOOTING Know Doomed professional fttt North End Newmarket Phone WATCHMAKER AND Park Avenue Adj New Post Office Qroon PAINTER AND Arden Ave 2ndliouso from Queen Phone PO Box of Mu- A of Piano and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds instruments Piano Tuning Agent for Columbia and Complete Slock Prom Service Lyman Jaokeon Issuer of Obituary Died at his home in rite Marie Mioh on Monday Aug after six months illness Mr ser in his year Deceased was woll known in the Sou For many years ho conducted a bakery on Aye hut a few years ago retired to the about thirty- five years ago from Durham On tario lie was a prominent in Baptist Church having united with that half a century ago and for many years filled the position of Deacon which office he held at the lime of his death funeral services were held In the Baptist Church on Tuesday afternoon A Owens of ficiating Besides Mr widow one brother of Newmarket Ontario an adopted daughter in Angeles survive Copied from Marie Paper Marriage Licenses At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private gpPapera issued at private if desired NEWMARKET LE LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- Call before ordering elsewhere CUT STONE BUILDING I Kept ia Slock and Made to Order GEO W NORTH YORK MARBLE AND GRANITE I I r Designs In Monuments AH Kinds of Cemetery Work PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO see us before buying elsewhere Wnds of Building Stones Order wid Importer of end MAIIIHKS 55 Newmarket Ho w the Time to Plant Whet you take off your or Potatoes VOUH OWN and Save at of AUrlli We clip le following The Mel fort Moon of Aug lh The death of Mrs George A of place Sunday at At into Hospital Deceased was years of ago nod ia survived hy a husband and three small children daughters and a son the youngest being hut months old and the eldest three yours The deceased was married four years ago last July at Winnipeg Man and was formerly Miss Elizabeth Jean of Ontario The funeral will take place this afternoon Wednesday p from St James Presbyterian where a short memorial service will he held theiice to Mount Pleasant cemetery for in terment The deceased was a very estim able lady and much beloved by the neighbors of the district and the sympathy of the entire com munity goes out to the sorrowing husband and family in their hour of bereavement Junior Matriculation Exams lib results of the Exams are now completed and Newmarket High School has taken a high standing reflecting much credit on the staff and pupils A num ber failed in Lower School exams but in each case the pupil wrote against the advice of the Principal The following list contains the names of the candidates wIlo successful in whole or in part on the pass junior matriculation ex amination Louise Ml Addison Gladys V Beatrice Lyons and Edgar Pope These obtained complete matriculation by passing on the twelve required examination papers which are as follows literature English com position British and Canadian history ancient history algebra geometry Latin authors Latin composition together with the papers in any two of the follow ing subjects Experimental science physics and chemistry French authors and composi tion German authors and composition Greek authors and composition Gordon Lillian and Flet cher They failed to obtain mini mum required on the whole ex amination hut obtained per cent on eight papers and an average of per cent Gordon Minn- has to write on Algebra and Latin Authors Lillian often and frequently Buffered from pains I took Vegetable Compound and now am Mrs Box Mobs Such warning sense of nches dread of impending timidity In ears palpitation of heart before constipation vcrlnblo appetite vcaknessanddhaineesBhouldboheeded by women E Pink hams Compound has carried women through this The effect of the orders of the Food for Canada will now be manifest in all public eat ing bouses and if you do not see the usual meets on the Bill of Faro you will be reminded that Canada is at War and- the men at Front need the rood that you are accustomed to get The serving of beef and bacon is prohibited on Tuesdays and Fridays and at more than one meal any otber day Sub stitutes such as corn bread oat cakes potatoes etc must be provided at every meal at which white bread is served The term public eating places includes any hotel restahrant cafeteria club or other place where meals to the number of IwenXyfive per ay are served lo persons other than members of the family or household of the proprietor In all such public eating places there must he prominently dis played a prinled notice to the that persons in ordering their food ought to consider the needs of Great Britain and allies and their armies for wheat beef and bacon and that the Food Controller requires the pub lic to do everything in Us power to make these commodities avail able for export by eating as little as possible of thorn and by mak ing use of substitutes and avoid ing waste SUNDAY SOFTOOL WORK mm the Fall and Months on Physics and Chemistry and Llewcllau Fletcher on Latin Authors The exams show that had it not been for the projudioo of the public against Principal Fair- child he would have made a suc cess in Newmarket All candidates who have failed on the June matriculation exam ination In whole or in part are eligible to candidates at It may be of interest to the readers of the Era to learn Ihing about the greatest and most important institution of the Church in North York Sunday Schools Of those are in the Township of King in Whitchurch in North and Sutton 12 in East in Newmarket and in Aurora There are 773 of ficers and teachers with pupils attending the regularises- sions of the Schools on Sunday Besides these we have Cradle with babies enlisted and 30 Home departments with more than members mak ing a grand total of enrolled in connection with the Schools in our County And through this inslruinenlality members were added to the churches North Tor forms one unit of which there arc in all in the Province of Ontario Each of them when fully organized has its County and Us township organ izations with seven departmental Superintendents There are three grades of County Stand ards the Organized the Banner and the FrontLine All of this is under the general management and supervision of the Sunday School Association of which Halfpenny is the General Secretary At the last annual Convention of this Association held Smiths Falls and at a lovely Bauer was award ed to North which was tho first and only Banner of this given shows that North York stands at the very bead in general efficiency of Sunday School work In Ontario This is certainly very much lo the credit and a great honor for North York which has been at tained through the zeal and faith fulness of our splendid corps of Sunday School workers led on for several by our efficient and tireless leader P Fletcher the SecretaryTreasurer of the County It was therefore Cairo Egypt July situation in this sum mer is the most serious since the war began A schema for the looting of Jerusalem is already being executed and throughout the country side tho Turk has embarked on a calculated policy of plundering and killing the na tive inhabitants so that if they are forced to vacate the country they will leave behind them a Tho only that can save them the only hope bat buoys them up is that the British armies now hammering at the gates of the Holy Land may soon drive out the Turks Information about conditions in Palestine reaches here from many sources some more or less direel but most of them rather roundabout The following statement of the present situa tion is given to the Associated with all these sources The altitude of the young Turks toward the unfortunate nonTurkish races within their Empire has always been harsh and oppressive During the war it has been open campaign of robbery exploitation and mas sacre for the Young Turks real izing that the partition of the lands under their rule is unavoid able have determined to gel as much as they can out of the in habitants while they are in possession The stupendous wickedness of the of the Ar menian nation cannot be dis missed as a mere device of Oriental statecraft or as a peculiar measure aimed at one particular race for it is the Turkish policy towards not only the Armenians hut Arabs Greeks and Jews in fact all people who are subjects of the Turk but are not themselves of Turkish blood 8oo here was some pros- perl of in retain or enlarge their empire Turks although retreating their sublet races badly did not ac tually seek to destroy them To day knowing themselves doom ed It is Iheir calculated policy to kill of the bulk of inhabi tants of Palestine and extort the last ounce of money goods from them so thai if they are forced lo vacate country they will leave behind them a desert Their policy is not consistent with or needs and is not supported by oven on the whole for we met- nobody who asked us questions Of course wo did pot travel in the daytime Our food gave out but wo got along with old turnips from the fields and fruit Once wo found friendly chicken which wont the rest of Journey inside of us Itda good fun the weather be ing fine When wcw crossed frontier guard came up and was not ft bit to find Wo were sent to Rotterdam filed out with new clothes es pecially boots ours having been worn to bits There is no doubt things going hard with the German civilians A private of Royal Scots Fusiliers got away with us Wo should not have done so well if we had not thought it all out well in was adopted and J was appointed- to Superintend the carrying out of this proposal are interested will bo glad to loam that the proposal beautifully andsiic- cessfully- The hundred dollars has been raised arid forwarded to Halfpenny arid ilev P is duly entitled to Life Membership in Ontario and it will lie so announced at the next Annual Convention to be held at Chatham in October J plots in New York Aug Some of the details of German plots against the United Stales were disclosed by John former press representative of the German Embassy at the mid day Minute Men Meeting on Sun day In exposing elaborate spy system including bomb outrages and propaganda carried on at the direction of his former employ ers Mr said If you know half of what wont on as we on the Inside knov It you would be ashamed that America did not enter war two years earlier than she did An office in Lower Wall street was head quarters where dynamiters were paid off At the HamburgAmerican Line of fices Dr Albert worked out his wonderful spy system andd di rected the blowing up of munition factories At No 123 Broadway was the German publicity bureau where all seditious and treasonable papers wore financed At a staff of thirtyfive clerks were attached lo the of the system Eight months before the Mexican and Japanese plots were discovered Germans left this country and set to work in Mexico von Commercial Attache to the Ger man Embassy hero wont lo Mex ico last November As soon as he got there wo could notice the effect- of his work There oil strikes at Tarn- pleo and an effort on the part of the Mexican Government to stop exportation of oil to United States The strike also effected the shipments loMhe allies- as Iheir navies depend for most of their oil supply upon With regard to Canada plots have been fomented in Ibis country and executed across the border- 6 JACKSONS POINT Dunn A of To is to be the preacher at the Summer Cottage next Sun day evening London Aug 13 Two of German machines which last slenderest pretexts for its neees- evening raided English It is dictated solely by a southeast coast watering places savage brutality The Turk has were destroyed by British naval forIiplornacy if Utile for stales- airplanes Tho official state- in the- nasi shown some issued by Government for diplomacy if little for stales- says one of machines was a but the modern Young airplane and other a Turk of the of Union seaplane and progress is an infinitely A escape from worse tyrant than his predeoes- serious if fatal injuries was and all the native savagery experienced by Iwo motor parties and that are Sunday morning now find vent in deliberate when a big car belonging to Mr and organized crimes Germany J John collided with an- exercised no restraining in fluence and indeed shares largely in the Ottoman guilt t other car going in an opposite direction Both cars were bad ly smashed front wheels Mr car being torn off MAN and rear wheels badly of the occupants London Aug 13 Privates If Henderson and have succeeded in escaping from Germany They were taken prisoners at into a ditch OF FALL Sept Wood in June last year and Bolton Oct and Bradford Oct 10 and 17 thought at the last annual town ship Conventions that some special notice should he taken of such a notable distinction It was accordingly suggested that best and most appropriate re cognition of it would be for the Sunday Schools of County lo join in an effort to raise and contribute to make Hey P W Life Member of the Provincial Association This would materially aid the of lh supplemental matriculation examination Sept thVgerieraVafisociaUon and were first taken to and then lo the Canadian As sociated Pressi the men said thoy had a rough time and for the last few months had been working in quarries There was no actual brutality to prisoners so long as they worked hard and being in the pink of condition they were able to do this The Food however was Insufficient Parcels from the Red Cross ar rived mostly in good shape and but for these the prisoners would certainly have gone near starva tion Wo had resolved for a long to try getting away said Henderson The parcels from home came in awfully handy and we managed to save some thing out For nearly a couple of months we were hiding some thing about the camp when we went out in working parlies tak ing good care lo remember where we had put it all It was hard lines not to bo able lo eat it some but wo had made up our minds that this was the only way of victualing ourselves for the Journey to tho frontier One night we were out a bit later than usual and Just as darkness was coming on we slipped off There was no alarm We went for the parcels end found them at although Sept Oct and Lindsay Sept Oct 35 Newmarket Sept 2628 Oct and Oct 12 Sutton Sept and 2f Toronto Aug Weston Sept and 12 Zephyr Oct CURED by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the car There is one way to cure catarrhal deafness and that Is by a remedy deafness Is caus ed by an Inflamed condiUon of the muc ous lining of the Eustachian Tube When the tube is inflamed you have a sound or Imperfect hearing end is closed Deaf ness Is the result Unless the can be reduced and this tube restored to Its normal condition hear ing will be destroyed forever Many cases of are caused by catarrh an inflamed condJUon of the mucous surfaces Halls Catarrh Cure sols the blood on the mucous surfaces of In system We will sive one Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness that cannot- cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Circuls free All J A CO Galium Cleanses the teeth sweetens the mouth allays thirst and fatigue The Forces in Europe are finding it a great comfort It gives them vim and staying power It is refreshing to workers everywhere in oh era Mud It ami tight kept McBtf TOW THE FLAVOUR I J Halt is Now the time to buy the Breezy Summer Things you NEED while you can buy for such Low Prices We never carry anything but BEST Furnishing Goods and Hats in Our Store as you can get only Best from us while our leftovers last The sooner you come in the better the PICKING CLOTH I NO Pinch Back and Other and for 2000 for 15eo Palm Suits for Quits and for and Effect and for 9G for Odd 3 for for Headlight Overalls for Undorweais mid for SHIRTS and for IVorhlng and for TIES for or for 1 for SHOES SSof or for nd Oxfords for 6 and Boots for Black Tan and Patent and Button Style i m Mens Outfitter ARCHI 9 x

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