on A Convention fSfm field at nipcp couple last week and paired resolutions Declaring the Borden out Iriconinetoht and inefficient mended Stale ownership and operation of cold storage plains Urged Government to stamp out combines in restraint of trade Condemned proposal to pay an arbitrated price for the common Advocated a lax on war profits for the duration of the war Passed resolu tion but no mention of on Approved increase in the British preference to per cent Iho general tariff with a view to ultimate free trade Willi Groat Britain the latter phrase being added in Hie convention as an amendment- The tariff resolu tion also approved of addition to lie free list Favored a national bank and the formation of a commission with the powers lo control Iho banking fsystonis of the country OOOl- Editorial Notes Reader I do any goal In world for others I to oo It and I fool It is duty to writo about result I received from ma of Amine wm suffering from trouble ana feet n to ftt tlmo I could not walk without taken different of kidney remedies bat all failed I tot box of Dr dis covery which received by mail In tablet form I coon got tetter am convinced that this popular now medicine good with rcc- to my and differing from each trouble J the Efficient Flour rill bailor for I and flaky High fa food ftld to tilt I The Purity Flour Cook Book I publication on kitchen practice a 160pot general between cover reliable and tor all manner of lor the ordinary meals well us economical lor the preparation dainty and contccUona Mailed cenla or WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO Oily papers report that Toron to District Council of the Temp lars of Temperance has paused fl resolution which the of the members to do to increase supply of fool but it also expresses the Opinion that the Government should bo consistent and set a good ex ample by prohibiting the criminal waste of wheat barley sugar and other foodstuffs used in the manufacture of intoxicants when famine and hunger are on threshold This evil mustbo wip ed out of England before she wins the war A now temperance bin making drastic provisions for currying the will of the people in pro hibition provinces went through Committee and received ita third reading in the House of Com mons Inst Ontario and other prohibition Provinces gel tho light through their legisla tures to put the ban upon liquor advertising mails are denied lo circulars and letters for liquors The publication of liquor ments within those Provinces may be made a punishable of fence and any prohibition Pro vince may prohibit the entrance of any newspaper published out side its territory which contains liquor advertising all undoubtedly of tho Dr Pierce and well- known inGdielncs prescrip tion ono that been for many by physicians and fipociallala at Dr Invalids Hotel and Institute of Buffalo for and dis eases arising from of the and bladder such as weak back rheumatism dropsy congca- of of bladder acaldlng urine and urinary troubles Up to this time has not been on to public but by tho of many and tho eased demand for this wonderful Tablet Doctor baa finally decldeo to put it Into stores or end cents for largo trial package or centa for full treatment Simply ask for Doctor Tablets There can bo no imitation Every of la to bo Dr You will find on Inst as you do on Dr Prescription over- famous friend to ailing women and Dr Golden Medical Discovery proven by yean to bo the greatest gen eral tonic and lor any besides beat known Our Toronto Letter See our Exhibit in Transportation Exhibition Toonto Aug to Sept I 4 Model EightyFivo i The Car Ahead HER I l ERE IS the Overland Model Eighty- the lowpriced quality car that has been the clioice of thousands Drive where you will you are sure to see on EiilrlyFive and more often than not it will be pointed out as the car ahead For this Overland EightyFive has power and plenty of it Moreover it is a smoothrunning faniily car one that vill accommodate five people comfortably without crowding You con have your choice in this model of either a four cylinder engine or a six The of the Four 112 inches the Six Both ore exceptional values A demonstration vill convince you For who entailer cars LIGHT FOURS Touting I Club J CO 9U Newmarket WllyOvcrlwKJ limited J Besides an article entitled Canadas- Amateur which tells about the men who have helped to make famous exploits of Canadian soldiers The Canadian Magazine for August contains a good variety of interesting and instructive con tributions The place that the everyday life of the Old Country is well described by Amy In an article entitled Li quor and War and Austin Harrison gives a splendid article on How Long Will Hate Last Tho work of the Royal Flying Corps in Canada is the basis of an article by and Alien Races in Russia is the- title of a timely article by Laura Denton There are several excellent stories of a season- character The fish traffic between the At lantic sea coast and Toronto is rapidly The Globe of Saturday last remarks A consignment of fresh haddock and codfish from the At lantic seaboard under the ar rangements made by Food Con- Trot I Hon J ar rived in the city yesterday morn ing The shipment contained pounds Long before noon all of consignment had been disposed of and the demand bad not nearly been met shipments received this week have not been sufficient to supply all of the homes that have responded to call to buy fish However it is hoped that by next week conditions have adjusted themselves Yester days shipment like the first was in excellent condition tons of fish arrived in To ronto last Monday morning A few shipments like that every week- should reduce tho prico of meat The following teachers ob tained interim certificates and thereby qualified to House hold Science in rural Public Schools viz Alma Coddy Sarah J Christie Mabel Maggie Hamilton Florence Harrison Francis Richardson Martha Rutherford and Carry Winters Tire piano and supply manu factures agreed to allow ton per cent of their employes off lo assist in harvesting the crops and to pay the men the difference between their regular wages and those paid them as farm labor- One hundred and sixty men accepted the conditions of fered and left Monday morning to enter on harvest work A number of the City Fire Brigade also left to help farmers during the harvest The annual picnic of the Motor Club was held at Bond Lake on Saturday Over three hundred members and friends were present Roy Cross a young clerk in the A King silk factory Wellington Street fell down the elevator shaft of three storeys on Saturday He was taken to Grace Hospital suffering from injury lo arm and hip Three girls who live at Centre Island were rescued from drown ing by the crew of the city dredge Daniel Lamb at Landing Island Park girls Were bathing near where the dredge was working but did not notice that the dredge was mak ing a deeper channel into Long Pond The girls waded into deep water and one girl who lives on Cherokee avenue at the Island nearly lost her life The girl was unconscious when brought ashore and artificial respiration restored her A large party of mothers and children mostly belonging to soldiers families were taken out by the Toronto Fresh Air Society lo on Sat urday It was one of the hap piest lots this organization has taken out this season The weather was perfect and a most enjoyable time After rolling discirtendhar- rowlng delayed With one retains a surface- mulch opens aerates fines- the stilt and many had lybos of noxious weeds the the summer this work Is most effective the present scarcity of labour this is the cheapest and most practicable method of weed soil preparation for grain or- even for hoed After the sod is decayed a rigid or springtooth cultivator with wide points should be kept going at intervals until autumn Then the land should be thoroughly ploughed as deep as the humus or plant food in the soil will allow On the Dominion Illustrations Stations some re sults have been obtained in com paring the summer cultivation of soil land with fall ploughing the same which indicates very clear ly the benefit derived from sum mer cultivation as outlined In addition to the greater yield obtained it should be remembered that the land is thereby put into much cleaner conditfon for sub sequent crops Two fields of acres each were taken the first field was ploughed after harvest was cul tivated occasional during the summer and autumn and plough ed in the the other field of acres WOT left in sod and al so ploughed in the autumn The oats from the summer cultivated field gave a yield of bushels more per acre than the field ploughed in the autumn This difference of bushels on fouracre field at cents a bushel shows a total gain of Counting the cost of summer cultivating at per acre a total cost of for the acres an increase in net profit of J Or per acre was obtained The soil on the- cultivated field being in a much finer condition and almost from weeds the difference in profits from the two fields if worked alike should be almost as great the following season ROOTS rows of sugar beets grown on summercultivat ed land produced Melons while rows of the same length ploughed only produced tons a difference of ijli pounds The price paid at the factory be ing per ton a gain of per acre was shown in favour of the afterharvest cultivation fine which dissolves at once Order by in original packages PRESERVING FREE ATLANTIC SUGAR to go to Country tin PHONE Let us make you Comfortable in a COVERED BUGGY OR AUTO Prompt Charges Reasonable A BOYD Prop night on Phono Promptly Attended 10 Wart KILLED AT Camp Borden Aug A of he Flying Corps was killed in the wreck of his airplane this morning His homo was in Midland It is not known just how the accident occurred The of another airplane accident has just died In the camp hospital Cadet Reginald Walker who was flying with Cadet Smith at aerial gunnery practice banked his machine loo steeply on a turn and to the ground from a height of about feel Both his legs were broken and pneumonia set in as the result of his injuries He is the son of Rev Walker of Victoria A large deputation visited tho Ottawa Government the other day and urged them lo undertake im mediate sixty air plane Conscience is the highest of ill leourUjViotor SOME DAY WE WILL MAKE YOUR Why Not Now Toronto Opticians Limited STREET EAST and TORONTO OLD SUM MER Experimental Farm Koto Two years on the average farm Is quite long enough to leave meadows down for best results and greatest profits They should then be broken up and cultivated for other crops Tho present is an excellent time to commence this operation During haying and before grain harvest there are many days af ter showers when Iho teams be profitably put at ploughing the old meadow ploughing is not neces sary nor need the furrows be set up narrow plough Rapid work at this time of is es sential A plough with three horses will mover a large piece of land in a day At the close of each day the area ploughed that day should be roll ed This breads the lumps presses down the furrows re establishes connection between surface soil and tho subsoil bringing up Iho moUture from aid in rotting the the sod to GViHimbiuy Council SHARON AUG municipal Council of the Town ship of Hast was held on the above dato all the members present Communications read from J re grant to the Public School Fair from the Ontario Municipal Association their Meeting at Toronto Also Reeve Keith of Newmar ket addresed the Council re spect mark of recog nition to the Soldiers returned from overseas service Slick wood Proctor That a grant of fifteen dollars be made to the Public School Fair to be held in this Township Carried Haines That the claim of Mr John for sheep killed by dogs be paid upon Mr Kellington furnishing the Treasurer the Affidavit re quired by the sheep protection act Carried Proctor Haines That this Council approves of the proposal of the Newmarket Town Council as presented by Reeve Keith of Newmarket to present some mark of recognition to the Soldiers re turned from overseas service and this Council pledges its support and cooperation Carried Following bills were passed Benjamin Eves Cutting weeds Sharon Burying Ground Richard Rye drawing Gravel Con Henry sheep claim J grant Public School Fair It Manning repairs to Grader Robert Wilson bolts for bridge Con John work on Con William Harrison work on Con Mrs Ida work on Con 9 John work on Con fleo West work lots 2526 Con Geo King work lots Con 7 Geo work lots Con David work on Railing Con William Foster work and Timber on Culverts Con John Tale repairs to Hall W Eves work Con I Amos Lapp Gravel Dan Gravel Geo Cole Gravel Win Geo Gravel Peter Gravel on Printing Acct Mark Hall Culvert Con A ByLaw was passed for purpose of and collecting the taxes for the year Council adjourned to meet on Friday Sept at p A Clerk hat we have now are Guaranteed In way that will not fade MATERIALS Pure Worsteds of British Manufacture IP The beat Right CALL A WILLIS TAILOU Phono Main HURON To Every Lover of HOMEMADE BAKING TRY LOO L87 1675 1160 2160 375 2500 Our Favorite and Five Rose FRESH FEED GOOD ANTHRACITE Prices Right OLIVER TERMS STRICTLY CASH Give Us DIKE Flour COAL 1 Call Phone SOUTH END ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR Loader for Broad Made from Old Wheat PASTRY FLOURS A 8H0RT8 ALL KIND8 OF FEED FOWL I ID GOOD VAMETIE8 ALL KINDS OF QRA88 I Prompt Doll very x A HOWARD MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH LUMBER Such as Flooring and pjjjJS in Pino Cypress Ash Oak and Stan all well kiln dried and nicely machined Doors and Window Frames boors In Pin Fir will InUfMt you- Kindly 1 PWtchcr and Mr Bon by Univeraliy Royal of Ihe England in Coll Hospital Li Te ll our Til Pre Residence North WATCH M Adjoin PAINTER Phone 281 Teacher lin Deal sical I Agent Grapho Complete Lyr Marri At the Call Kept in St GEO NORTH AN I AD KUid Call and Wl Minis OHO mm J m I