i I sue rn AUG Albert Rogers been fHng George Public duties to commence ffi school reopen fiAflr Soon of feed Gimps 7 cold Well must A Sale of of baking of cars on wlUi fcvo loyou- homo it a wholesome poultry iW n continent of reduction fuel lnrHl In UN United per cent on May ltd on thin are hi good fceeix J lion arid good It a crop of- thing is sun wll greater result of request that HOT ftXCfi 101i0 hi on table ivnsle etc prediction justified oven cold W sell ill not S failed Winter mliirtlvii as Fall li81 Sept Kept King Township Township Sharon Sept iVhilchurch Township Vondorf 1Mb Sept Vauglia H town Sept I York Township Sept Both Township wnship Mnrkham Oct Gene to of young iriTi promoted to a City Job wbo boon for nine years In Hie chlnplnK of Worts has boon inn to a position In Iho Winnipeg Hoy iindorwonl an opera lin In Alio Hospital at Toronto no and has lie loft ttliosiay morning way of the p T toko advantage of Trip Port and It WlIHarn will tie missed in Tvwn IP Is an OddFellow and also part In oil departments of fillriHllan especially la lh Sunday and Kndeavor Society We with many friends In in the Weal IlieNovViimrhol Womens- Aux iliary of Resources Committee- intent holding a demonstration on Canning and Veotablqs in the Town Wall on Tuesday Aug at oclock woman in the Town and sur rounding country interested in the Conservation or is invited to attend I iifia Operations In a from McCnf fny this week ho- advices that he his mate have just finished huilding a new cottage and as they expect to move- soon I hoy wish the following ad to appear or to rcntVimy View Collage in one of the choicest localities of northern France distance of the German trenches This ami contains one with front windows and canvass hack All modern includ ing and water This desir able Is feet above the river commanding an excellent view of the old enemy trenches puck Anyone desiring the above can have sumo by apply ing to the recruiting Wow In Stock I v- AH the best end of in All bill Toronto gotTlack limped out of Mho do us on Saturday when rinks train- Considerable indignation O In All Wk come up- and gave us a beating expressed on two rinks The visitors Were prom nent in the flnId Evidently the King and all council got tired of its Job themselves with the hos pitality of our howlers The President Gordon Manning In terms responded to the loast and the of the Hosts beat Newmar ket at all rinks in Trophy on Tuesday Trophy Red Cross Society The Hod Cross Society of New market in very grateful lo fit Johns Church Newmarket for its contribution of lo the funds of the society Supplies sent lo Head this week Pyjamas Dor Pair Rooks Pair Slippers Head Window Shades Curtains ffladrao MusVln and Bungalow Walt Kindt of Those Selling at Less Prloo than We Can Now Buy Them for f if Our of Shoot at largo as usual so that we protect you from Prices etfrne time Wo BUM Think Sugar a pood Buy It Bound to go to a Higher Prioo Office A Joint meeting of the King and Whitchurch Councils and the Toronto and Highway Com- mission was held Tuesday evening Aurora presided overbV Reeve of Richmond Hill The meeting had been called to dis cus loafer of he on Street at Aurora arid it relatives in Toronto was Unanimously decided lo go M Doylo of Toronto is ahead A a few days with his way will bo made foot Wife and family and the subway will ho Mrs Milton of Toronto sidewalks wilt bo returned homo Monday after feet wido land tho Dominion visiting with her mother and Hoard will be asked to apportion Plans will Mr and and drawn immediately by of Niagara visiting with cer A James but actual Mrs of Holly work will not ho commenced unj HI question Of cost has been Hoard On Wednesday Mrs Jones letter and a card from her husband who is a prisoner in Ger many The card Is dated the of and stales that he Is well weather Is hot He had Just re ceived her letter of 8th of May was the Unit for some lime The letter Is partly follows Altdomm June 25th My Dear Wife and Family I now write hoping to find you all in the best of health as It leaves Have written to mother several limes Inil have not had any answer I told you that had received Miss Forsyths letter and I hope Mr letter Titl Office fipoolalty Exhibit A business fully COM with tho latest filimdevices and office systems made in Canada will comprise exhibit of the Office Specialty Co Newmarket In lliclr in the Building at the Toronto RxhihMion Competent salesmen and sten ographers will on duty at the tooth during the entire period of lh- Canadian National Exhibi tion August Kent to consult and advise Interested visitors in any one or more of he articles manufactured ly he Company Si anil novel de vices will he on and Hie Company hopes many of New market will Hi exhibit where they will receive welcome re- Mr slates that H have com J to open the on time with alienor showing of Offiep products than evtr Churclf The District Quarterly Missionary Convention lliL ill Church Aug lo was well attended and greatly enjoyed by an The district includes j IKIHilnl tfAniiHniill JlardloK and I suppose you having some hot weather over there now are having It very hot I he glad when It gels cooler The work Is hard- enough without the heat We have had a few thunder storms but very little rain shall PC glad to gel hack home again though I- should not mind In us we got food regular there If It was not for a parcel coming now and again I dont know what we should do It seems to me that only get half What I should one parcel last week hut none this week No bread here so I am longing for some to come I hope yrju and the children arc getting on all right I have not had a line from you for several weeks The let ters must gel destroyed or held up somewhere There has not been much mail given out here for some weeks There no pleasure here for us hoys- plenty of hard work and little to eat We have not had to work the last two Sundays so we got a days rest asked you in my to send some money to the to send me some socks brush and comb and some handkerchiefs which need pretty bad Hope I am not asking too much of you wrote to the Cross at London about thai parcel sent by Mr and got a card from them saying that It had been forwarded to me but I suppose it has gone where a lot of other parcels of mine have gone I cannot get a to bacco parrel through The Cross send them to month but I dont get them I am sending you my phoo Had- it done here in the fac tory on what these people call a fab- Rod The Ladies of Cross packed a box this week contain ing Binders Wash Cloths day Shirts Com binations pes Bocks Towels Valued at 8585 this i0 pairs of socks and combinations were sent to boys direct overseas mouth the amount col lected in the lied Cross box amounted lo The Indies wish lo llnnk all those that sisl them in this way It is only a small amount from caoh one hut it means a great deal to hose who charge of the Work and is hoped that none will forgot their envelopes The buying have purchased a lot of goods and there will be lots of work for those who are willing and have time lo work for our soldier boys prominent farmer died os- a result of being kicked by a horse On Ihe insl General forces captured no loss than airplanes from Iho Ger mans Official authorities slate that the air fight was terrible but Iho Allies were successful Copenhagen Aug Nine hundred ami thirty- three Scandinavian ships have been destroyed by torpedoes or mines since the beginning of the war according to The Of this number Norway lost Denmarki87 and Sweden The number of seamen In these Favored by perfect weather the annual picnic of Sun day School of Trinity Church Aurora to Lake Wednes day was one of Hie most suc cessful ever held 1 and children ore camping at Wilcox hake The Womens Institute met at Music Hall on Wednesday August to pack boxes for the boys at Inn front About fourteen boxes axe sent each month Aeroplanes ore becoming very plent iful here Eleven passed oyer on Monday Howard one In the cycle drawing Miss of spent weekend at parental homo hero Miss Watson of To ronto is spending her holidays with her father Mr Wat son Mr and Mrs Kirkwbod and baby of a of weeks with lattors parents Miss McClulchon of I Office Staff is having two I Miss Atkinson of lino Ms taking Miss Mc- in P of weeks Miss has returned homo after visiting- a with Mr and Mrs Harvey Clark Miss Dickson of Toronto spent a few days this week with Miss A BRADFORD Mr Donne of was In town on business week Mr of Newmarket spent the holiday In Bradford Mr ami Mrs ft Sheldon Mr and Mrs Waldmff of Newmarket spent Civic Holiday In town Mrs Blake who has been In these parts and In Queens- ville returned to her home al Bask Monday Witness Buyers complain of many bad being brought in by fanners Hidden nests arc often un covered harvest time but it is hard ly honest to gather up such eggs and sell Ihein as froshiQj high prices NEWMARKET o AUGUST CLEARING SALE tiOO About Our Cut Glass In The on in full on meeting was held y four were received Motion and five wil1 preach next both morning and fcn e to evening Rich are many nice things that we ought to say about It place it came from that turns out a highgrade product and nothing else You will And too that the de signs that we show are de cidedly novel and attrac tive Besides our Cut Glass is the heaviest mere and the most and accu rately cut Wo arent going lo tell you this Cut Is cheap because it cannot be It IS priced low for its quality now have a nice select showing of and this la bur Invitation to you to look It over I shall be glad to get away Armadale and Newmarket from here The country looks well so I of which were represented far as we get to see It We go to fee preaching was excellent and work early- in the morning and when papers on Missionary done tat night we are shut up so the Topics were of a high order only chance we have to see the coun- Sunday was a day long to lie try Is when we ore travelling from one The Love ar at a m the Of the Rev Reynolds Reached one of his the subject being be foundation of the Christian The congregation Resented him with an offering after which of tho Lords Supper Was lo eighty gmmunicanls a Missionary wrem was preached at p the and offering and subscription for wens were taken amounting I500 An offering of was taken at Ihe evening 111 sermon on Prayer all of whom ire- wed help for their souls But Vo disasters was about London Aug persons including nine women and six children were killed and fifty persons were Injured Southend In Essex forty miles east of London by bombs dropped by the German raiders today Considerable damage lo pro perly was caused at Southend by the nearly forty bombs dropped upon the town Two men were Injured four bombs dropped on Margate in Kent did little damage Bowman ville Aug 12 Five per sons were killed Instantly by the Grand Trunk flyer No the International Limited yesterday afternoon at at what Is known as the Wharf Road crossing a level crossing about three hundred yards east of the Bow man v lie station and a anil a Quarter south of the town business section only one person escaped and that by a miracle Owen Sound Aug Myrtle I re no the threeyearold daugh ter of Hugh Graham a well- known Derby fanner residing near Iho village of Kilsyth had one leg cut completely off below knee and main of the other cut through when caught by the binder her father was operating in a wheatfield Mr Graham had just made one round of the field did not know that the child was in the grain as it was tailor than she was and he did not know of her Doctors were hurried from Owen Sound and to dress tho in jured limbs There is prospect of the child coming through ordeal IjrJ Acton Free Press lions are not lacking that the campaign for greater production has begun to bear fruit Truck gardeners have found it almost impossible to sell lettuce and other products that have been ex tensively cultivated in city hack- yards The root crop that city and town tillers of the soil will gather also promises to be not in considerable Wagers in Toronto finnnoini circles said to have resulted in contracts being taken to supply quantities of potatoes at a bag bo delivered in October while in other cases the contract price has been placed at a dollar bag VANDORK Mr and Mrs Richardson were in the city last Thursday buying Library Books Miss Ada Atkinson spent Sun day visiting fiends at Victoria Square Miss Jean of Toronto is spending part of her holidays with Miss Richardson Mr and Mrs Mr Nelson Powell and Miss Jean al so Miss Annie Dibh motored lo on Saturday spend the day Mrs of Mt Den nis and little son is visiting at Mr for a few days Mrs Harmon of Newmarket also spent Sunday Mr Stanley Melbc of Toronto was home over the weekend We notice that young thresher and our clerk took in the Pino Farmers Club picnic Cook ha returned home after spending a few days with her of Toronto Mr and Mrs W Evans Miss Flossie and her friend Miss Beta motored from and spent Sun day Mr J Ceilings Miss Baltic Culling Is spending a few days with friends In Sorry report the death of Pie Boilings who In Winni peg in the Bait and died of wounds on July Miss Laura OBrien is spending a few days her parents here Mr Ward Cook and Mr Arnold Dove called on friends In Aurora on Sunday Miss Lizzie Gould and Miss Mary have relumed to the oily spending two weeks vacation with the formers mother Mrs Could and White with Fancy Collars Bolts and Cuffs regular to Sale A u Ladles Skirts i Fancy Inches wide Four Patterns only Price s Black Cotton to 10 regular Price Table of Renments Muslins Prints Linen Toweling and short ends of Dress Goods Ladles Largo Size Hair Nets 2 for Be J ESTABLISHED OF CANADA CAPITAL PAID UP FUND HEAD SAVE your SECURE your future aid SERVE Le country Interest at current Svin at all Brandos NEWMARKET BRANCH M SMYTH Manager the famous German northwest of the French mining city of Lens which dominates the clly and the Loos salient was Wednesday morning by the Can adian forces for if l Live Stock Markets in Co MiurHaae a Inst Thursday Mus- sleriians Lake Mrs of Mine- sing is visiting a week with parents and old acquaintances Mrs Cole of Toronto spent the weekend with her daughter Mrs Arthur at Mr Snider a jaunt in his car on Sunday afternoon lo call on friends in Ml Joy Miss of was at Mr fiuy Taylors over the weekend Miss Lemon of is very busy sowing on Shop View street this week which makes Harry look happy for dis tance for him lo travel is very short Mr and lady friend were visiting at Newmar ket on Sunday Last Tuesday while Mr All was fixing a fan be longing to hip machine in a vice it and his arm very severely but glad he is recover ing from the effects of ac cident and able In work again On account of miserable last Wednesday night our was unable to In Sharon Temple to sing Our is he on being invited to several dif ferent lately to show their Highest prices paid In Toronto week ore as follows Choice Heavy Steers Good Hal Cows Good Milkers Stockers Feeders Choice Veal Calves Medium Veal Calves Sheep Spring Lambs Hugs off cars this 12000 Toronto Markets Aug Wheat per bush 5000 Hay per ton li Butter lb per doz Potatoes per bag new Spring Chickens Fowl dressed 0 00 J- Newmarket Markets AND OTHER SEASONABLE Mens Boots Heavy Calf reg for 39D Boys Boots from 3 to for Boys Heavy Boots from 1 to for Boys Canvass Boots from 1 to Leather Heels Liens Brown Boots from to for Mens Pine Boots Patent Leather 900 for WomensBoots will be sold at Reasonable Prices- only Girls Boots Leather Cloth Top from 11 to recj for Ladles for 16 onlyLadles Raincoats Waterproof to 7 Friday and for Ladles Velvet Coats reg 7 to for mens Overalls and Smocks Blue A White Striped and Plain Black Big Brand reg 75 for and Sat 39 Ladles Corsets for 79c Mens Serge reg to sale Ladles Lustre Blue Skirts for Mens Serge from to Sat on sale for White Lawn Dresses 35c Girls Middles Sat- on for I i Li GRAY HAIR Dr Natural Hair Rest orative used as directed is guaranteed to restore gray to Its natural color or money refunded not a dye and Price Write Supply Co Toronto wlo lo at J Mrs and son of Toron to r with her father Mr in this week Mrs of Toronto is visiting with her Bister Mrs Brown Miss Isabel of Holly Park a few this past week with Mr and Mrs Miss Mabel spend ing a few days week with Wheat per bush Oats per bush Barley per bush Peas per bush Bran per ton Shorts ton Hay Timothy per ton Butter per lb Eggs per doz Fowl per lb Potatoes new per pk- Aug 32 00 0042 001200 OH TRAINING For Business in one of Shaws Schools Toronto Fall Term from Free Cata logue explains Write for It Shaw Yonge Sis lit 3 Doora South of Kino Hotel Proprietor NEWMARKET I OF LU I J all iru Voiioo nd Toronto- Is unquestionably one of Can adas Beat Commercial demand for our is far in excess of the supply poa ALL W BUILDING LUMBER nun NT FEEDS I fron i or A v i it I J a TORONTO