Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 3 Aug 1917, p. 5

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fl I I 1 Newmarket io Loan on good term V I SS Not Toronto J- Bono McDonald I I Offloo wnk of Toronto Building Kl bo in Newmarket to list published the name of Pie Newmarket Reported fllvv Frank Duncan Fire Insuranoo FHED Dr H N Wilkinson Corncr Main and pTTgTXioyd in Medloln of Toronto immkIU i also of tlio a college Physicians and mem I of e of Former clinical assistant Renews Bye jM-W- Kar Throat The regular monthly meeting of WiOiT will be holdon Tuesday the of Aug In homo of MreV on Prospect Ave pm A full attendanoe Is ro- JI v The Canada Mooting of Friends is to take place In New market from Friday Aug to Wednesday Sept As College la in the hands of the Military authorities the flossionswill ho hold in the To E Medi due Co years ago a supplied- Telephone Hours I J RICHMOND Pi North Newmarket Phone WATCH Ell AND Park New Post Office PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Ave 2nd house from Queen St Nowmarkot PO Box You Boat It Tho grain late ly has prodigious Mi on 3rd- of King brought samples of O A No Barley lost week hat measured fool inches and well headed out Ho also brought a sample Manitoba Spring Wheat that measured feet high with heavy head well formed 80I100I Examination following students of Newmarket High School have passed the recent Upper Examination of the Education De portment Alolu I J Darling I Wesley PI This is highest High School Examination and allows- students to ontor Faculty of Education of Toronto University to train for Women who are wU aft the Co Why do write aoehtettmff In uunrpt we wo flctiuoat or name knowingly havo wo en Utter or one without tho full and written tbo wbpwrjW The that of womon from parte of the country write ouch grateful lotter to Medicine Co la that Pink- Vegetable Compound has brought health and Into their Uvea once burdened with pain and It relieved women from of wont forma of female Ilia from placement inflammation ulceration nervoaaneaa weakness troubles end from the A Teacher of Piano and Vio lin Dealer in kinds of Mu sical Instruments and Piano Tuning Agent for Columbia Grafonolas and Complete Stock I Prompt Service It la for any woman who Id voll and who never Buffered to how these poor Buffering men feel when re- to health their keen desire to help women who are suffering Lyman Issuer of A Marriage Licenses Al Hie Era Office Newmarket Office Private Papers issued at private re sidence if desired A quiet wedding took at the homo of the officiating cler gyman Rev in Wright Ave Toronto on Satur day when the marriage was of Miss Mursce Ave to Quartermaster J W Hill Newmarket Military Hos pital IJJic bride who was at tended by Miss Edna Aut wore a travelling suit of navy blue cloth withbal to match After the cer emony tho bride groom left for NEWMARKET IE of War Next Saturday is tho third an niversary of the Declaration of War has quested the Premiers of tbo dif ferent Provinces of Canada to make arrangements for a suitable celebration that it is a righteous War that we are engaged in and asking for a of the energies of the Canadian people to a vigorous prosecution of the War until an honorable peace is secured II is expected that the matter Our Toronto The Highlanders got back on Sunday from a tour in the States whore they rolled up recruits The tooting of sirens on craft in harbor on Saturday afternoon announced the arrival of first floating dry dock ever seen in Toronto it was brought in three sections from- Sturgeons Bay Wisconsin a of 1000 miles The press wil take a unique part in at The Arena in Toronto on Thursday this week Edit ors and writers throughout Province are being invited to a special session to consider join ing a Press Union which will carry on its own united propaganda for winning war The Canadian market needs a largo amount of coal and is threatened with a big shortage toward the end of he year The HydroElectric Commission look over the plant of the Ontario Power Company at Niagara Falls on Aug 1st The plant was purchased recently by com mission at twenty- two million dollars thirteen million of which is represented by the bonded in debtedness of the company AIRMEN ARE London July IO sixteen is Score In favor of the British airmen in the air will be emphasized in the fighting on Friday and Saturday ral churches of the town on Sun day LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- Call before ordering elsewhere CUT STONE FOR BUILDING Kept in Slock and Made to Order NORTH YORK MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS Produce good market last Satur day and vegetables are coming in but prices keep Following were the ruling figures paid last Satur day Eggs per do i0c Mutter per lb Dressed Chickens per lb Potatoes per peck Greco Peas per peck Deans per Cherries per to St Black Currants per box Red Currants per box 10c Gooseberries per box Raspberries per box Live Chickens per lb Old Hens per lb Live Old Ducks per lb Live Ducks young per lb Pigeons per pair Rabbits per pair 3050c on the western front In addi tion two German observation bal loons were brought down in flames Important railway sta tions and six enemy aerodromes were bombed while many other raids were carried out Some of the British machines came down to very low altitudes at a distance of over forty miles behind the enemys linos while much photo graphing and artillery work were carried out An unusually large number of pholns were taken de spite the fact that the fighting was intense and continuous THE MICHIGAN SPECIAL Convenient Night Train fop Detroit and Chicago i I Designs- In Monuments loadstones Air Kinds of Cemetery Work ATTENDED TO ami see us before buying elsewhere U Unas of Stones to Order JOHN and Importer of Foreign end Domestic AND MARBLES Phone Si a ST NEWMARKET i Nov is the Time to Plant Winter Celery you take off your Early Peas or Potatoes YOUR OWN and save Buying at urlng the Fall and Winter Months Very Storni The electrical storm that pass ed over Town on Thursday after noon of last week is regarded as the most severe in Ibis section for years As reported in last Era the Lower of the Pres byterian Church was struck by lightning damage is esti mated at covered by insur ance The chimney of Mr Win Hoi lad ays house was also struck by the electric fluid and badly shattered The current passed down the chimney knocked the stovepipe out of hole and scattered soot all over the room Fortunately no other damage was done Tho report comes from Pino Orchard that head of cattle belonging to Mr Francis Lehman valued at were by lightning in the same storm They were in a on flth Con The southeast pinnacle oMhc Temple lit Sharon was struck in the same storm and a ladder reaching from the second storey to the roof was splintered The current also left its mark on the celebrated Jacobs Ladder reaching from the floor to the second storey is said that four barns were struck between Sharon and -Mark- ham Township and two set op fire hut promptly The chimney of Mr Alex Wil kinson on Joseph Av6 was also struck and demolished damage il did was lo put a small hole in tho wall near the ceiling Particular attention is called to the convenient night train op erated via the Canadian Pacific Michigan Central Route to Detroit and Chicago Leave Toronto at daily arrive Detroit am and Chicago 300 pm Electric Lighted Standard Sleep er is operated lo Detroit Fur ther particulars from any Canadi an Pacific Ticket Agent or Howard Passenger Agt Toronto i London Out July 27 David Carroll a farmer one mile east of the city was gored to death by a bull Ibis morning Carroll who managed the farm owned by Dr A on the Con of Westminster Tp had gone into the stall of the which was a particularly vicious one to put an extra ring in its nose The animal attacked him and pierced his right lung with its horn A sixyearold daughter witnessed the tragedy and called for help but assistance could be rendered the man was dead 8910 soldiers have been re turned from overseas lo Ontario Brant ford July 27 Mr and Mrs Walter for thirty years residents of a Brant County village some sir teen miles from and their grandson Gor don were burned to death in Ihelr home early this morning The deceased couple bad eleven child ren of whom five live in the im mediate vicinity of the Clergyman moved- New England to tho northern pari of Iowa and tied Upon a Manypeople do this that lie was throwing hie He pleasant libraries schools and congenial neighbors sjdes he was beginning feeble- Bui he felt that there was awaiting him a broad field unplowed and ready for spiritual cultivation Ho meant to go into this homo work years but bis wife had persuaded him to wait untllthelr daughter had finished her education at an Eastern cottage Now tho op portunity had arrived and with an eagerness like that of youth ho left a community that as ho expressed it had been f degen erations preached to death in order to go to a people beginning to bo preached to fifo There in tho Middle West family built a small cabin of three kitchen No trees protect ed llicm from burning suii in summer or from the fierce of winter The country was new There wore no roads Their nearest neighbor was six miles away across the prairie Sunday good man af ter preaching to an audience of twelve persons several away from his home wag lost in a blizzard in endeavoring to re turn lo it From the effects of this exposure he died and his I wife spon followed him Tho daughter years of age was What was she to do Should she pack up and return to the comfortable East or stay and fight it out in the pioneer West She deoided to stay and continue her fathers work She went out upon the vast prairie to teach Most of the settlors wore Norwegians and in a little tworoomed house oc cupied by a largo family sho went to board so that she might learn the language But the food was so poor that became ill Fin ally she secured the position of principal in a small struggling college Hero surroundings wore pleasant but trustees could not pay her salary and af ter three years she went back to This time she boarded with a kind but ignorant Irish family During the winter the mother died leaving two young girls to care for a household of men Here teacher found her mission in She taught those girls how lo work helped thorn lo cook to make their own clothes to make the home cheerful and made herself an old er sister to the two She shared whole life She mended with them baked with them made butter with them milked with thorn and endured the bay field with them Soon the two sisters became noted for their gentleness consideration and excellent home qualities Wher ever they went they carried spirit of helpfulness and an elec tric ray of cheerfulness Hut the world never knew of the sacrifice of the ministers daughter who spent some of the best years of her life in dreary hardship in order to make lives of two girls worth liv ing The story of tills noble sacrifice came recently lo the writer from What can be said of who could have had he sweet but chose he hitter for humanitys sake and for Christs sake There are many bright educated girls in the West enduring poverty and hardship as good soldiers of the Master that they may do all for Him Such unreserved giving up of self ought to shame us out of our easy lives of nom inal Christian service JJ ak mm aw i 1 a tt railway station One fruit grower last season made four The Ford soon pays for itself in the time it saves the farmer With help every farmer needs to make use of every minute of his time To him the Ford car is a real neces sity Indeed some farmers tell us that it is doubtful if they could carry on their farm work under present labor conditions if it wasnt for time the Ford eaves them r ll r B- 1 3 lit 4 No farmer need be without a Ford In fact the average farmer could afford one if it were double the price is as easy to drive as a horse three times as fast and costs less per mile to run Why not order one today I 45 O FORD ONTARIO N j I Pord Dealer ROBERTSON 4 i OVER IN CAfJADA A The neighborhood is much stirred over the event The fire is thought to have been caus ed by mice nibbling matches Children- FDR FLETCHERS CASTOR A Whitby Council has decided to purchase five cars of coal in order to be able lo safeguard the interests of those Who have not the money to lay in their win ters supply ahead but are com pelled lo buy in small quantities Fire starting from a coal oil stove burned the curtains and some woodwork in kitchen of MrsWm McKee Sunday afternoon A few pails of water quenched the before the firemen Edmonton Alia July Five dead four- more seriously and probably fatally injured and- a large number of others requiring hospital care is the toll of the worst railway wreck that has ever occurred in the Edmonton dis trict It took place Saturday ev ening miles west of the city on the Canadian Northern railway main line when a freight train crash ed into a moonlight special crowded with passengers for Al berta Beach a Canadian Railway holiday resort Montreal July One inch and a hair of rain fell during the early hours this morning and much damage was dope in the city and district as a result of flood- and lightning Montre al Arena was set on fire hut the flames were soon put under con trol Lightning also hit a house on St Street and four families were driven out in to the Two street cars were put out of business When tried- to pass through flood ed subway In the north end of the Nam ly all the down town buildings bad in the cellars The telephone system was suspended for minutes AIR RAID OH Paris July 29 The censor to day permits publication of scanty details of an air raid made on Paris Friday night Own of tho raiding aviators passed over a hospital near the front descending very low close enough to distinguish the Red Cross painted on the roof Four bombs were dropped all reaching their mark One doctor a chem ist and a male nurse were killed immediately and a seconddoctor died soon after from injuries A third doctor and an administra tion officer and several patients were seriously injured Owen Sound has raised the dog lags to each CATARRHAL DEAFNE88 BE CURED by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to cure catarrhal deafness and that is by a constitution al remedy deafness is caus ed by an inlamed condition of the lining of the Eustachian Tube When the tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and when it is entirely closed Deaf ness is the result Unless the inflam mation can be reduced and this tube restored to its normal- condition hear ing will be destroyed forever Many cases of deafness are caused by catarrh which Is inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces Halls Catarrh acts thru ttnr blood on the mucous surfaces of system Wo will give one Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by Halts Catarrh Cure Circulars free Ail Druggists F J CHENEY CO Toledo i I Nows the time to buy the Breezy Summer Things you NEED while you can buy for such Low Prices you must keep your stonv ach well your liver active the bowels regul ar and your blood pure Your physical condition depends on the health of these organs When anything goes wrong just take a few doses of Pills and avoid any serious illnesa They are a fine corrective and tonic for the system and a great help in maintaining good health A single box will prove the remedial value of We never carry anything but the BEST Furnishing Goods and Hats in Our Store as you can get only the Best from us while our leftovers last The sooner you come in the better the PICKING CLOTHING 71 Mens Suits Pinch Back and Other Models 1650 and for fe for Beach Suits Reg 1500 forfJI95 Boys Suits 850 and for 650 and 7 for Raincoats Tweed Effect and for 550 for Odd Tiousers for 95 4 for 315 Headlight Overalls Reg for Underwear Reg and for SHIRTS and for 1 and for Working Kharkl Black and White l Reg for TIES 76c for or for for or 3 for 1 SHOES and Oxfords for 5 and 6 Boots for Black Tan and Patent Lace and Button m du Phono 243 Mens Outfitter A OTCfilvCffT3P TORONTO MP i

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