Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 27 Jul 1917, p. 8

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Only One Box Of v A I Is with pleasure thai I write- fo tell you of wohderiil benefits I received from taking For years I was ft from Constipation and Head And was In every way way of medicines seemed to help Then I finally and effect After taking box I feel a new to from Mm All or sent postpaid by Fruit- Wttvcs Limited Ottawa FOR That house and at Sharon as Mansion House For particulars apply to George Sharon or to J bar flollnitor Newmarket I l J Local Agent Wanted for Newmarket and TO SELL FOR THE OLD Met of Block For Fall Planting 1017 Planting Including Many Now Varieties which Wo Mono Control for Wow Also Proposition Hand some Free Outfit Inclusive Territory Liberal Com missions Stone Wellington liursorloe TORONTO The next time you suffer with headache indigestion bilious ness or loss of appetite try POINTVV pi Point is now throned v8Uor6cottaKos and boarding Houses being Mr bad CO for weokond Hoy Hi of Toronto in to in Church next Sunday evening at oclock Stops r being to finish the roadway Post and Metropolitan station a tho hi hand Ihc work Is to be done by tender and the tenders are to bo decided on the of the month Mr Howard had hands full last weekend he hav ing to provide for guests Alfred Starr of the Ply ing Corps is bore ex periments in wireless boating from Mr- grounds Ho has a- pretty good thing n works ft out all right TALL TEWl and Charles Toronto Is unquestionably one of Can adas Commercial Schools The demand for our Graduates is far in excess of the supply WRITE CATALOGUE ELLIOTT Attractive Trips MU8ltOKA LAKE8 ALGONQUIN fflAGNETEWAN OP BAYS LAICE3 GEORGIAN BAY Bound Tourist Tickets Now on Sale from Stations In On- at very low fares with liberal GET TICKET8 IN ADVANCE Berth reservations and full information at all Grand Trunk Offices or write HORNING District Passenger Agent IK System Toronto Oat J Depot Agent Phone J Phone Agent b AURAILaoby Yr Mm a t- l Mrs James died at Hie homo of her daughter Mrs It on Monday July in her was very well known in his vicinity where she nearly all her She was born in the Township of Pickering and was a daughter of Johnson The lute Jos was second husband he first husband being Mr Kpslor Continuation has made a splendid showing at the Lower School nine out of twelve having passed and two of those who were have only one subject each to write on to qualify for the Lower School successful candidates are Luclla Mary Cnr- Mary and Leo Helen Monkhouse and Blanche failed to but on account of having secured good marks on all other subjects they will need to write on arithmetic only Tho death occurred on Sunday July of Mrs Andrew Graham after an illness that had troub led her for a considerable lime Mrs Graham was a daughter of the late John Col ford and was horn in the Township of Picker ing Mr and Mrs Graham were married in and have resided almost continuously in the Tp of since then In they left the farm on account of Mrs Grahams poor health but purchased another farm two years later when her health had improved Her ill health again forced them to retire and for the past four years they have resided in the village Be sides her husband she is surviv ed by three sons Chester of lie- Nelson of Ml Albert and Prank of Tribune -e- Lieut son of Mr and J has been invalided home While in the trenches in France Lieut contracted trench fe ver and after spending some time in the hospitals in the old coun try was granted three months leaye in which to recuperate On Sunday afternoon the 1st there passed away an old landmark in the person of Mr John Scott He had been on the sick list for about two months and confined to his bed about two weeks Mr Scott was in his year His trouble was arterial One blessing during the latter part of his illness he was almost free from suffering Nearly DO years ago when the Presbyterian Church was established in Aurora John was a pupil in the He in time became a teacher and was eventually Superintendent of the school Christian Guardian On the eve of their departure from Sun derland for their new field at Au rora representatives of the dif ferent organizations of the church waited upon and Mrs wood to express to them the appreciation of their work during the four years pastorate and to wish them Godspeed The presented Mrs with a wellworded and a piece of gold and the Quarterly Board on behalf of the congregations of both appointments presented Mr with a Very appre ciative address accompanied by a substantial cheque A pleasant social hour was also spent After only two days drilling Aurora has a rushing well at the south end of the town of giving gal lons per day The water is abso lutely pure and the drillers bad only to go to a depth of feel This makes the third well the town has and according to A James there is suf ficient water to supply the town for a great many years Following the recent visit of the military inspector who In spected the armories It Is pos sible that extensive repairs may be carried out For over 20 yeara nothing has been done to the building and the Inspector gave as his opinion that It Is now in such a state that accoutrement stored there properly At the time there Is stationed there a com pany of the York Hangers under command of Captain Taylor and D of 4hfi command of I HP IE statement issued by the Department of Labor concerning the facts be laid before the AttorneyGeneral for consideration the business of The Company Limited has to their cTimihality situation created by such been given widespread circulation throughout the country and and damaging statements is serious as emanating from a Govern provoked public unrest merit officialdom whom one looks for not only accurate statements Whatever the technical wording of the report was the effect has but correct conclusions been that the newspapers have published that the profits The Company being a private concern has alone of this for 1013 were about five millions of lowed the practice of all private corporations except when it made a dollars This interpretation of the official report is not surprising bond issue in hi that it has not published reports of its assets and inview of certain statements that the Commissioner of the Cost of liabilities or profit and loss The present circumstance however in Living makes The Commissioner is reported as saying that which a Government Official has led the public to false conclusions There were two individual cases of profiteering in 1916 and that makes it advisable for this Company for both the public interest and had these cases occurred since the passage of the cost of living its own interest to publish particulars of its business as point he would consider it his duty to recommend that out the error of the statement of the Government Official r For tho last fiscal year ending March 1017 The William Com- plus Co 111 pi lira loon ju nM in- bought and killed head of Live Stock Cattle Hogs and Sheep plus purchases of outside Meats produced pounds of pleats per cent The William Company has assets of of which is tied up in fixed investments The Company handled pounds of Butter and Cheese dozens To provide the necessary facilities for the increased volume of business of Eggs and manufactured tins of Canned Goods Company expended in buildings and equipment during the year net profits on these vcro 08 cents or twothirds of a cent per pound on meats 101 cents on Butter and Cheese cents per dozen on Eggs and 47 cents or slightly less than onehalf a cent per tin on Canned Goods These profits Include profits on all Byproducts derived from these accounts During the year the Company served at its retail stores customers the average purchase of each customer was and the net profit upon each sale was 68 of cent The turnover of the Company from all its operations for the fiscal year ending March 27th was 40000000 net percentage of Upon tins turnover after deducting war tax was per cent or including war tax Companies of other character present no more reasonable statement of profit loss based upon the investments made in the business The William Company offered to the Imperial authorities as to the War Office Service which represents the Imperial authorities in Canada to place the output of its Factory with respect to Bacon supplies Canned Heel and Pork and Beans at the service of the authorities On the basis of cost plus an agreed percentage These offers were successively declined as the authorities evidently desired to purchase in the open market and on this basis The William Davies Company has secured War Office business by open competition with the world the Cost Living Winter the Commissioner under authority of Order- in Council required packers to submit statements under oath for some years back and up to December 1st incoming stocks of Meats and the cost of such as well as statements of outgoing product and the selling value This Company represented in writing at the time that the as specifically required was not in accordance with Picking House Accounting methods and invited the Commissioner to an Officer to the Head Office of the Company to examine the books for any information desired and to secure a viewpoint as to the beet way of collecting data which would he of use to the Government This offer was declined and there was nothing to do but fill in the in formation required as literally as we could determine it example there was no recognition of the fact that a raw product may enter a factory under a specific classification and leave the factory as a finished product under some other classification We submitted a series of accurate figures based upon our Interpretation of the official requirements which made no provision for any description other than incoming freight and unloading charges to he Included in the cost or to f deducted from the celling price There was nothing In the report which could be read so as to determine a profit and loss statement The very fact that with only a statement based upon cost of raw products and value of sales in Great Britain a Government Official has deduced Large margins Profiteering Criminality if it had occurred since the passage of a Act shows too dangerous and incapacity to be permitted to deal with any important situation The statements of this Company have been treated by the author of this report as if the outgoing product was identical with the Incoming product and from the series of reports he has singled out two Bacon and reports and from them deduced an erroneous margin which the newspapers have interpreted as profit The author of the inquiry shows a strange lack of even a funda mental knowledge of simple bookkeeping and a dangerous inability to coordinate figures The following are specific and outstanding errors in the report The principal item that is causing excitement cold storage bacon The term coldstorage is not defined and the public Is allowed to make its own definitions As all Bacon in a packing house Is under refrigeration it Is really all coldstorage and therefore this figures of cold storage Bacon represent the complete quantity of Bacon handled In its entire Plant whether in freezers or in process of cure for Immediate shipment That some com panies interpreted coldstorage product as freezer product only is evidenced by the or entire lack of figurts on the Bacon list for some Plants indicating that many Firms did not submit statements of their complete stocks as did this Company An Official of this Company pointed out this coldstorage distinction to Mr OConnor and Miss in Ottawa a few weeks ago and the failure to make the distinction after having had it pointed out evidences lack of desire for accuracy of the real information desired It is true The William Company in exported pounds of Bacon but we do not know how the margin of cents per pound is arrived at by Mr OConnor as there were no figures to justify such a conclusion The probabilities arc that the margin is arrived at by taking the average cost per pound of incoming product from the average selling price per pound of outgoing product This may be a rough way of estimating the gross margin when dealing with small figures but when dealing with figures the size that Mr OConnor has to deal with a very small fraction of a cent pound of error make a very Important difference in the total and one must be careful to make sure that the outgoing product is the same finished merchandise of the Incoming product reported on Allowing It to pass however as a rough estimate we wish to point out first the inquiry of the Commissioner allowed only for incoming freight and unloading charges and made no provision whatsoever for operating charges of any kind such as labor curing materials refrigeration cetera Such actual charges oh the pounds exported were or cents per pound This amount covered all charges up to the point of placing the Bacon on cars packinghouse In addition to this was the actual cost to laud and sell this pounds in Eng land after leaving the packing house which involved charges of cents per pound or Thus 29 per pound included inland and ocean freight landing charges war and marine insurance cables and selling commission to agents The ocean freight and war risk alone would make up cents of the charge of cents per pound This cents plus cents a total of cents must be deducted from Mr OConnors margin of cents per pound leaving a margin of 05 cents or slightly less than a cent per pound which still has to be reduced because of the error of premises and because of further factors which have to be considered to determine net profits It is quite evident some of the other packers did not show selling values in the country in which the goods were sold a proceeding quite proper as the forms tobj filled in were indefinite and ambiguous thus permitting charge of evasion a variety of interpretation as to the information required It is thus possible that of all figures submitted by the different packers that no two of costs and sales prices are determined at the point It is this difference of interpretation of whit required that accounts for the of the alleged margin made by the different companies conclusions however have drawn by author of the report from varying bases of premises The figures of the business were submitted on same basis as Bacon and similar deductions must made Second The above margin is further reduced in the author of this inquiry singled out the Bacon figurts as item in which the selling price shows an alleged advance over cost but he did not give us credit for statements of other products of which figures the selling prices of which were under cost of this was that through failure to inquire the entirely overlooked the fact that product may com ia pork and through the process of manufacture gooutasBicoa or in another instance enter the factory as and go cut the form of canned meats for example much of the wodoet which came in as pork and which was entered the pork sheet submitted to the Commissioner about which no mention cure1 and left the factory in the form of Bacon and was therefore entered on the outgoing of the Bacon sheet the result is that the Bacon salts are increased by this amount over the of Bacon acJlike- wise the sheet showing sales of pone is reduced by the amount that went out in the form of Bacon If the takes one set of figures that show favorable to the Company they should take another set of figures that show unfavorable as the principle in either case is the same and failure to do so looks as if the author the report was core enthusiasm than sound judgment in his investigations Third It is queried in the report that ifthemarfiaof 347 cents alleged to have been made in satis factory why was it necessary to show increased margin Assuming again for the moment the soundness of the premises in asking such a question based on an margin it will be found that the increased margin is absorbed in increased ocean freight rates and war in surance in of which apparently the author of report was in ignorance The Company does not challenge either the legal or moral right of the to investigate business enterprises when public interests directs such an investigation should be made If an investigation of the packing and meat business is ordered the Company will place at the disposal of the Government not only the data it would be required to supply under directing that inquiry be made but will place the experience of its officers at the disposal of the investigating committee if it is considered they can render any service which will be of value The Company has not now at any time during the fifty of its operation anything to conceal in method or practice of carrying on its business It does however claim the right to con duct its export business without abusive comment from Government civil when the conclusions drawn from the data asked for are improper and false One of Canadas chief export industries is the packing business It is essential to the live stock industry and along with other export industries it maintains tho financial stability of this country and should providing it is on a sound basis receive encouragement and not slanderous abuse view of the publicity given to the the Commissioner on the cost of living the Company demands the same publicity in having an official Government investigation of this report to determine the truthfulness or untruthfulness of its conclusions Wo do not seek public consideration as a company but we do say that untruth ful official statements or statements the effect of which is to create an untruth adversely affect the live stock industry of this country which is so valuable end essential a wealthproducing power and in the long run are harmful to tbe people that the statement seeks to benefit If the passing out of existence of a corporation such as The Company or if nationalization of packing houses would materially and per reduce food prices then in view of the present world tragedy it to be consummated without delay The fact of the matter is however thai with millions of people in Europe turning from producers into consumers of the war and the tremendous destruction of food products incident to vu there is no remedy for the high prices of food while such conditions last the remedy of thrift and increase of production Long before there was talk of a Food Controller in the United States or Canada The William Company urged the Government at Ottawa in writing to appoint a Food Controller with full power to do what he Ave realized at that time the upward tendency in the price of foodxouimodihci unless checked by official effort At the most a great deal cannot be done in reducing food prices while currency is inflated and until the scale of prices of a- kinds of commodities declines also What can be done can only be done by a Food Controller We wish to point out that nothing at all can be unless the data secured are accurately and clearly made and the deductions therefrom sound Only public harm arises from dangerous incompetency in the haphazard collection ond careless use of important figures As far as The William Davits Company is concerned this terminates all public statements of the Company and it will pay no more attention to speculates ana statements mado by or servants The only further statement that be made will be at an official investigation July J C FOX General COMPANY LIMITED SOUTH END ROY HOUSEHOLD FLOUR The from old A SPECIALTY SB raw vArttrnw Mr HIM I try A HOWARD ROCHES POINT The annual Bazaar and Garden Parly under tho of the Point of North fiwillimhury Red Gross So ciety will take place on Thurs day 2nd on Mr Til- near the School Housed A very fine array of talent has been secured for occasion which includes the fol lowing by the Misses Graham and Smith of Toronto Duets and Trio by the Misses and and Mr of Readings by Miss Carmlohael of Toronto by Button An Address by Mrs a Survivor of also Rev Dr Hyde will speak on Red Cross Work will at o clock tea served from six to eight Admission Including Cupper Adults fcont miss treat the wsaoa j I I ALL KINDS LUMBER LATH SHINGLES POSTS a- i JAC1 v J SK En mm Carit Ban win as Dorr Savi c I I Prom iwuc ARCHIVE TORONTO

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