Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 27 Jul 1917, p. 6

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ft AGENT MOUNT ALBERT Clean to handle Bold by nil Drug- gioto and General I ISLAND GROVE second Annual Regalia Field uudcr the au spices of the Island Grove Sftyerfl Association will take if lace on Monday Aug Field aim and Water Sports at pm A special is the race between the fastest motor boats on Lake Full program later A good days sport expected Pishing is good those days A party got 17 lbs bass find more on Wednesday when die heaviest tipped the scales ftt -OOOi- Keswick- The Picnic last Friday was quite a success and everybody had a good time The Shower hat people I utilised lie picnic grounds on- 9 The You Always has borne the signature of The cottagers Crossing have a Lawn Service at oclock every Sunday evening whirih is well attended Mr Hill Fletcher and been gave address last Sunday arid Mr of Toronto JACKSONS POINT r R I An Anglican War Production Club has been organized at Maplo farm Slop Metropolitan with Mr W MoOullogh as Pres ident and Rev lRoacho as Sec retary The object of the Club is to help the farmers atthis busy of the gear They from city and town districts to work on the farms And farmers are asked to go there find select hoys they think Jiost suitable for them The Club as a protector both the farmer and boy find sec IJmCyUfltico is- done to J Both If proves satis- plan will bo improved find enlarged anollierseason Miss Brooks of Toronto has re turned bourn after a visit of two Weeks at Mr V Clappers Mr of Egypt was the guest of Mr on Sunday exManager of one of the leading stores has got an assist ant Our- wants to rouse from his sleep or ho might he like the poor frog Mr and Mrs have visit to his folks in he north Our Village is somewhat busy these days Well Tom I I heard you got a terrible calling down at Baldwin the- other day ho not meddle too much with pictures of the Baldwin holies Grand hay weather hut a little too hot for comfort Just what wo need though for the crops Not many out to church on Sunday Some attended Decoration at visited Holland Landing and Schools on Sunday- A a driver were found on the Town Line Sunday Thinking It had broken loose from the Hope was taken there but no one could give an light on thematter have not heard the owner Is Mrs Mark Hall snout Tuesday with her Mrs John Hall of Scott- Miss Bertha Hall was In passing her Entrance exam Mr Bailie Is recovering learn the Dr had to put five stitches In the wound Ladies Aid at Mrs Will vas well attended They to hold a Garden Party on Aug 3rd at Mr Raspberries and cream on the menu Miss Eva is spending a week with relatives In King bail game on Monday evening Quite a few Hope people out to League at Sharon on Sunday evening Mr and Mrs Elmer spent Wednesday afternoon under the par ental roof to Absent Loar Strayed from Lot of Con of Hast about the middle of June one Sheep and two Lambs marked with red paint Information will be suitably rewarded James 2w25 To crops never looked bet ter than at the present and you need the very best to cut is the now Also AgentUn this dis trict for the new Chevrolet Car Bo sure to see it J have one hero t Mt Albert low iahcs If you tat the Vai offered by Rail way good leaving roato vcry Mouday- For literature iliocar wasVstiick fast He put on full speed to bring it out of the mud and ripped the gear ing All to pieces With the aid of two other cars fencerails etc It was finally got Into the road The trouble and delay in getting out the car caused to forget to shut the gate and a drove ofcows belonging to Mr J wandered onto thd Metropolitan- track Next morning Mr found In poundand it cost him to get them out Rather an for at least two people The Christian Picnic at Park was a success in spile of the rainy weather Sports and boating were indulged in Dr Clark of Orchard give a series of Lantern Slides and talks on Chinese Life The to he in the Christian Church on night giving the trip up the the second to lie in the Methodist Church on Monday evening at oclock on the tribes and cus toms of China Dp Clark is a returned Missionary from China so wo arc sure the talks will be very interesting Miss Gladys Jones and brother Erie were guests of Mr and Mrs Win Purdy last week also Mr and Mrs of Toronto Visited there Mrs and with and Nelson Mitchell are leaving for the West shortly We hope they will have a very en joyable time Hoy Pollock gave a splendid address at the E last Sunday on the Golden Rule in the state the community and the homo Mr and Mrs Wilrnol Warrinnr and daughter Miss were visiting Mr Alfred Morion last Sunday Miss Klla Warriner is staying over till next Sunday Prank and are kept busy fixing the telephone lines since the recent storms which have worked havoc with our splendid rural telephone system tho way the weather man is beaming now My I but his smile is warm Miss of Cedar Glen left this week for Toronto but will return at a later date Mr and Mrs Vane and Har old are leaving for Toronto on Saturday Sorry to see thorn go We are sorry to hear that sub- Lieut Leo Morton has been wounded but hope he may have a rapid and safe recovery Miss Edith Morton left for the States with her uncle for a short visit Miss Margaret McCrae of For est was the guest of Mr and Mrs Wm on Thurs day of last week Miss lived till recently in Glengarry made famous by Ralph Connors Glengarry School Days She was the first organist in the Glengarry Church and her father was precentor of the Church Rev has promised to be at Epworth League every Wednesday evening of Home Club crowded out this week Whew I Hut its hot It be gins to feel as if summer was here in earnest It may be the rain has gone away to stay Lots of summer people are hero enjoying breezes of our beautiful lake We are always glad to see them The farmers are tho hay smiling because there is no rain Tbp garden parties are having a rest This is first week there lias not been one for a long time Too bad some of thorn had not later when the weath er was fine The next one is the Red Cross on Mr Til- lefts lawn It will be a good one Reserve the date Aug ith Mr and Mrs Davis of Ashtabula Ohio were visiting at Mortons ever last week Miss Edith Morton returned home with them for a few weeks visit in Undo Sams domain Say dont you think J looks lonely since the holidays A goodly number of ladies were at sewing for the Red Cross on Tuesday Come and do your bit The League is hay ing a debate this week on lawn of Mr Wm The G ji are invited to join and all the friends are invited to come The minister in the Church is highly spoken of Glad to have Nelson Mitchell in our midst again Mr and Mrs of Toronto were visiting Mr oyer the weekend Miss Gladys Jones is speeding sow of her holidays wiith aunt Mrs Wrn justice namely Mr McWhinnc feasant It LL Williams faun are now each case making the supremo sacrifice at the front for ia a namely Dr for Castor Oil Paregoric Drew Wi McWImmoy Soothing Syrups It fa plea their new I guarantee famiy VormaandaUayflFevcrlshucPor Boarding more an thirty it has for ij season in succession Colic and two boys Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea Toronto daughter of Rev formerly of the Food giving heal thy ket are also guests at tho and natural deep The Hoarding House Mr Johnson Mothers Friend j comes up for the weekend Wail You PnniJrf al0Ul fi0 the Hoarding House for the corn ing weekend Mr ap pears to he giving good satis faction Miss Marrow and lady friend are hero from Hal tie Creek Mich igan on a visit with her at South end Sauire John Yates has to Keswick Life on Valley couldnt have been as pleasant as oiouytiGTaAor6iP Clmnpe of the West i An enjoyable afternoon was spent on July IS on beautiful lawn of the borne of Mr Pugs- ley Tea under auspice of the Presbyterian was serv- in willing looked of Woo Holland Landing j The Annual Garden Parly in aid of the Methodist Church will be held on church lawn oh Tuesday July at Good pro gram provided Tea served from to Everybody come and have a good lime Mrs A Milne of is spending a few days with her mother Mrs Bell Miss Gladys Marsh is spending her holidays at Rochester Mr and Mrs 1 of To ronto visited Mrs Marsh on Friday last Mr John of Toronto was calling on frfcndson Tuesday last Mrs Bill is visiting friends Mrs Geo Horsy the is visiting in the city week Mrs Geo Horsy I her sister in Several of the ladies of the A spent Wednesday at Roches Point Mrs Salter had the misfor tune of having her thumb jammed on Saturday which required the attention of a Dr Mr is spending a few days In the city thisweek Mr Thompson and family have moved to the city for the summer Ice Cream Parlor will he running as usual on Sat urday next Call in and sample the ice cream Sharon Dont forget the big Garden Party to he held at Sharon Tem ple Aug Supper will be served from six to eight thirty after which an excellent program will be rendered Mr Fred and family of Toronto spent Sunday at Mrs Mr Orville spent Friday with friends at Miss Terry of Newmarket spent a few days with her cousin Miss E Terry last week Miss Gladys Barker of Toronto spent Sunday under the parental roof Mrs Phillips of Buffalo is spending a couple of weeks with her mother Mrs A Lundy Mrs Rose of Newmarket spent Friday at Mr Mr and Mrs Harry Haines of spent Sunday at Mr W Halls Mr Hall and Miss spent Sunday with friends in To ronto Miss Lee of Toronto and Miss Wells of are visitors at Mr M Shaws Mrs of vis ited over Sunday at Mr A Mr and Mrs Brad of To ronto visited friends hero over Sunday- Several of the A were en tertained at the Rectory Roach s Point on Wednesday A number from here attended the decoration at Newmarket Cemetery on Sunday M Wo- CAST Yet your beat lo develop a Spavin Curb jour CURE ii by nllily ail I been of your A yc IXat your lCcaJflllU3udyiofo5 acta or J the The more progressive people are oiling the road at private ex pense to counteract the dust nuisance Mrs Likens and daughter of Toronto are guests at the Board ing House again They are welcomed by numerous friends ooo The W M pack their bales for the Hospital and School and Home at London on Thurs day the of August at the home of the Supply Mrs Huntley Anyone wishing to help contributing money to buy shoes and stockings or any good secondhand clothing milts caps toques or coats will do much to help in the great work of holding Canada and winning the world this we believe to form of work we can engage in AH ladies welcome The Misses Edith and Jean At kinson have gone to Toronto for a week The W M meeting at the home of Mrs Watsons Shar on last Thursday was well at tended and a good program was given solo by Miss Myrtle Ramsay wasmuch enjoyed The Ladies Aid will meet at the Manse Wednesday at 3 p in Tea will he served on the lawn All welcome Come and have a good lime Messrs Huntley Terry spent over Sunday at Ponetang and en joyed the motor trip Miss and lady friend of Toronto were her home here over Sunday Mrs Holmes left last week for a visit to the West with relatives and friends We are sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs Morton Mr Frank Woods of Toronto was visiting his aunts Mrs Mrs Linskill and other Milne relatives Mrs David Cole paid a visit to her sisterinlaw Mrs Fos ter Mr Cecil Foster also spent some holidays at his here Miss Gladys Morton of Hamil ton paid her annual weeks visit to her aunts and uncles of the family Miss Smith and friend of Richmond Hill Mrs Jesse Smith and two children of Sud bury and Miss were visit ing at Mrs John Smiths Maple Ave during last week Mr Mitchell of Toronto was calling on friends Saturday Mr Win Turner visited his brother Joe at Hamilton and Miss Gertrude Turner came with him for some holidays among her aunts and uncles Mrs Hannah Coleman of Ro chester is here with her mother Mrs Mrs John and Mrs Jos Watts of Aurora and Mr and Mrs Geo Williams vis ited his brother Mr Wil liams last Wednesday Mrs J returned to her borne in Ingersoll Thursday Miss Flora Williams wont back with her for her 0 EGYPT Lots of rain lately almost too much for the potatoes on low land Some talk of a telephone for Egypt Well it is time A meeting on Tuesday night The Methodists certainly hit upon a good night for their Strawberry Festival Abundance of berries and kinds of eat ables Splendid program it would he almost out of place to mention any special performers as every Horn thoroughly en joyed The ladies of the wish to heartily thank all who Proceeds 110 Several fanners are busy IriK Prospects are good for a bumper crop this season Mrs Jos of Newmarket was visiting In- this neighborhood several days last week Mr Dan and his brother are visiting Grandma boo- The Methodist plttivbcrry Festival- on beyond A throng thoroughly enjoyed themselves the dfiriiollBlilng luscious strawberries Uncle and his Aunt Sally graced the festival by their They won the oldest couple present S3 and years respectively Donation Party Your Uncle being unable to go to the parly the parly came to Owl The ladies a deputation to wait on with a box containing a very liberal sample of the wholesome goodies provided at the party and the presentation wasnt accompanied by an address Bless my lucky stars for that The deputa tion found me roosting In my usual haunts In the leafy shade of Raid- wins beautiful trees If was a One blowout An amorous swain proposed to his Inamorata You surprise me remarked abashed He mumbled out an apology Ry and by she exclaimed Surprise me aaln Since taking up their residence here Mr and Mrs and family have made a very pleasant impression in the neighborhood The family are all boys with never a dishwasher amongst the whole lot are nice civil well brought up real little gentlemen They are seven In nurn- originally nine lively little Theres young Robert PERSONALS Bonn V fir fair And Miss SO Coin out for a ride A handsome young pair Sunday ever delightful along came young Robbie with a splendid young spirited driver no old nag for Rob Will you go for a spin Miss Goldie Dont care If I do Away along shady avenues of old Cum Swamp In the glowing Bobby looking as proud as a prince and smil ing in calm sweet contrast happy as can be A royal beautiful picture It was And and his sweet heart oh where were they in shadows of the gloaming with the roof of the cozy veranda words so sweet Yes Sunday night sure was night That catchy little- poem in last weeks was a gem Ill not attempt to beat it It takes the bun The scribe asked my opinion con cerning some matter I dont her exactly what If it was When will the war end Id reply It will a deal of such as shes getting now to put her out of biz Its a long long way to but Its a deal farther to the heart of the Herman Empire and every rod of the way bristles with Germans nu merous as In a cedar swamp to bar the Allies way If here Is no better fight put up Germany Is good for ten years sure If Stanley composed the lines himself he sent to Ids mother In last Era he has good talent John Dakota Dakota John arrived Hill last week Grandma Aird now has her four sons with her It may be the last They are four Jolly brethren Mr Kills Sheppard has Mrs Sproule and her clever daughter of Chicago with him The lassie is a remarkably wide awake on Her eyes sparkle like diamond She Is the soul of intellectual brightness Her wise observations and make her grand tire shake his nod dle An old sweetheart of Uncle Owls was in town last week Although we were both desirous of meeting the fates were against us Elder Fletcher was at the helm and he slipped by without observing that Uncle Owl was feeling sad and for saken The lady n question Is German her sake I could adopt the whole German Empire with its kraut bursohoappa and all banin the Kaiser The Misses Flora and Flossie Rid del daughters of Donald and Riddel were successful froth Egypt P S at the Entrance ex ams They are wonderfully wide awake studious girls and the future we hope will show them In he fore Some pupils who should have got through got to and were left Bertram Owens mother and Mrs Owen of and Point Edward are here for a few holidays A got a great spill whilst speeding last week A nut came off a wheel came off also A Is doing A and the mare seems K It wasnt much scared It came near being a great smash Herman is a Now dont hold up your hands in horror and exclaim Oh you bad bad You you did so you did I merely meant to Intimate he Is death to the bugs He has eight acres I hear on every hand they look best In the country Hope to see Well rewarded loll Hot blasts cold chills cloudy Windy weather Look for or of them for a fortnight to eome cury and Venus re a equinox dry season comes Im done for this time I hayo to stop sooner or later so so Selections from the contributed much to a pleasant afternoon Rev Mr White of officiated at St James Church Sunday evening Miss of- St Catharines spent a few- days in town last week visiting friends St purpose hav ing thejr annual picnic Wednes day Auk 1st at Island Grove Mrs W Kay had a musical ev ening on Monday Miss Bert and party motored to the city on Tuesday Miss Isabel returned home on Sunday pleasant two months visit in the West Mr and Mrs Glass and child- rep are Kuesls of and Mrs A Mrs Anderson and Miss gave an afternoon tea at their summer home at JaCk- flSnfl Point Tuesday for the benefit of Overseas were present and proceeds amounted to Mrs T McDonald and family of Kintc were guests of Mr and Mrs McDonald on Sunday Mrs of Toronto and Mr Harry Bailey are guests of Mr The Cross Society wish to thank Miss Muriel Howard for a very kind donation of a large Of wool which was by money realized from the sale of wooden needles Mlaiw Howards as sistance toward the work is very much appreciated by the Miss and Mrs man of were guests of Mrs Noble for a few days last week Mrs Noble gave an after noon tea Thursday in honor of tier diesis Miss entertained a few young people on Saturday af ternoon in honor of her pilosis 1 sn medicine being Kcr Edgar St Chatham Oat At first of ani at any ffjfiW really helpful Jjl of women in For headache mental and never fail SWfe53 true medicine Prepared from it no alcohol tablet or form Invalids Hotel Buffalo NY free medical advice Dr Pleasant Pfli- the MM but the first put up cur by CT Pierce have been much M thousands purely vegetable king centratod and extracted from Oot and the film and any I tbe Misses Jean of Toronto A valuable cow hMonprlng to Edgar Dennis near Newmarket by lightning last ooe Mount Albert and Mr was is In TATE In Ml Albert on Sunday 22nd Of Margaret be loved wife of Alexander Tale in year Funeral Tuesday to Ml Albert Cemetery PERSONAL Mr Jacob Sloan of Toronto was at the home of Ills parents over Sunday Mr Geo and daughter Ihy spent the weekend at the home of Mrs Davidson Miss Summorfeldt of Is vislUng friends In town Mabel Harper of Toronto spending her holidays at her home town Mr Lapp of Cedar Grove was In town over Sunday Miss Helen Paisley of St Paul and Misses and Helen MoBean of Toronto are visiting their aunt Mrs Eugene The Albert Womens Institute paid a visit to the Insti tute on Wednesday Vic Cain and Fred bad a narrow escape on Monday when the tar tank on the good roads operations Main Street exploded i PICNIC The Mount Albert Sunday Schools held their annual picnic to Musselrnans Lake on Wednesday of last week in stead of the usual excursion to Lake Owing to some misunder standing or lack of cooperation on the part of those responsible the af fair cannot be described as an unqual ified success Many children wailed about three hours for the coveted auto ride and had it not been for the untiring efforts of Rev might have been waiting yet Mr did all in bis power to secure autos to take the children and persuaded the owners to make a second trip so that all were taken Then to get them back he paid the fares of a number who had to come home by Haying and hoeing in order Potato bugs are suffering these train days Sunshine lime Messrs A their this week ways increases Whats wrong with Khaki Hes daddy Wonder if that good saint hi got his lecture written off According to his subject of Sunday a great splash is- but he works of an avail nothing The ice cream party the other evening at Mr Geo Utahs well attended Last Friday afternoon during the storm a sudden flash of lightning descended down the chimney of Mr John doom and tore it down and following down to the stove it tor up tee oilcloth and killed the dog ltn was lying beside the chair and merely escaped Mr lie was writing a led lor to his little girl when the shock came and blew the papers out of his hand The tumbled down Hie roof and Quite an excitement for a tin The chimney had only been up a couple of days so he has to another one soon This is- the house Jack built All shaven and shorn Worried is the cow with lie crumpled horn That tossed the dog That worried the cat That chased the That deslroyed the That lay in the house that Jack built Mr Miller look a to Toronto this week Our leading merchant Falrbarn is certainly business these days He business was never belter in creasing every day and selli abundance of goods to people of long and near distant points Whats wrong with our Browa Hill flowergirl dandy Flowers etc Mr Joel Sedore was enough to lose one of hi Jm horses one day last week It t- drowned in the river The ice at Charlie excellent last Tuesday Rev J Lee of IxbriJ preach at Hill bath lie W lime Mr A Kapatz took a trip to Toronto last wee Mr has wea spending a few days In The meetings on the day evenings are being attended owing busy But he not weary in Well I must windupecw- of news In tell but I to toll Sleeping NOTICE a carload of highgrade Flour and consisting of Cream of the West Flour City Flour The AilPurpose Flour Than I will about May and Monarch Flour For Pastry Orcsun of In I I I I I is to bo sold at lowest prices is very scarce and hard to and I advise early Ilrjt I CHARLES General SI DEALER IN Dry Pour a Fes J are Enable fl other I tody Fine IVE HAVE Fir TO Direct i Your l thing y LET y Phone the Mi Plu Our See Outm THE TO HAW The Rest the Is the place Wo do all Mo Are you th Town and If you Jou will laughable J are Ago only play t at only superior fiid Records Joy I OF ONTARI TORONTO

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