Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 13 Jul 1917, p. 6

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MOUNT Mount Albert Air I Rolling recently a carefully proved a trifles over Inches la It was grown on liis own patch and of dclk clous flavor Bring a box next time Herb I I I I I i i J Dr and Mrs of the weekend with Mrs Martha WhIHh On their return look MIhcb and Hilda Davidson with thorn for a couple of weeks holidays Mr and Mr Jims Wilson of Toronto spent Ihjft weekend at the home of her brother Mr Davidson Miss Marlon U of To ronto is in town her friend Miss Mooro RED gross WORK Will those who ore in our envelope system for the Cross please ask for another six months supply at Steeper and store During the past live months have collected about It is only due those who canvassed this vicin ity that WO do not let this way of helping fall behind Our Bowing and knitting materials are very dear but wo must not foil our boys now WOMENS INSTITUTE The box of Hospital supplies for Juno sent by he Ml Albert In stitute to the lied Gross to 9720 The box contained Day Shirts l pairs Hocks Combination I do Towels do Wash Cloths Body 7 Handkerchiefs pairs Pillow Covers ManyTailed Quilt pairs of Hocks were sent directly overseas making pairs Much praise is due Miss Dunn Albert for un tiring efforts in completing Hod Gross Quilt sent in our last box Miss Dunn realized from Ibis quilt and the Institute wish to thank tier very kindly for Tier splendid donation toward the work Too for Last Week Two of our citizens had an ex citing lime on Monday of last week Mr and Mrs Sibley of Newmarket accompanied by Air and Mrs Thompson of Mount Albert the Mr sis ter left that morning intending to motor to Monmouth in Co All went well until when near Just as they reached the top of one of the Sleep bills common to that re gion something wont wrong with engine and the car backed down the hill refusing to obey the brakes Near the foot of the lull a large in the flected it causing it to go over the embankment and turn turtle all four being pinned beneath it TIrs Sibley was thrown in such a way as to be across Mrs Thomp son Mr Sibley worked his way out and was able to assist Mrs Thompson to freedom Between them they secured Mrs Sibleys release badly injured Owing to the position in which the oar lay and Mr Thompson being pin ned beneath the engine it was a harder matter to free him but by prying with a rail he also free His position bad been fraught with more peril than the others as fire had started from jibe engine Sir Sam Hughes 1OUjmtE MotorCycle worth a good 9sy Will sell very Cheap Quick sale Apply to Chas for Cash lOH fuGr A IwenlynAir fool DeLaval Silo feet across used only one season top and complete Price Apply to OLDHAM Mount Albert ImV Enrolment No Anproyed I Reg in Canadian Thorough Hook as No His Colts are very to Not of bis Colls has died this year equal in size and strength to ordinary Colls six weeks old year will insure you a Hiving satisfactory Colt J COWIESON SONS Prop Managers i I I I I I During July our Milt will be for Chopping only on Wednesday end Friday of bvioU week A DIKE Sharon nun 12 old- Also Ola of These Digs lioua Stock ftad and daughter came along rendered Mrs 3ibloyj and with tho help of olliors car was returned to iho road and arid all- taken to Mr and soa returned by train next day Mrs was taken toa hos pital In Toronto where It was found she had sustained a broken and dislocated hip which will hold her prisoner for Borne lime as well as shock and bruises others of the parly sustain ed severe bruises and strain on muscles Their escape from greater injury was almost mirac ulous It is always hard to with a Pastor and his family who be come endeared through being with their people through Joys and sorrows and this is the caso in the removal of Rev T W and Mrs lb Maple after a four years pastorate here On Juno the of the WMS met at the Parson age and presented Mrs Willi a Mahogany Music Cabinet and Mis read the follow ing address Dear Mrs The limfc having come according to Church rules you are called to leave us for a new home we feel that we cannot lei you go without a few words of appreciation of your work and influence among us Since com ing to Ml Albert four years ago you have given of yourbesl not only every organization of the Church but to everything that bus for its object the good of oth ers and that- so agreeably that it has boon a real pleasure to bo your coworkers And now wo would ask you to accept Ibis Music Cabinet as a rc- of work nod here May your labors wherever you go till you bear Well done of your Master and On behalf Ml Albert Auxiliary W Mrs though taken completely by surprise made a very touching reply Lunch was then served and after singing God be with you lit we meet again gathering dispersed The of tho congregation are gelling some necessary work done at the Parsonage Ibis week and also pulling in some new fur niture before the arrival of new Pastor Rev and family There was a Union Service in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening Revs OsbornG and giving patriotic addresses Church was well filled for the occasion but as the Pastor pointed oul not more so than it should be for every service con sidering the number of members and adherents whilethe Presby terian should also be on every occasion filled to the doors Mrs Geo and daughter former residents here but now of Manitoba arrived on Friday last on a visit lo brothers and and other old All are glad to welcome them It- is hoped that after so many wet periods the weather may be fine for the annual Party of Presbyterians on Wednesday evening and the Union Sabbath School Pipnie lo Musselmans Lake on Friday This has gen erally taken the form of an ex cursion but owing lo Ihore being no cheap fares this year a pic nic nearer home has been decided upon The kjddics and older pupils of our school are very sorry lo say goodbye to Miss McDowell ol the Continuation Class and Miss and Miss of Public School all of whom have resigned their positions here AH will be missed Mr who also resigned has wo understand been persuaded to withdraw bis resignation Miss M Rear who has been en joying a months holidays at her home here returned to Toronto on Tuesday Congratulations to Miss Olive Ross and Miss Marjorie Hansford on having Normal exams so successfully Holland Landing Mr was home for Iho week Mr Stevenson was homo for a few days Mr and Mrs Smith and daugh ter were guests of Mr and Mrs E McCalium Mr McClure is spending a few weeks in Toronto Mr Riper was spending a days in Toronto Mr John Stevenson was home with his wife and family for the weekend Mr Edward Chapman spent Sunday in town Mrs At kinson spent a few days in To ronto Mr Boll spent a day in 1 mm OH li Far more effective than Sticky Fly Catchers Clean to Sold by everywhere of the be hold the of Mrs 0 Watson Sharon on Thursday afternoon at- oclock Watch ToWer In the Homo Mission will taken by Mrs Mrs by music Miss Wntsoni Sharon AH and The Ladies Aid met at the homo of Mrs on Thursday and after the business bad a picnic in woods when a good was spent Presbyterian Garden Party on Friday evening was a great Orchard Beach were all that could be desired Tho young ladles who program in Hern sing at on Sunday was the very best and a most morning Misses Mabel and time was spent by all Muriel Dart and the selection is The Patriotic Service was well entitled The Redeemer attended on morning About two wdiks ago a notwithstanding showers and stranger came along the shore and wiHTout asking any questions jumped into a belong ing to Mr Robertson of Newmarket which hud been used a short time previous by the len ants who had left the oars in it and the boat and man have not boon seen or heard of since Mrs of Toronto is spending a of weeks with her cousin Mrs J Thompson A from Toronto Mrs Pinkerton is spending a week or so with Mrs Tyrrell l r J I will about- May receive a carload of- highgrade a carload of highgrade Flour consisting of Cream of til IL 51 Hour is in- His that God will when shot and shell fell lost And one burst tho boy it Its work The filled with lead No how he Could live standing there Hut I believe thai God had heard above be sold at lowest That prayer is very scarce and hard lo procure and I advise early by First First Served I Camp England PC A I A General Store Queen City Fldtir The AllPurpose and Monarch Flour For Pastry West Whoatlot3 In bans MILL FEEDS whole Our I Keswick roads Rev Atkinson preached Anni versary at Egypt on Sabbath evening Guess nobody will have lo draw water from the creeks for their stock lo drink this sum- as we are getting an abund ance of rain It is bad for hay ing and killing weeds Our young people meet two or three evenings week to play baseball and have plenty of fun and exercise Old and young seem to enjoy it Quite a out on Sun day in spite of wet weather Mr Miller President of the Sunday School Association paid our a visit on Sunday and gave us a veiy interesting ad dress The Misses Gladys and Helen Flanagan visiting at Mr Fairbanks Mr and Mrs Reed of Toronto were visiting at Mr A Dykes on Sunday Miss Maud was vis iting Mrs Mark Hall on Monday Thursday the is the Albert Garden for our next Ladies Aid to be nesday night and held at the home of Mrs Will supper program Very wet weather for haying hut good for growing Mr Allen our teacher to his home at on for the summer holidays but we hope to see him hack In September Mr Turner of Al berta Is on ft visit with his mother- Mrs Win Turner who Is very poorly Miss Turner of Toronto borne Mr Henry of Newmarket Is vihlllrtg her Ed St raster MISS Proctor of London Is visiting Mrs Mr ami Mrs Moore and son of rorito visited over Sunday fit Mr Ed Mrs John Milne of came to pay Mis a visit The Garden Parly last even ing was a grand affair Good supper large crowd and a splendid program Sharon made the whole village waken up for a while and the banjo music was a treat Orches tra enlivened everybody with their ex cellent and musical ability The singing by the Sutton and Mr Wrights songs the piano se lections by the Misses Atkinson and Howard together with readings by Mss and Miss Jennie Malnprlzo and an address by Rev Thomas made everybody glad they came Proceeds over Mrs John and Miss of Winnipeg are visiting Mrs Ed eyeral auto loads motored over lo Parly last wed- report having a One Phono SI A DEALER IN Quite a number from here look opinion in the Garden Party Ml Al bert last week and report a- large crowd Master George Morris of New market is visiting his grandfath er Mr Morris Mr Pont has return ed Newmarket after a short stay in the country much im proved in health Those who have attended the Free Methodist Camp Meetings at Uxbridgc report not so large an attendance as usual probably ow ing to the unsettled condition of the weather The Misses Goode and blaster spent last Thursday with Miss Maud also a few others musicians of hut It where is the Sharon Mrs friends from England Mrs visited Dally of here on Monday Harvey Ramsay arrived home on Monday Haines spent Monday MOUNT Dont forget the Strawberry Festival at the of Mr Johnston on July The ladies tag preparations for ft and we they iH not be An gram also with friends in Newmarket Master John Montgomery is spend ing a couple of weeks at Mr A Wit- sons Mr of Toronto was call ing on friends here on Tuesday Miss P Terry of Snowball was the guest of Miss Annie Mackrill a few days last week Mrs Thirsk of ML Albert visited at Mr II Haines one day last week Mr Terry of Newmarket visited his brother Mr Terry on Sunday Mr J of Orchard Beach spent a few days at Mrs A last week Miss Marion Grose has returned after spending a couple of weeks la Toronto Mrs Haloes and Mis Evans were calling on friends here last Wed nesday Mr B of Newmarket and daughter Mrs Or from Michigan visited at Mrs Monday Mrs A of Aurora and Mrs of Toronto spent Thursday at Mrs Mr and Mrs Fred Lewis of Toron to spent Mr J Parrs and little Hunt ley of spent Monday at Mr Watsons Mrs of Mrs and daughter of visited at Mr Soutse Friday Mr and Mrs of Brad ford and Mr and A of were visiting on Sunday LOW TO WUTtKI If going late tc or the tow to offered by the Railway good T- every IttrfttoM fcid Mi Ml youj humble writer that not nearly enough music Is given at ony time in our small places for who knows how lonely souls are thus cheered Would like to bear the Owls opinion on this Mrs Is visiting around the Lake Shore with her nieces Mrs Silas and Prank Morton and Mrs Or Rev and Mrs Lovering arrived on Thursday last and Mr gave a splendid introductory sermon lo a large congregation on Sabbath morn ing in the Methodist Church Our Is increasing In all lines over present most of the time Rev and Mrs Kemp left on Thurs day of last week for their new home at Mono Road and our kindliest of wishes foilow them both they and their family made friends of all around here Miss Bertie and Miss of Toronto up for the garden party Mr and Mrs J Huntley of ville spent with their son Mr W Huntley Mr Wrn and family spent a week at the Camp Meeting Mrs John Andrews and of visited her father and mother Mr and Mas McConnell last week Misses and Laura staying over for their holidays Mrs Cole of Toronto and daughter have returned after spending a week with Mrs L Foster Those who did not get to the last Ladles Aid missed a treat strawber ries and cream Wedding bells still ringing Who next The following verses sent lo Mrs Ed by her son Stanley who is now over seas j I Mothers keep on praying for us We who in trenches know when you a slack day Message from one over seas One evening in the twilight hour When strolling down a lane I beside a cottage porch For shelter from the rain I heard a voice come from within full of love and pain A mother asking God to send Her boy safe home again And as I listened so heard Her pleading for her boy I found lie was her only son Her comfort and her Joy when the pall to arms had come To save old Englands name Ho proved himself a hero And he spurned the path of shame And now be in the battle lino With others doing of their noble Urns fiomeooe will Miss Elsie Ernes andiMiss Dor othy- Harper of Toronto are visit ing relatives and friends Mr Mosps Ernes is back to Light House on Fox Island The question arises whothor this not money thrown away as there arc no more passenger boats on Lake any more The Boarding Houses are pret ty Well filled notwithstanding the cold wot season Meeting of at Keswick on Thursday evening which the boys are expecting to take in Mrs is away vis iting friends in the city Miss Morton training for nurse in Toronto was home for a few days last week Dr of Iowa visited bis brothers the last week Owing to the wet and disagree able weather the Union Pic nic on Wednesday was postponed for a week During Monday night Mr Sam Lukes of Bradford who has been summering with his daughter Mrs W Hi Eves was taken sud denly and Medical aid was secured and an operation for appendicitis was advised im mediately Accordingly two doc tors and two nurses were secured from Toronto before morning but there was a slight improvement and the operation was not per formed The indications are fa vorable for recovery We are pleased to see our friend Joy Marritt home for the holidays We understand she has a diploma as a LifeSaving Swimmer Well done Joy I All girls should be schooled in this achievement The of July at Mrs Mortons under the manage ment of the and So cieties was ono of the best man aged best organized ever held here No bustle no confusion every man or woman boy or girl in bis place on time The wail- erg were Chosen time and table numbered by Jack The system is a good one and de serves praise Jack is a good manager We understand the Red Cross work is being done every Tuesday afternoon in ho Hall Work is still sadly needed Why is so little interest taken Roches PL brand every Thursday in Miss Youngs store Show your faces and encourage the others pairs Sox 30 pairs Pyjamas Shirts were sent lately and an other lot almost ready besides S30 yarn knit and put in boxes for the boys at the front More yarn ready we understand Mr Barney Fortunes new house will be quite an improve- menl to Keswick The bricking is done on Mr Pollocks work done in so small a place as Keswick is marvellous Take the baker for Can he sup ply the demand do you think It is such good bread and buns we are doubtful Couldnt you do with a less and not kill the little Cook Yet there is some time to fish Did you smell it cooking Friday night Mr Geo Tom ns on caught it Mrs Ralph sister of Mrs Mahoney is visiting her bore We understand she has been very ill and is here convales cing We trust the pure lake breezes will blow all ailments away MifjS passed her Primary Music Eicarn with honors She is a pupil of Miss who has passed her Senior Piano Exam both at the Toronto Conservatory of Music We are sorry to lose our P teacher Miss who will be missed as site has been helpful in the and Choir and always tent willing assistance with her voice in song Is hay fever Oh no it is only a mild case of fever nearly everyone has it It is vory contagious will cure it Park near Keswick bids fair lo become a great Pic nic resort between car line and Lake Shore We believe it Is to be fitted up with swings dressing rooms for bathers etc Tell your friends about it Boots Flour Feed 0NT P E Taken In Exchr- 1 At v Jr op or I I -Ti- If TORONTO r rat Fours Smart Economical is an ideal car for people of taste and refinement the great sweeping success of the year The Overland Country Club is the smart sport model of the small car cla3 Grey body black and nickel trim and the price includes wire wheels with one extra Have a look at the Country Club right away and a demonstration Country Club Pout frost 32 CtstUcvcr rear Five 4inch lici AutoLite itntlri 1 Other OverIrl Fours Tourirj All price o point of Subject ittout Factory will Issue a Now Price List affect um certain models possibly during July end not later than Aug 1st J CO Phono 107 Main St South Church i- down during Ibe struck by lightning j by Lulu III Alma Colo absent An drew Mainprise Ralph Smith Jr HI Stanley 386 Arnold ab sent Walter absent Max Hoag Lloyd Smith Carl Kellingtoti Lena Arnold absent Nettie Cole Frank Smith 300 Hilda IS Fred Hood Daisy Stevenson Carmen quantities follow heavy rain Farmer Jr Herbert Cole Beta district are now Smith Reginald Mcintosh Cecil Glover Ralph Watson Clifford Lloyd The sir pupils last nam ed were promoted in March I Teacher Sutton School Reports Promotion no Q is expected l next Church on the Sunday evening nan- by a boll and he was a table while he dog JJ at bis side was This afternoon bail fJo of Exam la order of merit III to Watcher rlno Taylor Gordon Law rence Morton Draper Madeline VaaNorman Percy Elliott to HI VttnMoruiirJ Erie LIlioH Doris Percy I to Vera lion Vera Homer Green Audrey Smith A PKHo looking weather as the rain W very heavy recently IMP Loxl eon parties Floral ft white other Fir IVB HA TO I thlnj except Phono Btudio the fur Ou I Approved and travelled by Will travel Ihrough and J the season Ik the Farm is the pi THE I do all Me you NEW have If you you win are A HI Yhe on us a super A J I J WALTEH White on the I a vf3 KvEE

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