Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 13 Jul 1917, p. 2

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ft I Inaurnno 243m pen onto for child ren to drive also whip cart and Apply Newmarket Will party who ordorcd by mall July Phonograph and accords from Toronto please aend name and shipping instruc tions at once as wo received loi ter unsigned fifth dividend Of per wH bo paid the of the Button Grain Elevator Co Limited after August 1st IHAAC Address Sutton West Out It looks as the seaplane may solve submarine- monaco A few day a Barrio man was found more liquor in his possession than the law and Magistrate fined him andjeosts Magistrates country points following of Toron to Polico Mogintrales by impos ing penalties of the most nature ntoJLetter a vr Conscription Bill carried Iniaie of Commons JjVlday morning after an all- night session by a majority of The Bill is now the It will come back to for a third reading before it becomes law may bo a Coalition Gov ernment carry out its or the Government may go to country- I j i Decoration Day ON- July The different Lodges duties taking part will meet at the Market Square and leave for Iho Cemetery at 3 oclock headed by Band DR SCOTT Pros A rl Il I f j j Kelson Cooking with connections and stove bargain for Cash Phone or call at E D LEWIS Church HI A Very Toned May bo Seen Friends TO Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against of William Wright of the of East in the County of York Yeo man deceased who died on the day of April aro to fllo the properly proven with the undersigned solicitor for the executor of the last will of said William Wright de ceased on or before the day of July as immediately thereafter said executor will proceed to distribute the assets amongst those having regard only to those then Dated June 1017 If fc Solicitor for Newmarket WRIGHT Executor A proclamation by order of Ontario Government will bo sued by LieutGovernor calling upon people of On tario to hold public meetings throughout he Province on the day of next month to urge on tho third anniversary of the declaration of war die devotion arid patriotism of the people of he Province the of their determination to continue to exercise every effort to hasten victory and to reaffirm their be lief In the righteousness of the cause common to all the Allies It is refreshing to see tho spirit of Independence among the Lib- orals in the Dominion House but patronage and pull have weak ened of tile public toward the Borden Administra tion Too much party has been manifest not alone at Otta wa but throughout the whole military system of Canada to win the war Just now the conscrip tion of wealth is equally Impor tant as the conscription of men Mini it not been for the men already In the field of what value would wealth be It Is the British Navy that has preserved the wealth of Canadian capital ists today Red Cross Society Saturday is Flag Day for tho French Lei everybody respond cheerfully to the efforts of the ladies to bring Newmarket up to the standard with other towns of equal population Nobody ox peels to get through this war without doing his bit Every body who has a drop of patriotic blood in his veins is willing and glad to sacrifice toward gen eral cause of freedom for human ity and the poverty and sacrifice Of French in this great strug gle should appeal to Iho sym pathy of all It is inevitable there must be but that is nothing to the brutality which many of the French people have had to endure besides the loss of properly CHIME a and Dairy Plant lain Street Couth Wholesale and retail in any quantity at popular prices Buttermilk Milk Sweet Cream table and whipping by pint or quart Cheese extra mild in and Cream Cheese and But ter Call and a Brick or Ice Cream in bulk containers home with you also deliver Ice Cream in to your homo in or over Will keep for hours Evening Phone 240 Restoration of Slavery In Century Under this A J do Bray Doctor Political and Dip lomatic Sciences of the Universi ty of at present Prof of McGill has just pub lished an interesting book in sev en chapters deportations Bel gian appeals and protests Pro tests of Allied Nations Protests of Neutral Countries German replies the German liesj conclu sion Local Agent Wanted for Newmarket and TO SELL THE Splendid List of Stock For Fall j AND Spring Including Many New Varieties which We Alone Control for lov Cata logue Also Agents Proposition Hand- Borne Free Outfit Exclusive Territory Liberal Stone St Wellington Porithlll liuiGilca TORONTO S I I ix The ruling passion is strong in a bookkeeper the worm will turn tii into The deportation of the civil population of has aroused the indignation of the whole civilized world All coun tries allied and neutral seventeen number not including the Vat ican have protested against these acts of barbarism contrary to the laws and conventions between na tions Prof A J de Bray has initiated an extensive petition in Canada the text of which appears in his book protesting against these Belgian deportations This petition contains more than signatures from all parts including the heads of civil and religious institutions His book contains the official text of almost all the protests namely Those of the Belgian Government British Govern ment the City of Brussels the Belgian members of Parliament the Dutch Government also touching letters from Cardinal and the replies from Gov ernor von the appeal of Belgian workers to workers all over the world the protests of United States to the German Gov ernment and the manifestations which took place in principal American cities and universities described book is sold for in aid of the Belgian Fund All communications to be ad dressed to Sussex Ave MonU real Wheeler years of age after welcoming home her son who returned from the front fast evening at o clock fell downstairs about this morning breaking her n and dying a short time af terwards Owing to the return the son the family sat up until febout oclock this morning At oclock they were awakened by the of the mother vprClaudoAV Freeman of graduate the Toronto University In and for eleven years In charge of the Hospitals in Sliiin King left Thursday for England- commissioned in the Medical Corps Oleomargarine is being some extent as a substitute for butler A good many peoplo can scarcely toll the difference Vegetable grower now said to be arranging for fixing the price for the A good many people who used to buy their vegetables now growing what they want for home purposes wilt make a difference in the demand The people of Toronto took a walk on and walking yd The street car em ployees arc on strike for higher wages Thejilnoys are having their innings again Mr Joseph of the Con of Peel Township near the fum of about sheep that too after soiling lust winter netted him a handsome sum of money A wool dealer offered him lime ago for the wool off his look without wash ing it He accept the of fer and the price has gone away up lie will realize a good bit more far it Mr Far came from the District where he was reeve of his municipality- and the largest flock of sheep him Peel Township ever had In a dense fog a few day ago steamer Kingston struck the dock with terrible force doing considerable damage Crowds of small boys pat ronizing the Don swimming place Street from the city and Fast Toronto lake them to the desired destination free of charge On Sunday morning at Methodist Church East Toronto the pastor A Terryberry gave an address from Isaiah and 10 Lift up a standard for lie people to a large assem blage of Orangemen arranged by Coronation Lodge No and assisted by other Lodges Last Sunday afternoon while riding on Street north of Brock Ave Vera Waghorne of Brock Ave was struck by an auto owned by David and drivenly his brother She was picked up in an unconscious con dition and was attended by Dr Cook Ross was arrested on a charge of criminal negligence Joseph Coop was injured on Monday by being struck by a mo tor truck lie died at St Mich aels Hospital the same day Farmers of York County are complaining about the continu ous wet weather prevailing this summer While picking wild flowers in a field near her home Saturday Miss Ethel the 18- yearold daughter of George M of Mount Pleasant wag struck in the breast by a bullet Although the bullet has not as yet been extracted from tho nature of the wound it is believed that was fired from a 32calibrc rifle A few evenings ago a falling chimney smashed through the of No SI and ground wrecking the table In the dining room from which the family had just arisen after supper The lightning was ter rible Chicago spends per week in its saloons Toronto doesnt spend a cent there Be ing oneeighth the size of the Windy City we have oneeighth of that huge sum to pour into the Ottawa vlfillcdMrs Wednesday- Mrs of Barrio is In Town Dr from Michigan on a visit with her parents Mr and Mrs J and Mm A visited her mother Mrs on Sunday Tlic MIhhcs of Toronto wero visiting rthls Week with their aunt Mrs Fred BestJ and the a things fine wishes for- future closing of ihcWflr tli ON A Mr A K Widdlflcld and sister for a motor trip to Owen lost Saturday Mr David Hamilton attended al his brothers farm at on Wednesday Mr M Hughes left on- Wed nesday to visit friends in Pennsylvania Slate for a couple of weeks Miss was home for the Weekend attending the funeral of her Mrs J Simpson Stella of the weekend her old friend Mrs Prospect Ave up from and celebrated with her Several relatives Toronto last Saturday Mrs Shanes birthday Mrs Win and children Of Toronto arc visiting with her pa rents Mr and Mrs J Mulr Mr and Mrs Bert Gardner mo tored to Belleville last week to visit his brother Mr Thos Gardner Mr vym and bride of Toronto spent a few days week with his aunt Mrs Bert Gardner Webb of vallia Oregon Is the guest of her aunts the Misses Niagara St Miss A of is spending tho In Vancouver with her nephew Mr Miss Ida of Toronto has been visiting her cousin Mrs M McMannus Prospect Ave during lie past week Mr J It left on evening last week for the Canadian to the funeral of his nephew Mrs Clayton and daughter from Moose Jaw arc spending two months with her Ulster Mrs Gar field Mr Tench Is back home He enlisted but was sick In hospital for some time and is now in civilian clothes again The in a- communication frdrri Deputy Sheriff H Dakota City received the following The most diabolical scheme to destroy- human lives was shown up last travelling fakir peddling an in nocent looking court was arrested over at Henderson When police station over 8100008 found on his person arid this made the of ficers more susrIoIous at first and it was deoided to fully investigate- and a sample of the court- plaster was sent to chemist at Council Bluffs and when analysed was found to con tain large quantities of leprosy germs the most malignant and disease In the The aforesaid peddler was a German and hardly able to speak the English language and ap peared indifferent to conse quences when found out This should another warn ing to all people to beware of ped dlers tor you never can tell what you up against The most man is king in these days Appreciation is often the best kind of criticism to give if in a be Icths when your Canned Fruit 176 both Canned Fruity at attend Lombard v tin t tin 26o -v- dropped but Quality remains a 2Mb and bo convinced CONFECTIONERY It la Quality that counts That Is Iho reason our Candy Wo both Varieties and At A and Pu K EC THE Furniture and Undertaking House You- can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY oallo to at PI During tho Warm wo will carry a Lino of quoIi Lemonade Etc it will get prompt attention Hi ii I D Phones and At Brown Hill on to Mr and Mrs Ross daughter July Eric on of Mrs Win tills of our legitimate merchants and to look after people who are in need Premier Martin of Saskatch ewan and Premier of Al berta were in the city having tak en a rip east to rest after election campaigns summer SOME J0AY WE WILL VOUR Why Not Now I Toronto Opticians Limited EAST if Corner bad YongD TORONTO If- Sept Oct and 10 Bolton Oct and Bradford Oct and Sept Oct and 3 Lindsay Sept Oct Newmarket Sept 2628 fin IS wltw Kindly and ft boy a Toronto Aug Weston and Zephyr The slothful man always a lot of difficulties in the way Mr A S of Toronto was up at the College Farm on previous to leaving for his home on the Hay for the season Mrs Rhodes and daughters Mary and Kathleen from Montreal are spending at the home of her sisterinlaw Mrs A Martin Main Street Dr Stewart William bro therinlaw Mrs Aubrey Davis has been spending a few days In Town Mrs Davis and expect to re turn him Miss Vera Playter daughter of Mrs of Newmarket who is a graduate of New York City Hospital service in connection with American forces and has been ac cepted Mr E Turner of McGreggor Man Mrs P P Love and Mrs A S St of were visitors with their sisters Mrs K Morrison and Mrs P J Anderson for a few days last week Mr and Mrs Tench New market announce the engagement of heir eldest daughter Alice Maud to Mr William H of the marriage to take place he latter part of the month Miss Emily Haines Miss Webster Miss Pearl Mas ter Tcddic Robinson all pupils of Miss Mary E Lloyd have been successful in passing the Elementary Exam held at the University Local Centre Newmarket Mr A Service Man ager of the Oakland Motor Co Minne apolis Minn home with his rcntSj Mr and Mrs on a short vacation Miss Gwendolyn of Kenora Is also visiting her grandparents Rev J Wood was greeted with good the Meth odist Church last and the peo ple were very impressed with the sermons He is a rapid and force ful speaker and will no doubt soon be very popular in the pulpit We regret to learn that Dr Lewis and Ills esteemed wife are about to leave Town for Montreal where he Intends to continue his practice The Dr came here almost a total stranger two ago but has well In his profession He will also be greatly i by the Presby terian Choir where he took a promi nent part as tenor soloist Mr Fred j Hughes of Windsor me to me I renewed acquaintances in the old Town but trust will be able to a hat way ibis Fall Business has Lm txtr here one of Uie we ever had Windsor is cer- booming- Over bouses have beeu or are in the course of Ibis and we now have a population of I9 When came here there were Crop been but a lull tlciii in July to Mr and a daughter Altar On June 28th by Elder at his residence on Prospect Ave Clay ton Foster to Miss Lillian Mc Donald both of East rlOBKlnKQnUiJroriOn July at St Simons Church To ronto by Rev Lewis John lo May Louise only daugh ter of H Esq of To ronto formrly of Newmarket MORTONLEGO At Kirton Hall To ronto 30th 1917 by Rev Morton Mabel daugh ter of Thos of Tcmperance- to Joseph Harry Roy Morion of Ternperanceville It Quality that Counts QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT FOR THE PATHBPH0NE fiomarltable Instrument in the World CHOCOLATES MAIN STREET fop and Photo Supplies House Phono No 151 Store Phone No I i i Jo i At te Marie on July 1917 Cordon youngest of P formerly of Bradford years On July at sons residence Aurora J Welling ton In his 93rd year Interred at Aurora Cemetery on Tuesday On July Anne Mary Towniey widow of druggist Newmarket in tier year At Detroit al the of his daughter on July 12 Robert Pearson Funeral on Saturday morning on arrival of i rain Jo New market Cemetery for interment At July Frances Caroline be loved wife of Mr aged 77 years Although deceased has been In poor health for years she died very sud denly and unexpectedly The funeral on Wednesday was very largely at tended Interment at Newmarket Cemetery In Newmarket on of July James aged yean Deceased was a retired farmer from Township who has resided with his daughter Mrs Gauton street for ten years He leaves another daughter a son Interment at Newmarket Cemetery on Tuesday IF GIVE US OF SUBMITTING A always gives satisfaction A Lb STOCK Should bo to demonstrate and give To reference in Jo Phone NEWMARKET i W S J Main AU Or Jen Attention of Toronto St Catharines July During the severe electric storm last night lightning cleaned out the entire property of Chas al Beaver Dams A bolt struck the house first and the building rapidly burned there being no means to light the flame but the rain itself Then the flames communicated with the driving sheds barns etc and everything was burned loss about with some insur ance Whatever work that en gages you clear up after your self as far as you Do not tenve odds and ends about for else to finish or loose and scraps for another lo up The worse car penter the more the end the character of the workman is often clearly shown by what he leaves fiialit and Particular attention is called lo the convenient night train op erated via the Canadian Pacific- Michigan Route to end Chicago Leave Toronto ftt 1130 pm daily arrive Detroit and Chicago pm Lighted Sleep er is operated to Detroit fur ther particulars from Canadi an Ticket Agent or Howard District Toronto THOIW HEATH Berkshire WW Large English and a I Phone HOUSE BY Tenders will be rf- the 10th dressed to the for the Estate for the pur Jloso a kitchen and ni half of land of Queen Blree QW just north of lX This I a house of some room Hon to kitchen Purchaser will his J and to hull ler Balance with cent per annum itt The highest an necessarily W a ARCHIVES OF Mr kct I now and If year been I J Decor Mai lion I is to I Band will hi as lo lion lury Tor will have No per Miss Tin 1st Stark Louis new fount be work conci with and i staid Unlo will the servi Ohm Chui preai will Meth Of a and on diver gene prod way lo man open road bee price and of the He India thru his Mr and He and cho Ohio at has I nay till of th Mr ftutoa Pa TORONTO tsl l S

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