Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 6 Jul 1917, p. 3

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J- if i Friday Hoed Maps Ontario Western Ori iViiiitV Only lario J Nina tin J fit York County at Ohms Hardware i no Fruit J Try Trade I mimes- now rid Hog Winner UK id up to d So of chase nd on prop in lidd shed in at ton- of Lrtel who 1 ins lusl week got homo Owing lo Mr is advisable her Toronto Jlew- I nt IUlCl 8 t 8oo Bilk Sweaters Canary for mooting of Caledonia will I held A Kuon B on A former Amarkfll High ihoir tori liluss Misses Hull Doris own on very but no coal arrived in That helps Hie was on Sunday morning was dono A people Dominion Day at Aurora Daylight Having Will not ttointo in Canada year on Conscrip tion has put ill oilier iDlbeimckgiounil Park is a busy spot these days A picnic is hooked or every day this month except on and the very of the Garden in the Town great proceeds amounting lO The Aurora was on hand and furnished good music hooths- and fish pond wore well and nil wcjib carried out with much ion The ladles In of llio wore Mrs Mrs KN and Mrs Mrs Clark Mrs Smyth Mrs Walter Stephens and Miss Annie Mock looked after the can dy table The soft drinks were supplied by Mrs Vale Mrs Lister Mrs Watson and Mrs The Pond which was of amusement and lots of noise was in hands of Mrs Mrs Cane Don Sutherland and Mrs The J Hill Mrs Mrs Keith Mrs Mrs and Mrs Har rison The officers desire us lo press Ihoir sincere thanks to all who contributed lo the success of the and especially lo the Metropolitan Hallway Co for convoying the Band free of charge Net pVoeeeds of Garden Parly 19 ay jifiiyrHi9i7 W V v Report of Wo Br I lo Jr Craw ford Kreddio Rye Geo Hernard Wilfred Btovcnson J- 7 i i All Kind Nov In I r Orchard Beach and OH In All Window Shades Curtains Madras Wiisllh KfarqulaoUe and likely this week of next Christian 10 110 bad weather Jasl morning it was de cided lo hold the special Patriotic next Sunday tome at oclock sharp The program tfill ho good Plan to If present Remember our picnic Wednesday lo Lake invited to come along spend a pleasant day scholars are asked to come Monday evening and buy lictot special rates Knitting i0 and GO ladies at tended he Knitting Tea in the Methodist School Rooms last afternoon A lot of work was accomplished It was decided that during the summer months the refreshments would he cut out in connection with the Knitting Teas Collection next All and The next their Dont Delay Trying you Paris Green We it limited stuck of strictly pure Igors Green Its the kills the hugs Methodist Small congregation in the and service conducted by Rev Thus In the evening there was an inspiring Patriotic Service in of the An niversary of Confederation The meeting was in charge of Mr Cane assisted by Rev flrandy and splendid addresses given by J Da vis and P Pearson The mu sic was mostly patriotic The new Church Honor Roll was un veiled Flag Day for I Responding to the request of the Canadian Red Cross Society Saturday July will bo ob served as Flag Day for Franco An urgent appeal from Lon don Committee of ho French Red Cross for assistance for the sick and soldiers of the French Nation and also for llio French Prisoners of War is being made throughout the entire Erh pire on the above day and tho Newmarket Society has complet ed arrangements to assist in this laudable work Expect to he decorated on Saturday the with a French flag The ladies will not miss you if you arc on street The appeal is con fined to the one day Lot New market do her part Supplies sent to Head Office from Society this week Pairs Socks Personal Prop Bags Night Shirts I Suits Pyjamas Doz Pairs Slippers Day for Franco Satur day July ooo- BELGIAN DAY Mr Will Robertson cuugit dandy on Monday evening It measured in length weighed a Mi Jack Marrow of who was visiting his sister also- caught one that measured inches About people called on Do minion Day to nee Mr Cane who is feeling stronger every day The school hoys and girls arc making good in Production Campaign Several of the City Beach hoys are helping the farmers Flight hov ered for half an hour around Or chard Beach on Wednesday morningcoming the tops and waving to boys on the road They could the number on the ma chine Mr has rent ed collage to Mr A Wil liams of Toronto and family is expected this week For a couple of hours on the afternoon of Dominion Day cot tagers found it dangerous to al low their to play on the Lake Shore Road on account of the number of passing Prof Michael has one to for months vacation and he ban Prof King of Victoria University to preach for him at he Summer Church next Sunday The home for va- catlen one from and the other from Toronto are engaged for Public Schools for next about oiling he shore road No sign of it yet Reports of No Kino and Promotion Jr to Kotch Gladys Edna Stevenson Uoward In AH Matt Japanese In All Sizes Station Jewell tendon Park Lulu Taylor III to Jr Nora Tom Wilfred Ernie Tomlinsbh Frank Chapman George Malt i Jr IV to IVHarry Amos Names In order M B Teacher of Ho Names in order of III lo Jr Hon J Viola Florence Ivan Hall Audrey Duncan Pearl Rose Jr to III Lylo Skin ner Donald Pelch Stal- to Jr Ill May Rose Hon Edith Max well Johnson Florence Jr to Annie Skinner Johnson- Leone Irene Frank Lundy Nornan Shoridan Hec Garnet Sheridan Carman First Hook loJr Abe Skin ner Alma Stanley Sheri dan Walter Hopper Clara Hall Frank Hopper Primer to Book Minnie Viola Johnson Vera Widdifleld Lome Duncan Eva Clarence Oakley Arthur Williams Parley Jordan Foote John Wil liams of The tines at mm We Sugar a Good mm Our of Shoes la that wo Ho and It lo Bound to a ON EVERY Womens Institute The Newmarket Branch of the Institute held a very successful meeting in the Friends School loom on Saturday after noon Juno Mrs one of the few women farm- K in Ontario lectured on Pro motion and Economy dealing lh womens responsibilities during war lime She was ably assisted by Miss Tay- w Miss Collins and Miss Mor- W0 After Hie meeting a treat ice cream was enjoyed by all present Nov Of Baskets at Hardware neat and light in clothes hampers etc July 1th is Picnic Neil dale Is to be the Annual Union of the Christian Sunday tSrf Newmarket Keswick Union St will be held lo Lake beautiful grounds are P for such tomeply known as fcfS Keswick will be boating and gasoline launch children The Reach ftLfflW and safe l0t and cold supplied Refreshment A Program of Come ods are ftl St QUO clock am and J p firing On July si will be held the National Celebrations of Bel gium There will he years that the resistance of has permitted France and Eng land to organize to prepare the victory Belgium made by herself but by her brav ery what numerous things she has been obliged lo endure Thanks to the help the Allies and to the generous sympathy of the world he has all surmount ed But the help given by all must not diminish for bur den is not only sustaining but always increasing All gifts as small as they may be will be received with thanks and can be sent even in postage stamps at the administration of Pro Sussex Ave Montreal co a- Washington June The daylight savings bill amended to take effect next year passed the Senate today without discussion or record vole and was sent to the House Under the bill all timepieces would be turned for ward one hour beginning the last Sunday in April ami continu ing until the last Sunday lember Those who obtained less than of the total aro recom mended on trial fj Jr lo Emily Hon Nellie Buckle Chester Wood Laura Cos- ford Robbie Lewis 50 Jr lo St Alice Donne Maude Fletcher to Jr Edward Lew is Hon Ernest Cook Owens Aleta Brown Waller Baldwin Clarence Pottage Ruth Walker Reginald lon 5i Jr to Wood Dorothy Lunacy 50 Marshall George Newton lo Jr Gordon Beck ett Beckelt Lome Fletcher Jr to L 7fl Hon Evelyn Glass Hon Luhnoy Etta Clifford Walker Standing of Primer for month of June Primer Mildred Walker Leonard Owens Hazel Lawson Jr Primer Doris Leslie Brown Lawrence Main Primer A Ernest Rank Charlie Cook Fletcher Myrtle Newton Average attendance J Fletcher Teacher Mount School Jean Mahoncy Leslie Marshall Gordon Philip James Philip Primer A Rose Marshall Clara Johnston Stella Stephens Lloyd Tomlinson iithel Miller Leslie Dyer Primer Velma Bos worth Alice Posworth Max Stiles Free man Annie Cooper Grace Abbs Jr J Delia Vnnderburg Fred Everett King Jr Clifford Bosworth Varna Pearson Irene McMillan Wilfrid Wight Allan York Fred Stephens Leilha Thompson Fred Blizzard Ada Blizzard Lome Ma- honey Jr III Cora Marshall Everett Sweet Jean Hamilton Delia Hop kins Frank Wight Warren Marshall Thompson Jr Ruth Bosworth Har ris Wight Joe Johnston Jack Stiles York Tom Stevens Sr Johnston worth Joy Pressor Teacher The Womens Institute held its summer meeting at home of the MacMurchy8th Line on Saturday June 30 Mrs Tom- llnson of addressed the meeting on Duties and oppor tunities of women in war lime and Economy of the home in lime and Energy Lunch was provided Some much needed repairs are being made interior of the Music Hall Mr Alf Weftlhrook has return ed from the hospital where he underwent an operation Ho is in a fair recovery Mr Geo has returned from Buffalo where he visit ed with friends He was ao- Companicd his sister Mrs Baker Everybody went to the Nash ville Garden Parly on Wednesday evening The auto provides easy means of travel which did not exist years ago Rev Geo Mitchell of Toronto who with others is spending some time at The Ranch is somewhat under the weather oOOO Ladies Summer leekEnd Sale Fine Elastic nlbbod Summer Vest Half or Sleeve less Good Value To- Day Price Ladles Unit Fine Drawers and White Gale Price Corsets St A Reg i Sale Price Ladies Summer Quality of Wet Cool for Hot Iflcalher 60c Ladies Heavy Cotton Trimmed Brassieres Sale Prloe KETTLEBY SCHOOL REPORT Following are the names of the pupils who will be promoted into a higher class Pupils whose I names are followed by Hec have obtained pass marks but have failed in one subject and aro recommended by the teacher to go into the next class Jr to Sr K Mount Beatrice Lewis mere was a good attendance at the Methodist Church on Sunday af ternoon notwithstanding the of the weather The pastor Rev Paine occupied the pulpit and preach ed a very patriotic sermon The choir sang two very suitable Mrs and George visited Cedar drove over Sunday A number from here have been at tending the Camp Meetings at Dixons Hill Miss King a nurse of New York Hospital Is visiting her aunt Kirs Macklerri Cook for a few weeks League last Friday evening was well attended anil great Interest was A patriotic pro gram was given Paine gave a short address on Canada before Con- federation and after which was much enjoyed The League Is steadily Im proving under the Presidency of Mr Herman holder We are glad to sec our young men engaged In such work as this It is helping the neigh borhood a higher and a nobler mode of living VANDOHF Clad to report that Mrs JOB Nurse who has been under the care for some weeks past Is slowly im proving On account of be ing so rainy many were present Ladles Hose Ten nog for Ladies Good Quality 19o pair ESTABLISHED OF CANADA CAPITAL rAlD UP HEAD OFFICE TORONTO SAVE laoney SECURE your future and SERVE current on Sarica at all NEWMARKET BRANCH M SMYTH Manager Now is the Time to Buy Your When we anxious to sell as we are crowded for room We are only mentioning a few outingonly a the electric cars is assured and large expected Plan to i baskets and enjoy next Rich Out Glass fl There la hardly tlilno that the average shopper go astray on than Out Glass tike the purchaser of diamonds the buyer of Cut Glass should do- largely upon the and Integ rity of person who la aelllng It Highgrade Out Glass la at this We buy from A AIITI0LK8 TO SHOW YOU I Prices are We Request a I Atkinson Co of Ho 3 McMillan Hon Greta Hon Clifford West Hon Greta Smith absent for exams but recommended Jr Howard III Mary West Hon Dora Glover Herman Clarence Newton and Cameron recommended Jr III Kathleen Hon Cecil Smith Donald Smith Ma bel Martin Leonard II Audrey Willie Andrews Frank Arnold Money Shields Ernest An drews George Money Jr Beatrice Hon Irving Hoy Martin Fred Andrews Willie I Tom Walls Hon May Martin Constance Lilly West Fred Newton Dorothy Smith absent for exams but recommended M Vanderburgh Report of Wo 12 at church ami the program that was lo Jr required to prepared by the S was unable COME The AND SEE FOR Great Values We pass 375 Arthur Fox Olive Mount Bertie Dora Wood Hazel Dove Rec Edith Rcc Jr III to III required lo pass Frank Burling K Rcc Robbie Hunt Teller Burling 351 Rec Jack Davis 347 Gladys Burling 35 Jr I to Jennie Lewis Lewis Maudie Gamble Class to Jr I Ruth wards Alma Burling Ruth Hunt Jr to Class Mclvin Camp bell Verne Mount The Reo pupils failed in the following subjects Dove Arithmetic Spelling Spelling Bur ling Arithmetic Burling Arithmetic L Teacher s of Amer icans ARRIVE IN A French Seaport July 2 The last of the American Force comprising ves sels loaded with supplies and horses arrived here today amid screechingof whistles and moan ing of sirens Their coming one week after the first troops landed was greeted almost as warmly as the arrival of the troops themselves because it i V 1 Names in order of merit III to Jr Willie Linton and Florence Giles recommended Jr to Jr III Eleanor Per egrine Smith Irving Arnold Mao Theakston Linton Gor don Evans recommended Jr Gordon Cole I- Ross Smith Madeline Smith Florence jLfenor Jessie Smith Jr Linton Harold Smith Maurice Evans Carmen Ruth Cole Herbert Jean Kolvey Nellie Rolling Reo Verna Dunham Ree d Primer A Smith Primer Vera Arnold Olive he given Mr and Mrs Harry Powell and friend motored from the city Monday ami tipent the day with the Powells Those who were present at the picnic last Wednesday Prestons Lake sure had a good time The sup per was the best possible and plenty of It After tea those who took part In the lads from the wee tots to the grown ups made a good deal of and fun for the speckled latere and onlookers Miss Nellie Vflsey a former teach er here four years ago was renewing old acquaintances In our burg Mon day Sorry to report Miss Mabel Hooper had to undergo an operation for ap pendicitis in the General Hospital one day last week We for her a speedy recovery Mi Stanley Miller and his churn both of Toronto spent the holiday un der the parental roof MiSKEtta of Toronto spent the weekend at Mr Mr and Frank Greenwood ar rived home from their honeymoon trip last Friday night Of course as usual the boys welcomed them with their very melodious music Frank re sponded very generously and an Ice cream social Is being arranged for this week are Giving 116 t0 White Pump 190 Sat on for Parent Leather Low Shoes with one or two straps Hog Saturday for Ladles Patent Loathor Childrens White Shoos pair 80o Ladles Patent Leather Boots Hog to for Dark Brown Soles and Hoots Beg to i for Patent Leather Beg 15 to for Mans Harvest Boots Tan 223 A Dig of Bunnlng Shoes White Tan or Blue to bo sold at Ladles Corset Covers Saturday on Sale at 19o Ladles House Dresses Beg for 125 Goodyear Waterproof Bog to for Blue Sorge or Worsteds Reg to for A Large Quantity of Millinery to be Sole Below Cost Sorgo Pants to for Girls Middles Reg for Ladles Sport and Middles Ladles Ladles Saturday or Skirts nog to and Saturday ij meant complete success of the undertaking Two submarines were sunk after firing five tor pedoes iOOG4 Kitchener July The Grand River at Bridgeport rose to the 10foot mark during last night the has ever reached during the summer months and as high as the river attained dur ing the freshet two years ago The river were flooded but no damage was done At Con- and the river overflowed the banks during the night and at both places a of horses and cows were drowned The unusual volume of water to the heavy fall of rain the northern portion of the county China has passed from a re public to a monarchy Paris July 3 The situation in Spain far from improving ap pears to bo going from bad to worse June 30 Buck led up series of Vs with the engine way over in to a swamp the lender and baggage cars minus their truks the day coach nosed down into a marsh and two Pullmans off the train from Ot tawa came to a sudden stop just of at am to day- People who have seen many wrecks declare that this morn ings was one of the worst their experience yet not a soul was injured There is conclu- Couth of King George Proprietor The mill owner at Alliston was killed in his mill on Saturday Markets July ton Wheat per Hay per ton per lb per doz Potatoes per bag 3 Spring Chickens dressed 0 Live 8235 38 3 50 Good MinTer 12000 MO 1100 SO Stockers Feeder Choice Veal Calves Medium Veal Calves Light Sheep Spring Lambs Hogs fed and watered Newmarket Markets evidence that the smash was the result of a deliberate I to ditch the rain Highest prices Steno 31 Wheat per bush Oats per bush niil y per Peas per bush per per tan July US 40 V Timothy per- 99 Kt 320 e I pVlh ARCHIV u TORONTO CM

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