Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 6 Jul 1917, p. 1

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v- 1 c J J I L M is Han Who Afford to of Hie I THEM EXAMINED AT- Watsons Store ftrf ssn Editor and ProprinjrvfSv Assi J Goods I I THE Our aim pent is lOiv you host values Ircat- Paints Varnishes and Stains 1 AND Plat Wall BLACKSMITHS AND BUILDERS HARDWARE PIPE VALVE8 AND ROOFING MATERIAL All 8UPPLIE8 PIPE In Grazed TJU In and In Modern Swooping Compound In iliO and for The 1900 Gravity Washing Machine RANGES Oil and SUPPLIES Plugs Ce ment Patches Olio and THE PAINT Phone 28 f STORE NEWMARKET Cplul Paid up Rut AlMt April 3CGG0GG87 Any Branch of the Bank of Montreal is prepared lo receive deposits ol 100 and upwards that may bo converted as they accu mulate with interest into Dominion Government War Savings Certificates t Toronto Letter Albert Strong a bigamy His said he has how living was on a chaigo by bin at half G Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END LUMBER j IL7 Wood W PEARSON Order Coal from Giles John Murphy and John Draper OFFICE PHONE BANK Capital Reserve Fund I 58439302 Money Orders and Drafts When In large or email innuata do by lituM of ibtooto It liiti lo lby to both AUt- HI In tt Wort A Manager OF ALL KINDS LATH SHINGLES POSTS EiC -ALBO- SASH MOULDINGS AND TRIM Id Trim It Our n Will fiftor It Is Put Op wti fa LIM8 wife rcHldinp bridge IbrOft and inon in vain to drag a belonging Company from a of nnd0Oft clay in bay opposite KaUiurat wore valued at each- A Chinaman arrested in Galons stoic on A clerk noticed he had something his raincoat and topping him he dropped a roll of silk Valued at On Saturday oven I rig ho Po lice arrested Henry St on a charge of drunkenness after finding him in a bush near St Clair Ave When he got over his unconsciousness ho said he been drugged in a laxicab The driver was found in along with money a watch and inn which the drugged man claimed as his Charles was the laxicab driver and was arrested on a charge of robbery held their annual picnic at Bond Lake on Thursday of last week Memorial wore there week before Three young thieves to the Prison Farm by Police Magistrate last week In the County Criminal Court Fred Wilson and Wrn received terms of six and three months at the Jail Farm re spectively IJoth were concern- in a case of housebreaking and holding up a voman named Mabel but Wilson it was alleged bad also passed a worthless cheque and stolen a suit of clothes The Y A raised over a million dollars in their Canadian campaign It is said the Hanks of Toronto and Hamilton are taking action to prevent their Clerks from acting as Cashiers to Racing Clubs The strike if workmen at the new Union Station rttill continues and on Thursday of last week he builders laborers went on strike In sympathy with the structural iron workers It is now two months since the lat ter struck for an increase in heir wages The wages paid lo them were per hour and ask for lie usual rale now paid by all firms The Appellate Division has dis missed he application of the of for leave to appeal from the decision of the Ontario Railway and Municipal Hoard holding it liable to extent of for an increase Of six fool in tho width of the TorontoHam ilton Highway The Commis sion suggested that the township should escape any charge further than the cost originally contem plated but the Ontario Railway Hoard followed legislation which provided for the cost being dis tributed among the municipali ties affected The Old Hoys of Upper Canada College presented a cheque for to Mr W Jackson mark appreciation of his services during the forty years he has been classical master of the college Last week the of the Presbyterian Church Association decided to conform to be deci sion of the General Assembly and stop all active work in opposition to church union Last week seven denominations were represented at a meeting of be Patriotic Association which passed a resolution yesterday en dorsing conscription and urging that clergymen bo included among those liable for military service and that wealth bo con scripted For the four months ending April employes of the O Railway contributed 201 and War pur poses The Red- Cross Society was given Patriotic Society and Si was contributed lo he pay of employ ees overseas According to a lengthy- report issued by George Alcorn master- inordinary at Hall last week Mrs Baldwin is to receiyo a month alimony from her husband Caw- On July slates the report is to being arrears of ali mony from January 1017 when he writ for the case was Issued Defendant la to pay the costs of action Rome school teachers from various sections of Ontario ar rived in Toronto on Tuesday and are taking lessons in soldiers drill solas lo teach young cadets Last week Magistrate NJnton of Rich mond Hill a years for stealing a The that he had Plow Policies Germinating the inliids of the women of llje province are ideas in government and public welfare which they become expressed will profoundly influ ence politics This is one of the conclusions and outlining groathopes arising frdnilho wo mens vote roOOO feEBIi wows To witness recent raid In England with experience of Col MPF of Toronto who went overseas a few months ago with the Toronto Irish reachod by Mrs Margaret la ion In a Organizing ofi the Ontario Womens Liberal As sociation who J past two months has vis fled a large num ber places ftiifioomo in touch with women In various Mrs real lorest in public affairs in cities towns and vi I lakes alike In her opinion the principal thing that women want and are asking for today is information in regard to public issues Even before the granting of be fran chise many kept them selves in touch with develop ments others did not Hut at any rate all today arc naturally mora closely interested in the government of the country than they ever before be cause now are no longer outsiders but ore voters the same as men Mrs anticipates from her observations of tho last two months that the Interest of women will largely revolve around issues affecting the homo he farm the factories and places of business where women work In other words their interest will bo a very human one defined in terms of people rather than pro perly Mrs has boon greatly impressed by the high type of women who arc associating them selves together in womens Lib eral Clubs to study public prob lems She is also struck with the democracy of these organiz ations and the thai their membership is taken from wo men of varying interests and oc cupations There are now twelve clubs with the Ontario Wo mens Liberal Association of which eight have been formed in he last few weeks These new ones include Owen Sound Grimsby St Catherines raonl heLake Winghnrn St Marys Mitchell and London In addition lo these are the ones al ready in existence Toronto Hamilton and Bramp ton Toronto last week from Lennox says VKo doubt you have heard of the last raid Well I was as near to as oyer want to be again No less- than ten bombs exploded within yards of whore standing were no less than planes all dropping bombs in the broad daylight Notwithstand ing the fact that the planes were nearly three miles in be air you could seo thorn plainly with the naked To you an idea of their size they are 100 foot in width also paid a tribute to Sir George and spoke of the great interest ho takes in Hie Canadians They have done me the sig nal honor of my intact and are sending us lo Franco as a unit said he Outside of one other we are the only battalion in sixteen months that has been accorded this dis tinction My men arc in groat fettle and will play their part when the opportunity We leave for this week to continue our training be added and expect to go to France in about six weeks Col Lennox also spoke of a short visit to Windsor Castle Hampton Court and other places of historical interest Single Copies 5o each i J Wood The new Methodist Pastor who will preach in Newmarket time next Sunday Farm Note on Sam Cartons Dynamlos It is not only during the ses sion of tho legislature that Sam uel maintains his unflagging activity During ho rest of the year also lie is con stantly engaged in some sort of public work addressing meetings under many auspices Within I he last two weeks ho has ap peared before the Hamilton Meth odist Conference has taken the pulpit twice in Preston has ad dressed several public bodies and spoken to least four womens societies and lo several Liberal gatherings The main topics Carter is discussing these days apart from the direel war situation on which he foots very keenly are the need of greater vision in he public life of the country ho baneful influence of be patronage evil which lie be lieves has dulled and lowered the level of politics and public life the necessity for an everIn creasing measure of actual pub lic control of affairs and the re cent encouragements in his field democracy Among these he includes The extension of he franchise to women onehalf the population who were formerly excluded the victory of the Ontario Opposition in forcing the Government to tax the Inter national Nickel Company more stringently wilb the result that in the years and Provincial Treasury will be en riched by one and a half million which it otherwise would not have received hereby relieving the people of that expense if the rev enue is properly administered and the further victory of Ontario Opposition in the agitation for the suppression of race track gambling during the war because this action removes the inequality formerly existing between rich and poor before the law Lindsey presided at Hie meeting to a Provincial Liberal Association for North West Toronto and ald of- North Bruce was he principal speaker Ever since his series of noteworthy speeches in the legislature this session Mr McDonald has been in great demand is in spine respects the Lincoln of the Ontario Liberal Parly a demo crat among democrats His nickname is Peter Pan to his neverfailing youthfumess At the North West meeting Mr developed his favorite topics the red tape and been in trouble before but futility of Department of was ascertained not the the truth Camp Surry June 1917 Dear Mr Jackson- Arrived after a splen did trip The water was very rough coining over but we didnt seem lo mind il Left Toronto Tuesday afternoon April at and arrived at Halifax April mil at oclock- We laid there a couple of days waiting for the Olympic to arrive We sailed Sunday evening April al and arrived at Liverpool Monday morning May They then marched lis to the station Wo left at I ravel lea by the South Eastern Chatham Railway line they have very peculiar cars passengers to a compartment The scenery along the road was magnificent If is a good- experience lo a young fellow I am very glad lo say we are settled at last We arc living in huts men to each but I just came off my four days leave Visited London staying at the High St While there half a doz en fellows- and myself met a MCA officerand asked him to take us around and he said be would free of charge us up to St Pauls Cathedral When- we arrived there was a Memorial Service going on The American Legion was receiving heir colors They had a very fine service be choir all wearing white gowns He then took us around the building showed us Lord Nelsons Tomb and also bis magnificent Funeral Carriage It weighs tons and takes six horses lo draw it He showed us Christopher Wrens Tomb the man who planned how lo erect it and the first man to be buried in it The building cost twentyone million pounds so you can imagine how magnificent it is street cars they have in London are far different from what they have in Canada They are what you call doubledeckers penny will lake you any where you want to go Eng lish people over here are very good to the Canadian soldiers Must close lo the rest of the staff Cyril Atkinson a a The most successful sale of Shorthorns in Canada in many years was held at head exclusive of calves at foot being sold for the top price being There Catarrh a Ihls sec tion of the country Ihsn all other dis eases put together flnd for years It was supposed to be incurable Doctors prescribed local remedies and by con stantly falling to with local treat ment pronounced it Incurable Catarrh Is a greatly influenced by coiibUlutiohal conditions and requires irtatmeid Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by P J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio Is a con stitutional Is taken Internally and acts thru the on the Mucous Surfaces of the System One Hundred Hollar reward Is offered for say cftse that Catarrh Cure to cure Send for J Toledo by While a maximum production of honey is of pressing impor tance in this warfood year yet increasing the bees for next sea son must not be neglected Roughly speaking- the bees that are in the hives at 1110 com mencement of the honeyflow gather the crop while the brood builds up the colony for next year unless there is lo be anoth er important honey-flow- This brood is very valuable for form ing nuclei because these started early with a laying queen or ripe queencell will build up into strong colonies before winter In creasing in this way with brood from strong colonies during the honey- flow is the basic principle upon which an apiary can be quickly Built up while at the same time an almost full honey- crop is secured In con taining brood in all stages there is always more or less desertion of bees and consequent death of the young brood and sometimes chilling and death of the older brood even when the nuclei are skilfully made by an experience apiarist Further queens may not be immediately obtainable or may be lost in introduction Robbing of the newlyformed nu clei has also to be guarded against but during the height of bo honeyflow only carelessness will cause this towards its end however the danger of robbing grows so great that is difficult to maintain newlyformed nuclei even when strong Desertion be checked by stopping en trance with grass the bees will make their way out when the grass dries and shrinks in about wo days but care must be taken lo avoid overcrowding the confin ed would lead to especially in hot woatlierA good way 16 overcome the loss of young brood Is to place the brood over a queen excluder a week he- fore its removal from the parent hive This may he done in the ordinary course of relieving con gestion in the brood chamber as to discourage swarm ing a frame or wo of comb or of foundation being plac ed in the brood chamber when the brood is raised tfrom Era July it P Wells and Hon the two candidate recently nominated by the of North York contest be Hiding at approachlnpf elections Dominion and Ontario Houses respectively an nounce through the Era today the limes and places where they will address the electors on important issues of day The annual union Common School Picnic for Whitchurch and King took place in the beau tiful grove of Mr Brooks Dennis of village and was very largely attended last Saturday Toronto market prices today Flour Wheat Bar- ley Peas and Oats Wool lb Roll Butter Tub Butter Eggs bush Pork cwt Married At Lloydtown Juno Mr Joel to Miss Lucy Ann Williams both of King Rev Ostler officiating At the Manse Newmarket by Rev John Brown on July 1st Mr John Kiteley to Miss Minerva both of At the residence of Mr Newmarket by Rev Brown on July 2nd Mr White of Bradford Miss Julia Silver of East Hon John McMurrich adver tises bis address lo the electors- t BIO CELEBRATION HELD AT gonce of family for Aurora celebrated the semi centennial of Confederation by a gala day in the town park A procession of school children headed by the Queens Own Hand marched to the park at I oclock There was a record attendance at the demonstration and was made by the ladies of the Patriotic League under whose auspices the affair was held In knitting contest Maud Wade finish From Era of July 8lh candidates wrote for entrance at Aurora Mr- and Mrs left on Tuesday on the Mackinaw trip Inspector and his granddaughter Miss Mabel re- turned this week from Inspector family Toronto are visiting at Mr A Davidsons Messrs Warner and Lloyd got back from Kingston on Monday where Ihey attended a bicycle meet wheels being in the procession Rev W W Smith gave ad dresses at the Convention week which was a great success Immense S gathering at on Dominion Day 1200 scholars and adults Rev W presided and he singing was led by Brass Band AddrcseP by Mr Alfred Day and J of Acton Spe cial vocalists wore J M Wbylp of the celebrated Whyle Bros and the Misses Joy Quartettes Married On July Mr Ah Miller of Mt Albert lo Miss Mag gie Lemon of Lemonville Died In June 30 John W Pearson in his 24th year A cyclone struck the Tp of Whitchurch on Wednesday and left devastation in its Messrs Reynolds Jas Gra ham and Joshua Oliver were the principal sufferers The Union Excursion to last Tuesday was a great success II wellpacked coaches on the York Rangers Band of Newmarket In attendance Father Morris Picnic here on the 1st of July was a great suc cess It was held on the Fair Grounds 1500 people present Cleared nearly wheels started in the bicycle race on Wednesday from Sutton to Keswick and return people were in Sulton to see Aurora won tho Silver and Connie won I Cup having 58 points i i girls prizes and Mrs Browning and Mrs Tucker the prizes for ladies In the baby show Donald Jones was the first prize winner The members of Womens Auxiliary took in by sale of refreshments Tho football match between Aurora and King City was won by the latter Copenhagen June Sink ing by a German submarine out side the prohibited zone and with out examination of the 546ton Danish steamer was re ported by her commander on his arrival bore today The cap- lain says Ills ship was keeping well clear of the zone when without the slightest warning a torpedo was fired but did not damage the ship passing under her The submarine then emerged and sent the to the bottom by artillery fire The submarine commander left the Danish vessels crew In their boat miles from land Tho sink ing carried out without evon an inquiry as name of vessel The little girl who used lo play big lady by putting on a long skirt Is now an Old who plays little girl putting on a short skirt Dallas ket Aurora people met the teams coming from Sutton and had a procession up Main about it oclock at night carrying torches and about brooms clean sweep j Newmarket prices this week Flour 84 to Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Goose Wheat Barley 40c Oals28o Peas Eggs Butler Potatoes 35c bag Wool Chickens pair Scotts Pharmacy is the lead ing drug store and the leading hardware man i- a In he hall of a Society the following notice was posted seals in Ihfs ball aro for use of the ladies Gentle men are to make of them only after the former are seated tilt ARCHIVES OF r 3S

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