BO a Who Works Afford to ho CaP Of THEM EXAMINED AT Watsons f WE I to bee window iT dUor a JACKSON tor i V I Quality THE Prompt I NEWMARKET FRIDAY JUNK i I Vol- No v T pica Our hi is to givo you the best values courteous trcat- jroil service Paints Varnishes and Stains Flat Wall AND inOfJ PIPE ROOFING MATERIAL All ELEOTRIOAL 8UPPL1E8 Bulbs Cord Etc PIPE In In and In Modern Compound In 37 and bo Agency Tor The Gravity Machine 8Y0VE8 Oil and AUTO SUPPLIES iuboa Oo- Oils and llVJUVJ THE Phone PAINT STORE NEWMARKET Paid up Rot ToUl At toll April 3eGO00U7 Saving Victory is facilitated by the Bank of Montreal which will receive your deposits at Interest and convert them as they accumulate into Dominion Government War Savings Certificates a j i C G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD Our Toronto Letter i w PEARSON Coal from John Murphy and John Draper PHONE BO Capita 5000005 0303Q2 The Convenience of Savings Account Is lL0tvI l- txd to iat uec4lU3ly You may La la iJuoUo lie I A LISTER DUMBER OK ALL KINDS LATH SHINGLES POSTS ETC DOORS SASH TRIM turf will MM it la Hut Up S fill Hoy ar rived from Japan on furlough Mrs arid their four little ones Three- women and were out by oclock in ho morning and when the one hun dred hank and two adding machines had totalled up flume had brought inin chango for little wild rosea one day last week it was found thoy amounted to close on woro was lak- in lost year One- day last week was caused on Aye when a ridden A crashed into a heavy plate glass fortunately the rider escaped in jury Two infants who had been outside in a gocart hud boon moved from the spot where cycle struck but a few minutes before A wagon driven Charles Boulter of an auto oh Wednesday and the driver so badly injured that doalh resultor License Board has passed a regulation lhaMwery Standard Hole must have a candle placed therein so that in case of lire guests can readily find their way out During the past week an appeal was issued to the members of the Presbyterian Church to celebrate the of Confederation by giving an offering sufficiently large to wipe out the deficits in the different missionary funds which now amount to over Mr Justice has retired from the Bench He is now years of age hoys of of Hal ifax who ore on leave in Toron to wore taken on a flightseeing car around the city and wore af terwards entertained by Mrs Warren Bridges while engaged at work under a car in the railway yards last week was crushed lo death by a shunting car Police raided the promises of a Chinese Doctor on St and found worth of opium Be was remanded on bail Charles who was run down by a mo tor bar driven by Mr Barry on Dan forth Ave died in the General Hospital Mary Carter aged years while playing in front of her own home was run down by an auto had- her leg broken J Two hundred return fed invalid soldiers were taken on an excur sion last Friday from Toronto to Niagara on the Lake While at the Falls they were given a lunch Two more Missionaries in Chi na under the Canadian Methodist Mission Board have been grant ed leave of absence lo go to France on military service They are Rev A J Brace and Mr Homer Brown of Toron to Altogether no less than au tomobiles have been stolen in To ronto this year an average of one per day Mr Bull and bride of Brampton came to Toronto last week in an automobile arid while making a call on St car was stolen by a couple of youths and afterwards found stuck in the mud in the road at Tpdmorden Wedding presents were in the cor but were not dis turbed It is staled that Win the War party will demand a conscription pledge from candidates from any election which may bo held During the downpour of rain on Friday a newsboy dropped his papers on the sidewalk and by his prompt action saved a little girl from being run over by a street car The Mayor was ordered by the Board of Control to call upon citizens to celebrate the An niversary of Confederation the 1st of July by a display of flags etc A wonderful change is reported in one Chinese city by Dr Glover of Now York who address ed a Toronto meeting lost Friday night Be told of visiting Chow China in and finding it the most prejudiced city in tho country against the Christian faith armed ne cessary to protect him from injury when conducting services Now that city is the most hospit able courteous and receptive of the entire country Thirteen thousand of that city have now pledged themselves to the Lord and arc assisting in of other said Dr fl lover Walter of lately connect- with Daily News has been appointed Assistant Food Con- roller or the Dominion- along with Hon J Banna II is reported that Can adian soldiers are now in Hos pital in the old country and Can- j JUBILEE OF CONFEDERATION not seen possible thai GO years ago El Sunday wo celebrated the first Dominion Day in Canada Though only a boy we well roineinber the The Voluntcors paraded there was a Cricket Match on the Fair grounds and a Picnic in lingers woods north of the village I On July 1st British North America Act came into force Previous to hat Canada consisted of a group of small and comparatively British Colonics Nova Scotia New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island were separate and Sparsely settled colonies each upon its own local problems Upper and Lower Canada were belter settled arid more important but great NorthWest was only a vast wilderness the control of the Hudson Bay Company A few thousand miners who had been attracted to British Columbia by the discovery of gold in the led of the River in composed the far West Colony Prior to Confederation most Of the people of Canada were engaged In agriculture and lumbering The operation of a Reciprocity Treaty with the United States created a largo and lucrative trade In the products of the farm and forest Much of the grain and lumber was carried water and as a result there were many busy harbors for sailing vessels and sloamerjL on Lakes Ontario and Erie Manufacturing was confined almost entirely lo the supplying of needs and as a result every good- sized village had its grist mill planing mill wagon shop harness shop and shoe shop In the first railway in Upper Canada was operated between Toronto and Bradford Bridge called the Northern Railway and the senior Editor of the came lo Newmarket on the first pas senger train lo he operated Willi a Time Table which was handwritten However railway de velopment was quite rapid after this vefilure and by the end of over miles were in opera- lion The Grand Trunk was open from Riviere Loup to a distance of miles in In there were seven railroads in operation in Upper Canada and live in Lower Canada Following this the Government of Upper Can ada began building Colonization Flo ad giving ac cess lo parts of the country not reached by the railways and efforts were made lo induce immi grants from Europe to settle hero Government publications staled that seven million acres of crown lands were surveyed and offered for sale at from 30c to per acre Each settler had to put twelve acres under cultivation with lit four years build a log house ft- and reside on his lot until these conditions were fulfilled Fifty years ago in many parts of the country settlors were hewing out of he forest and encountering pioneer difficulties and hardships which this generation knows nothing about Even In the older and heller settled parts of Canada social life was much simpler half a century ago than it is- today There was loss difference be tween the city and country between rioti and poor Departmental stores and great industrial estab lishments had not yet concentrated business wealth and population in the cities Canadians as a rule were prosperous and had high hopes for the future of the country Immediately after Confederation the Canadian Government took slops to obtain the vast territory from the Hudson Bay Company from the Rocky Mountains which had been under heir control for about 200 years am finally purchased for one and a half million dollars all their claims to ownership and the government of district In a part of this Territory as it was called was organized into Manitoba which thus became the first new province added to the Dominion The second province to be added was British Columbia which had long been a neglected colony but through the efforts of Sir John the Canadian Government itself lo con nect Ibis Province with Eastern Canada by moans of a railway within ten years which was the origin of the Canadian Pacific Railway With the completion of this railway population poured in lo cultivate the fertile prairies and in the Dominion Government under Sir Wilfrid Laurier formed two now Provinces between Man itoba and British Columbia called Alberta and Sas katchewan thus completing the chain of Provinces from the Atlantic to the Pacific The Great War has already developed such a bond of union among all parts of the Empire that it is not too much to hope that in the near future the whole of British North America including New foundland the Bermudas and the British West Indies may be known as the Dominion of Canada The immediate cause of Confederation was the chaotic condition of the governments of Canada The census of revealed the fact that Upper Canada had a larger population than Lower Can ada and the former began to clamor for rep resentation in the Assembly The result was a deadlock a coalition government was formed and through the efforts of Sir John Mao- and Hon Geo Brown Confederation of the Provinces was secured It was a happy day for Canada and should be right royally celebrated Since outbreak of Ihe Great War Canada has made wonderful progress and development in manufacturing industries and with her immense fertile areas it does not need much prophetic vision to state that in five years after the war her population will bo nearly doubled ideals of liberty and Justice will undoubtedly attract the immigrant as no other country in the World especially since her sons given such a dem onstration of courage prowess alertness and in genuity on field of battle in France V I Corp Son of Mr and Mrs W Proctor of has been in the trenches for about a year and a half His mother got a letter from him last week in which he slates that his brother Howard at a rest camp and had two hours with Ho joined the Canadian Horse Ar tillery and was one of the picked out for the English Horse Artillery which necessitated fur ther training in England and only went to France last month Both boys arc well In a letter some lime ago Corp Proctor told of a very close call that he had one evening He Went into a dugout lo light a cig arette so that Fritz would not see him and as he stepped in he met a young fellow named from Bradford Before he even struck his match to light tins cigarette a German bomb struck his mate and he only lived minutes A- letter received from Corp Proctor written on a beautiful Mayday it am out of the lino If it were not for the constant stream of motor and wagon transport on the road in Ihe valley below and the aircraft above mostly friendly but a few odd hostile one would think they weie in good old Canada and at peace with world The letter continues I suppose you people have heard of the recent successes with satisfaction But I think you will read of some thing more or different than mere fighting before long I dont mean to say that I think the war will be finished right away- Well this life is gelling lo be quite a routine now with me any way a sort of business especial ly in defensive warfare But offensive or advancing differs slightly I have met very few of the Newmarket boys One reason is because our County Bn thats over here as a unit is not a line and are working behind some other part of line So the town casualties from recent operations shouldnt be very hea vy ooo l CANADIAN FLAG IN ENGLAND From Era July 1 Married On the Elder Mr Wal lace of Newmarket to Miss A Johnson of East Died In the of King on the Mr Walker On July 1st Wm TyrwhiU Armstrong of in son of ArthurArmstrong in bis 22nd year Bros of Holland Land ing have a big ad in tiffs announcing dry goods groceries and boots at prices that defy com petition They will alsopay cash for wheat and tanbark A arc biggest advertisers in Newmarket From Era July 1st I I hope a notice of this simple but picturesque ceremony in an old parish church York may reach some of those fighting for us as representatives of Canada I hope they will read that the general officer commanding his Majestys forces in the northern command and that the Lord Mayor of this ancient city and if it not presumptuous for me to add the holder of an office older than the Crown of England itself thought it worth while to as semble here and make an act of common reference to flag of Canada So spoke the Arch bishop of York at St Huberts York when Sir John Maxwell un furled a beautiful Canadian flag subscribed by citizens To loyally and services of Canada to day and to the memory of Gen eral Wolfe and his mother in her old parish church Wolfe Murray whose greatgrandfather commanded the Grenadiers at Que bec under was among congregation The hymns in cluded Canada by York Minister Choir Arch bishop in an addiessaid that on the present occasion they could offer people of Canada grati tude readiness and with which they had plac ed themselves on side of free nations against military force and power A despatch from New York states that Billy Sunday has con cluded his revival in that city with converts and collec tions aggregating ASTORIA Mi- Proctor is Auroras new postmaster There were some applications Roy Peter Addison who goes to Toronto preached his farewell sermon at Aurora last Sunday night Mr Jos died very sud denly while performing his duties in Mr Woodcocks Office last Saturday Newmarket Fire Brigade and North York Society held a very successful excursion to Ni agara Falls last Thursday Spe cial train lo Toronto and boat lo The safe at Aurora P was cracked on Sunday night cash and quantity of stamps ab- 8 traded Irvine Co are opening a boot and shoe store opposite tho Forsyth Hotel Miss Simpson was unit ed in marriage to Mr Joshua Fer guson both of Whitchurch by Elder D Prosscr on the Died In Whitchurch on June Mary widow of Levi cock in her 85th year in King on June David father of Mrs Flanagan of Newmarket aged years Lois of bolter on the market last Saturday at to lie lb and eggs from to lie Homegrown strawberries Si per pail Bros occupy over inches of space this week an nouncing their bargains Dan- Roche Co Sutherland Bros Davison and W Playter aro large advertisers BABBIE DEAD Barrio June 21 Barrios Postmaster- P- died this afternoon in his 78th year He bad been ailing for some time Born in Ha I ton ho went as a young man to Nov Lowell to engage in the lumbering business with his uncle Robert Hay They also had a general store flour mill and hair factory He later established a big stock farm of spe cializing in Polled Angus Cattle This farm is now owned by City Dairy Co of Toronto Mr served several years in Council was war den of County in 1885 and sat three terms in the Legislature as Liberal member for February ho was appointed postmaster of Barrio a position which ho filled with great satisfaction He is survived by his widow three sons and three daughters- J also a i rtk i iff States was oversubscribed more than a billion dollars Report from overseas states that Canadian prisoners now in Germany corns how to a or callus o It lifts out with out You reckless men and women who are with corns and who have at least once a week invited an awful death from look- jaw or blood poison aro now told by a Cincinnati authority to a drug called which lha moment a drops applied to any corn or callus soronegs is relieved and soon tho entire corn or callus root and all lifts off with tho fingers dries the moment ft is applied and simply the corn or callus without in flaming or even Irritating Iha surrounding tissue or A of will coat very little at any drugstore but will positively rid every hard or corn or callus your druggist hasnt any he It at fop you Stfc 3V3