i SHE a Vnni asters I i fiQf v 919 favj i 1 I I I I I I I I i I -THBr- I HAVE THEM EXAMINED A Watsons Jowolrv -L- I f nit I I 1 I I JACKSON Editor and Proprietor WK l WINDOWS Watson I a Single Go each Vol No Our aim is to Prompt I you liio boat vaiuos treat- meat Paints Varnishes and AND Wall AND IRON PIPE AND ROOFING MATERIAL Etc PIPE In Qlozod In and In Compound In U0lb Agency fop The Gravity Mactiime 8TEEL RANGES Oil and AUTO SUPPLIES Patches Olio and A iMiMy if ft THE PAINT 111 TORE 1 CipUal up Rot TbUlAutMAinll SUED Dominion Government War Savings Certificates can and be purchased by everyone who can from upward in a Savings Account in he Bank of Montreal C G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch a SOUTH END LUMBER YARD iu iDiHifiiteir ss t PEARSON Order Coal from Garters John Murphy and John Draper OFFICE PHONE CO he I860 4 In i i ttesorvo Fund Future Is a matter thrift or vomca Prosperity La put Sure of tosouto revives do- to llLlftoca In Oulitlo Qutbcc aid Ike Wert WEWMAUKBT A ii OF ALL KJH01J LATH SHINGLES POSTS a a SASH MOULDINGS trim trim Is DMIm ftUcp It CANE Our Toronto Letter A was held Fri day night at St All Chord corner Clair for the who injured a linio ago A pood program was given by- lien Neon Murray and Master gold medalist of- Kent School recitations by Mrs Cooper and two skotches Box and Cox and the fiohool Sunday Church of Good Shepherd in the recent examina tions hold by com mission won out of the prizes in Toronto diocese one pupil standing fifth in whole of Canada A memorial service for eight of tho killed In battle will bo held this month at which time also honor roll will bo unveiled Under conscription the city Corporation will lose about employes from the Public Works Committee Architect and other service Mrs J Turner died at Long during the past week Deceased was years old and had been living on Lilac Ave Long Branch for seven She was a member of St Margar ets Anglican Church Choir at New Toronto and is survived by her husband two sons and four daughlers Swansoa School has top posi tion in the province in the aver age amount of savings deposited in March and April in Hie Penny Bank The Swansea average is per pupil The overage for the province is cents and in Toronto city is cents Toronto millionaires favor conscription of money as well as So atatcs a morning pa per About boys of the Eaton Boys Club were present at the inaugural dinner In the lunch room store last week York Township Councillors have mado a tour of the homes of widows of soldiers in the township with the intention of providing assistance in the com pletion of homos started and left unfinished by the dead overseas Airplanes are flying dally when weather is suitable between Bor den Camp and Toronto Tho curiosity of their first appear ance is now passing away According to a report from Mayor Commissioner and Aid Robins the coal question is likely to become serious in Toronto An effort to make contracts with mines In the United Slates has failed The Canadian Press is inform ed authoritatively that no Domin ion recipients will appear in the first list of the new Honor Or der of the British Empire The School Management Com have established a household sci ence school Dr Noble has no use for teachers cooking frills in schools Sullivan St was removed to St Michaels Hospi tal suffering from a number of bruises and cuts as a result of falling down an elevator shaft at a new building where he was at work on Alice St Thos Jackson John St was taken to St Michaels Hos pital suffering from a severe scalp wound caused by falling bricks at Alice Street Eight stitches required to heal wound His shoulder was also injured Ho progressing favorably The and Breeding Association announce that they will hold a sevenday running meet at the new track at from Saturday July to Saturday July A couple of hundred men are at work It is to bo a mile track with purses of or bettor An employe of Rogers coal elevator last week fell 25 feet from a scaffold and sustain ed a broken arm also other in juries According to a statement made by Hon J Davis of To ronto Methodist Laymens Con ference the Government is too lavish in expenditure of the peo ples money During the thunder storm on Wednesday evening of last week two women fainted on the street and a third took hysterics Fight returned soldiers suc ceeded in qualifying for ser vice They have been attending classes provided by the Vocation al Department of Soldiers Aid Commission They present ed their instructor Mr J Cole ridge with a beautifully engraved silver inkstand man who tiki Classes in preparation for civil service com mercial courses are provided at all Hospitals in To ronto Hearst Minister of Agriculture and Premier of On tario in a statement de clared that there wilt he a surplus of potato for borne supply out mm with Recital of Teutonic Intrigue Although the annual meeting of the Canadian Press Association held in Toronto last week was most largely at tended and in some respects the most Important ever hold thrilling story of German intrigue in United Slates told by Mr John editor and pub lisher of the Providence Journal who was tho guest of tho Associa tion in his address on Homo War Information was outstanding feature of the whole convention Mr told story after story of how ho and his reporters exposed plots and crimes which finally aroused the American authorities and is the one man above all others that has made the United States our Ally in this great war Collected Long before war broke out tho Providence Journal had been cre dited by the other newspapers of the with having a bug on wireless and two stations had been established on the Atlantic seaboard day war was de clared the idea of listening in on the and Nantucket stations was conceived by his pa per with the result that in five months time an innumerable number of code messages had been collected These were all filed away in the safe of Providence Journal and the work of decoding commenced Not until five months had elapsed and a great amount of incriminating evidence German bad been obtained were any disclosures made by Mr Ilalhom and his staff Mr succeeded in getting one of his reporters placed in the Ger man Embassy at Washington and a girl stenographer in the office of the Austrian ConsulGeneral He also shadowed German and Austrian Ambassadors and many of their agents in different parts of the country with men employ ed by his newspaper A great deal of the work done had been possible because Of the green blubber instead of grey matter which the Lord had seen fit to deposit in the head of ev ery German diplomat There is always a hole in every German scheme big enough for a school boy to fall through A good ex ample of this condition lie cited in the case of Werner Horn who had attempted to blow up the Vanceborough Bridge New Brunswick He was a handsome young German officer and for a week previous to his intended mission bad grown a beard Don ning an old throedollar suit clothes and carrying his effects in a carpetbag lie set forth from New York to do the job taking one of the most luxurious trains in the United States When Mr asked him afterwards at the jail why he had done this the blubberbrained man bad re plied that tie was a German offi cer gentleman and always travelled in the best style which was to instigate ac tion the United States had been foiled through the instru mentality of the Journal man em ployed in the Gorman Embassy He was ordered by Captain Boy- Ed to obtain a suite of rooms In New York for the purpose of Urn secret conference Naturally this man chose the room desired by newspaper The Manhattan Hotel was the selec tion and the private room was well equipped with dictographs Every word of the conversation which took place there was in this manner secured and the State Department of the Republic was furnished with copies of all that transpired on the morning fol lowing the conference The different codes used by the German Government In trans mitting their instructions to their agents in the United States were very ingenious One of the most elaborate was based on the quot ing of market prices Another typo of code message Mr related to President Wilson in or der to satisfy the President that code messages were being ex changed He produced copies of eight different messages each telling of the death of little In each case she bad died of a different illness and had been placed in a different part of the room buried in a different loca tion etc Shortly after these revelations of the code messages the wireless slalion at Sayville was closed Journalists Dr Albeit of the Au strian Embassy had been shad owed for four months by a man from Mr office with out any result However one day he entered a leather goods store and purchased a portfolio ordering his initials placed upon it The Journal employe wait ing until he had left the store bought a similar one and when asked by the clerk if ho would like his initials put on it replied hat he would call next day and have a look at the work done on Dr Alberts portfolio first The following day the young man re turned to he store and noted the style of initialling Proceeding to another store lie had he same initials placed upon his portfo lio A couple of days later a prearranged scuffle in a street car in which Dr Albert was rid ing sufficed detract his atten tion from his portfolio just long enough to enable the Journal man replace with bin own empty one What we found in that port folio sen Ambassador Dumbo home within a week said Mr It was riot until sev eral days after the exchange of portfolios that Dr Albert discov ered what had happened It was also as a result of the securing of the papers in the portfolio that it -zr- r ft j- One of the most popular young men of the Town was slightly wounded in the head and admit ted to a French Hospital on Juno Carl is the only son of Mr and Mrs J C of New market and has been on the firing line for several months German naval attache at Wash ington who was hanging around Dr Alberts office for the pur pose The girl in the course of her watch sat down on the pre- Clous box and began lo eat her lunch The unsuspecting von struck up a flirtation with her and invited himself to share her sandwiches Before long lie was talking sentimental twaddle and the girl encouraged him by taking a red lead pencil out of her hair and coyly drawing two big red hearts on the top of the pack ing case Von himself drew the arrow through them The box was shipped and duly arrived at on the Os car where it waited to be ex amined Neutral American car goes were allowed lo go through if they did not contain contra band of war However the au thorities had been warned about the box with the two hearts and the arrow and they bad no diffi culty in picking it out of hun dreds of others yet there are no brilliant From Era Fyle June Married By Rev John Of Aurora on the Inst J Colling Methodist Minister to Miss Adelia M Knowlcs of York On the by Rev Brown Mr Joel Black to Misoi Catherine Gleason both of Kini Tp Died On the Mar tha beloved wife of Mr Nathan- Pearson of King aged yra On and after Monday next tho Canadian Confederacy will be tho nucleus of a new North American nation It will be known as Can adas Birthday At a Reform Convention of North York held on the P Wells Esq of King waa chosen as the parly candidate at the approaching election TeaParly last Sat urday was a pronounced success Afler refreshments had been serv ed Mr Matthews was called upon to The Sharon Band furnished music galore Smith Esq of Newmarket waa the first speaker and was follow ed by Rev Hay of Lloyd town and others Mr Duncan McArlhur King aged years was killed by be ing thrown from a wagon when bis team ran away on Friday people but the Germans smiled Three days after the Pont explosion in Delaware which kill ed men BoyEd the German Military Attache at Washington and vonPapcn sat in an hotel and toasted the men who had been successful in bringing about this Du Pont explosion A Journal reporter at a dictograph in the next room was able to re port the occurrence in full Dr Austrian Con sulGeneral at was ordered lo blow up the torpedo plants at Seattle He refused When I heard that I thought it was so unusual for a German or Austrian official not lo do what he was ordered that I look ed him up said Mr The result was that proved to be disgusted with his and its methods and gave infor- was learned Sir Roger Casements mation to the Journal resulting im T Americans The discovery of a fraudulent passport bureau in an office building in New York City was made by the Journal and an of fice on either side of the one un der watch secured by the news paper One office they operated as that of a German agent for toys and the other as that of an accountant On evidence soon obtained the men operating the passport bureau were put in cus tody Throe of the Journals own men set To work immediately in the confiscated office and within one hour Captain von Pa pen with a German military at tache walked into the office Not knowing but that they were deal ing with the regular clerks of the office they applied for passports one for Werner Horn One of the first revelations Mr had made of Ambassador Count von character was forwarded to him a Gorman Iron Cross for return to the family of the man who had won it The Iron Cross in ques tion had been taken from the body of a German soldier in the early part of the war and had been purchased as a souvenir by an American in Later this American sent it to Mr and the latter believing family of the dead German should have the military mark of honor sent one of his staff to the Ger man Ambassador with it When Count read Mr note accompanying the Iron Cross be tore it up and throwing in tho face of the Journal man exclaimed that after Its defilement and contamination by coming in contact with Amer ican citizens the Iron Cross could no longer be regarded a token of honor The in plot to incite the Sinn to rebellion was about to be carried out It was also brought to light hero that the plot was fi nanced by Germany The fact that Count von did not know until he was boarding the Frederick on the day of his departure from United Slates that one of his secretaries was a member of the Providence Journal staff was related by Mr The German Ambas sador advised the man he should board the steamer at once or he would be left behind The secretary replied that he would be safer on his side of the water The story of the stenographer who was employed by rich Albert the Austrian General in New York was per haps the most romantic of all This girl had no previous ex perience of plotting and counter- or city experience what ever having come to the Jour nal from the country some 20 miles outside of Providence simply used her native New Eng land wit A certain package of papers was to be sent to Ger many through England a Swedish ship according to in formation that the Journal had secured These papers told who of the Teutonic Governments in the United States what their services had been to date bow much they bad been paid and how was still to be paid to them The case shipped with a large num ber of other oases of similar out side appearance containing harm less freight girls to identify the particular box in some no that it could be picked out when it got to Sho boa in Alberts of- and kept her on it did the in the securing of an immense amount of material He was de nounced by the Austrian Embas sy but nevertheless he was plac ed at the head of the American Secret Servfce operations for A months From Era June Married At he Manse Sut ton by Rev J on Mr Dent to Miss Jennie Torhett On the by Rev J Wilkinson Wm Richardson of Vandorf to Sarah eldest daughter of Wm of Whitchurch Rev of Bond Head paid a visit lo Rev J W Bell in Newmarket on Tuesday Mr P of Toronto visiting with Mr Richardson this week Mr E of Bradford was visiting this week with Mr Hewitt Mr Keith and Miss Minnie were in the city on Tuesday at tending the funeral of Mrs Keiths aunt Mrs is from the Stales on a visit- Mr James who has been confined to the house for a time is able lo be about the Town again Mr A of Vachcll was in town on Wednesday Mr A and Mr of Qienville engaged at the Mimico Asylum were up for a few days visiting in the neigh borhood Mrs J and children have gone on a visit lo for a few weeks Diphtheria is reported to he causing some sad experiences in StoOffvillq On Monday a five- yearold son of Rev Stewart passed away from this disease Mr and Mrs Lehman Mr A Cody and Mr Irwin left for Prince Edward Co to attend the annual meeting of Friends Now York Ships The discovery that ships in New York harbor had been damaged was made by the Journal but the authorities would not believe it as their own man had reported that they were all right It was not until Mr had shown the officials samples of the carborundum sand that had been poured into en gines that they would believe Then the officials admitted that their inspector been on decks That the ships were not blown up as planned was due lo the watchfulness of or Italian women working around the wharves in various disguises employed by the Journal The Wot It was through the Journal Mr said that a great quan tity of important papers were se cured from Wolf von papers revealed the Casement plot for the Irish uprising When the papers were taken Mr Rath In illustrating his point that there is a certain amount of stupidity in all German diploma tists von Bernstorff made appli cation to he State Department lo have them returned He was told that any paper he could identify would be returned to him and ho then realized how he had committed himself In asking that the papers bo returned Three days before was ordered to return to German Mr declared ho demand ed that the American suppress the Providence Journal made in regard to German plots in has been proven to be positively true declared Mr For the first or ten months no one believed what wo were saying We wore shout ing against wind dis missal of Dr Dunbar was the first result of our months of fort We not printed onefif tieth of what we secured but wo were very glad when events turn ed to turn the key on the safein which it is deposited and forget the balance because work wo tried to do has been accomplish ed Mr said he would his audience a half them that in a few daya time they would be gratified to know how many of United Slates fighting forces are now on French soil At this announce ment the broke into cheers and at frequent intervals during Mr address bo was loudly applauded In making a few general ob servations with regard to the war speaker said people who tell us this war is going to foist military ideals on demo cracy are crazy This war has already been worth far moro than it cost because it has saved Great Britain and rehabilitated France He that in it would bo worth more loo to Germany The United Stales be deolared was in war until thy dollar and last drop or blood In closing speaker express- ed his deep appreciation of Canadians bad accomplished at the front ami of what Canada had In bS concluded a TORONTO r