Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 27 Apr 1917, p. 3

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Iy ysBf j I i J I J J i Vt I A I 1 tin attendance of lust Wednesday sprinkler made Ha season Mooting regular ii iiu held on Til j I he Mooting 3rd homo of Mrs St A full corn- will I May on hand now Tabic into next of A new Time day- Ids morning i and r Oclock That will at Newmarket am and p f t l Will ho Post foci on lh new trains are added out of Toronto pnaBongor coming North im The for More Inofficial published wince Monday the following North York men are mentioned as wounded James Pafforlaw Sutton Went a Sharon C Alhiii pie to lavn been wounded on Iho of April by gunshot III the right Ho is a native of Newmarket and spent his 38tli In the He is builder and contractor and Ihe war resided some years Toronto Forth has won several prizes for military shooting t J he past two Duncan lias had of he Market and there was a not cable improvement in the condition of things on the Mar- less shoving and more in weighing Two agosome light butter was discovered hut there t bo found last Saturday Further improvement is promised when Hie tables are rearranged and a little more system is effect ed in moving in and out Eggs came down to on Saturday and bolter to a pound but potatoes wont up to a bag and Maple Syrup sold at and an irnpbrial-Oal- worw oil llin of ijEfr Division prodded at Iho ft vl court only lon on tin and tlio other four Inst hour no not forgot Christian Church this Friday Kings weioflying nil over Town oil Monday in honor of anni versary of Iho of St lien Another striking of tlio Iiioreascd Production wont to loaf this week Annual Meeting for Election of Officers for tho New market Methodist Sunday School will he held on Wednesday May 2nd at oclock Everyone in terested in Sunday School is urgently attend As Sunday is the lasl of year it is hoped hat there will be a record attendance at Sunday School we come Municipal Only a dozen or fifteen ratepayers attended the Nomina tion Meeting in the Town Hall Monday night Town Clerk An derson presided and the follow- persons were nominated to till vacancy in the Town Council occasioned by be death of the late Win IV Lyons nominated by G A and seconded by SOsborne nominated by J and seconded by Stephens Richardson nominated by Win Keith and seconded by E Tench Freeman nominated P W Pearson and seconded by Fred A Tin clerk announced that can didates would have till oclock on Tuesday evening to make the declaration of qualifi cation Not of iho candidates was present and the meeting once dismissed Mr Freeman Lloyd was the only one to qualify hence the election is by acclamation Christian Next Sunday will he my last service as Pastor in Newmarket tot cannot leave Canada with out expressing appreciation for the Canadians I have found worthy of confidence I tall never forget my sojourn lien- until the sun goes down on toe forever I wish to thank tlio newspapers for their open col- and in this way helping me to bring my Church to the front wish also to thank those who helped me free the parsonage from debt Sunday morning the Odd fellows of this District will voriiulp at our Church All Odd- Fellows will gather at the Hall at and march in a body to the Church The subject of the ser mon win be OddFellowship Is it of or Man The speak er will endeavor to prove that Principles of OddFellowship were between Jonathan and and were of divine origin the Rebeccas will also join in service A program of the service will he handed you at door I will deliver my farewell address taking for my subject Conquering and Yet to Conquer Some of our best yagers will sing at both services Wfl will not have the time nor opportunity to visit the people and goodbye but to those who are not Sunday we xe tins method of saying God bless you and keep you me the storui is passing by Military Hospital In Newmarket College at Newmar ket has been acquired by he Mil itary Hospitals Commission and will be used as home for re turned soldiers It comes into lite commissions hands through an unselfish and patriotic act Oil the part of the hoard of manage ment of the college which is as sociated with he Soci ety of Friends The college and grounds have been loaned free of all charges to commission Mr A S chairman of hoard and Principal Firth informed the students on Mon day of the decision to donate school property to the Military Hospitals Commission and it is understood that the college will be ready for commission about May It was only on the urgent rep resentations of Hospitals Commission at Ottawa that the college management was IndVicod to lake such sudden action before the close the Spring term however the emer gency which has arisen and which requires Ihe use immediately of any facilities available for care of returned college management fell it its duty to place the college property at the disposal of returned andwound ed soldiers Alternative arrangements arc being considered for the contin uation of the students work so far as they can be effected Pickering College is eminently suited to the needs of the com mission It is a new brick struc ture with acres of ground around it situated on an emi nence The building is so con structed that every window at some time of the day receives the tire protection is excellent There arc six classrooms on the ground floor and double and four single bed rooms upstairs Seven acres are under cultivation for vegetables In addition there are four ten- courts a campus flower gar dens a large gymnasium which can lie turned into a rink in win ter Mr Rogers said that the loan was intended as a contribution to national service and to show the sympathy of the college and Society of Friends with the wounded and invalided and the work of the com mission Mr A Armstrong director of the Military Hospitals Commis sion in publicly expressing- ap preciation said that the selfsac rificing generosity of Ihe manag ers was all the greater in view of the fact that plans were in pro- press for a revision of the college charter just passed by the Legis lature to enlarge the courses next year Mr Rogers annouii- these will be completed and lie school reopened when the service is ended now Atsour A Its somothlnQ that finds ucsful all the while Of course you own that kind which Is to do Its work with disappointment and You cant put your money Into a better than a SelfFiller Water man Fen Heros a Hen that never leaks never clogs never re fuses to when you want It to IF YOU NEED A FEU THE von YOU I tttlOK8 TO Atkinson Co Esq editor Newmarket Era W4wi t As most of are aware we had boon looking to Increasing the faoilitiob for next years op eration and with that end in view Jiatl this vyJritor for and just secured a revision our charter from lie Ontario whereby the future perpetuity of tho will bo- of sufficient- funds to enable unto lirely clear the College from debt and to facilities for en largement of courses commenc ing autumn of this year About two weeks ago enquiry wah received from Military Hospitals Commission as to possible use of the premises at for a time for invalid soldiers Naturally the work of Commission in cape of these men appeals strongly to members of tho Soci ety of Friends with which the College is associated Opportunity was at once given the Commission to inspect the premises report of their Architect and Medical Inspector strongly recommended securing he College first contemplated to ar range to let the Commission have the promises about July 1st the close of the school year but on the I we received the following by telegram Mr A Armstrong Director of the Commission jot Ottawa in Hi Mrs left Woelc for Terry- waft at week Mr of Toronto week stocking I with Consider that an emer gency has arisen which ne cessitates our acquiring pos session of all places suitable for work of the Commission The Commission would greatly appreciate securing possession of College on or about if possible After consultation with the Principal and Staff who were unanimous in joining us in our desire to help in this national emergency and careful consid eration of the Hoard we inform ed the Director that we would arrange comply with their wishes Dr Firth Principal has been in communication with parents and is planning to care for the needs of students as far as practicable elsowhorebut all students as well as the friends interested in the school ex pressed concurrence and are united in their desire to help the invalided soldiers in every way possible In order to better show our sympathy with the work of the Commission premises are be ing loaned without any charge Other than for the return of the buildings in equally good condi tion after they have served their purpose I feel sure thai action of College authorities will have lie sympathy and concurrence of every citizen of Newmarket and locality The Management the school with improved facilities as soon as ihe are released by Commission Yours very truly Albert Rogers Chairman Board of Management A GOOD Struck a poor client today said the lawyer All he had offer by way fee was a watch without any works in it I suppose you took the rase trout fIr was In the city last week and came homo Who next are In the oily funeral of v his Mr Sam was on on- Sunday f Sorry to report that Mr I fioynohlB to not so Well i spent the weekend with friends in town Mr Clarence Doyle of Newmar ket spent the week end at his homo hero Mr Walter Street of Toronto called on frionds in Town on Monday Mit Hen Alex and children of Toronto spent a couple of days Willi her husband Mr Bon Alex Several new cars making their appearance among the farmers this year Mrs Ed Ferguson spent Tues day with her parents Mr and Mrs Neil McDonald of the Line Miss Bertha Coulter sponl few days ibis week in Toronto Mrs Jos of Newmar ket spent he weekend with her mother Mrs Mr and Mrs Daniel returned home Tuesday spending the winter with their son of Mr II Coffey made busi ness trip to Toronto Tuesday Mr and Mrs Jos and son of Tottenham Sunday in town Mrs Dr Dillane and sons Lister and spent Saturday in Toronto visiting the Dr who is in Hospital The latest report is that he is doing nicely Mr Quintan spent Sun day with his brother in town Mr J amies on of Keltleby was i OF- All Now in I Squares In All in Linoleums and Oil In pprlm Madras Wuelln and Welt We Still Think a Buy i can lb and It la to to a rii removal lo a hospital for but of ruins The It wreaked their vrmReartrc upon it with every calibre of lliolr tin- vlllagft wan of and brick brown lip exploding from the t guns 1 town Tuesday HornTo Mr Ceo British Aircraft bombarded Destroyers off the Bel gian Coast on Monday afternoon Five enemy destroyers were sighted between and and were attack ed by three seaplanes A direct hit was made on one of the de stroyers Four destroyers only relumed to The en counter took place five miles off the coast TOWN OP NEWMARKET 1010 AND Ratepayers of tho Town of Newmarket who are owners of va cant lands are reminded that per cent will be added to unpaid taxes and arrears of taxes on May 1st and cases of taxes on occupied lauds will bo treated in same manner after the above dale The Statutory provisions for enforced collection by dis tress or otherwise as may he de termined by the Collector will lie taken P J ANDERSON ST YOUR Easter Lilies and Mrs on April a son The Womens Institute and lied Cross workers shipped to head quarters the following articles 24 Pairs of Socks Towels Mot Water Bag Covers 36 Suits Flannel Day Shirts Mrs M and daughter Clarice spent Saturday in Toron to THE DECIDING in PUSH ran WORLD WAR Prim rose ullp8 for for and Admit Will Goon Do Forced to Quit lleadfilfirters ill April 2i The of lhoGer- uian appears to IncreaKfi in with the nearness of- the of the positions The fighting whltlihegan at dawn beyond Arras increased in intensity late in tins lasl The ground gained by the British was woo in face of some of Die most desperate fighting on tie- part of the Germans since I tie war began Trench warfare for being is forgotten Tho away from thefr deep dugouts where so often in the past they were inclined to seek refuge during a period of as sault were urged by their officers to make every sacrifice During attack and counterattack the cries of the of ficers lo their men could be heard above Ihe grinding tumult of battle Tills is the last and deciding push for we soon shall be able to hold out no longer reads the diary of a Ger man officer who was raptured yes terday It Is evidently in this spirit hat the present fighting Is going on Struggles of opposing troops about may be seen plainly from the neighboring hill lops The patches of woods beyond have served shelter for the Germans in the last ten days and it was behind these late yesterday that the German com manders rallied their forces With reserves brought up quickly hey formed counterattacks against the newlyadvanced British positions where men were fighting from shell holes hits of trenches previously dug by the Ger mans From these woods the Ger mans issued in great solid ranks As they emerged the British artillery was quick to spot hem and shells be gan to break In their midst This in terrupted their steady forward ramp The lines wavered mid some men were retreating when the impulse from be hind pushed them forward Then lliey broke into a toward he lines The machine gun barrage clos ed upon them and they fell by scows British rifles spoke for a time the German waves rolled on iandt0hiind fighting ensued The counterattack lasted half an hour before It was driv en off Within an hour a new one was formed and the day wore on The British troops were awake and on the alert all Sunday night prepar ing for their attack to be made at on Monday They fought all thai day all of night and were fight ing again today The artillery was keeping up may termed a perpetual barrage fighting was raging all about Monchy which remains an out er of the British advance and the last point between Arras and the the Ger mans were shelling village it difficult to Monchy the taken by the days ago all the three were UU living there Happily they OO0 BATTLE Gorman Drought Down Willi IhVHritlHh Annies in lrance via London April The Intensely hitler ground fighting of past two days has been reflected In the and lie British flying Corps yes terday established record by bringing down forty German machines Fifteen of were actually seen to crash- while twentyfive collapsed or fell in spinning nose dives completely out of control The fights took place 15000 feet In the air from which distance It Is barely possible to see the ground A remarkable pari of yesterdays per formance Is thai only two British ma chines are missing Since Sunday the British airmen have been revelling In weather they have long desired Not a cloud was In the sky today behind which a German could find shelter Deprived of that means of digging Uieipselves in the German flyers were far scarcer than usual and very difficult to find Brit ish machines were everywhere along the and fur behind the German lines were carried out miles back machines deliberate ly flying over ground where battles were raging with the greatest fury German trains rushing reinforce ments to front were attacked transport columns on the roads were bombed and completely reorganized In several instances the ma chines came low over fighting lines and poured machinegun fire into the German ranks In doing this the ma chine have deliberately crossed lb- of their own as well as enemys guns Yesterday one British pilot after bringing down two Germans all his ammunition was gone descend ed reloaded filled up bis petrol lank and took lo he air again Within half an hour he hud brought down his third machlpc for that day Another pilot felled two machines white the other thirtyfive were divided among a simi lar number of British pilots NEWMARKET 05 WEEKEND BARGAIN Pleoos Only Floral Pattern Mulls and Ron- Price Cloth In Dark and Light Reg Sale Price yd Ladles and Misses Black Plain and Fine Rib Good Value Reg 8ale Price Pieces Only Stripe Print In Light Good Quality Worth ToDay for 14o yd Ladles Silk Ankle Hose In Black also Good value for pr Heavy Corded Velvets Suitable for Coats and All Shades Worth Today WeokGnd Price l 1 MA Biggest a Draw fight yesterday oddly enough was a drawn battle One of the British pilots in el a brilliant filer and for a full hour hey manoeuvred hi a most marvelous man ner either being able to bring tils gun to bear on the other They rolled looped Iwifiled deliberately stalled their engines and standing the machines on their tails slid backwards through tlio air but all to no avail It was probably most wonderful air duel war has yet seen The British pilot reported today that several times he felt sure he would get his adversary between his sights but the latter Invariably wriggle out of the line The British flier himself was kept busy avoiding the German and he had to dive almost perpendicularly The combat did not break off until both pilots had fairly exhausted themselves and their petrol Live Stock Markets Highest prices paid In Toronto this week are as follows Choice Steers Choice Butcher Heifers Good Steera and Heifers Choice Fat Covya Heavy Milkers Calves Sheep i Hogs off cars Hogs q ESTABLISHED PAID HEAD office TORONTO SAVE your money SECURE your future and SERVE allowed at DcpcsiU fill NEWMARKET BRANCH F M SMYTH Manage I 11 NOW RECRUITING J lt Markets Wheat per bush per bush Barley per bush per bush Bran per ton 2 its Mm OF ALL TRAD ft Shorts per ton Hay Timothy per ton per doi 0 35 Butter per Chickens per lb 250 Potatoes per bag MO iUw tip Toronto Mar 1017 Wheat bush- Full Sea it Oil per bush o Hay per ion 9 Butter per lb pef doe- to per baa dressed STREET A TOi1iiU V P ym sali

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