irA r It at l- at will cars it ions we locd ill 1 I of is in la i 111 J Your flro Too Valuabjo to Thorn To If You Mood Watson Graduate Opt i 1 a V ifi Tfie fading County paper- as well fro paper of North York unices paid advance -i- Jewelry toW I alow i erf it j L I men Our aim iB lo the boat values courteous prompt service HighGrade Paints Varnishes and Stains Flat Wall fclnlohoo AMD PIPE and pirrrinG3 All ELECTRICAL Cord Etc PIPE In Glased In and In Compound In illO and for the Gravity Washing Machine STOVES Oil and Electric AUTO SUPPLIES Tires Co- Patches Olio and iM THE PAINT STORE Phone i ESTADUSpCD CcpiUlPaMup Aueti Oct Any Branch of the Bank of Montreal is prepared to receive deposits of that may he converted as they accu mulate with interest Dominion Government War Savings Certificates 4c C G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD J rl Fresh Car Cement Arrived COAL CO Gives THE BEST COAL THE At All Seasons I W PEARSON Order Coal from Carters Win John Murphy and John Draper Office Phono INOORPORATE1 Fund Making Prosperity Sure Future prosperity is nutter erf thrill or it money wiu fcvo a coiut into wLloti ecu te receive end upwards Is ft to Daily Balance QuJ6c tud the BRANCH A LISTER OF ALL KINDS DUMBER LATH SHINGLES POSTS ETC ALSO SASH MOULDINGS AND TRIM i Our Will Not After 1Mb Put Up NEWMARKET of and founder of MacLron Iinpcrinl Com pany died in IroU- after lengthy Illness lie was years of ago- In the NonJury Assize Court Misa Anna Price was awarded r0 damages against Isaac for injuries sustained when was run down by motor oar Ton years Imprisonment was out lo Leo Cole in llin sio ho having been found of an assault upon a girl At least tractors ore in sight for the purpose of expedit ing the work of preparing for spring seeding in Ontario Five of these have been purchas ed by War Production Club of Toronto Ten more will bo provided by he Ontario Depart ment of Agriculture As a of an injury receiv ed while duck on Hie rock near her home a week ago lean Kennedy I years of ago of Hillsdale Ave died in the General Hospital Wednesday ev ening At he time of the acci dent girl was bending down sorting out some stones when one of her companions threw a stone j and accidentally struck her on the head A veteran Orangeman Mr Frank Homers sen died at his home hi Avenue last week aged years Horn In the North of Ireland he and a broth er came lo Canada early anil he was for years steward ofthe versily He also served on be old High School and Public Library Hoards He took pari in the defence against the Fenian Raid It was however an Orangeman that ho was promi nent and known all over the Do minion For nearly half a cen tury be bad been a member of the William HI Lodge No HO of Toronto and was a Past Master of the County Lodge Wheat took a sensational rise in price last week The Toron to Board of Trade market quo tations placed wheat at and Heavy export buying is sending up prices of grain generally Word from Hamilton that the City is planning to give he Duke of Devonshire Canadas GovernorGeneral a grand recep tion on the occasion of his visit to that city in May High- School of the city arc going out in York County to help farmers in then spring work large numbers Farm work is progressing nicely Word comes from all sections of Ontario that special efforts arc being taken lo cultivate vacant property with vegetables so as to relieve as far as possible the de mand for foodstuffs the coming year During the past week med ical students at University of To ronto enlisted as medical men were sent back lo finish their studies Rev J A Miller has been chos en to help Bureau of Industries Movement of High School Boys Dr F A Davison after a short illness passed away last week He was a prominent City physician with a long record in medical and educational work The authorities have decided that students at Osgoodc Hall roust make higher marks in fu ture This was demanded at a recent meeting of tho Benchers of the Law Students Labor oppose parly af filiations and endorse war pro ductions if goods commandcred will result in keeping down the high cost of living A move has been made towards organizing Liberals for the next election campaign in Toronto Miss Bertha addressed the Canadian Society for the Pro tection of Birds and informed audience thai from the window of her classroom at Morse Street School her class had identified fifteen species of birds last spring in a Norway maple tree growing in the school grounds It was current report in mil itary circlcsMhat the authorities had ordered the organization of three more Battalions in Ontario District Old Association on Friday night held a successful euchre and dance at Armstrongs Hall A substantial sum was realized and will be used in purchasing com forts for boys at the front A remarkable scene occurred in Trinity Methodist Church last Sunday evening when at the of an address by Rev Dp Hi neks ho introduced Pie a German Professor of Woodstock to address the He was applauded fr his patriotic outburst Davies Pastor of High- gate London Fog Methodist Church been invited to the- Metropolitan Church in this oily change will be effected in September next jo cose Toronto Conference gives assent the denizens the cow the The Borden Governments cam paign for thrift which was throwing away seven or eight million dollars on a use less loss rifle and Us collateral of which gulled a bumper wheat crop out of the Northwest farmers In and then denied it a free market has now reached stage whore il is deemed safer over to the provinces The provinces are gelling busy Trade Pub licence lings be ing held Business men from he cities declare heir intention of making a passionate pilgrim age of three weeks to the coun try lo help the farmer with his seeding and his In creased production Is word is to In- speeded up In vlow of these activi ties jl was deemed advisable Interview Ihe farmers hut of tin farm the hen the horse the apple the potato the wheal who will he chiefly affected by the speeding up process The inter views follow f Hen Yes am willing to do my bit but I want my efforts recognized A carper of persis tent such as mine is trying on the nervous sys tem and should have definite com If I am asked to lay eggs by light after my days work is over I want the peo ple of Canada and the British Em pire gel the benefit I dont want to spend all laying eggs for half a dozen cold storage kings who hide them away in summer and dole out in winter at anything from seventy cents to a dollar a dozen can lay eggs labor food and wear and tear included quite pro fitably at a doz en and that i- Ihe price I would like lo fixed for the people at large I know Ihal is Ihe price he told storage kings buy my product at arid dont see why Ihe people should gel worst treatment Its all very well to say that the people have as good country acts or rmwi for Hie cold and that storage fellows threefifths of the sum eggs do not see the mar ket until months later I often wonder why the government docs not invoke he Measures Act and make lliese cold storage pi- rales behave The cow Whats the use I drink all Che water and make all the milk I can and what they cant can they give to the pigs But I dont what the milk nun i get any credit All get is knocks The smart say that I am first cousin lo the pump Its not my fault Its the dairy companies do lo when it goes to the city As it leaves my bosom it is pure as the driven snow but I wont answer for after the middlemen get hold of Butter What can I do about it I try my best and turn out a good product but I am not re sponsible for the price The middleman fixes that Forty cents a pound pretty stiff A competition from oleomar garine would bring butter to rea son hut you can hardly expect relief like that from the Borden Government which I understand is addicted to high tariff Domes tic cheese am told brings the same price now as lie imported varieties That seems a good way lo encourage the use of the im ported varieties I suppose Ihe Borden Government to swell he customs revenue Of course the consumer gels the worst of it Thats what he was made for Im afraid hell dry if bo looks for the milk of human kindness in the Borden Government Theyre too much taken up with friends the profiteers This bog Yes Im worth ten cents a pound on the hoof right now and the packers swear hat its a good price Perhaps it is a good price compared with the six a pound I brought be fore the war but it isnt such a much even at that When you consider that the farmer raises me lends me nurses me does all the hard work for me and that the packer simply buys me kills me cures me and sells me why I ask should farmer gel ten cents a pound and the paokcr get forty cents a pound for his baron Why all that spread be tween pork on hoof and ba con in the 9 Heir Single Copies 3o cachV Vol pan And who gets it must confess it makes mo hot when I think thai the mort gage lifter can bo valued at a small sum as ten cents a pound while my dead self is worth thir ty cents a pound nloro simply be cause the Borden Governments friends dp the handling When I compare ten a pound with forty cents a pound often ask which is ho greater hog myself for the packer J i I ii COLLI NEWMARKET will bo by Hospitals for The finish I bey re talking of tractors for tho farm May I never live to see them I However theres one thing that may slave off the evil day Ihe tractor i no fertilizer I must admit saw a ray of hope when the war started The horses young Mi for Borden Government down in Nova Scotia encouraged me to believe I might be called on servo my somewhere in France But when I came to think it over I saw that I wasnt old enough for the job I am sound in wind and limb and still sprightly J judge from the hors es they bought In Nova Scotia that only those- with no teeth and a serious disposition need apply Its true they painted horses down in Peel county lo get them into the array but even at that I don dont think I could make up to look old enough no gift that way The Potato Dont blame me Let the Borden Government do it They have their War Measures Act Lot them use it Two mil lion bushels surplus and people starving for potatoes in one prov ince while the potatoes rot in an of her A little intelligent fore- Sight on the part or a government that has a War Measures Act to operate under and a Railway Commission lo order the railways about would soon remedy that repeal il dont blame me If potatoes are five dollars a bag in Ontario and are going be urging in New Brunswick blame the mul letheads at Ottawa who are loo busy providing chances for their profiteering friends to rich lo attend to a little mailer like pro per distribution of the food pro- duets of the country The Apple No apples to eat in an apple country The West Indian banana our national fruit Well what better could you ex- peel from the Borden Govern ments blundering manipulations I am a signal example of how the blamed thing works out I may in British Columbia but doesnt follow that sell there No pay the freight all the way across the continent and clival five each in Ontario which in sends its good apples overseas to England In short the home market is protected for us apples so that we neednt sell not more than the reduction they have the III Association particularly lb Toronto and Hamilton have d at home dont I think it would be cheap er and altogether more satisfac tory for the consumer lo eat I ho apples grown so lo speak at his own door instead of bringing them from thousands of miles distant but apparently Bor den Government doesnt see it in lhal way The Wheal talk to me I did it once in Gave em a bumper crop and then had to hand over to Ihe elevator corn- bine Couldnt get the railways to move it Government wouldnt let me pel an ten a bushel by means of a free ex change with Ihe United Slates so had lo take the price offered by Ihe milling interests or rot This market barred that market bar red What am I lo do about it Why even this year they wouldnt help me a bushel from the British government Never again They landed me on false pretences in Theyll have lo show me this time by smallest made in any byeelection government will he defeated the Liberals reduce the Government majorities by the average reduction secured by them in all the seven bought lions the result approximately will he as follows Conservatives Liberals If the Liberals reduce the government majorities by only onehalf of the average reduc tion in the byeelections the Lib erals would have a majority of about 35 If the Liberals reduce the Government majorities by no more than onethird the average reduction secured in the byeelec tions the government will he de feated and the Liberals will have a working majority of seven Womans Work the many institutions directly affected by the granting of Woman Suffrage is the Pro vincial Womens Liberal Asso ciation apart from the vote his Association has boon in existence for two or three years and has done good work in keep ing women informed on public af fairs Individual clubs in the in done magnificent service in patriotic work The Liberal Club as a mailer of fact has establish ed a high water mark in the amount of supplies furnished to military hospitals in Canada and Europe Willi the corning of womens franchise these clubs will not re lax in Ihe least their patriotic en deavors but now addition they will have the responsibility of presenting lo the women electors the facts on public issues of the day in which now for first lime women have a direct part In addition to individual mem bers scattered throughout the province there are eight clubs at present in the Association in Toronto Hamilton Brampton Wiarloii Dunnville Caledonia and and a number of others are in process of formation The Provincial Womens Liberal Association is fortunate in directing officers and the administration has al ways been marked with efficiency and business skill as well as by broad idealism The honorary presidents are Lady Laurier and Mrs Rowel The president is Mrs J A Macdonald Toronto the VicePresidents Mrs Henry Carpenter of Hamilton and Mrs Jos and the SecretaryTreasurer Mrs Ross Stewart Toronto It was he Provincial Womens Liberal Association working through its Hamilton Club which organized Ihe womens part of the recent successful Hamilton Con ference The annual meeting of the Provincial Association is scheduled for some lime in May and will probably he made an op portunity of consulting with wo men from all parts of the prov ince in regard to Ihe new re sponsibilities and opportunities L From Era May We neednt and we vQ Special lo the Era Byeelections in Ontario visual ly go with the government in pow er whatever that may be but the records since present a change Now lhal the Opposi tion lias agreed to- the govern ments proposal that there should he no more byeelections during Ihe war for seals vacated by death it is a good lime to review Ihe sit uation when byeelection re cord is closed The statements are taken from Mr Howells analysis of he situation given at Hamilton Since have been sev en some in rural and others hi urban constituen cies and in different of the province If in a genera election the Liberals in the now represented by government the government Notes Sir William Hearst addressed the Canadian Club in New York and conveyed the good wishes of the people of lo the American nation on its entry in to the war A large deputation wailed upon the government asking that Ihe Toronto Windsor highway should run north Brampton Georgetown KilohenerSlratford and St Marys to London than over the TorontoHamilton high way The Prime Minister said Jie had an absolutely open niind on mailer The next Liberal Conference will be held in North Bay for the districts of and Sudbury on May vis- this Americans fightin Canadian number approx imately Canadians fight ing in the Northern army in the American Civil War approximately For Infants thy it You cornpestered men and women need suffer no longer Wear the shoes thai nearly kill ed you before says this Cincin nati authority because a few drops of applied direct ly on a tender aching corn or callus stops soreness at once and soon the corn or hardened callus- loosens so it can be lifted out root and all without A small bottle of frcezone costs very little at any drug store but will positively take off or soft corn or callus This should he tried as it is inexpen sive and is said not lo irritate the surrounding skin If your druggist hasnt tell him to gel a small bottle for you from wholesale drug house It is fine stuff and acts like a charm every lime A gale and cloudburst swept over of a stable being lifted bodily from the walls amHiurlei into the ad- Joining yard without doing harm to the men or horses in the build ing Paris April The in day last week Thursday lost more men than they lost- in entire Baltic of the In the Battle of they have lost more than double the casualties fur first six weeks of the war Ninety thousand of Kaisers killed wounded or tak en prisoner Died At Holland Landing bit the Mrs Ann Killough aged J a public dinner was tendered Mr J at Bradford At a convention his week North Liberals nominated Thompson for the Com mons and for Iho Legislature next election Mr Stephen Howard has a owe which dropped a lamb which Weighed lbs when two days old A fire broke out in the of Mr Young North on the but out before serious damage was done A disease has broken out among the sheep of the County 30 l J If I 4 J i From April Married By Rev Mat- by Rev Br Bark er on the inst Mr Law rence Duckworth to Miss Addie J Booth of Bradford Died At Montrose on the inst Mr Thos Warner brother of Mr Warner of Newmarket aged about years In Newmarket on the Inst Johanna Haskell aged years TheWCTU meets at Mrs Codys on Tuesday next Another piece of ancient parch- was brought to light this- week being the marriage certifi cate of Gideon Vernon audi Phoebe Far The ceremony took place at Goshen in John A Burgess is President and L Rogers Secretary of Ihe Newmarket Football Club lhA- j season On Sunday morning Mr Richardson accidentally step ped upon an iron rake and severe ly injured his foot The Misses Lee of Toronto visiting at Mr J this week Miss of Toronto is King with Mrs Rjss week Miss Finn and Miss Lake of Toronto are visiting with Miss Kelman this week Mrs T J Robertson has a fey visitors from Mr Philip is very poor ly these days Very slight hopes of recovery Mrs who accidentally let a slick of wood fall on has been confined to her home for the past eight weeks Mr John Hall who has been for years connected with the Organ Co was visiting with Mr over Sunday Mrs of Milligans Cor ners is visiting her daughter in Toronto this week Among those who spent Easter in Sharon were Mr and Mrs Gil lies of Toronto Some of the farmers in both and West fin ished seeding on the middle of this month I LIFT A CORN OFF WITHOUT PAIN I Cincinnati Authority tolls how to dry up a corn or callus so it lifts off with Angers if I v the of TORONTO