Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 20 Apr 1917, p. 8

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i7 i nil liife the Hub T I Builds Up The Whole System YlWo who Fniitallvca for first tlmojnro often astonished the way f butyls em up and makes feel better arultatIro3 for specific disease as Constipation Indigestion Headaches or Neuralgia Kidney or Trouble iiiiiin or in Hack And they find FrultathW has disease that they feel bettor and every way This Is duo lo the wonderful tonic properties of these tablet made from fruit Juices Wo a box for 250 trial site At all dealers postpaid otiyoa Limited Ottawa LET Apply to Huron fit HOUSE TO REGIT Situate on fori of King house and lots of fruit Good Stable Ap ply to Curtis US a and Uundo ho in of Mho Club to provide fortrt for lhosold6vti at the front at sharp- 01lhcenoyB will provide for the ripin make ft a flUcoaaeV Tickets arc each 1 Tola had in not Pills al u or a as el then tnn k cod fMUaf I l FOR iiiut premises at Sharon Mansion House particulars apply to Mrs Hew lett Sharon or to Widdlfleld her Newmarket IwlT Fop Building hols on Pork ami borne Apply to in West wood finish KleolriO Light Hath Fur- etc Terms arranged if preferr ed Apply BOX Aurora pramc House nearly new on Prospect Ave opposite High All also good Furnace bight tures Apply on tttf Newmarket FRUIT AND PLANTS ICn PLANTING have established lasting reputation for fair and square dealing and on now prepared to meet existing conditions by offering our high grade trees and plants direct to customers HOOK BOTTOM PRICES Dont planting fruit trees and planls there is nothing pays heller Send for our Illustrated circulars of hardy varieties of which you can order direct get the benefit of agents com mission Our prices will he sure to Interest you THE CHASE BROTHERS CO OP ONTARIO LTD Established tJureorymon Representative Wanted for Newmarket ami District for Spring Planting- List now ready Splendid List of Hardy Canadian Grown Fruit and Ornamental stock including RED APPLE ST REGIS EVER BEARING RASPBERRY And Many Other Loaders Catalogue Sent on Application Start now at boat time Liberal Proposition fetone Wellington Nurseries ONTARIO BULLS Fop sale at the Industrial A K fleld or Armltage Youe Charles Toronto- a Reputation for progressive and advanced IJoDsJ work Ilie demand for our proof that It pays to at tend 6ur school Enter any time Catalogue free J ELLIOTT TO ffV Alt priion9 the tttft of Mary late of East York County Spinster rfi died on the day of March are hereby requested to file the same properly vrith the Solicitor Levi of said Ue on or before the day as thereafter said Executor will to lite assets of estate entitled having regard to those claims then filed Solicitor for ttU Wo regret to learn of of Thomas at Marietta Midi ho had resided for a number of yours a son of Mr Christian and his boyhood days were spent in thin waft well known and highly Company has every employed repairing lines damaged by the recent storm the night before Good Friday Their lost will exceed one thous and dollars BALDWIN Services will he held in lho this week as follow Friday April a pm Saturday Afternoon at Sunday Morning feast and sermon Diet Elder at Sunday Song Service at pm and rireachfng at pm The services will conducted of Do not fail to these meetings as limy will ho especially helpful lo all sincere worshippers and lovers of troth KKTTLEBY A hole has washed through the dam which prevents Mr from running the mill He certainly is having more than his share of trouble this last year with the dam We understand the farmers have offered him as- in repairing the dam and trust will take more than water lo destroy it for years to come Mr Act has sold his farm also stock and implements to Mr of Toronto Mr- has purchased a house in Aurora purposes moving his family into same next week Mr and Mrs and Miss will be greatly missed in the Methodist Church and S- where they have boon ardent workers for several years as well as in the community for they have always been highly re spected all who live iu this vicinity OOOC PUT TO THE TEST John Dean was on trial in a large business lie bud been engag ed for month and the understanding was that if he proved satisfactory at the end of the month he should he entered as one of the regular of the firm One day toward the close of the Mr rosier the head of firm called John into his private of fice and bidding him to he seated began talking pleasantly to hint his Work Jean said Mr Poster you have been attentive to business quick lo understand what there is to he done and fallliful to our- Interests If you keep on in Ibis way I think thai there Is no doubt of our giving you a per manent engagement say Ibis to you for your encouragement and because I eel an interest- In your welfare sure replied John bis cheeks red with the flush of Joy that Mr Posters kind words had brought lo them that I am very thankful to you for both your praise and your ad vice I know I want to do my duty and there Is nothing I should like more thanto remain in your employment He was about rise and go back lo his place In the store Slay a moment said Mr Poster and going to a small cabinet he took out a bottle of wine and poured a glass full of the sparkling fluid Take this glass of wine before you go he said Ior a moment Johns mind was in a whirl If I refuse to lake this wine he said himself may offend Mr Poster and upset all my chances for tho future Hut how can I take It have promised mplher never to take anything that Intoxicates and besides that It is wrong was a young man of principle and his decision was soon made Looking up Mr Poster he said but firmly me Mr Poster 1 never drink wine Why not employer A glass Of good wine will not hurl yon will it it is not polite to refuse an offer of this kind hope not Mr Poster sold John- tls- cheeks again flushing for 1 promised my that would never drink wine anil then too J am afraid that might form the habit of drink ing You must excuse me Mr Foster I really cannot lake it John said his so firmly the em ployer turned to put the glass hack In Its place He was a good while about It and when he turned again there was a suspicious moisture in his eyes and as he spoke his voice trembled a little fc Dean he said give mo your hand my hoy Go home and tell your mother she has a son of whom she should he proud When your month of trial la closed you may consider yourself a regular clerk In this and may ever bless and keep you faithful felt well did so aw as X aid All t dot or If it Howto Wan Yoor Work Work to a EVERYBODY GROW EATABLES the The farmer needs help in pul ling in his crops if there is to he a winthevvar bumper harvest to gladden hearts of the light ing men at liofrot The farm er needs help needs farmer who is short of labor should know at once what help is available aha when it can be obtained There is one from which may draw valuable in limes these whon thous ands of the young men from farina have Bone lo fight for King and Country The high schools of this fill the gaps of labor on the farms of save I lie situation were tho Department of Education fully seized of itid importance of acting promptly and decisively There arc no difficulties in the way that will not yield lo hold treatment Not only the hoys hut also the girls have expressed their readiness to help in this great war work on the farms All they ask is that the regulations which at present deter them from helping their country and the Km- in this lime of heed shall he modified so as to leave them free to give practical expression to their patriotic desire to do their bit In tills way There is good reason to believe that the ob stacles in their way will ho remov ed once is clear that public opinion is behind the Department of any steps it may take to set free those who arc willing to go on the farm Tho regulations that prevent boys who went on farms last year from offering their services again and that make it difficult if not impossible for other high school hoys and girls to offer their ser vices this year cannot he defend ed in the light of this gigantic war Canada and ho Empire are at war No who can aid in winning the war can remain neu tral All difficulties in the way of releasing high school boys ana girls vanish into nothingness when compared with the great at stake In this war To deny to our boys and girls the opportunity of striking blow for the liberties of the world by in creasing the production of food is to deny them the greatest educa tional advantage that will ever come their way in the develop ment of the civic spirit and the widening of outlook without winch the hook knowledge is of small account The farm needs help Red tape must give way to the neces sities of the day Let the De partment of act and act quickly A GUYirJQ NEED It is estimated that forty mil lion men are hearing arms in Hie present titanic struggle while twenty million men and women are producing munitions and clothing soldiers Many of these sixty millions were former ly producers of food From that work they are withdrawn leaving vast regions idle Ten nations arc on rations and six in dis tressing lack of food Canada is one of countries that are expected to produce a surplus of food to help make up the deficit in lands that are more seriously affected It is our du ty to feed our soldiers and our allies Our country is excep tionally well situated for a vessel can make four trips from lo in the limn occupied one trip from Australia oeo Thomas Evans of was sentenced to jail for ten days- ami to receive five lashes by assaulting his wife OAST HORSES PUT BACK TO WORK QUICK JYBYXindalliaflflCar If hat I a loiktdVQjkevwitff up of li llhouatoi Spavin Cure I a feood nutty of for ftud I It 14 epecfAlIy a tut cot of fierica of Timely Ground but Dont In Too Much of a Hurry Put In d By a a JOHNSTON Ontario Dopnrtmont of Toronto At no In many tho and Importance -of- homo vegetable garden boon so for summer Franco our ally has since French Revolution a nation of small of email cultivating aomo available land to produce a portion their own household foodetuuVand to wealth of nation Groat Britain threatened with a of foodstuffs determined to all land to offset this and wo In Canada bonding every energy toward facilitating great should do all In our Individual power to do something In of help- lag and aoBlatlng com mercial vegetable who handicapped by Iho of labor In production of vegetable foodstuffs- Every city town and village dwellor an op portunity to help this great work In that the to aro hundreds of avail- plots now practically unproduc tive- which could be made grow vegetablca and thus add to wealth of country Vegetables Important Food Vegetables should form an Import ant portion of daily food of Average human they qualities which we arc told essen tial in proper digestion of heavy foods ao moatfl To help you do your part In your backyard column will dlscusa come of the practical problems in connection with vegetablo growing during next few weeks All backyards cannot be prepared In one year to grow vegetables of an excellent quality portion of tho yard however may be devoted to this purpose or If It la convenient there aro usually many vacant lota which opt too far from place of abode which possibly could bo devoted to growing of veget ables Some First of all it is essential that the vegetable garden no matter how email ho planted according to some plan or rule No one attempts to build a houao or to set out a peren nial flower border without using come drawing or chart to go by Why should tho vegetable garden be treat ed differently Haphazard planting will prove a failure and In order to this It should be remom- In laying out tho garden that Tall plants will bo most effec tive If placed behind low ones not Intermingled with them AH plants allied should bo grown together not In the came row but in rows adjoining another fences may bo decorated With vino crops which may bo sup ported on the fences by means of or lattice work AH quickly maturing veget ables should ho planted in a portion of garden by themselves that they may be harvested and the ground used for other later on work of planning the garden to determine what vegetables and bow much of each Is- to be grown will be influenced ones individ ual tastes One should grow an abundance of such crops as one con sumes tho most Seed Now But Plant Only When Is Ready Tho backyard gardener should de cide very early which crops are to be grown and should purchase his as soon as possible It must be remembered however that much of this seed may bo wasted if It Ib planted too early In the season The coil must bo warm to receive the and amateur gardeners must have patience until it is certain that good growing weather la really here It Is possible in ordinary seasons to plant some vegetables In April and yet many backyard vegetable en thusiasts will be well advised to wait until middle of May before doing very much in garden Suitable Varieties A list of varieties suitable for gardens by city town and vil lage dwellers follows Asparagus Palmetto Colossal DavIs White Wax Golden Wax Refugee Crosbys Detroit Dark Red Brussels Sprouts Dalkeith Carrots Cbantenay Cauliflower Erfurt Snowball Cabbage Copenhagen Market Danish Ball Head Celery Paris Golden Winter Queen Corn Golden Bantam Kvergreen Cucumber White Spine Chicago Pickling Citron Colorado Preserving Lettuce Grand Rapids Nonpareil Melon Musk Paul Rose Melon Water Coles Early Onions Yellow Parsnip Hollow- Crown Parsley Moss Curled Peas Gradus Utile Potatoes Irish Cobbler Dela ware Pumpkin Quaker Pie White Tip Tur nip Plus Ultra winter China Roto Victoria Vltoflay Squash Bush Marrow Sandwich Island Tomatoes Chalks Jewel at Six Weeks Rhubarb Victoria OF refining methods produce no second grade sugar We make and sell one grade only highest that you never get anything but the best under the name of Sweeten it and too Bag Sugar Refining Co Limited Montreal to Big Four Light Six Effective Light CwntyUub Four Tour in into JO Slot Touring Four Four Touring Hit Six rrsA ill Stay ac count io in tho the of April Alt Toronto Subject to chance t iihout The Overland Big Four again improved refined is the car that built Overland This car for nine years has un dergone steady development and refinement with the help and advice of an army of owners which now totals over three hundred thousand The unprecedented accumulated experience in building this type of car has taught us true balance as nothing else could the value of right weight- the true tire gasoline and oil economy the utmost attain able riding comfort the lines Pain South Phono 107 that truly express refinement and beauty The price is until May 1st thereafter The Light Six is the same model with changes conforming to approved sixcylinder con struction and is likewise an excess value carat the price until May 1st there after These cars represent a safe pur chase at a very considerable saving on a basis of com parative values Our April deliveries are limited Newmarket At Rural Baft aiss- PHIZES Free Courses at Institute Free Poultry Raising Courses Ontario Agricultural College Free Cook Hooka and Magazines Over prizes in all will be offered in breadmaking contests which will be held this fall at over rural school fairs taking place in Ontario It will be a great event at the fairs and will stimulate interest in breadmaking among young girls between the ages of year Here is a wonderful opportunity for your daughter to for herself a Free Course in Domestic Science at the famous Institute All she has to do is to hake one double loaf of bread and enter it in the contest at the fair according to the conditions below and more fully told in the folder will send you on request The loaf must he baled with the hard wheat guaranteed for bread This Is a splendid flour which makes the biggest bulging loaves whitest lightest and most wholesome bread ever baked Is this not a splendid opportunity to interest your daughters in Provincial The and or third d Here are the Splendid Prizes of the West Flour The offered local 1st to My for cover to cover every month with wittLle for young of ell ft is lo Vtlue year 2d e paidup to My When tea a priicnDl I j fi J to herd Do not slIi and pity and point out the fact some one else has so much easier times you do and try to Imagine how a would seem to have everything you wanted without working for It Glory In Ihe thouahl that you succeed with nothing but grit In favor That out of what Is hard discouraging you can wrvsl the aucces Whatever sat- isfaction there may In having an easy the word of wise for it fit not for a life of spirit far cot In any oat county lit Sheet Coune In at Gudph The if thin fcer with the the fee room beard friacer lives at Hill while eoi to My When the number of the at the fair will ftwird it and fcth of one up to Little Paper Tfcb a little month La Ita ire with highly aniisxjs iMhni fii lit it the for the The second lilt of the doable laif to by the la A The A of Testing it CoudiuouR of the Coutest Short Cojrse la d32ld Guelph 2nd Short Course Poultry at Gudph Jif pot live at the Ceil for board of la Short Course la RiLbf College fc to The Cooiiar-sctoJV- by Parcer lateit are tested acd yiiji but la Guclpb Value of f Of la No are may compete at ice rural school fair col the that birth day before November 1st 1910 of ter net occur before Nov loaf of bread be I about lacLei and deep ted divided Into so be separated at the The oaf be baled the Flour half at the fair The half loaf will sent to riculturj CIete Guelph to compete the provincial The local at the fair be conducted under the rules as ail the other regular at fair The bread UJ be be as that the actually bated the loaf eater la the fciS be provided at the time of fair The r ic3 final Not way be male tot be lo the aae J- The at SCI be I astaUlUJ 411 the otter The remits vJI be J5 fallible the of the Rural r w lU Do Not Miss this Great Opportunity S 1 lauLa Tenure fi i ul 5 a a Kiel J tixfli I J J you the to It No Comities Named ccil to tU puts of the held except the and Thunder Bay ire tt Etch loaf be by the of tie flour ictaiJibf He of the Old and aa be by the and Mklla PO and dealer fcofti of the Weal The form Ihe I be eafealuie kre to 4 the Department of la the Cwiatlrt of Perth VVeUbtoa 1 i by the Department of Agriculture We I- ioL ktere scLoolfalra in iLis Ihe Vital Hour la teUlbjihcoJ for prices a CoiniAlI Flour Milla Co Limited Toronto I i toent High The I I Phone Capli Re it Ban and con Dor Order I Si i jggnDrrt yt It by J If Aurora Moori tturgew Sutton ft J A Son Sutton MUnlonvi AaSnmr Velfra l4 At Ilk v t IF I a

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